12:09pm Apr 2 2010
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( They are. o3o I've seen them already. ) Ryo ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. "Fine. But, I don't know where anything is, so Blue'll have to lead the way..." He stood up and stretched, letting out a teeny tiny mew when he did. When he mewed, Ryo blushed, as usually he had more control over himself. Meowing wasn't something he did too often. "Er, let's go..." he said, already walking towards the door. Now, that was embarr*censored*ing. Ryo thought, ears pulling back.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:16pm Apr 2 2010
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(so you can see them when Flare can't?... So unfair...) Blue laughed as he picked up the box and continued out the door following after Ryo and then began to to lead the way down the hall. "It's a long walk Ryo... We're going to the basement." He smiled and winked at Ryo. "And niiice little meow back there." He laughed playfully. "Anyway, but yeah, but there is A LOT of rumors about the basement, especially in the dark or during a storm, would you like to hear a few on the way down there?" Blue was in the mood to tell scary stories from his school, and this was just the perfect time do scare the living delights outta Ryo- sure he felt horrible for doing so- BUT, it wouldn't be like him if he doesn't. He smiled to himself on the inside, almost laughing at Ryo. Real question is, does the boy get scared real easy, or is he a tough one? i guess we'll jsut have to see... (Daw, Blue is such a horrable person. xD Out in my old Middle School there actually was rumors that ghosts haunted my schoo. O.O)
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12:21pm Apr 2 2010
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( Give her the picture's link from another site, like Tinypic. o3o Also, there's rumors like that everywhere. xDD ) Ryo blinked his eyes and tried to seem like he didn't care that Blue had commented on his meowing. "Er, I guess...?" he said, looking over at Blue. Scary rumors? Was he meaning to scare him? Probably. But, Ryo wasn't one to be easily frightened, save by dogs and anything else that's a threat to him. Dogs like to bite his tail. Just try and scare me, Blue. Ryo thought with a smirk. I don't guarantee you'll scare me, but I don't know if I won't be scared, either.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:37pm Apr 2 2010
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(Eh? Could you help me with that Kira- I've never been to tiny pic before.. O.o LOL! 'But Ryo wasn't easily frightened- save by dogs and anything else that's a threat to him. Dog like to bite his tail. ' xxD Poor Pooooor Ryo! x3) Blue shrugged and began the story, realizing that Ryo was accepting his challenge, and was much eager to oblige to it. "Heheh... Alright then, if you wish... Well you DO know what happened many tears ago, right? They say that this place actually used to be a jail before they tore it down and placed a school over it because a bigger jail replaced the old one. Well, the jail used to hold multiples of people in it, and no joke- you can find this all over the enternet, I'm not making that up." Blue paused and shivered slightly, the thought of his own ghost story giving him goosebumps. "A whole bunch of Psycho killers used to be held here. And even way before it became a jail it was an insane asylum... So our school has been built upon millions of dead bodies. Well, that's not the worst part- the worst part is, is that they say that all the bodies that died in the jail was buried under ground- they never got dug up when they built the school, and they say that the basement is the place they like to hide out most because it's always dark there. Not only that but they also say that the basement was were they'd hold the worst killers alive." blue shrugged uncaringly. "But that's just the schools past- now time to hear what has happened to the SCHOOL itself over the years. Did you know it had gotten burned down twice in it's whole years here?" Blue paused and looked at Ryo, happy that the lights hadn't cut back on which was adding more effect, even making him shiver. Though he was allowing Ryo's head to soak up that much information before he was going to continue- and they still had a LONG way to go before they got to the basement. (Yeah, a lot of those just to scare ya. xD But the really did make it seem possible.. O.o It t'was crazy Kira- It made me never wanna go into the auditorium EVER again. xD)
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12:43pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 12:43pm Apr 2 2010)
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( xDD Lol. Yeah... Er, you just upload the picture. You don't have to sign up or anything... If you want, I could do it for you. Auditoriums are nice... o-o ) Ryo's ears swiveled around. "I doubt that dead people would hang around anywhere unless they were hanged." he said, and then he chuckled a little at his own joke. It was a stupid joke, but... "And what does the fact that it burned down twice have to do with anything? Maybe some people just decided to burn it down because they didn't like the building. Or they thought the people in the building would be better off dead." Of all the schools that Ryo had ever been to, this school had a pretty extensive history. There were rumors about a lot of schools he'd been to, including one that was relatively new, so the rumors were stupid. But Ryo's interest in the paranormal made him believe what Blue was saying, even if only a little. He shuddered. Maybe the stories were scary...
