7:12pm Mar 28 2010
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(Nu-uh! I liked yours, it gave me something to day. xD And a reason why our cherries can become good friends. ^^)
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7:40pm Mar 28 2010
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(Kira- that wasn't to small was it? '^^)
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7:51pm Mar 28 2010
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( xD Ryo? A Romeo? Lmao. ) Ryo's jaw dropped. Blue was...a brave person. It wasn't like anyone to just come up to the front of the room and growl at everyone for being so rude to the new kid. It was a very courteous thing of Blue, which was why Ryo immediately took a liking to him. "Thank you," he murmured, ears lowering again. "I hope people don't dislike me for what you did, Blue." He looked up at him, ears pointing back when he did. "My name is Ryo, by the way. Nice to meet you." I guess. This guy's pretty cool. He obviously doesn't give a sh.it about what people think about him, so hanging around this guy... It's perfect. Obviously, people think he's super cool, so no one'll pick on me if I'm his friend.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:08pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 202
"Nice to meet you Ryo. And don't worry about them." He said coolly as he pointed to the cl*censored* room with his thumb. "They'll leave you alone if you hang around me. It doesn't matter what they think, after all, school is just a game, and if you play the game right you get out of it unscathed and unaffected." Blue smiled quietly toward him and all the girls awed at his smile and then glared at Ryo for being the lucky one who had received such a 'gift'. "Besides, we 'freaks' gotta stick together, right?" He said playfully and pointed toward his blue and black hair. "So don't thank me, hell, you just made this school a little bit more entertaining." Suddenly the teacher began to talk once more. "Yes, we.. We welcome you to the school, Ryo.. And Blue, try not to talk to the cl*censored* like that, your not the teacher." "Tch, yes'm." He whispered quietly as the teacher began to teach the lesson once more leaving off before Ryo had intruded. Blue then leaned over as Miss Vonly talked and gave his explanation. "That's Miss Vonly, the harshest, meanest, and cruelest English Teacher around. She won't hesitate to yell or rant and be warned she gives A LOT of lectures. Miss Vonly adores getting kids and trouble and writing them up, so I'd stay out of her way as much as possible. The only reason why she won't write me up is because I'm the only straight A student in the cl*censored*, even though I don't pay attention much." He winked playfully and then continued. "Did they give you your schedule? If we have the same one, I'd be willing to show you to where all your cl*censored*es are, after all.. It seems to me like your going to have one hell of a-" Suddenly a book came down on Blue's desk and he winced knowing immediately that it was the teacher. "Mr. Blue, Don't distract the new student, understand?" She growled quietly. "Don't disturb or distract him when it comes to his and yours work! Now look up front and pay attention or next time I HAVE to get on to you, I'm WRITING you up!" She spun around and Blue laughed quietly then leaned over and whispered. "See, what'd I tell you? She's stuck up isn't she?" He chuckled.
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8:50pm Mar 28 2010
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He even invited me to hang around him. Hopefully, the rest of this year won't be as horrible as the first part of it. And, so far, he seems like a pretty nice person. Ryo followed Blue to the desk, then murmured, "It's pretty uncommon for two people to have the exact same schedule. But, here." He set his schedule on the desk. When the teacher came by and yelled at Blue, Ryo snickered. Mr. Blue. "Uh-huh, yeah. But, don't worry about me. English is my speciality, and then comes mathematics. I'll do fine," He looked up at the board, listened to a bit of what the teacher was saying, then groaned quietly. "...Romeo and Juliet." Ryo said quietly, ears lowering. "I've done this before. I've been all over Shakespeare. Can't we do...oh, Edgar Allan Poe, maybe? His poetry is pretty nice." He shifted in his seat, then yelped loudly. "Ohhh, my tail," Ryo whined, actually standing up and picking up his tail. Only to look at it, but of course it was fine. It wasn't like someone cut it off or something. ( If you're going to make it so they have, like, all of their cl*censored*es together, make it so they have one or two where they don't. o3o Just so we can have some cl*censored*es we can skip. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:34pm Mar 28 2010
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(Alright. ^^ oh and Kira- what grade are they in?)
