12:01am Apr 2 2010
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(Daaaw, But Ryo's even more adorablER. xD He's all like 'He.. he just kissed me?... O.o I dun like him like that' and then it's 'Maybe... I should be a little more caring and move his bangs out of his while thinking that I still dun like him'. xD Poor Ryo is so confused!) Blue felt his blush on his cheeks appear again, and found himself looking up at Ryo with sad blue and gentle eyes, tears still forming in them. He wasn't used to anyone touching him because naturally he wouldn't allow it- but in Ryo's case he almost pulled closer to Ryo, attracted to the comfort of his warm hand as it brushed away his bangs. "I'm sorry..." Blue apologized again for two diffrent things now- but this time he wasn't able to look away from Ryo's eyes. He apologized for him kissing Ryo- and was apologizing for him 'not taking into consideration Ryo's senses'. Blue's mind was in shambles and he felt as if he was going to collapse from the dizzy and sickening feeling deep inside his stomach. Pain was clear in his eyes and his knees we're shaking, it was quiet noticeable that Blue looked as if he was about to collapse, and personally, for once instead of appearing all macho and manly- he looked very innocent and gentle- as if the slightest noise would make him cry out in fear or that he was so fragile that the slightest wrong touch would make him break. It was the complete opposite from the Blue that Ryo had met earlier that morning. And what confused Blue the most was- Why did he care so much about Ryo's opinion when he never cared about any one's opinion before?
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12:08am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 12:35am Apr 2 2010)
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( He be confused indeed. x3 ) Ryo looked Blue over. He looked awful. Worse than Ryo did on a bad day, or than the way he looked when he first burst through the door in English cl*censored*. "It's alright," he said gently, stepping closer and raising his hand towards him again. It was shaking. "I don't think it matters much, Blue." What do I do? WhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo?! Without thinking, Ryo placed his hand on Blue's cheek, leaned a little close and...didn't do much else. His eyes were wide and he was trembling. No, he was visibly shaking. They were so close now, their faces only inches apart. Ryo wanted to rip away and run off, but he also wanted to be closer. But that...was somehow dangerous.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:21am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue felt his flush deepen once more the closer Ryo got to him, but he too wanted to be even closer then Ryo was allowing- and it was strange because Blue knew he had never felt this way before. But the closer Ryo was to him, the more the butterflies in his stomach began to act up, and the more they acted up the more he wanted to get rid of them by wanting to do what his body was telling him to do- And that was to lean in and kiss the other Junior again. He refused to allow his body to take over as he watched Ryo, the sadness only slightly leaving in his eyes. "R... Really?..." Blue found himself whispering and found his body trembling even more to Ryo's touch. He wasn't used to himself acting like this- let alone again, to another person. Blue felt horrid for what he had done- but Ryo was now telling him it really didn't matter? It was awfully confusing to Blue's poor head and already he had began getting light headed once more. Though be as this may, his body took over and he felt himself nuzzle his hand and shut his eyes looking slightly at peace. (Grah, so short, so short... This shortness bug is killing me, shoo it away Kira, make it go bye-bye! xD)
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12:34am Apr 2 2010
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( *attempts to make shortness go bye-bye* Your posts aren't short. <:U They be long. ) "Really," Ryo said quietly. When Blue nuzzled Ryo's hand, it became too much. He moved his hand away and held it in his other, still shaking some. Like Blue, there were butterflies in his stomach, but his head hurt more than anything. He was confused and scared -- yes, scared. He was completely overcome with emotions he'd never really felt before. He grit his teeth. What an odd first day he was having; he couldn't stress that enough. But the fact that he had made a friend that kissed him almost thirty minutes after they met that made it even harder for Ryo to keep himself calm. Ryo slowly got down on his knees, still holding his hand. "I can't stand," he said simply. He lifted the hand he had set on Blue's cheek to his head, leaving it there. Even his ears hurt.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:43am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue felt horrid, and even though he couldn't walk, and was sort of heard went Ryo pulled away- with tears in his eyes once more he lifted Ryo bridal style and sighed quietly. "Come on then, I'll take you to the nurse- and don't worry- I'll put you back down before we enter..." He sounded calm, yet his voice was bitter and contained hurt and a slight bit of panic. Blue didn't even realize that he was showing how strong he was just by being able to pick up another boy- and watching out for Ryo's tail he slowly began to walk toward the nurses station his knees and body still trembling from his own weakness. "I'm sorry. Again." He heard himself mutter Bitterly, kicking himself on the inside, hating himself for being so stupid and allowing himself to do such stupid things. He was also very peeved that he was being such an idiot and actually crying over something to stupid- yet the more he thought about it, the more tears that formed in his eyes. Slowly one ran down his cheek and fell onto Ryo- though Blue didn't seem to notice as he weakly continued forward, coming closer and closer to the nurse's station. (Daw. <3 *huggles Kira* Thankies. :3 )
