12:55pm Aug 28 2011
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Allison whirled around as some hapless tourist falgged her down for help. She was about to snap off some icy reply, but something caught her and slowed down the pace of her temper. I have better things to do than help a tourist, she thought, but then reconsidered. Do I? I'm waiting for that wretched Bloodsword to make his move, Lohr's at work, and I'm jus wandering aimlessly...why not? Removing the scowl from her face and replacing it with a friendly smile, she said, "Sure. Where are you headed?" As she asked him, she also appraised. He looked very out of sorts, and loosely formal. He was only one person in this sea of people, and yet he stuck out like a sore thumb. Definitely not from Wintrata. Part of her balked at helping such an obviously helpless person, but another side told her that this could be fun, molding a new citizen--she could show him how to belnd in perfectly in such an upbeat society. This could be fun. Ooc// Maybe the Silverside Inn? I have an idea about where its name could come from... |D
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:31pm Aug 29 2011
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For a moment there I thought I was going to be scolded for asking for directions. It seemed like I chose the wrong person to help me. Maybe people in Wintrata just weren't friendly. But, just as quickly as her glare toward me came, it vanished. Turning into a pretty smile. "The Silverside Inn. I don't even know if it's supposed to be this way..." The second part, I said more quietly to myself as I glanced around me. No sign of the Inn here. I felt myself feel more anxious as I kept walking with the women by my side. I didn't know where anything was here. How was I supposed to find Venom? "I'm Lancelot, by the way." I'd figure out a way to find her. It was the point of my mission afterall. [[This is so embarressing. Don't even comment on this post. Just... Don't. Delete it from your head. D: And, what was the idea?! ]]
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7:39pm Aug 29 2011
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"Allison," she said briskly, motioning for him to follow as she turned away from him and started striding towards the hotel. Allison felt her pace speed up as she moved forward, and had to make herself slow down for the poor fellow. Out of all the people in Wintrata, he had had the ill fate to ask her for directions. She again asked herself why she was doing this, but didn't finish the thought as her mouth opened up and tried to be more kind, as if of its own volition. "The Silverside Inn, huh? That's one of our best hotels." She smiled conspiratorily at him, still wondering why she was feeling so friendly all of a sudden. Oh, well. Boredom did strange things to one's mind. "It's name after the Silverside Falls, about half a day's flight out of Wintrata." She didn't elaborate further--to desribe the natural power of the landmark was impossible. "If you ever get the chance to go, you should. There's nowhere else like it." She reined in her tongue from there on, continuing to guide him through the busy streets of downtown. As she reached the famed Inn, she stopped outside of it. "Well, here you go." Ooc// Mine's short, too... Don't act like I never have short posts. o-o /hugs.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
7:45pm Aug 29 2011
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[[I told you to delete it from your head D: Anyways... So that I dont' give you a post that you can't really reply too, should they see eachother again at that land mark? ]]
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8:01pm Aug 29 2011
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Ooc// I had an idea! |D Like, just now So somehow (Don't ask me! Lol...) the two governments decide that Allison and Lance should try and take each other out at Silverside Falls. But, since they don't know who the other is, they run into each other. |D They could have lunch together or something, to break the ice, or something along those lines....
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8:58pm Aug 29 2011
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[[Homg. I love that idea! Should I just have him get a letter or something of them saying that? xDDDDDD]]
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9:09pm Aug 29 2011
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8:05pm Aug 31 2011
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Ooc// Up~ <3 FPFF's turn to post. ^^
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8:28pm Aug 31 2011
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[[Homg. I'm sorry. D: I'm just becoming so lazy lately. D: I'm just letting you know I'm still on. I'll reply on a different post RIGHT NOW. ]]
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9:40pm Sep 1 2011 (last edited on 9:40pm Sep 1 2011)
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“Really? Well then I might have to check that out sometime.” I said as we slowed in front of the Silverside Inn. Of course, I wouldn’t have time to check out Silverside Falls; I’d be searching for Venom the whole time while I was in Wintrata. I just didn’t want to make Allison suspicious. “Thank you for helping me find where I was headed. It was a pleasure to meet you, Allison.” I said before grabbing my suitcase and walking up to the building, disappearing inside. * * * * * After a woman behind the desk gave me the room number and room key, I grabbed the handle of my luggage and started for the elevator. I’ve always wanted to go on one of those. Proserpina didn’t have anything like it; so I had no idea how it would work… After standing inside the elevator for a couple moments, I finally understood which buttons I was supposed to press. I was on the highest floor. It took me a little longer to figure out how to get this ‘key’ inside the lock for the suite’s door. Who thought of little cards as a key? Back in Proserpina, we had actually keys. I already was starting to get the feeling that I was going to be very lost in Wintrata. After asking a maid which way to put the ‘key’ in; ignoring her odd glances my way, I finally came inside my suite and looked around in awe. I was a spy. A hero. I’ve been to almost all of the planets. I was used to change. But, for some reason, I was starting to feel really small in Wintrata. It hasn’t even been a full day and I was missing Proserpina, and my Angel. Something was ringing… I jumped, and almost face palmed myself when I realized it was just the phone. No bomb about to go off. I hesitantly reached out to the phone and pressed it against my ear. I’ve never used a phone before. It was secretly exciting. “Bloodsword. We have some information for you.” I lie on my suite bed, and tried not to gawk to loudly at how cushiony it was. It was sucking me in. “Let me here it.” I said, only have listening as I smiled to myself and rested my head on the pillow. A feather pillow.Maybe I could get used to Wintrata.