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11:35pm Mar 28 2010
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( Ryo's a junior. o3o He can be one, too. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:05pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 202
(K, just curious. xD) "Your in luck that's next semester-" Before Blue could finish Ryo yelped and jumped up out of his seat forcing Blue's head to jerk his direction. When he began to complain about his tail, Blue had to resist the urge to laugh. It must be so hard to have something so diffrent, and it must also be hard having to deal with all the laughing and snickering.. Though I could understand that little bit. Blue looked in his seat and realized that not only had he sat on his tail, but someone had also put a tack in his chair. The boy's behind them began to snicker and laugh, and among them was Jim the leader of the 'pack' of boys. Not only that he was lead of all the athletic departments, thus the second coolest guy in the school- not only that the meanest and cruelest person around. Him and his boys were laughing at Ryo, enjoying watching him in pain. "Teaches the abomination right." He snickered. Blue felt anger boil on the inside of him and felt his hands clench up underneath his desk and his teeth grind against each other. "Mr. Ryo!" Miss Vonly growled and watched him scornfully. "If you have something to say, please feel free to say it, if not, then please sit back down and don't disrupt the cl*censored*!" Blue shut his eyes and took a deep breath his anger raging now- which disturbed him. It was unusual for someone or something to get him so rilled up and upset, but yet then again, maybe it was because of the pity he felt for Ryo, after all he went through the same thing in the younger grades. Blue cringed as images of the previous years flashed before his vision and quickly forced his eyes open. "Uhh.. Miss Vonly, it wasn't his fault." Blue met the teacher eye to eye before the teacher 'humph'ed and ordered Ryo to sit back down. Quickly Blue swept the tack off the chair glaring angrily at Jim. Jim noticed his glare and sneered. "What are YOU looking at, freak? With your unusual alien blue hair... Go back to the planet where you came from. Alien." Blue looked away and out the window, unable to say anything. Pain was clear in his vision whenever he had pulled away, the memories of the past suddenly resurfacing. He felt tears well up in his eyes but swallowed them back. That Jack As.s. He growled to himself quietly and then looked down toward the ground below outside, suddenly an idea forming in his head. Revenge- Revenge is never a good thing but, in this situation it'd be great. Blue felt himself sneer for a couple of seconds. Be prepared Jim, your about to get the worst wake-up call in your life- it won't be for my defense either- it's going to be for Ryo's... But I can pull it off as my own, perfect. Suddenly he remembered about the schedule and turned around wiping his eyes to get rid of the tears. Slowly he pulled out his own schedule and began to compare both his and Ryo's uncaring, as if he didn't care what Jim had said earlier, though everyone in the cl*censored* had known that it was a low blow. "So... Let's see, we have six periods-" Slowly he looked down the list. English 11 Trigonometry Biology II Lunch ________ (This category and the other is your choice, which would be an elective like Art, Band, Latin, etc. something like that. xD Hope the schedule is ok for you?) __________ Then he put his own schedule beside his and read over it comparing the two, trying to forget what Jim had said earlier, trying to force his anger and sadness back down to be released on the boy later for the ultimate revenge. English 11 Trigonometry Biology II Lunch Acting Art / photography "Eh, it looks like it is pretty much alike, but we have the last two periods diffrent. Oh! And for lunch, did you see the picnic tables outside up under the red and pinkish white cherry blossom trees? That's where all the Juniors and Seniors get to sit to have lunch. It's great actually, if the weather outside is better then this." The lights suddenly flickered and cut completely off and Blue sighed quietly. This could be the best time- No... After school... (Sorry, t'was random rants and shizz, but yeah, I Hope the Schedules are good enough for ya? Feel free to tell me to change it and I will. xD)
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7:33pm Mar 29 2010