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12:49am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 12:57am Apr 2 2010)
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( Anytime~ *huggles back* ) "No, Blue," Ryo struggled in his arms. "It's not like I'm sick or anything. Put me down," He stopped struggling when he felt something wet drop onto his skin. "You're crying again," he said softly, reaching up and picking Blue's hair out of his eyes. "Stop it; you're going to make me cry." He grit his teeth. Blue is such a sensitive person. Ryo thought dizzily. You can't help but want to comfort someone like Blue. Despite his tough exterior, you've really got to be careful with him. Like that one bubbly gl*censored* rock. You drop it, it breaks. ( Oh nyuuu. Short post. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:12am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
(It's ok. xD Sometimes things go a little bit slow in rps. xD And Blue isn't always like that- Blue has just been through a hell of a lot of shizz. xD) Blue found himself trembling at Ryo's touch and tried to stop crying for Ryo's sake. "I'm sorry... I'm not trying too- it's just... I've finally- It's just I..." Blue shook his head and didn't finish his sentence as he came upon the nurses door. Gently he lowed Ryo to the ground and wiped away his tears as he opened up the door. "Ms. Graham?... Ms. Graham, Ryo, the new student isn't feeling to well, do you mind if he rests in here for a bit?" Ms. Graham was a medium sized brunette with large brown hazel gentle eyes. She looked to be very caring and sweet and was known around the school as a softy. Mr. Graham nodded and looked over toward Ryo. "What happened, hon?" She asked in a very gentle and re*censored*uring tone as Blue picked him up and laid him down on the small sofa. "I dunno, he just started feeling sick- I just think he needs to take a break for a bit- after all- we just got back from gym and we had to run three miles." Blue knew he was lying, but he was willing to tear up his streak free record just to be able to give Ryo the rest he needed. Ms. Graham nodded understandingly and put her hand to his head and tsked slightly. Blue knew Ryo had felt hot because he could feel it through his clothes and knew it had to be from his wild emotions, and Blue knew the same as well. Ms. Graham looked from Ryo to Blue and back and smiled warmly. "Ryo, you have such a nice friend since he was willing to bring you half way across the school just to get you help. Blue really isn't the type of guy to do anything like that for anyone, much less touch them just to lay them down. You have a really good friend, Ryo, your one lucky child." Then she looked over Blue curiously sudden confusion in her eyes. "Blue, you look unusually pale- are you feeling quiet well?" Blue didn't answer, feeling like if he did was going to puke. Ms. Graham took it as a yes and continued to question him. "Blue, how have you been feeling lately- your skin looks awfully hot to be at a normal temperature." She took out a thermometer and held it out to him. "Here, let's take your temperature shall we?" Blue shook his head and pushed it away. "I'm fine, Ms. Graham, I really am, just.. Feeling a little under the weather." Ms. Graham watched him for long moments before she smiled and nodded. "I understand, that's what this weather do to you." "Yea-" Before Blue could finish she had shoved the Thermometer up underneath his tongue and held it there so he could move it. Within a couple of minutes it beeped and slowly she pulled it out of his mouth and read it allowed with large eyes and a gulp. "103.9, Blue, dear, your running a fever!" Blue shook his head and smiled simply, his innocent look long gone and his cold and coolness coming back. "I'm fine, honestly, it's no big issue... I feel fine..." Suddenly the lights flickered back on and Ms. Graham got a good look at Blue's face.He's cheeks were a dark red- and not from the blush from earlier but his skin which was almost like an inferno itself to the touch. You could see in the dim lighting that his whole body was trembling and he appeared to be fairly weak. Just as soon as the lights went off again, Blue grabbed the nearest trashcan and puked into it for long moments before pulling away, holding back a low moan. He was looking sicker and sicker by the second though he still refused to receive any of the treatments Ms. Graham was offering to him. "Blue, please take this rag and keep it over your forehead, if you don't your going to get even hotter. Please, or