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:58pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
( Could you please do it for me? and send it to him for me? xD Plee*censored*e? And no they're not.. ;-; They're scary and.. And.. And a kid fell of it's balcony and crashed his skull on the ground below during a show.. ;-;) Blue laughed at Ryo's joke and then quickly answered his question. "Well, it's not really the fact that it burnt down, Ryo, it's the fact of the children that were inside." Blue began once more getting back in the creepy mood. "Some kids, that were very interested in the paranormal, or the idea of it, had skipped cl*censored* and went down into the basement one day and tried to dig up and find clues to see if they could really find any dead bodies, and sure enough the began to pull up bones out of the ground, and those bones are in our local Museum too, and a memorial for the poor dead kids is beside it- oh wait... I didn't tell you how they died did I? Well, the fire alarms we're going off because indeed; some of the juniors had held a grudge against them and had set a fire off right in front of the door, but the poor kids we're so deep down in the basement that they couldn't hear the blaring fire alarms, which is why they don't allow any kid in the basement. Well, sure enough they felt the heat from above them as it consumed the whole school, and little by little the fire had eaten away at the door and had begun to make it's way down into the basement. The poor kids noticed the heat of the fire above them and looked up watching the fire as it came near them. They screamed and screamed and yelled for help, but no one helped them because no one but those few juniors knew about the kids being down there- so they we're burned alive by the fire. Now they say; no joke about it, that any junior that walks down there, something bad would happen to him. Just ask Saint- He came down to the basement one day to run an errand for Miss Vonly when suddenly something pushed him down the steps, and now he has a scar going across his skull where it had struck the ground from the impact, and when Saint looked up, nothing and no one was there- and he didn't trip either, Saint is really good on his feet. Ask Ray; he went down to run another errand and he broke his leg when something tripped him in the stairs. Go visit Eli's grave; he died from something huge in the basement falling ontop of him and crushing him. And it wasn't his fault, his friend who is forever scared by the even was with him when it happened, and that ob ject was indeed in place and chained up- luckily, he got away with a broken leg." Blue paused once more to allow this information to sink into Ryo, the hair pricking up on the back of his neck from the story he was telling, knowing full well that it was actually all true- now that he thought about it. Blue couldn't believe that he was scaring his own self, but knew he must continue on with the story- that he must finish it in order to get the full idea across. (God Blue is so scary.. o.O I can't believe that he can say such things on the top of his head like that... :0 )
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1:09pm Apr 2 2010
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( xDD That's hilarious. And, yeah, sure. ) As Blue told his little paranormal activity stories, Ryo began to believe them even more. The hair on his tail puffed up and his ears stuck to the top of his head, but other than that he didn't show many signs of being scared. "We're juniors," he said simply, letting his tail wave a little. "How quaint. I hope one of us isn't killed while we're down here. Though, I'd probably hear something if it were to fall on us. I'm pretty sure I'd be the one to get out of here alive." Ryo threw a smirk at Blue. Scaring other people always had a way of calming Ryo down. And, being unnaturally calm and mature, he could take "scary" things pretty well, no matter what. The cat-like part of his personality did him well, and sometimes he wished he always had the personality of an average cat. At that moment, Ryo really wanted to hold Blue's hand. Thinking about what he had said frightened him, and he always felt better if he was touching another person when he was scared. Even if it was only the fabric of their clothing or their hair. All he wanted to do was touch some other living thing, and Blue was the only other living being that Ryo could find. But trying to grab his hand would mess up Ryo's whole, "I'm so not scared" charade. ( xD If I was in a dark room, I'd be scared. But it's daytime, so I'm not scared. c: )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:26pm Apr 2 2010
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(oh thank you so much kira! :3) "Ahah, you wish, cat-boy." He teased playfully, chuckling out loud. "But I guarantee it's all true, my friend... And you haven't even begun to hear the worst part of it, remember, it burned down twice, and got shot up three diffrent times... " Blue allowed himself to get back into his scary mood once more, using his voice to make it seem even more scarier and bizarre, trying his hardest to scare the living delights out Ryo- Just like he had done himself. He found himself shivering and less eager to continue on, but the simple thought of scaring that smirk off Ryo made him continue. "Well, the second burn down didn't happen but three, maybe two years ago? I don't know why they continue to insist to build the school every time it burns down. But yeah, the second burn down had many more deaths then the first, the first was just three, the second was over twenty. You see, the second time