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( They're good. x3 I hate coming up with my own schedules, anyway. Leave that to the school. xDD Lucky duckies. >~> I have eight periods. ) Ryo's ears twitched at the sound of something falling on the floor, and he looked down. A tack. How original. Obviously, it was that guy who had called Blue a freak that put it there. Discrimination! Why didn't the dean do anything about it? Of course, if no one was going to do anything about it, Ryo would. Before he sat down, he picked up the tack and swiped it at Jim, aiming for the crook of his arm. Of course, he missed, which made Ryo's ears droop, but he sat down anyway, careful not to sit on his tail. "Lovely," Ryo muttered, looking over his schedule. "Biology before lunch. I do hope we won't be dissecting frogs or anything in that period. Usually, when I don't eat, I get really dizzy, and I'd rather not lose my appetite due to the sight of a frog's guts." He blinked. "Anyway," he said. "I have an independent study cl*censored* last period, and before that I have an advanced painting cl*censored*." He blinked at the bottom of the paper. "And my independent study is psychology. Good; that's what I wanted." So far, he thought, glancing back at Jim before giving Blue a three-second stare. this school has been going okay for me. Blue offers some popularity, and also protection...in a way. Jim obviously has a thing for teasing the unusual, so I'll have to avoid him. But, still, this school is good. When he finished his thought, his ears flicked back. Someone was talking about him, and it was a male voice. Probably that Jim guy. Someday, he'd end up getting scratched in the eye... Or punched in the wrist.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:36pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 202
( I have Seven, not including Lunch. xD But the Sophmores, Juniors, And Seniors, have six. xD) Blue waited for the lights to cut back on and sat in his char, thinking up his way to plant revenge on Jim. He found himself sighing quietly and looking over at Ryo. "I'm glad you got what you wanted." He smiled quietly. "I never can get what I want- But that's not the point." Quickly He changed the subject hoping that Ryo wouldn't ask about that. "Usually Jim stays in the back and keeps to himself, getting his lackeys to do all the work and spread rumors and shizz like that. You'll get used to it eventually. Oh1 But you take advanced Art and Psychology? Wicked! That sounds so cool-" Before he could finish Miss Vonly paused and glanced down at her watch. "Alright cl*censored*, Time to switch to your next period, Don't forget to pick up a worksheet on the way out the door- it's homework for tomorrow, it's about the s you were suppose to read over tonight, and don't forget about those projects; the scene you are suppose to get a partner and perform by memory!" The cl*censored* slowly began to leave; only small numbers of students we're taking their time getting up. "Damn it, Miss Vonly, it's Friday!" Blue found himself muttering bitterly to himself, but allowed it to p*censored* as he slowly stood up and stretched, the light's flickering back on. The beautiful blue streaks in his hair and on his tips was more noticeable now in the light, and his cerulean eyes seemed so warm and caring when they watched Ryo. Now Ryo could see exactly WHY he was considered a freak to some, but an irresistible person to others; especially since his hair was naturally like that. He grabbed his books along with Ryo's nonchalantly and nodded toward the door. "Come on, I'll show you around the school within the minutes before cl*censored*." Even though he sounded very happy and calm, his eyes sad other wise. He looked slightly panicked and upset. Damn it, not only did I deny everyone that offered- and then forgot about the project so I'm partner less- But also I forgot to read the book of s from the actual play that she told us to read... Damn it to Hell... I'm screwed... Blue found himself sighing quietly and watching the ground below. (Sorry t'is so short! ;-;)
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8:37pm Apr 1 2010
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(Heh, I see Ryo and Blue working together on that project... *snicker* And boy, is Ryo going to be surprised when he realizes what scene they HAVE to act! >:P)
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9:08pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:09pm Apr 1 2010)
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( It's not short at all. D: Lol. xDD I can't wait, then. <3 ) "Dammit," Ryo sighed, then blinked when Blue picked up his books. "Oh, those are mine..." He followed him, trying to grab his books out of Blue's grasp, but failing. Instead, he simply followed him and let him carry his books. They were heavy, anyway, and Ryo wasn't sure if he was going to be able to carry all of his things by himself. He'd probably always need Blue's help. At his other school, you left your hardcover books in the cl*censored*room. Your binders and notebooks went home with you, and you could look up your hardcover books online. Ryo actually preferred it that way, rather than having to carry everything everywhere one went. "Thanks, by the way, for showing me around." he murmured quietly. He doubted Blue could hear it, though. "Hey, Blue," Ryo called, tugging on his sleeve as they walked. "can I be your partner for that thing we're supposed to do? I'm great at memorizing things, so I should be fine..." He swallowed. "What's the play -- or whatever -- about, anyway?" Maybe I'll get extra credit or something for memorizing a play in just two days. I probably won't, but it doesn't matter. I don't want to be the only one who doesn't do a play. It'll not only be awkward, but people will probably complain about my being the only one who doesn't have to do a play.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:54pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 202