at least drink some Sprite or something, Blue we have to keep that fever down, and you can't go back to cl*censored* like that." Blue shook his head pushing away the rag and the bottle of Sprite, it was as if he really didn't care weather he was sick or not, and it looked as if he was going to refuse every little bit of help. Frustrated, and having to use the bathroom Ms. Graham left the room vowing to come back and force him to lay down. As she left Blue leaned up against the wall, coughing so badly, it sounded as if he was coughing up a lung though instead of worrying about himself, he looked up at Ryo and asked one simple question- "How are you feeling, Ryo?" (It looks as if Ryo is going to have to force Blue to do something or else he's going to become real bad, real fast- Poor stubborn Blue. XD)
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1:12am Apr 2 2010
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(Holy shizz! That was long. xD)
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1:29am Apr 2 2010
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( It was. D: ) Despite Ryo's feeble attempts to struggle away from Blue, he ended up in the nurse's office anyway. He nodded at whatever Ms, Graham said, barely listening. He kept his eyes on Blue, as he could see perfectly well how awful he looked. When he threw up, Ryo flinched. Sharp hearing made everything sound even more disgusting than it would to humans. 103.9 was not a good temperature at all. Ryo felt like he was silently being tortured. And when Blue asked how he was feeling, it made him twist up completely inside. Once Ms. Graham left, Ryo walked over to where Blue was, and basically climbed over him. "C'mon," he said, grabbing Blue's arm and pulling. "You need the bed...sofa. Whatever. I told you I felt fine, but you didn't listen, did you? You had to keep on carrying me all the way over here and then put me on the damned couch and then throw up. You make me feel horrible," As he complained, Ryo felt himself weaken. Seeing Blue in the condition he was in... It made him feel so helpless. At that moment, he would've done anything in a desperate attempt to make Blue feel better. But, it's not like he'd have to give anything to make him feel better. ...Did he?
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:39am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
"I'm sorry." He smiled playfully and was so weak that Ryo was successfully strong enough to pull him to the sofa and forced him to lay on it. Blue didn't stay their for long though, he sat right back up and watched Ryo. "Ryo, I'm fine, I've been through worse. Besides, just your cool hand against me felt good enough, I'm fine." He muttered and then coughed horridly once more instantly allowing his hand to pluck the trashcan out of the floor as he threw up in it once more, beginning to dry heave. When he finally was able to pull his trembling body out from the garbage can he looked as if he was in severe pain. Though he refused to face Ryo so he wouldn't have to see it, and admittedly- that cold washrag was very temping considering how hot his body was- but he still refused to take it, unless Ryo was to force it on him, or offered it to him. He didn't know why, but he refused help from others and seemed to only accept it from Ryo- it was odd behavior for Blue yes, but he was going to think nothing of it, at least, not right now in his dizzying and tired state. He felt as if he was to shut his eyes and sleep that he could sleep whatever he had off- though he knew he couldn't because every time he closed his eyes for long periods of time he saw the kissing scene play out in his head, and that alone made him want to get sick again with all those emotions bubbling up once more. So until he could get it off his chest and feel good about it, he couldn't sleep it off either, besides that he didn't want to leave Ryo- not today since he was the new student anyway. And besides, he had a feeling that when all this was finally over- Ryo was going to ditch him for good because of what happened in the hall way, and just the thought sent his emotions on high gear and again he reached out and dry heaved blood into the trashcan. (man, I feel horrid for poor Blue, I've been in that situation before and it SUCKS if you can't sleep THAT off... D:)
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1:50am Apr 2 2010
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( D: Aww. *pets Blue* Poor thing. ;~; ) Ryo looked away from Blue. He looked so horrible that you just had to look away and ignore the grotesque sounds he made when he threw up. It was like... Well, he didn't have a way to describe it, but it sounded all ew and stuff. When he looked away, Ryo noticed the damp rag Ms. Graham had offered to Blue earlier. He picked it up, walking over to the sofa Blue was sitting on. Ryo lightly pushed him down and set the rag on his forehead, sighing when he did. "I can almost feel heat radiating off you, Blue. You're literally burning up," He leaned over him. "It's definitely not good at all." For some reason, Ryo thought it might be a good idea to lie down next to Blue. But, doing that might be really uncomfortable and weird for Blue. And when Ms. Graham came back, it would make the both of them feel awkward. So, he decided that if Ms. Graham didn't come back in a minute or two, he'd lie down next to Blue for a little while. Just for a little bit.