8:51pm Apr 4 2010
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Blue froze but instantly allowed himself to melt into Ryo's kiss. He slowly brought him closer with his beat up and torn hands and allowed himself to deepen the kiss a little reluctantly hoping not to scare away Ryo. Gently his tongue poked into Ryo's mouth and licked the blood off his lip for him in a warm and gentle manner and then proceeded to allow his tongue to caress Ryo's moving back and forth from the other's tongue to the other's lip, his own blue eyes closed. The pain had seemed to melt away even just for a bit and time seemed to stand still- Blue was at a bliss with Ryo and wanted to stay like that forever- but he was reluctant, he didn't know weather Ryo was going to pull away or not. And sure he would have been deeply hurt if Ryo had but he couldn't blame him, after all HE was the one taking it too far. But Blue adored Ryo so much that he wanted to show him a little bit more- he wanted to show Ryo how much he did care for the teen.
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9:01pm Apr 4 2010
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( His tongue is slightly rough, you know. c: I made him literally part cat. ) "Mm," Ryo's eyelids clenched over his eyes, but he didn't move away from Blue. He gave him an inch, and he took a mile, but maybe Ryo liked it that way. After a little time, Ryo actually allowed himself to kiss Blue back. Although he wasn't sure if he'd hurt Blue with his rough tongue, he let his tongue run along the side of Blue's, trying to return the kiss in the same gentle and warm manner Blue had done. But, eventually, he couldn't take the embrace anymore, and Ryo literally ripped away. "I'm sorry," he gasped, pupils slitting. Which only made the room darker. He squeezed his eyes shut, opened them, and the room was a little brighter. He turned back to Blue. "I'm really sorry, I am. I liked it, I sware, but..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:16pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 202
"Heh, we need all our time to breathe." Blue smiled panting, wiping the saliva off his mouth and looking up at Ryo with a smile pulling him into his embrace and kissing the top of his head making sure to pay really close attention to his tail. "It's fine, really... Don't ever apologize to me Ryo if you don't have anything to apologize for." He winked and leaned his head against the giant ob ject, closing his eyes, resting for a little waiting for his ability to catch his breath back. "Your wonderful at kissing, Ryo." He grinned laughing rather quietly. "Hell, if I wouldn't say better my self I've said you've done that before... Can I ask you a question?" He continued peering at him rather closely. "Can you take a cherry stem and tie it into a not?" He whispered. "I mean, I know that's a random question but it's relevant to the situation I guarantee. So, can you?" He asked again knowing he hadn't given him any time to answer, his head was still resting against the ob ject and his eyes were closed once more. He seemed a little bit more at peace and relaxed then before- less in pain as if Ryo had managed to take the pressure off of him. (Awww! Well Blue didn't seem to mind. ;3)
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9:27pm Apr 4 2010
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( LOL. No one seems to mind. Ryo's ability to tie a knot in a cherry stem comes from all the practices he's gotten with Darius. c; ) Ryo stared at Blue, disbelieving. He was sure that Blue would be all hurt and stuff that he had ripped away, but instead, he was all smiley. He was even complimenting Ryo. After Ryo was sure that he had caught his breath, he answered Blue's question: "Yeah, I can... The little spikes on my tongue help a lot, actually, so I don't know if I'm a good kisser or if I can tie a knot in a cherry stem because of my...unique tongue." He blinked. "Was I really talking about my tongue?" The cat boy chuckled, then crawled back over to where he heard Blue's voice coming from and curled up at his side. "What do we do now, Blue? We're stuck here, there's no electricity, and the electrician is probably somewhere else..."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:34pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 202
"I don't know.." Blue found himself answering quietly. "I don't know... We'll find someway outta here, I promise you that! Weather we have to dig out way outta here or not." Blue smiled gently and patted his head. "Did you know I can tie four knots in a cherry stem?" Blue's eyes opened and he grinned. "Heh, yet no one has seen or felt what you have, Ryo. Your one lucky boy." He chuckled quietly before kissing the top of his head once more. "Ah... I'll find us some way outta here in no time, so don't worry about it, my little kitten." Blue couldn't believe that he had grown that attached to Ryo but yet he COULD believe becuase of the fact that no one had EVER sparked any curiosity or interest in his life until the little cat-boy came along, and flipped it upside down. Not ONLY did he fall in love with the same gender- he ALSO fell in love! It was amazing yet a little bit frightening- though naturally Blue pushed that out of his head and held Ryo close to him his breath still slightly labored for some odd reason. "I wonder..." He panted. "Did the ghosts..... Keep us trapped down.... Here for a... Reason? Or was.... It just a.... Fluke?" (Mind if I bring in a super strange cherrie of mine? :3)
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9:42pm Apr 4 2010