"It's no problem." Blue answered gently hearing Ryo's question as he walked him to the next cl*censored*. Blue's eyes widened and he paused in mid step when Ryo asked him about the partner project in English. Another student rammed into his back and growled an insult and continued forward, but Blue didn't seem to hear, his eyes watching the ground and his head bowed a deep blush forming on his features. He couldn't imagine playing THAT scene with Ryo without it being completely awkward, but he needed a partner, and he needed that grade. "Well, the project is worth half your grade for this semester, if you fail basically, or don't do one, then your semester average will drop down to a zero- Miss Vonly is JUST THAT cruel.... So of course I don't mind, in fact, I' d think you'd do excellent at it, and be a wonderful partner for me, b.... But..." His blush deepened into a strawberry red. "Well.. Y.. You see... If... If you still... Want to do it... after... i... I tell you the details." Blue seemed very hesitant and ify but he constantly reminded himself that he needed a partner or else he was going to fail that semester. "W... Well.. We have to do Act one and Scene five... Just that little tidbit with Romeo and Juliet.... " His blush deepened even more and he found himself unable to face Ryo, knowing full well that alone contains TWO kissing scenes, and they HAVE to get into it too... D...Damn Miss Vonly... S...She knew I would deny every girl that asked, and in the end knew I would forget- now she knows I'm going to HAVE to do it with Ryo- and She's getting a kick out of it... Damn it, she's one smart teacher... Blue still couldn't come to face Ryo- Wondering what his next reaction would be and not quiet eager to find out. (hehe! Yay! TWO kissing scenes! Go me! >:P I'm sooo evil! xD)
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10:28pm Apr 1 2010
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( Hooray! 8D Evil Taylor makes people evilly happy, if that even makes sense. <3 ) Ryo shot a glare at whoever it was that had insulted Blue, suddenly gaining a sense of protection for the other male. When Blue finished speaking-slash-stammering, Ryo also blushed, but only a little. "You're stuttering an awful lot," he commented, walking up next to him. "I'll do that anyway. It doesn't matter much. It's only for a grade," he said, but the look on his face contradicted what he said: Ryo was blushing deeply, and he looked like he was grimacing. The blush in Blue's face confirmed his thoughts: they were in fact going to have to...do that scene. He'd been hoping they wouldn't, but he didn't have much luck. Even with all those bracelets he wore, which were supposed to give you good luck. They tended to fall off maybe two days or so after he put them on. Good luck, my as.s. So, this is a nice way to start the rest of the year. Ryo thought as his ears pinned down to his head and tail puffed up. His pupils were slitted, but they didn't look much like it, as they were quite dialated. That happened everytime he was nervous or when he felt vulnerable. And his pupils slitted sometimes, but it depended on how he felt. He was one weird kid. Or, at least, his body was weird. ( Haha, ew. His body's weird. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:56pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 202
( It makes perfect sense! >:P) "R...Really....?" He asked looking up and flinching from the grimacing look. "I'm sorry, you don't have to if you don't want to Ryo, it's not your grade, it's mine. You don't HAVE to do the project, I do..." Blue wasn't paying any attention as he bumped into someone else once more. "Ow.." This time it was a girls voice, and she was knocked to the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Blue whispered quietly and held out his hand offering to help her up, instantly he realized who it was and regretted it quickly. It was the most beautiful red-head out of the school- and boy she was such a player. Most guys always wanted to get with her- and all the time she would agree. She had been trying to get Blue in her bed for awhile now, but naturally he'd refuse. "Oh Blue, you such a gentleman!" She cooed and let herself fall into his arms and up against him, getting really close to him. He shuffled a little obviously feeling uncomfortable, but the girl didn't seem to take the hint as she continued to flirt with Blue. "Oh, thank you so much for saving me." She leaned up to kiss him on the neck but he instantly pulled away. "C...Clare- Let's not do this.." He whispered in a quiet voice, the flush still on his cheeks from what he had told Ryo only seconds ago. "Oh come on Blue, you know you want me." She winked playfully at him and Blue almost felt himself throw up in his mouth. Suddenly she noticed his new friend and instantly went berserk with happiness. "Oh. My. God. He