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:03am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue didn't deny the cold rag on his head especially since it was from Ryo. He closed his eyes a slight smile coming over his features. "Thank you... I bet you your thinking I'm such an idiot now, eh?" Even though Blue was as sick as a dog, he was still trying to be funny and crack jokes, even though they only were half as funny now, but you had to give him credit for trying. "Do I really look that horrible? 'Cause honestly, I dun even feel that horrible, just... You know, only when I puke... " He smiled playfully and cracked done eye open peering curiously at Ryo. "Look, about kissing you earlier- My deepest Apologies, I'll get Clare taken care of pronto. I just was p.issed because she was trying to screw with you and give you HIV or some shizz like that... It peeved me that she'd try anything on the new student and make advances like that, and when she challenged me, I lost it... My apologies, but I won't let those rumors spread around. I swear it on my life I won't." Suddenly he began to cough once more and when he pulled away his hand drops of blood was splattered on it. Yeah, he defiantly was sick, though such a hard a.ss that he really wasn't going to just it and wait and be taken care of- that he was just way too worried about Ryo himself. (yeah, It sucks. D: But anyway, you know my cream Tesuri that I got? I named it in Japanese and in Japanese it means cancer- and I named him cancer because I knew my grandmother would think that the Tesuris are absolutely adorable and she has two types of cancer so.... *smiles warmly*)
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2:11am Apr 2 2010
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( Awww. <3 How sweet. Sadly sweet, that is. Made my eyes sting. D': ) Ryo waved his hand at Blue, basically dismissing the subject. "Whatever, whatever. I kind of figured that's why you did that. And, you don't have to be all, 'I swear on my life' and stuff. You'd be getting rid of the rumor for your own self, too, so you're bound to get rid of it." he said, looking away from him. Suddenly, he didn't think that lying down next to Blue would be such a good idea. What he said made it seem like he didn't have much of an interest in Ryo. His ears drooped a little when he thought about it. If they could still be friends after that, it'd be great. If they couldn't, then Ryo'd have to survive the rest of high school alone. There was no way he'd ever talk to anyone ever again. And, most likely, his family would move again so he wouldn't be tortured during senior year. Most of the time, Ryo's parents were pretty understanding. Why am I sad about this kind of thing? Ryo thought, ears pinning down against his head. It doesn't matter if he lost interest in me or not; I don't need him or anything like that. If he's not my friend anymore, or if he never was my friend, it doesn't matter.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:26am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
"Ryo...." Blue whispered in a hoarse and quiet voice and looked up toward Ryo sadly. "Actually, if you promise not to cringe away from me, I'll tell you a little secret... " Blue began knowing he'd quickly regret what he was about to say, though somewhere deep inside of his stomach he'd knew he'd regret it if he wasn't to tell Ryo this. "I... T.. That kiss- it wasn't all just for show-... Actually.... I.... " He blushed quietly and looked away hoping Ryo had gotten the point was what he was trying to say and prayed that the boy wouldn't pull away form him and refuse to have anything to do with him. It took a lot of guys for someone like Blue to do something like that; but he knew that he needed to address the subject- that things would go so awkwardly between the two if he didn't. He wiped his lips off with his shirt and took a deep breath as he leaned in covering the distance between him and Ryo and kissed him again- but this time it seemed to have more meaning and gentleness to it, more along the lines of it begged for Ryo to stay with him- more along the lines of a silent plea for Ryo to love him back and understand that he really did love him. Deep inside a small shout of panic and rage, raged inside his head angry at him for not listening to his head, so mentally he was kicking himself- but physically he was enjoying himself, and prayed that Ryo was too. He wanted Ryo to completely understand what he meant from the sentence above- actually he was VERY interested in the cat boy- why? Blue would never know, though it was something about him that had instantly pulled him in- unlike anyone had ever done before. Blue slowly pulled away and laid back down with his eyes shut, gasping for air, for it was already hard for him to breathe and that just made it even harder for him- though he was happy to be breathless for Ryo. Please Ryo, Understand me.... Please try to understand were I'm coming from. Blue was to scared to open his eyes to spot Ryo's reaction, he just begged that Ryo would return the favor or show some signs of him too caring as well. Blue sighed quietly to himself knowing full well that things had moved WAY to fast- at a sickening and alarming rate- that he enjoyed. Damn it... I'm such a sick and disturbing Bas.tard.... Heh, maybe I deserve to get hit by Ryo- or for him to push me away... What the f.uck is wrong with me?! ( Heh, I just thought I'd tell you that little tidbit of info. ;3)
