Hullo. [Open 1x1, for once, not a romance]

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11:41am Dec 12 2011

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Posts: 3,809

Luka grinned as he heard Pax's voice, and stood up, turning to look at the strange man and giving a small wave before walking quickly over to him. ''Hey Pax.'' He said softly,  broad grin still upon his face.

''What do you want to do today?'' He asked when he reached his friend, tilting his head to the side slightly. No matter what his friend wanted to do, Luka decided he would enjoy it, just because Pax would be doing it too.

[[Psht. Ty fails more.]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

9:14pm Dec 15 2011

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Posts: 783
((FUUUU. I really thought I had replied to this. Sorry. Dx))

"Hello," the fancily-dressed man replied.

Pax cocked his head to the left slightly. He thought for a moment, considering things he wanted to do. Flying was the only thing that came to mind. He felt badly for humans and their pathetic, earthbound lives. How awful and restrained they all must have felt. Or perhaps they got used to it over time. Either way, it was a pitiable existence indeed.

"Do you not have school today?" Pax asked the young boy. "I do not wish for you to be kept from your learning on my account. In fact, I would rather like to see your school."


10:22pm Dec 16 2011

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Posts: 783


9:05am Dec 18 2011

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Posts: 3,809

[[Ty is a procrastinating loser. It is a wonder you put up with her. |3]]

Luka laughed. Where Pax came from must have been a strange place indeed, if they had school on a Saturday. The young boy had learned of places where school was taken on a Saturday, but they were all far away, and he hadn't really thought much of it before.

''Pax, over here, we don't have school on the weekend.'' He replied, although he had a slightly distant look in his eyes while he thought about something. ''I could always take you to see the building itself, though. If you really wanted to.'' He smiled sheepishly, glancin around himself.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

2:11pm Dec 18 2011

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Posts: 783
((I put up with Trulykins cause I lurve her :3 
That and I'm afraid her ninja-assassin of an HA would kill me if I didn't D:))

"Oh, of course." Pax said quickly. "I forgot about... Sitar Day."

The angel's complete failure to pronounce the word was likely a dead giveaway to the fact that he had never heard of Saturday before. He made up his mind to ask someone about it sometime.

He shrugged when Luka offered to let him see the school building. "I suppose we may as well. It would be preferable to go when there are other students there, but unless you can think of something else to do in the meantime, I see no better alternative."


12:20am Jan 4 2012

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Posts: 783


3:02pm Jan 4 2012

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Posts: 3,809

[[ASDDG. Ty liek. Forgot. Completely. About these rps. X3 Sososososososo sorry. x3]]

Luka laughed, wondering what was up with how Pax pronounced words. Some would think he'd never even heard of it before... Did they have Saturdays where he came from? Grinning, he grabbed Pax's hand again and pulled him along in the direction opposite his house. ''Okay, c'mon then.'' He looked back to him a moment, slowing his pace a little.

''Hey, Pax, have you even ever heard of Saturday before? Don't they have weekends where you come from?'' He glanced back again, before focusing his eyes forward once more.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

9:18pm Jan 5 2012

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Posts: 783
((Lol its okay. I love. Your. SIGGY. It's full of win <3
Oh and uh. I can't post right now. I just thought I'd drop in and say that. <3))


10:25pm Jan 5 2012

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Posts: 3,809
[[Lmao, thanks. XD Russetta made it. <3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

2:57pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 783
((Coolio. I might have to get one from him.))

"Of course I know what a Saturday is," Pax replied, somewhat defensively.  

Realizing that the best course of action he could take right now would be to change the subject, Pax said "So tell me about your school. What are the other children like?" 

Human offspring really did fascinate Pax. Most of the other angels didn't see the value in learning about humans, thinking them too primitive for information about them to be worth much. Pax had always taken their word for it and steered clear of humans. He figured the only thing he would gain from a run-in with one of them would be getting discovered. That, as all angels knew, would result in severe repurcussions. Consequently, Pax had never interacted with a human before. Now, having met Luka, he was eager to learn more about them. They were strange beings, to be sure, and that only made them more interesting. What were the adult humans like, he wondered?


3:48pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 3,809

Luka was quiet for a moment. Most people would say that the students of his school were a lovely, kind bunch of children that got on well with everyone, but most people didn't spend their days in the same space as them for six hours of the day. It could be hard, at times, to survive.

''Ah... They're...'' He paused, wondering how he should describe them. Should he tell Pax that they were like how the adults described them, or as he would describe them himself? After all, Pax was an adult, so he'd probably think he'd been lying after the young man met them, if Luka told him how they really acted. ''... Nice. They're nice.'' He decided to leave it at that, so he wouldn't have to make up lovely stories about them or something.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:08am Jan 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 783
((Oops. Thought I'd replied to this. Sorry.))

"Nice, are they?" Pax said. "I look forward to meeting them. "

The idea of cramming a bunch of children into a building and forcing knowledge upon them was alien and very strange to Pax. Newborn angels  were always gifted a complete recollection of the parents' memories and knowledge through the telepathic link that all angels shared. This usually happened within a few days, or as soon as the young angel's mind was mature enough to handle such a massive store of information. The only downside to this practice was that many angels were now lacking individuality. They clung to the beliefs and ideals of their parents, never questioning anything. Because of the high number of angels that were like this, fighting and war were almost unheard of. Everyone got along extremely well, and Pax thought the whole business was incredibly boring.  Thankfully there were still those that were different, those with their own opinions. Pax was one of them. His curiosity was powerful, so much so that he was often in trouble with the other angels.

 So it wasnt perfect, the angel's way of teaching. All the same, it was a great deal more efficient than school, so far as Pax was concerned, and he wondered why the humans didn't just learn to speak with their minds as well. Then again, maybe it was like not having wings and it was something humans just couldn't help.

