6:38pm Dec 2 2011
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Hai der. Ty finished her christmas exams today, and wanted to celebrate. xD She got bored of her munching of candies, though, and all that chocolate's messed with her head. So, she ended up coming with a pretty twisted plot. o -o Butanyway. Read on if you is interested. <3 Alrightthen. So, as said,this is a really freaky plot, so if you don't deal with freaky stuff, then you may as well- wait a second. Why is someone who doesn't deal with freaky stuff clicking on Ty's thread? o _ O Psht, whatever. For now, let's just get to the plot. Basically, this shall not be a romance. It shall be an epicly pwning violent interisting action packed fun rp. >:D This kid- about ten, eleven, twelve, thereabouts- is a social outcast, prefers to be on his own, and doesn't let anything bug him. At least, that's how he acts. He comes from a highly abusive family, and often goes into school with cuts and bruises and the like that he tries to cover up with plasters and such. Really, he's just a lonely kid who wishes he had someone who actually cared about him. That someone comes in the form of what he thinks is an imaginary friend. A young man- late teens, we'll say- befriends the child. He is not really an imaginary friend; he is simply a magical, mythical being of whatever species you'd like. They grow close over time, but then things get... complicated. The young man is now a target, and it's been realized that the kid is important to him. Because of this, the kid also becomes a target, and the young man is gonna end up in one hell of a lot of pain trying to keep them both alive. I'd like punctuation, grammar, spelling and such. Length is not crucial, although I would like two-three paragraphs a post. Ask before you join, and we'll work from there. <3
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:47pm Dec 2 2011 (last edited on 8:53pm Dec 2 2011)
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Posts: 783
((If Trulykins isn't sick of me, (I won't be offended if you wanna RP with someone different) I would be very interested in joining. But... whut. o.o What's a plaster? xD))
8:53pm Dec 2 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Mwuhahahaha. Trulykins can never be sick of Kirakins <3 -especially seeing as she has inadvertently procrastinated her way out of Kira's other rps during test time-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:57pm Dec 2 2011 (last edited on 8:59pm Dec 2 2011)
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Posts: 783
((Yay <3 So... You wanna be lil boy or magical dude? o3o EDIT:Oh, and I dun mind that you weren't posting much or whatever. Tests are more important. But I'm SO looking forward to starting our RPs up again. Jus so ya know, I won't post much tomorrow. Have to write entrance exams for the high school I wanna go to next year, and they're supposed to be brutal. D:))
9:07pm Dec 2 2011
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[[Hurm. Li'l boy looks like fun. I have practice being socially awkward from life. |D Sweet. <3 I'll post on them once I find them. xD Good luck writing up your entrance exams, by the way. <3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:12pm Dec 2 2011
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Posts: 783
((HO MY FREAKIN' GAWD. I love your profile. I just saw it o __ o
Uh. Anywho. Dat sounds good. I wanted to be the imaginary friend dude anyway. I feel as though he should be English. And wear like. A suit or something. :D
We had, what... two RPs? I can post links if ya want. And thankies for luck- I think I'll need it. :c))
9:16pm Dec 2 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[ROFLMAO. Yeah, I only just got it done. xD Thank the amazing Twiggers. <3 And he ain't reeeaally imaginary. That's just something the kid figures must be true, or somehow ends up thinking. xD And. Suits rock. o 3o Lawls, I've no clue. xD Links would be much appreciated. |D Also, bios or no? :3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:05pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 783
((Dis be wolfeh RP: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/small-group-unusual-werewolf-plot-/~page/6/
Und dis be... thingy :D http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/the-vorsuti-open-small-group-/~page/2/
Durr late replies. Sorry. Hnnng but on the bright side the test went well. I actually finished early. The lady running the test kept trying to give me juice and calling me "Doodle" though. Lawls.