is SOOO adorable!" She began to coo again and she instantly was all in Ryo's personal space petting his ears and nuzzling him. "OH! I've never been with someone as sexy as you, what's your name?" She leaned in close to him again trying to be very flirtatious. Blue felt anger and jealousy rise in his stomach- But it wasn't jealous for Ryo getting her attention, it was from Clare giving RYO the attention- he was jealous of Clare being in his friends bubble. He felt himself grow and felt his hands wrap around her shoulders and pry her away from him. "Clare- he's not your little boy-toy, So I suggest you back off." "Oh, come on Blue- Your SUCH a party pooper! Don't you mind sharing him with me? You can't hog ALL of the new kids attention!" She pouted. "No." Blue hear himself growling, seeming unable to control his normal instincs of his calm self. Clare looked slightly shocked and stunned that Blue was actually defending someone, which he had never done before- then she felt herself sneer. "Oh what is it Blue? Do you not like me being around you friend? You know I won't hurt him- I wouldn't mind showing him how much fun MY bed can be." Blue felt the dam inside of him cracking- but that little last commit made him snap, and he lost it. "Back off you s.lut!" He snarled bitterly and pulled Ryo in his embrace protectively. "He's my BOYFRIEND!" Clare hissed quietly, not believing Blue at all, and Blue didn't even seem to realize what he had said. "Oh really then?" Clare hissed. "Then prove it!" "Fine!" Blue tilted Ryo's face up to meet his and leaned down, allowing his lips to gently caress Ryo's. Blue had done it out of sheer anger and of course to back himself up- yet not once did he think about that A; It was a boy and B; Ryo was only a friend. During the kiss he realized those two factors and a deep blush appeared over his features though he continued, kissing Ryo as softly and gently as possible, actually enjoying the feeling of warmth the kiss brought through his whole body. Slowly he pulled away glaring up at Clare. "Now what?" He snarled showing his cruel side that no one had ever experienced before. Clare had went pale, and her brown eyes were huge. "H.. How could this happen?" She whispered and then smiled. "I'll be sure to spread the rumor, Blue." And with that she was off. Blue couldn't bring himself to glance down at Ryo- and he was so shocked, not once did he ever think about letting Ryo out of his embrace. He found himself gulping and his flush deepening to an apple red. Though for one thing he was happy and lucky- that the bell had rung a couple minutes ago so they we're the only ones in the hall. (Homg, One; *evil laugh* Heh, bet ya they didn't see THAT one coming! Now what shall Ryo do? >:P Two; I don;t think Blue think's his body is weird.. xD Three; Clare reminds me of Misa-Misa. I dunno why but she does.. Who knew /I/ could rp a miniature misa-misa? O.O I feel sooo disgusted with myself.. xD)
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11:08pm Apr 1 2010
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( Clare reminds me of Misa when she was drunk as hell, in the anime. xDD Heehee. xD Poor Ryo. He's almost aisexual. ) Ryo's tail actually curved as they argued, but when Clare decided to flirt with him, he actually took a step away. Her breath smelled like something died in it, and he was going over everything that was wrong with her before Blue shouted, "He's my boyfriend!" Now, that just shocked him in place. Boyfriend? They'd barely met. His jaw dropped, he blushed, and then he shook his hair out just before Blue grabbed him and kissed him. Not his first kiss; there'd been plenty of people who wanted to kiss a cat-eared boy before. Some of them were actually attractive. As Clare left, Ryo felt his face get hotter. "You're crushing me," he managed at last. Ryo spoke breathlessly, half because Blue was holding him a little too tight, and half because he was hyperventilating. Good lord, what a day. He did it out of mere frustration. Ryo thought, clutching at Blue's arm in an attempt to get it away from himself. It meant nothing. All I have to do is stay away from him, quietly fix the rumor, and everything will be fine. We've barely met, but people might think we're involved with each other because of the way Blue yelled at the cl*censored* for humilating me. But that's okay; I can fix it. I can, I can! After this damned play thing we do, I'll stay avoid him! Even though he was supposed to be my safeguard for the rest of the year... ( Ha. xD What a fun roleplay. <3 )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:21pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 202