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7:46pm Sep 2 2011
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The roar of Silverside Falls almost drowned out the last of Allison's instructions for the day. She turned off the paging device with an irritation snap of her finger, sliding it into the sleek black satchel that was slung across her right shoulder. It was brimming with specially encoded electronics about Bloodsword, as well as sloppy notes that littered the bottom, filled with Allison's own handwriting and theories on his thoughts and behaviour--the Wintrata government had a startingly little amount of information about him. And that was why she was here. Not to appreciate the awe-inspiring falls gushing over a sharp cliff edge. Not to shudder at the sight of the wanter plunging into a frothy mass into the ocean. Not to wander the peaceful, lush forests that surrounded it all. She was here to find him, and to eliminate him. And that was what she planned to do. Allison took a deep breath, and then plunged into the ground, searching for her query. Ooc// I hate to say this, but I'm probably going to be off until Monday. Up to the lake again. x-x
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10:58am Sep 3 2011
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[[Plunged into the ground? D: What does that mean? DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: Awe D: Will you be here ON monday? D: I was looking forward to a three day weekend of roleplaying with you... D: Welll, have fun on your trip! :))))) ]]
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9:44pm Sep 4 2011
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3:23pm Sep 5 2011
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[[FPFF... I miss you.. SO much... I'm going crazy D< Did you get my spamming on your profile? I kept commenting on your profile when I was bored. xD ]]
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8:02pm Sep 5 2011
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Ooc// WHY must I always make stupid typoes before I leave? ****Crowd. It should say crowd. Because I am a fail at Life, the Universe, and Everything. o3o****
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:13pm Sep 5 2011
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[[Homg. I'm sorry but I am laughing so hard. Sorry I didn't respond just because of that small typo/thing. I got confused. I'll reply in a sec. Might be getting off for a bit, but I'll come back on for a moment to reply. <3 I MISSED YOU <3 ]]
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8:23pm Sep 5 2011
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Ooc// I don't blame you. I would be confused out of my wits. /crawls off to sulk in a corner.
 Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.
8:28pm Sep 7 2011
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Ooc// OMG bumper cars. D:
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8:51pm Sep 7 2011
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[[I'm sorry. D:
I'm... Procrasinating. D:
Studying for a science quiz tomarrow is my excuse/real reason, actually. xD
But, yeah. Procrasinating is the perfect word. I'm going to study a bit and then get to roleplays. <333333 ]]
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1:39pm Sep 11 2011
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I didn’t get much sleep last night. What I had heard on the
phone rang in my ears the whole night. I was to find Venom at Silverside Falls.
The place that the girl Allison had said I should visit. Maybe this trip to
Wintrata couldn’t be so bad; so long, after all. Soon, I’d eliminate Venom, go
back to Proserpina, and somehow find a way to
marry Angel. Easy.
Or not. As I walked around the crowd I realized that this was probably the
worst place for spies to battle. So many people. I could be brushing up against
Venom’s shoulder at this moment. I could have already passed her. I looked
behind me, and then at the people beside me. Trying to find anything
suspicious. Everyone seemed normal. But, Venom was a spy. She could act as
normal as she pleased. I slightly
loosened my black tie – which felt like it was choking me, at the moment - and looked behind me again. It was just a
small glance, but the small glance was good enough to see a familiar face. Finally.
Allison? She had told me I should come here; so it wasn’t much of a surprise to
see her here as well. With a smile, I turned around fully, squeezed passed the
people that didn’t seem to mind being so close, and came to Allison.
“Hello. Pleasure seeing you here.”
I said with a friendly smile.
[[So sorry this took so long. :( My procrasination has gotten the better of me. xDDD ]]
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