Aaaaanyway. I know mr whateverhisnameis is not imaginary. I just didn't know what else to call him. c: I'm sort of imagining him looking like Tuxedo Man from our other RP but... I'm also trying to make him look completely different because I don't want to steal your charrie. >.<
And. Usually, I'm all "WE MUST HAVE TEH BIOS OR I WILL DIIIEEEEE!" But I'm kind of feeling like it would be better without for this one. I dunno. Your choice. /End ramble.))
3:24pm Dec 3 2011
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[[ROFLMAO. That end-test-early thin I can sympathise with. I finished every single one of my tests early. The last test I took that signalled the end of them was my science test. We got an hour and a half to do them, and I finished in a half an hour. Dear god, it was so boring, and that was ony one of them. xD; Dunno. I was kinda thinking he'd be a little younger than Tuxedo Man so he don't seem like a pervert or something. xD Besides, tux man is just liek. This weird person. I don't class him as my charrie, so fire away. |D Lawls. You don't need to do a bio- I personally think 'mysterious' is ruined with bio- but I loose track if I don't have a bio, so I'mma post one here. Besides, it'll help you if you know a little about th lad's history. <3]] Name: Luka Turner Age: Ten Gender: Male Appearance: Luka has soft, deep black hair that falls down in a messy cut to just above his shoulders. His eyes are a cold, piercing blue, and they very rarely hold any emotion at all. He has a child-like face, which is to be expected, but the ex pression is normally very mature, and he rarely smiles, other than if an adult were to show any concern. Besides those few times, he wears a stony ex pression, oblivious to the world around him. Luka stands at about four foot five, with slim shoulders and a lean, thin build. He wears a baggy, plain black hoodie that hangs down past his waist to just above his knees, and is clearly far too big. He also wears either tracksuit bottoms or shorts, and scruffy trainers. Besides his usual attire, Luka often boasts marks- such as dark bruises or cuts- which he claims he gets from being an accident-prone, clumsy person. When asked, he usually has a ready excuse about how he fell down the stairs, ran into a lamp post, or walked into a door. By now, his teacher believes Luka to be quite thick to get himself injured so often. Personality: Luka does not do well around others. If doing group work in class, for instance, he will sit silently on his own and count the seconds until the humiliation of not having a partner is over. Despite this, he goes out of his way to make sure he doesn't get close to anyone. He spends his lunch times quietly tucked away in the corner reading various books that are normally designed for university students, or sitting up in trees trying to avoid people. When at home, he goes to equal lengths to avoid his family. He spends as much time as he can in his room reading library books, and only goes downstairs when absoloutely necessary. He does not have a very good relationship with any of his family. His older brother Jay does his best to pretend he is not related to Luka in any way, and Luka is fine with that. His mother is convinced that Luka goes out of his way to cause trouble in her life, and anytime there is a mess in the house or one of the plants in the background gets trampled, she jumps to blame her nearest child and take her anger and frustration out on them. As Jay is out from morning to night, this is almost always Luka. Even when it isn't, his brother 'gets back at him' for it not being him. His father is an alcoholic, one of the reasons for his financial troubles. He gets home late every night, and when he does get home, he is usually drunk and lashes out at his family for no apparent reason. History: Luka's family has been 'different' for as long as he remembers. Really, things were fine up until just after he was born. His grandmother died, and it sent his mother into a depression, which turned his father to alcohol. Jay believes it was Luka's fault their parents 'went round the bend', and is unsympathetic to his sibling.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:34pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 783
((Aw. Poor Luka <3 Soo yeah. I'm not going to do a bio for exactly the reasons you stated. And I agree that Tuxedo Man II should be younger. Actually he'll probs be like three thousand years old but look like a 20 something human.