(Daw... Ryo's idea makes me want to cry...) Blue found himself slowly releasing Ryo, holding back all of his emotions that we're crushing his insides. T... Thank god we made it to the cl*censored* room... He found himself backing away from Ryo and looking toward the cl*censored*room and whispering in his soft gentle and hoarse voice. "I'm... So sorry... I didn't mean.... I just didn't want... It meant-.... " Blue was so heart broken that he had done such a thing it crushed him, and you could hear it quiet well in his broken and hushed voice- all the fiery spirit before was now long gone and all that was left was sadness, a sickening over bearing sadness that just about killed him- his only friend he had clearly pushed away for a long time. Clare has to ruin everything of mine! He thought sadly tears welling up in his eyes. "T.. This is the next cl*censored* we're suppose to be in- There is a good friend of mine in there who's name is Saint- Ask for him at the end of cl*censored*, and tell him me and you are friends- and that you don't know were your next cl*censored*es are- he'd be more then happy to show you." Then he spun around away from the door and whispered just barely loud enough for Ryo to hear once more. "I'm so sorry..." And then ran off, tear's clear in his eyes right before he had left. Apparently he had known he had made a huge mistake- and now he was suffering for it, and vowed to go home and stay for quiet a while. (Daw, Poor Blue is completely heart broken. But yeah, she reminds me of a drunken Misa too. xD I did such a good job with Clare. xD But yes, what I fun rp indeed, you never know what crazy thing I or you might pull next. xD)
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11:27pm Apr 1 2010
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( Aww. D: Poor Blue. Ryo doesn't like it when people cry. :c He be part kitty, which means he be a sweetie, which means he needs to go comfort Blue nao. ) More confused than anything, Ryo rubbed his eyes and ran after Blue. Like hell he was going to go up to some stranger and ask him for help. And at that, how would he know who Saint was? Was he just to stand up in the front of cl*censored* and go, "I'm looking for Saint!" Hell fu.cking no. "Blue! Wait!" Ryo actually found himself hissing curses under his breath, and almost close to tears himself. When he made other people cry, it made him want to cry, too. "Dammit, you idiot! Where the fu.ck are you?!" he shouted blindly. One student actually paused to look at him, and Ryo growled, "You're pretty damn late, kid. Get out of here," in such a dark voice that the student ran off. "Blue?" he called again in a shakey voice. ( Yo, where is he? xD )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 202
(He went running to the nearby door. xD) Blue had hear Ryo running and calling after him, and using the school to his advantage he dove into a nearby bathroom where ironically- Ryo had paused in front of and was calling him an idiot. This made Blue smile slightly and made him a little bit more happy to know that Ryo would be willing enough to actually chase him down and search for him. Blue took a deep upsetting breath and took some paper towels off its roll and wiped his eyes trying to look absolutely calm and uncaring. He took his hair and allowed his bangs to fall into his face shielding it away from prying eyes and slowly walked out of the bathroom just as the lights flickered out. "That was pretty scary how quickly you ran that kid off." Blue teased as he stood behind Ryo looking down at the ground out of shame, glad that his bangs were hiding the tears that were forming. He forced a laugh out of himself. "And to think I saw you as the kind of person to ignore kids instead of forcing them to run away. You know, you can be real scary at times, Ryo." Blue forced another fake teasing playful smile out of himself, trying to act like his old self, knowing he was failing miserably. (Sooo shoort. But I simply adore the fact that Ryo ran after him, Oh my, it's sooo cute seeing Ryo all flustered and stuffies. <3 Your cherrie is so adorable! Oh, and feel free to rp as any random student in the school, or teacher- just like me. LOl, I'm just simply jumping around and playing some random antagonist to face our protagonists, sorry if I seem to be playing to many, but feel absolutly free to jump right on in and be a random studnet and/or teacher! The more the marrier! >:P)
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11:49pm Apr 1 2010
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( Blue's cute, too. xD He's all manly and intimidating and sh.it, but on the inside, he's all soft and poke-able. x3 ) To keep from shrieking or attacking Blue, Ryo clenched his hands into fists. Randomly coming out of no where in the dark was pretty scary, especially to someone with senses are sharp as Ryo's. It scared the crap out of him when he realized he didn't hear someone coming or maybe even caught their scent. "Blue," Ryo breathed, turning around. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." He blinked his eyes at him. "And, trying to use your bangs and the darkness to cover up your eyes won't help. I can see in the dark, and your cheeks are still a little wet. Think about my senses before you try something," he murmured, reaching up and brushing Blue's hair away from his face. His ears perked. Why was he talking in such a soft voice? And why would he touch Blue like that? Again, Ryo's hands clenched. Touching Blue made him shudder.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.