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3:13am Apr 2 2010
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( What tidbit? o_o ) Oh, he's blushing. Ryo thought just before Blue kissed him again. His ears pulled back and his eyes closed, but they opened again right before Blue pulled away, as he was going to pull back before he did. For a second, he only blinked at Blue, trying to get everything into his head at that very moment so he wouldn't freak out the next. "Oh," Ryo breathed, and he pulled himself closer to Blue. "This is going awfully fast, you know." he murmured, his ears flickering back before he leaned against Blue. He couldn't think of anything to say or do, if he was even thinking at all. Ryo was in a trance-like state, maybe more shocked than in a trance, but he couldn't tell if he was thinking about what to do or if he was even thinking at all. Of course, there had to be something on his mind... A romance like no other. his mind whispered to him. It's enjoyable. It's the kind of romance that gives people a rush when they're only sitting next to the person they're involved with. You...or I...like it. Ryo clutched lightly at the fabric of Blue's shirt. He did like Blue and the way he acted. He did like how the entire day was going, and he did like how fast they were going. It made him blush, and it sent little electric shocks down his spine. His tail puffed up a little, and his black ears flattened against his head. Just the way they were sitting together was so taboo to Ryo. ( I'm always filled with muse at this time~ )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
3:30am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 3:41am Apr 2 2010)
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Posts: 202
Blue allowed his arm to wrap around him protectively and he laid his chin on his head. He adored the fact that Ryo understood and was thoroughly excited that Ryo had the same exact feelings as him. Blue smiled gently and lowered his head so it was leveled with with Ryo's ear. " I wouldn't mind doing Romeo and Juliet with you, Juliet." He whispered gently and then smiling nibbling at his ear playfully before laying back once more, raising his hand up to run it over Ryo's head in a soothing and gentle gesture. He sat in the silence his mind in a rush, though his body not trembling as bad as it was before. Of course- it was bad that Ryo was laying on him when he had a fever- hut he enjoyed Ryo's touch, and enjoyed Ryo being on him in general, it sent sparks of happiness and pleasure down his spine, and it made him wish for the moment to never end, and instantly the information that he barely paid any attention to in cl*censored* rushed through his head and something inside him- the magic emotion of love- aroused itself inside his stomach and his creativity and flow for the arts began to open and slowly and surely he began to recite a scene from Romeo and Juliet, perfectly by memory and quickly his mind changed it up so it made more sense. "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Jul is the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou his maid art far more fair than he. Be not his maid, since he is envious. His vestal livery is but sick and green, And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off. It is my man; O, it is my love! O that he knew he were! He speaks, yet he says nothing. What of that? His eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold; 'tis not to me he speaks. Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if his eyes were there, they in his head? The brightness of his cheek would shame those stars As daylight doth a lamp; his eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night. See how he leans his cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek! " He easily quoted as if he had already memorized the whole thing. No blush covered his face as he meant every word. His voice had darkened to an irresistible and soothing tone and he held Ryo close to his chest allowing a smile to cover his face. For once Blue could say he felt happy, and for once Blue could say that with Ryo by his side- He could always be happy- no matter what was to happen. "I love you... Ryo..." He heard himself whisper in a gentle tone, nuzzling his his head gently. Forever and always.... I KNOW I CAN call this strange feeling- Love. Honestly, Blue felt perfect right where he was laying with Ryo, and honestly, the simply thought of forbidden love excited him and deep inside he smiled to himself. Heh, now I understand WHY Romeo and Juliet did it, not only did they love each other, but the thought of a forbidden love- it sends shivers up the spine just thinking about it... In a lot of ways me and Ryo can relate to Romeo and Juliet only the real question is- Who's the Romeo? And Who's the Juliet?.... (*nod,nod* Me too! :3 It's sooo soft, Kira.. I like soft shizz it makes your eyes water and makes you wanna huggle and cuddle them both!)
