10:07am Nov 6 2011
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Alex cracked open one bleary eye as he came to his senses. A yawn made way through his lips and when he sucked in another breath, Paradise's scent filled his nose. Smiling to himself and not quite sure why he could smell her, he turned his head to the side. Something tickled his nose and he opened his eyes to see Paradise's hair and the side of her neck. Blinking, he realized he'd fallen asleep with her last night and when he craned his neck up, he found they'd fallen over onto the couch.
He tried not to jostle her as he pushed himself up and off of the couch. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with the palm of his hand and carefully untangled his body from hers. He seriously hoped that she wouldn't wake before he could slip off of the couch. Another thought hit him as he managed to leap lightly onto the ground was that sunlight was still shining in through the windows, harsher than was per usual. He figured it must be nearing sunset.
He touched his cheek where Paradise had the night before--the mark from the Wolfsbane had already faded--and tilted his chin up to look at the sun that was washing through the window. He turned and gently placed his fingertips on Paradise's arm.
"Hey, are you awake yet?" he asked softly.
Ooc; Sorry about last night's totally sucky post. |D I was on my phone.
hello my name is elder price
5:20pm Nov 6 2011
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[[... Sucky post?
You're funny. -_- ]]
I hadn't meant to fall asleep. The second he had, I planned on enjoying being so close... Without him thinking he would hurt me.
My eyes opened to see Alex looking back at me; his fingers on my arm. Out of all the things I could be worried about, all I thought about was if I looked like a wreck from sleeping. With that thought in mind, I sat up on the sofa and ran a hand through my hair to smooth it out.
I mumbled quietly as I brought my knees to my chest, and rested my head on the sofa. I wasn't the most pleasant person when I was woken up by someone, so I couldn't help but have the frown on my face.
"I hadn't meant to fall asleep."
I started as I stifled a yawn and rubbed my eyes to keep myself from glaring.
"Did you wake up in time?"
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5:52pm Nov 6 2011
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"Catty in the morning, aren't you?" he said and despite the fact that he was going to turn into a wolf in a few hours, he smiled. His eyes softened as he looked down at her, his fingertips not leaving her arm, but traveled down to her hand in an offer to help her up. To his touch, her hands were slightly cold but that was only because his body was warming up as the sun sank lower.
"And I'm still here, aren't I? Sunset will be in about an hour and a half and it's alright that you crashed here." Actually, it was a lot more than alright, but he wasn't going to admit that to her. He wasn't ready to admit it to himself either. No, you can't ever allow yourself to admit that. he thought tiredly.
"I'm tired of fighting this," he murmured as he kept his gaze on Paradise.
hello my name is elder price
6:15pm Nov 6 2011
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I could feel my cheeks burn tomato red at his first comment. He noticed? I had been trying to act normal. I chose not to respond to that, though his smile did force my own lips to stretch into a grin.
It was then that I realized that he hadn't let go of my arm. A shiver went down my spine and goosebumps traveled down my arm as his hand did the same motion. I swallowed as I allowed him to help me up, though my throat was constricted. If only he knew what he could do to me.
His next statement became empty words to me as I heard him mumbled something I doubt was said for my ears. Without thinking, I whispered in a defeated voice,
"Me too."
My constricted throat was now completely closed as I held my breath. Did I really just say that? What if he wasn't talking about the way I was thinking? What if he just meant he was tired of fighting about me sticking around? What if it wasn't even about me? My blush came back as I looked down,
"I mean... Fighting what?"
My voice cracked by the end; hopefully he didn't notice.
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6:37pm Nov 6 2011
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He could change the subject or he could make it seem like he'd been talking about fighting his inner wolf. Her blush changed his mind and his tensed muscles relaxed as he pulled his hand away from her arm. His knees bent as he leaned down and that same hand that had been on her arm traveled up to rest just under her chin.
He tilted his face and scooped down as he gently pointed her chin back up. "Fighting this," he murmured and pushed his slightly too warm lips against hers.
hello my name is elder price
6:49pm Nov 6 2011
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The silence after my question taunted me. For a moment, I closed my eyes, my pulse threatening to stop. My body tingled all the way down to my toes as his fingers ever so gently forced my chin up.
What was he doing?