around, someone deliberately meant to burn the school down, though it was for fun and games so they wouldn't have to go to school on Monday- A stupid freshmen if you will. Well, he decided to do it on a Saturday and that stupid Freshmen is now sitting in Jail. Her name was Jenna and she hated school with a fiery p*censored*ion because all the kids would always make fun of her so, she did what any stupid Freshmen would do and dreamt of getting rid of the school for good. So she burnt it down that Saturday unknowing that there was quiet a few kids and some staff in it because they all had to stick around for tutoring, and others for Saturday school. Multiples of kids and staff alike had died- though they didn't want anyone to know about those second batches of death so they paid each family a sum of money to keep there mouths shut nice and good and hid the remains below the school that following day. Well, it's SAID that they vow to seek revenge on the kid that done that to them, the only thing is, they don't know the difference between THAT particular kid and every other kid in the school. In fact, when they built the school again they found a couple of bodies of students in the basement that had looked as if they had been burned alive- their features where so badly burned they where unrecognizable- so now if you go to the sematary you'll find three grave stones lined up in a row marked unknown with their burned corpses up underneath it. Sure, it could have been a simple trick that the other students decided to pull just to scare them, but I doubt they'd be willing to go to jail just the scare everyone. Maybe I could take you to the sematary one day and show you everyone's grave stones, eh? Sounds fun right?" Even though Blue was being dead serious about the gravestone thing, he was now slightly shivering from fright, though quickly enough he took a deep breath to calm his shivering even though he had goosebumps all over his arms and his hair was sticking straight on end- he tried to look and sound calm and uncaring, allowing his voice to lower with the mood of the stories adding that creepy and strange effect to them. (Neither am I, that's why I'm glad I waited until morning or else I'd be sitting in my room feeling as if I ws being watched. xD Gosh Blue can be so scary!)
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1:34pm Apr 2 2010
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( xD ) Ryo swallowed audibly. "Sure," he said, the tip of his tail curling. "I used to play Ghosts in the Graveyard with my friends all the time when I was younger. Graveyards are just like dark rooms, and I can still see in them at night. I had a perfect advantage over my friends," He smiled, floating off into memories. And then the steps they were walking on creaked loudly, causing Ryo to yelp and practically jump onto Blue. Well, he pounced on his arm and clung to it, not literally jumped into his arms like Scooby did whenever he was scared. Well, there was no smirk on Ryo's face anymore. All traces of it was replaced with startled suprise and fear. ( D'aww. xD )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:37pm Apr 2 2010
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( I put the link on the contest page, but here it is, anyway: http://tinypic.com/r/hs99iv/5 )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:44pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue jumped when he felt Ryo clench onto his hand, and almost let out a yelp. He couldn't see Ryo that well in the dark and was already spooked, but let alone when he felt him grab his arm he couldn't help but jump and let out a small gasp of surprise. He had to force himself to hold back a laugh of mockery against his own self and held Ryo close using his arm. He shivered as they came upon the door leading into the basement. It looked dark and ominous, and even though he could see nothing but black through the tiny window that let you look into the basement from the door, his eyes began to play tricks on his and making it look and feel as if someone was staring back at him. He wished for the lights to hurry and cut back on but seeing as though the electrician was down there, apparently the lights had blown a fuse. Blue shivered and hesitated before opening the basement door. "A... Are you ready?" he whispered with a sickening calmness in his voice, even though deep inside he was frantic and scared as anything now. " All we have to do is give this box to the electrician and get the hell up outta there, right?" Blue was tempted to tell Ryo not to worry that he'd always protect him, though he knew that would only peeve Ryo and truthfully, he didn't want Ryo off of his arm just yet, he liked it when Ryo clung to him for comfort and had a feeling that they were soon going to have to hold hands while down in the basement to keep calm and from jumping and running back up the steps leaving the other behind. Blue qualmed his shivering hand so that it appeared as if he wasn't that scared and mentally kicked himself and called himself a coward for being scared of just a dark room. He could tell he had scared Ryo half to death now, and he could also tell that he had dug his own grave when it came to the care factor. Blue shivered whenever his mind mentioned 'digging his own grave'. Oh how pleasant is this, I try scaring Ryo and I scare myself! I'm such a wimp... It's just stories right-?.... RIGHT? ( Lol, sooo cute... Poor Blue and Ryo. xD I think I'LL scare them. >:P)
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1:53pm Apr 2 2010