I have two questions. 1. Are we going to use this thread or a different one? and 2. Do you have any preference as to what sort of being my guy is? Liek. I was just gonna do something generic like an angel, and the reason he becomes a target later on is revealing his true form to a mortal, something which is strictly forbidden by the other... angel things. OR he could be something completely different. I dunno))
4:14pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Lawls. Luka is a very confuzzled child. xD Yeah, sounds good. Any age you want is good with me. <3 This thread, I guess. :3 And, I'm not really bothered. xD I suppose an angel would actually be really good, as they're really protective, one reason he could grow so close to Luka. xD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:40pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 783
((Okies. I sorta just wanted to run the idea by you in case you had something against angels or something xD
Uh... would you mind starting? I'm not sure what I would write without seeing an intro from Luka.))
5:56pm Dec 3 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Trololol, of course I don't mind starting. <3]] Luka sighed as the bell rang, slinging his bag onto his back. He waited for the stampede of children to cease before walking slowly out of the classroom, not eager in the slightest to be home. His mother had been in a worse mood than usual lately, and he had a plaster on his cheek and a bruise just under his eye to show for it. It was a Friday, meaning he'd have to go an enitre weekend with his mother in that kind of mood, which was never a good thing. While almost every other student was chattering away happily to a friend, he remained silent as he walked out of the school gates, deciding to take the long way home. Everyone walked faster than him, but he still heard bits of conversation as he entered the park on the way to his house. It wasn't a park with merry go rounds and the like, but just a nice, grassy area with a slightly forested thicket here and there, as well as benches alongside the gravel path that wound it's way through the park. ''Yeah, me and my mum are going to the beach this weekend, and I can't wait! It's gonna be so much fun... we'll make sandcastles... and eat ice cream too...'' ''Yeah, Bobby's coming over to my house this weekend... huh? Oh yeah... yeah, you can come too...'' ''My dad gets home from work today... Yeah, he went to Japan or something... hehe, I know... can't wait... bet he got me something...'' Such were the conversations he had to listen to as he walked. Deciding it would be better to take a detour and read for a bit rather than heading straight home, Luka wandered over to a bench and sat down. There were some pretty big trees behind the bench, and the thick limbs of some of the trees hung over it. Even though he had planned to, Luka actually didn't take out a book, instead watching as the leaves from the tree above him drifted down silently to the ground.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:03pm Dec 4 2011 (last edited on 1:04pm Dec 4 2011)
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Posts: 783
He stood in plain sight, though no one saw him. He was watching the boy, waiting. A figure clad in a black suit, tall and lean, with his lips pressed together in a hard, thin line. At a glance, one might guess that he was twenty-something. Yet contained within his brooding eyes, the colour of liquid gold, was unmistakable wisdom that could only have come from years of experience. His ex pression, strangely, resembled a pained grimace.
The figure stood in the grass, which was dappled with shadow from the branches of the tree above. He moved for the first time in quite a while to brush his silky-looking brown hair out of his eyes. Then, he looked over his shoulder, presumably to check something. A small smile lifted the corners of his mouth, but then was gone. I look... like one of them. he thought. Sure enough, no traces of his true form were visible. The man looked completely and utterly human, and he was disturbed to find that the knowledge did not bother him.
Without warning, the man began to stride forward with long, purposeful steps toward the park bench.
He approached on silent steps, arriving quickly at the bench. It was painted dark green, and where the paint chipped away one could see that it had once been an ugly beige.
Without stopping to consider the fact that it may startle him, the man reached out a hand to lightly touch the boy's shoulder.
1:56pm Dec 4 2011
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Luka felt something touch his shoulder and jumped in his seat, startled. He twisted his body around on the bench so he was directly facing the man, and tilted his head to the side suspiciously. His eyes were cautious, his features wary of what the man could possibly want. He contemplated staying silent, but decided against it, figuring the man would talk if he himself talked. ''H-hello?'' He stammered, looking up at the strange man. Why had he disturbed him? Couldn't the odd person just leave him alone so he could enjoy his peace and quiet, watching the leaves drift silently and slowly in the light wind?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:10pm Dec 4 2011
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Posts: 783
The black-clad figure circled around the the front of the bench. "Hello, Luka Turner." he replied calmly, almost conversationally.