My knees buckled from the way he looked at me, the passion in his voice. Just as his lips found mine, I grabbed the kneck of his shirt to keep myself from fainting. My palms were sweating and the tingles didn't stop. Instead of my pulse stopping, it beated faster then it ever had. I heard a moan and it took me seconds to realize it was me.
I couldn't help it; I smiled while suppressing a laugh, though I wouldn't dare pull away.
And, then I finally allowed myself to breathe.
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7:21pm Nov 6 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Nov 6 2011)
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As her fingers curled into his shirt, Alex's thought process stopped. He didn't think about being a wolf, he didn't think about how this might hurt Paradise, he didn't even think about what he was doing. All he wanted to do was keep kissing her. That single thought grew ten times larger as her mouth opened beneath his in a soft moan. He slid onto the couch as he placed his hands on Paradise's hips, glowing amber eyes opening slightly to look at her face.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time," he mumbled against her lips.
Ooc; D'awwww. <3 They are so cute.
hello my name is elder price
8:02pm Nov 6 2011
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Though our kiss was slow, my breathing was faster then it was when I ran from him just one night before. I willingly sat on the couch next to him; refusing to let go. My fingers unwrapped from his shirt; one hand running through his hair while the other carressed his cheek.
"How long?"
I whispered through breathes. I knew this wasn't the time to ask when but I couldn't help but wonder. All this time I had thought this was just a stupid crush. I never knew he actually looked at me the same way. I leaned my head back to look into his eyes as my fingers kept twirling his hair.
[[Ikr? <33 ]]
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8:16pm Nov 6 2011
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"When I saw you in the park that first day," he said in a whisper. He paused to relish in the feel of her hands on his cheek, her fingers running through his hair. His breathing was slow, abnormally slow, because he was so focused on every touch, every smell. He parted his lips and his eyes closed again on their own accord.
"That feels nice," he murmured. "But when I saw you that first day, you looked so sad. I wanted to make you smile because I knew you'd look even more beautiful than you were." He looked past her to watch the sun sink even lower. He didn't want to leave her, not when the sun sank, and not when the moon rose.
"We still have some time," he assured her, though the words were mainly for himself. "Kiss me again," he said with a small smile.
hello my name is elder price
8:27pm Nov 6 2011
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Why was it that every time Alex looked at me that way, my cheeks became warmer then his lips? His reminder of the sun made me frown. Out of 24 hours, he just had to change at this time? I smiled back at him before pressing my forehead against his, biting my lip shyly before finally giving in, pressing my lips against his.
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8:50pm Nov 6 2011
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For a mere moment before she kissed him again, the outline of Paradise's body took on a golden hue as a few bits of sunlight managed to stream feebly into the room. With that image in his mind, he closed his eyes and met her in yet another kiss. His arms wrapped around her lower back and he gently--always moved gently when he touched her--pulled her closer to him. Not only did the warmth of his body continue to rise because of her own warm touch, but the heavy burden of his reality was lifted off of his shoulders.
He just wanted to be with her, and with her kiss, he felt himself want to do more. Not yet, a faintly audible voice whispered in the recesses of his mind. Against what his body was telling him, Alex chose to listen to his head and broke the kiss before he could even go as far as opening their mouths and going from there. His cheeks flushed at the thought and he sighed.
"I'm going to be a good boy now," he said with a smile which faltered when he opened his eyes again. "At least, I'll try to."
hello my name is elder price
7:26pm Nov 7 2011 (last edited on 7:26pm Nov 7 2011)
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As I had kissed him again, I completely forgot about how he had to leave. Reality was forgotten, replaced with a paradise. (I would say 'no pun intended' but I couldn't help but write it so it was intentional, bahahaha...) As he pulled away, I took my hand off his cheek and sat up; putting both hands in my lap. Seeing as I've never kissed someone, at least not like that, it felt so... Scandalous. I smiled at the thought before looked back at Alex. "It's okay. Good boys are more appealing, in my opinion."
[[K, so. I read your post last night, but I had to get off the computer. But, I had an idea? Not really. It's more of a question. Anyways, I thought we could do something else instead of me saying: 'Then Paradise didn't know what to do so she just sat on the sofa while Alex left...' Yeah. That's kind of... Boring. So, I thought maybe I could have her wander around his house. And find something, or someone. I dunno what it can be or who, and I didn't want to make something up since that would be power playing Alex. So... yeah. Any ideas? :)))) ]]
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8:32pm Nov 7 2011
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"It would be better for you if you left while I am gone," he said seriously as he gently traced his fingers acrossed her cheek. "But I'll see you when I come back," he murmured and drew away from her. He grabbed a gray sweatshirt of his that was draped over the couch and pulled it over his head.