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( xD You meanie. ) Ryo only continued to cling to Blue, shaking and letting out tiny, almost soundless little meow-whines. He nodded at last, tightening his hand around Blue's arm when he did. Another part of him muttered, Am I ready? What? Are we going to have sex? But he quickly shook off that thought. Not only was it perverted and wrong, but now was definitely not a time for thoughts like that. "Right, let's just go." Ryo said, reaching out and opening the door. One of his legs actually dragged the rest of his body inside the dark room, and the rest of Ryo's body pulled Blue along. He could see well enough in the darkness, as his eyes took in every single little bit of light they could, but the room was black as pitch, and all Ryo could really see was a little light far off. A light? Probably the electrician's flashlight. ( Haha. xDD I had to say that. When I wrote that, my male bird started chirping happily. Me: "Yep, he's totally bi." )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:06pm Apr 2 2010
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(LOL, Poor perverted Ryo! xD yeah... Ryo you both are defiantly going to have sex deep int he basement with the electrician at work with both of you scared to death. xxD Daww, your male bird is so adorable. xD Maybe he likes Yaoi too? xD) Blue glanced here and there pretty much blind now, so he trusted Ryo to go on ahead and lead them on. He glanced from left to right in a slight state of panic and shock. He was worried sick because he couldn't see anything, and he was scared shi.tless by his own stories. Instantly imagines of them getting burned alive or something heavy squishing them made him begin to shiver once more, ever so slightly. "Gra, I hate basements." Blue found himself whispering barely audible. "Ryo, I'm lucky to have YOU down here with me... I can't see worth shizz to save my life." Suddenly Blue wished that he hadn't said that. It was a pun that wasn't really necessary or was for the right time or place. Suddenly he heard a giant BOOM, like something had fallen and hit the ground. Instantly Blue panicked and froze in his steps, growing real pale and his eyes real wide. Slowly he turned around and raised his hand up to feel in front of him. Something huge was blocking the way back up the stairs. He allowed his hands to feel over it and realized it couldn't be climbed and they couldn't walk around it- they were stuck- and he had been only inches FROM getting squished like a bug. Instantly he realized how close to death he had been that he was touching death itself- and it took all the will power he had-........ Not to wet himself. ( xxD I HAD to add that that last senstence. xD poor Blue and Ryo, I'm SO cruel! >:P)
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2:24pm Apr 2 2010
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( He probably does. 8D Lol. xDD Ew, that's gross. *pets Blue* Good boy! Ryo probably would've been like, "Eww..." *steps away* ) Ryo screamed. "Ow, that was my fu.cking tail!" he shouted, yanking his tail out from whatever had fallen on top of it. He whined and sat down, holding his tail close to himself and shaking. "Dammit, why didn't I hear that happen? I could've moved my tail away... Oh, why do things like this always happen to me?" He went on muttering and whining to himself for some time, sniffling and trying to keep from actually crying, and probably even sobbing. "Now I'm not going to be able to walk straight." Ryo whined, lying down on the ground. He was still clutching his tail, but not where he was sure it was broken. "This is just great. We're stuck in a basement, my tail is probably broken, you can't see for sh.it down here in the darkness, and that light that I saw just a minute ago is gone! It disappeared, like it was never there! Dammit all," ( You fais. ;c You broke his tail. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:47pm Apr 2 2010
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(dawww, I didn't mean too, I'm sorry Ryo! But your seeing lights, it could be ghosts... *evil sneer* Omg, I GUESSED your move, I KNEW you were going to put Ryo's tail in the way! O.o I can read thoughts...) Blue was still frozen solid until he heard Ryo scream. Blue quickly spun around to see him holding his tail and before he could even comprehend what Ryo was saying he knew exactly what had happened- and knew exactly that the ob ject whatever IT was, had broken his tail, especially considering how he could just slide it out from underneath the ob ject. Blue had heard the sickening crack as well that had sent shivers down his spine. SO ever so gently he leaned down next to Ryo and looked at his tail before he chose to touch it. Blue didn't know what to do in this type of situation, and even though he used to help vets all the time never once had he heard of a broken tail. As he looked at his tail rather carefully without touching it, Ryo had continued to mutter to himself about everything including a light, the same light Blue had saw but chose not to mention, and suddenly he felt as if he was being watched. The hair on the back of his neck stood on one end yet again and yet he still tried to ignore the strange feeling as he began to analyze what he should do to help Ryo walk. "Well, some cats don't really have tails to use... Hn.. But I.. I suppose I can do like what doctors' do with broken fingers." Blue looked around using his hands to be his eyes before he found a small support beam. Quickly enough he looked around for something sharp an failed miserably to finding one. So instead he decided to use his nails, to rake at it. So ever so slowly he began to scratch and carve into it. Pain bit into his flesh as splinters and