3:30pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 202
(*Coughs* Heh... Whups, I could have the time... '^^ I'll post one of my cherries then...)
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3:34pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( xD It's alright. I went to bed after that, anyway. I think. o3o *waits patiently* )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:35pm Mar 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 202
Hmm... Is Ryo gonna be a seme or a uke? That's the FIRST question... xD
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4:46pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Er, what? o_o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:32pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 202
(Seme- Top Uke- Bottom xD)
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8:22pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( No, but what do you mean by that? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:47pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 202
(Eh, nevermind, let me see what cherries Imma use... ;3_)
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5:14pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:32pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 10:32pm Mar 27 2010)
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Posts: 202
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10:37pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( xD Sabor? You do realize what that means, right? o3o Er... Well, that's a difficult choice. Blue looks pretty freakin' epic, though. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:40pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 202
( Yep. xD Flavor. :P Then it'd be Blue and Red. ^^ )
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11:19pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Haha. xD Love triangle! )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:20pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 202
( xD So who's gonna Reply first?)
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11:29pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( o_o You. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:31pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 202
(Me? Alright then... xD)
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11:32pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( I'll wait. 8DDD )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:37pm Mar 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 202
The rain was pouring down from the sky above as the wind whistled and howled outside, seeming close to tearing the trees out of the ground roots first. The trees casted horrid and creepy shadows against the ground as lightning struck behind them and the thunder shook the whole school. Everything seemed to be getting torn to shreds by the late summer storm, though still the refused to send kids home. They wanted to continue the school all the way from the time it started until the time it ended, and even though the electricity was flickering every now and then, the teachers still taught in the dark- yeah, no wonder why they call the school the best school in the country- Because it was too stubborn to give up teaching! A boy with black hairs sat by the open window. His black hair shown silver as the lightning struck beside him. He was obviously more interested in the weather outside then the teacher lecturing in the front of the room. He held his head on his hand as he watched the wind swaying the trees outside bored. The dark blue streaks in his hair turned electric blue as the light continued to flash. His cerulean blue eyes stared intently on the nature outside. He sighed gently closing his eyes and watching the lights flicker from the lightning. So boring, I wish some kind of event would take place- I'm getting so sick and tired of the same stuff every day... He opened up his eyes and side glanced toward the nearby clock and rolled his eyes. Of course, it's only Seven Sixteen... Pity... I'm already this bored?... I guess I can watch the trees all day. They're going to have to shut up eventually- I mean... With the lights constantly flickering we can't use the over head to do our bell work, and we can hardly see the write... He watched as the dark clouds continued to roll in only becoming darker and darker, before finally dark black ominous ones began rolling in. Who knows, maybe we'll have a tornado today. The boy sighed quietly wishing he could just go home and go back to sleep. Most guys would have loved to be in his shoes though, he had all the girls at his feet wanting to become his girlfriend, and every guy around him wanting to hang out with him- but honestly, he didn't really care to much for any of the attention. He wanted to be left alone- for he didn't like any of the girls at the school because all of them were nothing more then s.luts, and all the guys at the school was nothing more then a complete jerk. There was no point and befriending the users and the useys. It was nothing more then a game of who can use who to accomplish what, or who can use who to get hold of the other, or stuff like that- and he wanted none of that little immature game. Hell, school is nothing more then a game, learn your way through the board, and when you graduate it leads you to an even bigger board called collage that you have to learn your way through, and then that's half way through the board of life. When finished you go through yet ANOTHER board and that's called a job and then family- life is nothing more then a game, you always know what's going to come next... I want something more, an adventure if you will! But again, there is no such thing in the board game of life... The boy sighed not realizing that the teacher had been calling on him for the past ten minutes.
"Mr. Blue!" The teacher finally through down a book on boy name Blue's desk. He slowly turned his head around to look at her with his cerulean eyes. "I've been calling you name this whole time, what do you think your doing?! Day dreaming and sleeping in my cl*censored*?!" Blue didn't say anything, knowing that arguing with the teacher would only make it worse, so he decided to humor her and allow her to believe what she wanted. "You might make straight A's, but it's a merical alone that you do! If your going to be a straight A student, act like one!" Blue watched her uncaring that he got this lecture just like every kid, Miss Vonly was just one heck of a mean teacher, and Blue knew that every student would stay out of her way because they too knew this, pitiful that he had to deal with this in the beginning to his day. He sighed quietly. "Yes Miss Vonly." He whispered in his quiet voice. All the girls in the cl*censored* let out a sigh of satisfaction and stared at him. Blue rolled his eyes and looked back out the window from the corner of his vision as Miss Vonly the English teacher, continued to rant to the cl*censored* about Romeo and Juliet, and heard a couple of girls behind him whispering about how they wouldn't mind Blue being their Romeo. Blue almost snorted with disdain. Only in there dreams. He sighed once more and looked at the empty seat beside him. The ONLY empty seat in the cl*censored*. If only my own ROMEO of ADVENTURE or FUN would show up and sit beside me, ah, a new student... We haven't had one in months. Slowly he turned his head back toward the rainy weather outside and watched the rain and hail strike at the window and lightning flash in the background, heard the thunder roar and the wind whistle, and felt the vibrations of the school by the strong thunder, daydreaming. Yeah, a new student would be grand!