He had not noticed the boy's surprise, nor his suspicion. As far as he was concerned, nothing was amiss at all. He studied the boy's features for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. Then his eyebrows knitted together as he ostensibly arrived at some conclusion.
"You do not have any friends," he said, though his tone was not accusatory or belittling. Rather, it was a statement, laced with a slight trace of pity.
"I wish to... be your friend, if you will allow it." he said haltingly, determination in his gold eyes. Here, the young man bowed a low and sweeping bow to the boy.
2:48pm Dec 4 2011
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Luka turned his body round as the strange man circled the bench, then jumped again. How did this weirdo know his name? Was he a stalker or something? Luka glanced around as the strange man stated that he had no friends. It stung, to hear it said like that, but he'd heard it before. Whispered conversations about 'the loner', as he was known to most. But still, something told him this strange man didn't mean it in the hurtful way others said it in. He didn't mean to offend. Luka swallowed hard, eyes wide, as the man said he wanted to be his friend and actually... bowed? What kind of a guy did something like that? Luka was hesitant, but his mind went back to what he already knew. He didn't have any friends, as the man had stated; this man, although strange, seemed nice. So, smiling meekly, Luka nodded his head the barest fraction. ''I... I'd like that.'' He said, voice quiet and soft, but with a slight note of hope ringing through it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:09pm Dec 4 2011
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Posts: 783
((Lawls my dude's a freak <3))
The young man nodded, obviously pleased with Luka's answer. There was a smile on his face, but his eyes were sad.
"You aren't the only one who is different," he said quietly. He looked like he wanted to say more, but he did not. Perhaps he didn't think Luka was ready, or maybe it was a different reason altogether.
Either way, the young man quickly changed the subject, seeming to regret what he had said already. "What do you wish to do now, young Luka?" he asked in a kind voice.
3:18pm Dec 4 2011
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[[Tch, yeah. Lucky Luka's mom don't care or it'd be ike this. Luka: Hey mom, I got a new friend! Mom: Really? Who? Luka: This guy dressed in black who was at the park who said he wnated to be my friend. Mom: How old was he? Luka: I dunno, twenty something. Then he asked me what I wanted to do! Mom: ...]] Luka watched the strange man curiously. He was smiling, but... he didn't seem happy. Luka didn't know why he thought that, he just did. Maybe it was something in his eyes, he wasn't sure. Or maybe he was just imagining things. He tilted his head to the side, wondering what the man meant. Besides being very weird, he didn't seem different to everyone else. Luka himself didn't think he was so very different to everyone else. Luka brushed away his thoughts, smiling softly again. ''Do you want to go to the lake? There are birds there around this time of year.'' He said, his voice just as quiet as it always was. Standing up, he stuck both of his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. ''What's your name, anyway?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:37pm Dec 4 2011
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Posts: 783
((ROFLMAO! Almost made me spit out my tea.))
"The lake," said the young man. "That sounds wonderful."
He stood waiting for Luka to show him the way to this lake, all the while cursing the fact that they couldn't just fly there. It would have been infinitely faster, but would also have effectively blown his cover.
Then, Luka asked his name. The young man was genuinely caught off guard. His people didn't rely on names in the sense that humans did. They spoke telepathically, using mainly pictures and emotions rather than words. In fact, the concept of speaking aloud using grunts of sounds that had been assigned meaning was completely alien and fascinating to the young man. Anyway, since his people spoke directly to each other in their very minds, it was always obvious who they were addressing. In short, the angels didn't need names.
Thinking quickly, the young man mentally went over his entire knowledge of human culture. He remembered learning about the other 'languages', as they were called, (why did they have so many?) and immediately thought of one word in particular. Its meaning was 'peace', and though the male did not believe a single word could convey the entire definition of its meaning, he liked the name. In a weird, human-y way, it described him and his mission.
"Pax," he said with a proud smile. "My name is Pax."