hmm allright, here's something:
the King of Albania is dying and he has only on heir, a child he had abandonded many years ago to a mother of common birth. This child's last known location was in a village many MANY leagues away and must be found. The King's special agents, a group known as the Blades of Valiance, have been sent out to find this child and bring it back. Just to make it simple, the members of the Blades of Valiance are VERY good fighters, whether they are spellcasters, shapeshifters, or plain old steel-bangers. Another simple fact, this heir they're after isn't exactly unattended. He/she, has friends and companions from his/her town and will meet others along the way. He/she must be wary though, for the person who will take the throne should the heir not be found, a malicious man by the name of Logain, has also sent out a single agent to find and kill the true heir.
Since I wanna make things interesting, once the rp goes along, I'll mail the person who's character is the evil agent X3
You can be either a friend of the heir or a Blade. The position of the heir is also open to whoever wants it (I don't X3)
How's that? :3