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12:38pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 202
(There, sorry if it's a little rambly, and stupid, I had writer's block.. '^^)
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6:05pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( It's fine. xD I liked it. Gave me an opening, too. <3 I love you. ) Right when there was another loud boom of thunder, a male burst through the door, and he was clearly soaked from head to toe. He was shaking, his pupils wide and his kitty ears flattened against his black hair. "I-I'm sorry I'm late! I missed the bus, and then I had so much trouble walking to school. All my things flew away and then an electricity pole actually fell in my path! I..." Once he realized he was talking a hell of a lot, he shut up and stood straight. The tip of his black tail waved a little, and his ears perked when someone shouted, "Why are you wearing a costume?!" Ryo flushed completely. "I-it's not a costume... My ears and tail... They're real." he managed to say. No one really had anything to say to that. Great. Ryo thought, ears flattening against his head again. They already think I'm a total freak. What a way to start my day at a new school. I transferred here in the middle of the year, too! ( Mine is fail compared to your's. ;~; )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:11pm Mar 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 202
(T'is ok. ^^) Blue glanced up as soon as a male busted into the cl*censored* room and froze in shock his eyes widening. The male had black hair and was very tall- though that wasn't what grabbed Blue's attention- it was the car ears and tail. "Why are you wearing a costume?!" One of the stuck up males had asked, and Blue watched as the boy flushed. Blue heard the boy say they were real and for some odd reason, easily and quickly believed him. Blue knew that he had to do something to knock the awkwardness of the new kid, after all, now he was fairly interested. Oh wow... Here's my new adventure and it came in the form of a boy with car ears and a cat tail, this is just my day! He practically squealed inside his head with delight his cerulean eyes sparkling and glowing from happiness. When everyone turned to face Blue to see his reaction with the new kid they all gasped unbelieving that Blue had actually liked the new kid- no, that Blue actually LIKED anyone at the school. It was strange for Blue to actually seem interested in anyone, but the new 'weird' student like this one knocked everyone off their feet. Before the teacher could say anything slowly, the 'cool kid' Blue stood up and walked all the way up to the student and bowed slightly, as if apologizing. "I apologize for my cl*censored*mates rude behavior to you." He stood up straight again and smiled very warmly. "My name is Blue." His long black hair cascaded over his shoulders, showing off his natrual blue streaks as the lights flickered back on. Blue appeared to be just as tall or maybe even a little taller then the other boy, and Blue's muscles flexed as he had bowed. "Welcome to our school." Blue seemed very warm and open toward Ryo as he introduced himself and then faced the cl*censored* a scolding look on his face, as the teacher- stunned as much as the students from Blue's odd behavior- sat quietly behind them. "Cl*censored*mates..." Blue said scowling at all the rest of the students. "You wonder why I never talk to any of you? How rude is it to treat someone who walks straight in the door like an outcast already and haven't even given him a chance- Shame on ALL of you." He growled the last sentence and then faced Ryo as he continued to talk defending Ryo without any slight hesitation. "We've all seen many diffrent things in the school- yes- and diffrent isn't bad..." He glared across the room now as he continued. "Besides, you don't criticize me for being diffrent, so you shouldn't criticize HIM-" He pointed to Ryo now anger in his voice with every snap of his voice, acid dripping from it. "EVER. I mean, hell, who has ever seen a boy with cerulean unusually colored eyes with NATRUAL blue highlights in his hair, eh? So I don't EXPECT any of you to make fun of him ANY more, understand?" He ended the final word in a threatening snarl. The whole cl*censored* grew real silent and no one whispered anything about the new kid. Blue turned around and smiled apologetically. "Again, my apologies for their childish behavior, you'll find a lot of that here. Please, feel free to sit beside me." Blue slowly turned around and sat at his regular desk and then patted the seat beside him, smiling very friend like, as if him and Ryo had known each other for years. The whole cl*censored* stared at Ryo with envy and shock, and still the teacher remained silent. It's the least I can do for my Romeo. Blue thought happily, hoping to death he wasn't scaring Ryo with his friendly gestures.
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