"Keep the Wolfsbane close," he said softly and departed the house. He went out the back this time and trudged through the forest beyond. Snow nipped at his cheeks and his warm breath curled in faint wisps in front of his face.
He would not typically choose to shift so close to home. He knew the scent of the other pack members would still be strong and might possibly entice wolf Alex to find them. After all, a wolf is nothing without its pack.
The moon continued to rise and as the first faint rays of moonlight spilled over the edge of the horizon, Alex was forced to drop to his knees. His gut twisted violently and his bones shuddered and splintered as the change went on. His moans and screams turned into powerful, agonized howls.
With the copper fur coat that hung off his wolf body. the change was completed. The wolf snorted and sniffed at the air. The smell of humans made him growl and his mind roared for bloodlust, but he shook his head and instead trotted deeper into the forest.
Ooc; She could walk through his house and stumble on family albums? I dunno if I said different, but we can give Alex two brothers, both a few years older than him. While he's doing that we could also possibly have a very young werewolf, possibly seven or eight go into his house. (The grand thing about it being the 8 year old is a wolf yet doesn't have to shift) Hess part of a pack of wolves and the leader sent the child to find out who Alex was, etc. to see if he might be a candidate for the pack. I have more for that plot, but would rp it out. ;3
hello my name is elder price
8:53pm Nov 7 2011
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[[Great! lol, thanks. :) We can do both ^^. :) ]]
The skin on my cheek tingled at his touch, the taste of his kiss was still fresh on my lips. I would feel giddy like a little girl if I hadn't realized that I was now all alone in this huge mansion.
All alone.
My stomach churned in worry as I watched the sky through the window become darker and darker with each passing minute. Soon, only the moonlight was my source of light. Swallowing a hard lump in my throat, I got up with shaking legs and searched around the room for a light switch. This was normal for me, I have always been afraid of the dark. Mostly because I had such a big imagination when I was in a situation like this.
Soon I found the light switch and relief flooded me as light filled the living room. A smile stretched my lips as my heart started to slow down. For a long while, I didn't know what to do as I stared out the window again on the sofa, wishing that Alex's house wasn't so freaky at night. I wasn't tired, I had slept just some moments before. So what was there to do?
I wandered to the stairs that I had walked up just the day before. It was surprising to think it was just yesterday I had walked up these stairs. With a hesitant step and another gulp of fear, my hand went on the railing, forcing my body to go on the first step.
After inching my way to the top of the stairs, I found another light switch and immediately turned it on. Now that it was brighter, I was piqued with curiosity - as usual. With a mischievous grin, I walked down the hall way and opened one of the last doors. I turned on the light and peaked inside before opening the door fully. It looked like a storage type room, with boxes from wall to wall. Part of me thought about Alexand how he would feel about me going through his belongings but my worries were sent away as I couldn't help myself but open a card board box.
Just one box...
I thought to myself reassuringly as I pulled out one of many photo albums inside. Becoming excited, I sat down to get comfortable and opened the album.
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4:52pm Nov 8 2011
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The bitter taste of Wolfsbane still scalded the young child's throat as he skirted around the perimeter of Montgomery mansion. Of course, there were other sacred herbs and the grains of the rare moonstone gem that repelled the effect of the moon's rays. The werewolf child ducked down behind a bush as a human walked out the back door. But it wasn't a human; this being's eyes were amber that shone lustrously in the night. The child cocked his head as he watched the other werewolf leave.
"Alexander Montgomery," the young boy's voice trilled. The werewolf disappeared into the forest and the boy slipped in through the backdoor. The scent of his packmates overwhelmed him and made him bl ink. The metallic smell of dried blood also assailed his nose. The murders had happened here and when that much blood is spilled, it's impossible to cleanse the scent. The little boy immediately disliked the eerie smell and he wondered how Alex could live like that every day, the scent of his dead family all around him.
Then another smell hit the child's sensitive nose. A girl. He hurried over to the couch and sniffed at the cushions. Alex and a girl had been lying here only mere minutes ago. Keeping his keen nose on the scent trail, he found the staircase of the mansion and took the steps four at a time. His tiny legs propelled him upward swiftly and quietly, as he was told to do on this mission.