the wood stabbed and yanked at his soft flesh seeming to try and pry off his nails in the process. Within minutes crimson red blood was flowing from his finger tips and half his nails were either torn up or completely yanked off his finger, but he didn't stop until he had completely carved out something similear to a large splint. Never once did Blue cry or yelp as he carved out the splint, it was as if it didn't hurt him at all- but deep inside Blue was crying out in pain from the wood cutting into his flesh. Gently with blistered, cut open, and bloody hands, he took off his shirt and set it down. Looking at Ryo apologetically he then ever so gently lifted up his tail and quickly slid the splint up under it and used his shirt to tie it perfectly around his tail and quickly set it down so he could cause a little less pain to Ryo- because he simply hated hurting the poor guy. Blue then sat in the dark with blood pouring out of his fingers and dripping sickly onto the ground below. He sat with his head bowed unable to look at Ryo- feeling as if he had failed at protecting him- and had was trying to hold back the pain that coursed through his beaten hands. (*shivers* Poor Blue! I couldn't sit there and kill my hands like that! Just the thought makes me cringe and hold my hand! ;-;)
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11:32pm Apr 2 2010
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( Aw. xD I'd be all, "Why you cut yo hands up, emo?" xDD; ) "Did you just...take off your shirt?" Ryo asked, looking back at Blue. His little black ears pulled back when he looked away, and he muttered, "Yup, you did. You know, I didn't ask you to do this," He picked his tail up in his hand. "It's not like I needed you to. I still probably won't be able to stand or walk correctly, and now you've injured your own hands. That's not good at all." Although he actually appreciated what Blue had done, Ryo knew that he'd have to be scolded -- in a way -- because Blue shouldn't have done anything like that. It was stupid, actually, to do something like Blue did because it would lessen the chances of survival. Not that what was happening could put their lives in danger -- it wasn't anything like that. But, due to Ryo's strong sense of fight or flight, it sort of was. Oh, Blue, Ryo thought, crawling over to him and taking his bloody hand in his own. you're pretty stupid, aren't you? At least, in these situations. But, He looked up at him, blinking his eyes at Blue's own bright blue eyes. "I really appreciate what you did, but don't do anything rash like that. I'm going to be fine, with or without your makeshift splint."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:43am Apr 3 2010
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(reply tomorrow; I'm so tired... Neh... xD See you tomorrow, Kira.)
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12:54pm Apr 3 2010
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( o__o 'Kayy. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:36pm Apr 4 2010
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"I wanted to ease the pain off you." Blue said wincing, watching the blood run down his hands and drop on the floor. Soon it became a steady beat as they sat in the silence of the empty Basement, trapped. Drip... Drip....... Drip.......... Drip............. The dripping got louder and louder to Blue's ears, and the more drips that came through the more pain that pulsed through his hand and the harsher the burning became. He clenched his teeth and begged that the pain would cease but knew it was impossible. He continued to hide his pain from Ryo not wanting him to see that he was in pain from helping him- he didn't want Ryo to feel any kind of guilt. But as Blue thought he was doing very well- a tear from his bowed head hit the ground and soon he found himself praying that Ryo had yet to see it. "I wanted to make sure you were ok- I could care less about my own self, I'll get over it." He looked up and winked at Ryo a large smile playing across his lips, even though clearly in his Blue eyes it showed pain. "I would do anything to make sure your ok, no matter how much shizz I have to go through in order to put you there. " The fake smile almost appeared real and again Blue was proud of himself- but still it was impossible to hide his true emotions from Ryo if his eyes were almost as easy to read as an open book. Blue hid back a sigh and continued to smile warmly at Ryo, showing him that he cared lots about him, and was swilling to do anything for him- even if that meant hurting himself in the process.
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8:44pm Apr 4 2010
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With pain clearly evident in Blue's eyes, Ryo had to look away to keep from slapping himself. "You idiot," he muttered, reluctantly looking back at Blue. "I would have been fine, Blue, but you went and hurt yourself anyway. That...That's stupid." He bit his lip. It hurt him to be scolding Blue the way he was, but of course it was stupid. And of course he would have been fine! Ryo leaned close to Blue, still biting his lip. Blood welled up between his teeth, as his sharper-than-normal canine teeth were digging into his lower lip. "I wonder what I'm going to do with you," he said softly, running his tongue over his lip to get rid of the blood. He leaned a little closer and pressed his lips to Blue's own, eyes closing and ears pointing back. For some reason, he felt it was the least he could do that the moment for Blue. He'd repay him later, no matter how idiotic his decision was.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.