Looking up to see a large brick building that stood out from the others, Pax looked to Luka and asked "Is that your school?"


12:15pm Jan 19 2012

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Posts: 783


3:58am Jan 22 2012

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Posts: 783


10:51am Jan 22 2012

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Posts: 3,809

[[Uhm. Uhm. Uhmuhmuhmuhm. I was intending to reply to this. Really. butlike. I'm a mega procrastinator. It's not even intentional, I'll just be here and go. Oh, I should reply to that now, and- PONY OUTSIDE WINDOW I CAN HEAR IT OMGOMGOMG. And like. Forget all about it. DX


''Uh... They... Probably won't be there today, so I don't think you'll be able to see them today. You could stop off at my school tomorrow, though, if you'd like.'' When Pax asked if the large building was the school, Luka nodded and motioned with his hand to the area to the left and behind it, where tarmac had been layed down for seemingly no reason, with random splotches of colourful stones.

''That's the school yard, where we go during lunch.'' He wondered what else could be said about it, and supposed most children would be playing there at that time, if not all. All, that is, except for anyone who happened to not get along with his peers as well as was expected, and was perhaps happier to spend his time walking under trees at the edge of the yard either readng or looking at birds above him.

''Almost everyone plays games there, like jump rope or hopscotch.''

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:20pm Feb 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 783
((ASDFJKL. I just like. Totally forgot to reply to this. Omg.

I... I'll do it soon, I promise. </3))


1:09am Feb 7 2012

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Posts: 3,809
[[... Don't worry. /points to procrastination flag/
Ty does the same thing when she gets distracted by stuff. >> Ask anyone. |3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

8:06pm Feb 16 2012

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Posts: 783
"It's..." Pax searched for a word, ultimately only to settle on "It's nice."

That should do it. Nice and safe, very noncommittal. 

At least, he hoped so.

At the same time, Pax's mind swirled with questions, and amid the confusion of his unorganized and rather chaotic brain, he wasn't sure what he thought of the school. He tried to imagine it, teeming with joyous little human offspring, and failed miserably. He coulldn't imagine anyone being happy there, actually. It was so... Artificial seemed a good word. Then again, so was everything else in that particular human colony. Or city, whatever they were called. He hoped the rest of the cities weren't like that, all boxes and hard surfaces and altogether not enough life.

Why, compared to where he was used to living, Pax thought-

No, no. He stopped himself. I should not think of... That place. Not amongst the humans. Just because they don't like to speak in their minds doesn't necessarily mean they can't. In fact, I wonder...

Pax studied Luka a moment. Then, he decided to throw caution to the wind, as he so often did (much to the annoyance of other angels).

Focusing his mind in that particular way that allowed him to direct his stream of thoughts to one individual mind, Pax briefly closed his eyes.

Are you special, Luka? Can you hear me, Luka? Signal if you hear me. Signal if you're special.

As soon as he was finished, Pax began to whistle loudly and- he hoped- unsuspiciously. However, since he didn't know any tunes to whistle, he simply whistled an erratic collection of notes while he shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot. Frankly, he had no idea if Luka would respond. Heck, he didn't know if Luka could respond. Angel and human brains were distinctly different, so it was a distinct possibility Luka hadn't even received the message. But Pax wouldn't know until Luka did something. So he waited, stealing expectant and- he thought- sneaky glances at the boy.

((Er. Sorry. Again. I just. Yeah. o.o))


4:16pm Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 783


10:18pm Mar 2 2012

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Posts: 3,809

[[Gahhh. I'm like. So sorry. DX I don't know why I procrastinate so much with our roleplays, it's above average even for me., DX I just see epic posts and start attempting to write a post back, and then I get distracted, and then I just... Brainfart and poof. Dx]]

Luka nodded. He wouldn't exactly call it nice, but he wouldn't really call it anything. He never really tried to describe the place where he spent a lot of time, had never needed to, but he supposed nice was an okay word to use. It wasn't good or bad, just alright and bearable. Pax seemed okay to just stand there for a while, as if he was thinking about something. The young boy liked to sit quietly and think quietly sometimes too, so he decided not to say anything. That is, until he heard a voice in his mind, Pax's voice, and somehow it felt he wasn't hearing it in physical terms.
The voice seemed to echo in the corners of his mind, reverberate within his spirit, give him some feeling of waking up for the first time. It was falling and standing still at the same time, and for some inexplicable reason, Luka suddenly felt a bond to the young man. He looked up at him, searching his features for any sign of somethign that was... different. He didn't know what he was looking for. Pax kept glancing over to him, whistling a strange tune that didn't even sound like a tune, and for a moment Luka thought he had imagined it. Pax had asked him to signal. He had asked if he was special. Luka, however, didn't know what any of this meant, and was hesitant to even believe someone could have spoken to him without saying anything.
Still, the echo of the strange feeling still remained in his mind, so he tried to think of some way to show the man he had heard him. Some way he could show without seeming weird, in case he hadn't actually heard anything at all, but was going crazy. He came up with nothing, and decided crazy was perhaps the best route to take.
''Pax?'' He said softly, looking up to the strange man's face. He decided, just as he was about to 'signal', that it was impossible, that he must be crazy. Maybe Pax would know how to help.
''How do you know if you've gone crazy?'' His voice was small, with a worried note to it, and he looked back down to the ground.
''Is it possible to go crazy real suddenly? Without anything before it?''
He worried that the strange man might not want to talk to him anymore if he decided he was crazy, but it couldn't be helped. He needed to know just how far gone he was, whether there was any hope that he would ever go back to being normal and sane again, whether he would turn into a raving lunatic sooner or later.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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