The crackle of old pages reached his ears and he followed the sound. Light spilled through a half open door and the child poked his head around the wood to see a girl flipping through photo albums. Her back was to him, thank goodness. He slipped into the room like a ghost and looked over the pictures of what seemed to be Alex's family.
"Who are you?" the child asked from behind the girl as he tapped her on the shoulder.
hello my name is elder price
6:51pm Nov 8 2011 (last edited on 6:51pm Nov 8 2011)
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The second I openned the album, I was transfixed with what I saw inside. The paper holding the photos inside was hard and crusty. It felt as though it could crumble in my hands at any moment if I moved the wrong way. The photos had a orange shade to them, portraying how old they really were. Some were so old, you couldn't see what the picture even was.
As I started putting pieces together in my head, I realized that this album had to be of Alex's family - and him. At first, I couldn't find any pictures of him, but by the fifth page, I found that familiar adorable face. Ironically, I smiled as I flipped the page gently once more. It then dawned on me that the people in this album were all dead, except for Alex. My heart broke at the thought, as I remembered Alex's ex pression when he told the story of his family.
My smile slowly faded as I saw a picture of three boys. I could easily point out which one was Alex - all the way on the left. The other boys looked a bit older. Before I could turn back the pages to see who they were, I felt a finger on my shoulder. My heart stopped as a small shriek escaped my throat; I jumped to my feet with wobbly legs as I looked back at a little boy. He didn't look a age over 9. I breathed, feeling a little better knowing it wasn't anyone that I had imagined when it was dark.
"I think I should be asking you that same question."
I said in a breathless voice as my hand rested on my heart, allowing it to slow down. When I finally calmed down, which didn't take very long, I looked at the boy with a expectant ex pression, waiting for him to explain who he was and why he was here.
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7:20pm Nov 8 2011
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The young boy jumped back a good five feet, eyes widened as Paradise's heart rate kicked up. He'd never much been around humans before and the girl intrigued him. He rocked on his heels, then cocked his head as he watched her. She was scared, the boy knew that much, but of what, he didn't know. He'd shocked her. He had never been able to shock anyone; they always knew when he was there.
Brows furrowed, he heard her question and smiled. "I'm Jason, but my family calls me Jace," he said proudly and cautiously moved forward toward her. Then he bounded toward her with a few strides and reached to touch her hand before darting back, his wolfish behaviour absolutely garish and obvious. He was interested in the girl.
"How come Alex leaves when you are here? Does he know you are here?" he asked. He did not know that Alex had no idea there was a remedy to temporarily block moonlight from a wolf's pelt.
hello my name is elder price
7:30pm Nov 8 2011
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When the little boy - Jason - abruptly came up to me and was about to hold my hand, I immediately snatched my hand back. I wasn't frightened anymore, just very confused.
I was just about to ask where his family was, why he was here, when he asked the question about Alex.
... So he knew Alex?
"Yes... He knows I'm here."
I said, feeling awkward. What was I supposed to tell this kid?
"How do you know Alex?"
I asked, hoping to get some information out of the kid.
"He won't be here anytime soon."
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7:47pm Nov 8 2011
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"But he just leaves you?" Jace repeated. The little boy scampered over to a table that was pushed against the wall, and was just below an open window. He leaped up onto the wooden table with ease and pressed his fingers against the glass to look out into the snowy yard. A howl from the back made him stand on his toes, grinning widely as he did so. If he had a tail, it would probably be wagging.
"I don't know him, but my family wants him with us," the boy said as he turned around and jumped in the air a few times on the table. His curious eyes took in the window sill and the dust beneath his feet; excitement rippled through his body at every new experience he was feeling.
"They said he is dangerous and that we need to help him. I know why they say he is dangerous." He pointed out through the window at a copper streak that was travelling farther back through the woods. "He shifts every night and that is bad for us. We get less like this," he said and swept his hands over his body.
"So we can save him even though his daddy and mommy killed my brothers."
Ooc; If you don't understand what Jace is saying, just tell me. Just trying to give the cute nine year old some spunk and a very innocent view on things. x3
hello my name is elder price
7:52pm Nov 8 2011
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[[Yeah, I see what you mean. And, I got most of it except for the last part? :))))) ]]
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