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4:03am Apr 2 2010
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( xD Well, he's freaking Ryo the fu.ck out. Well, normally he would be like, "Dude. What the fu.ck is wrong with you, you freaky-as.s bast.ard? Do you not see my ears and tail?" ) Juliet. Lovely, Ryo thought, but he nuzzled closer to Blue anyway. I'm the girl, he's the boy. I'm Juliet, he's Romeo. But my name is the one that starts with an R! When Blue started to randomly recite something from Romeo and Juliet, Ryo listened, wondering what Blue was hoping he'd get out of it. But Ryo was in some type of daze; he couldn't make any sense out of it. The only way he'd know what Blue meant by what he had...recited was if he were in his shoes, looking through his eyes instead of his own. But, there was no way that was possible. Or...was there? Ryo's ears perked. Did he just tell me he loved me? another part of him thought, and then his ears lowered. Whether or not to say it back, he didn't know. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. If he was Juliet, then why was he like this? Juliet was a brave woman, and when you compared Ryo to Juliet, Ryo was more of a "damsel in distress" than Juliet would ever be. Not that she'd ever be anything; she was a dead ficitional character, after all, but still. They could relate to Romeo and Juliet. They really could. But at that moment, Ryo was more like the cute, nervous, and shy boy out of a shounen-ai manga than anything -- or anyone -- else. "I...love you, too, Blue?" He almost said it in a questioning tone. But, in a way, he was questioning what he said. What he said, himself, and his feelings. But... Of course he said it back. Blue's voice made him so damn irrestible that Ryo said it back half without even taking his feelings into consideration.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:26am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue found himself smiling, understanding why Ryo had said it in such a questioning tone. He found himself chuckling at the poor shy boy very playfully. When the whole room grew silent Blue couldn't help but allow himself to doze here and there. Now that he was completely at peace with himself and Ryo he found sleep very comfortable and relaxing. The sickness still had him in it's grasp just not as bad, it was as if it was slowly coming to an end- maybe it was just from all the emotions? No, it couldn't give him a fever, maybe it just seems all dulled out because Ryo was near? Blue didn't know, and he couldn't help but maul on that subject over and over until he had thought himself to sleep. The last words- rrr, thoughts on his mind was him questioning himself. Come on Blue, you just met him, this is very shallow of you- How can you be so sure that you love him?! (So short compared to yours. xD Anyway, but yeah, Blue has the tendency to do that when he's sick- and besides, I guess since he has NEVER felt that before the poor boy is excited and is rushing forward on a whim. But in the end if he continued to move too fast, he has to remember that he could just as easily push Ryo away, and yesh... He knows Ryo has cat ears and tail- But Ryo is still a person, that's how Blue looks at it. Especially since HE too is considered a freak with his unnatural blue hair and eyes. :3)
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11:34am Apr 2 2010
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( Lolwhut? owo; ) Ryo's ears perked. Did he just fall asleep? he wondered, blinking at Blue. Yup. He fell asleep. I might as well move now, 'cause Ms. Graham or whatever'll be coming back soon. He sat up and clenched his hands into fists. Although he knew he had to go to cl*censored*, he didn't want to leave. Leaving Blue all alone in the nurse's office would be a mean thing to do, and it's not like he wanted to go to cl*censored*. Especially not without Blue. Now, that would be like walking into a landmine that exploded in laughter rather than a real explosion, if that even made sense. Ms. Graham did walk in then, but Ryo only stared at het. For the most part, she ignored him, as she was checking on how Blue was doing. Ryo only sat there, ignoring Ms. Graham as she ignored him. Oh, I wish Blue would wake up. This is so awkward.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:05pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
As soon as the nurse had came in to check on his, she roused him. Blue sat up and stretched quietly. "Nurse, I think I'm ready to go back to cl*censored*, I'm feeling fine now, really..." Nusre Graham smiled and shook her head scolding. "Didn't you say that before Blue?" She asked and then popped the thermometer in his mouth. It had lessened quiet a lot almost back down to normal temperature. She tilted her head in confusion. "That's strange... But alright, since it's down now..." She glanced back at him and Ryo. "But if either of you start feeling sick again, feel free to come back. Oh, and could you run an errand for me?" She took out a pen and peace of paper and wrote up a little slip that not only excused them from there cl*censored* but also for the other teacher she wanted them to run the errand for. Slowly he pulled out a box from behind the desk and laid it in front of them. "Could you carry this to the electrician of the school? He should be somewhere 'down stairs'. Be careful boys; god knows what is down there." Blue looked at the package and then the slip to get out of cl*censored* which she held in her hand then back to Ryo. "What do you say, Ryo? You up to it?" He questioned curiously, as if Ryo said no then he'd deny the little quest. Honestly Blue didn't care weather he returned back to cl*censored* or not, he'd just steal the slip away if he needed. He stretched once more trying to get the feeling back in his sleepy legs. (Kira, could you go to Flare's contest and tell me if those pictures are showing up or not?)
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