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( Not at all, Taylor. ^^ ) Ryo lifted his eyebrows, thinking, Damn. Four knots in a cherry stem. I didn't even think that was possible. I'll have to try to beat him sometime... He called me his "little kitten". Weird. "Ghosts?" he said loudly when Blue mentioned it. Ryo let out an obnoxious laugh. "Sure, ghosts. I don't think spirits would haunt a school, but maybe." Although Blue was apparently in love with Ryo, Ryo wasn't even sure of whether or not he actually loved Blue. Being in love was different than loving someone, which Ryo clearly knew, but he had yet to decipher whether or not he was in love with him. Him... A person of the same gender. A beautiful person, he was. But all he could think about at the moment was how to get out of the basement, ways to tie knots in cherry stems, Blue's bleeding hands, and Blue overall.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:01pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue grinned and winked toward him playfully. "Yeah well, I say that if there is a spirit in here that they need to get their dead as.s out here and let us out!" He laughed boasting playfully toward the 'ghosts'. Though suddenly he froze, his eyes went wide and his blood began to run cold through his veins. He turned as pale as a vampire and the hairs on the back of his neck rose. "Did you hear that?" Blue whispered holding back his trembling from fear. he had heard it, barely, but he had heard it! The sound of metal running against the concrete of the floor. It was very faint but he could tell it had to be metal. He held Ryo even closer to him and looked out in the distance trying to see if he could see anything- But how dark it was, it was worse then throwing a blanket over him and telling him to see through it. The curtain of darkness was impossible for his eyes. So he sat down and closed his eyes, trying hard to use his other senses to figure out where it was coming from. Slowly his ears picked up the sound of slight footsteps, almost as if they were barely touching the ground- A cats?... An Animals? He listened closer. No that's too heavy for an animal- is it a person?... Is it a ghost?! He began to panic once more- but held back the urge to freak and took a deep wheezy breath. And damn it, why hasn't my breath came back yet? What's wrong with my lungs?... Though he really wasn't worried about that, he was worried about Ryo. He knew he really couldn't fight due to his bloody and beaten hands. "Damn it..." He snarled and slit open his eyes and spotted something glint in the distance- a metallic glint. He froze his eyes widening once more. "F...F.uck!" He gasped. The metal had almost looked like a knife or blade of some sort. Adrenaline began to flush through his veins as the shadow began to appear as it got closer and closer to them, the build of it was becoming more and more noticeable- though yet he was still to far away to see just who it was. His heart speed up fro the adrenaline, and he stiffened as if getting ready to pounce and protect Ryo.
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11:18pm Apr 4 2010
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"Yes, of course I heard it." Ryo said quickly, cowering close to the ground. He saw how panicked Blue looked, and it made him panic, although usually he wouldn't be so scared. His mind raced and his heart pounded, but for some reason he got to his feet and hissed. Hissed loudly. At that moment, he truly looked ferocious, with his tail all puffed up and his ears glued to the top of his head head. His canine teeth looked even sharper and longer than they usually would, and his pupils were no longer slitted; they were round and black, almost taking over his iris. His feline instincts were telling him to protect himself, and fight only for himself. The fight or flight instinct was on fight at the moment, and he was prepared to do just that, even if it really was a ghost.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:29pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 202
"Hnn... A nekomimi boy... How rare is it for that of one to be spotted at THIS school, a mere 0.1% chance?... Now I've seen it all..." The voice in the darkness spoke in a quiet and monotone voice. He came closer and Blue was finally able to dimly make out the shape of the figure. He was a tall boy, maybe a little bit taller then Blue, and had long blondish white hair and dim but stormy gray eyes. He looked lean and fit, some build as Blue- only that wasn't what had scared Blue shi.tless- It was the blades hooked to the end of his fingers, no, scratch that, they WERE his fingers! His arm seemed normal but when you got down to his hand and fingers, his hand was metal- and connected to it were long blades, no not JUST short blades- they were LONG as.s blades. He threw his head to the side trying to knock his long disheveled bangs out of his eyes and failed miserably. He looked from Blue back to Ryo, his eyes dark and cold, unemotional. "What are you doing down here?" He growled quietly forcing Blue to tremble. He knew he couldn't handle a THING like THAT. Even though he looked and appeared to be a normal boy the only thing was his 'fingers'. Blue couldn't bring himself to answer the monsters command- his tongue seemed dry in his mouth almost like sand paper. He was completely frozen in fear, and felt as if he was staring death straight in the face. He saw his reflection in the things blades and felt as if that soon they were going to be covered in blood. When I said adventure- I didn't mean anything like this! Blue realized that when they say be careful what you wish for- they really meant it.
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11:35pm Apr 4 2010
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"So what? I've got cat ears and a tail." Ryo hissed, not budging from his defensive stance. "And, we only came down here to give someone something. What are you doing here?" He had noticed the male's hands; they hadn't frightened him. In fact, he was secretly amused. He reminded Ryo of Edward Scissorhands, who he had always liked. When it all came down to it, Ryo was scared, but he showed no sign of fear. He looked ready to kill.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:07am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
"What, no rumors about me yet?" The dark voice whispered, his stormy gray eyes looking over toward Blue. "No rumors about the 'beast' that lurks in the shadows of the school? Hmph... I thought as much.. I try to keep out of peoples way..." He then looked to the little puff ball that was challenging him and had to hold back a sneer. "I live here, you know... And you don't have to look so upset- Ryo." He answered looking toward the boy quietly. "I'm not going to kill you- everyone gets that *censored*umption, but I don't have a reason too. Yet." He spun around and beckoned for them to follow him. "If you want a way out of here, just follow me." He began forward in the darkness once more, uncaring to weather to to boys followed him or not. He honestly could care less if both were to fall over dead. But he just wanted the smell of blood out of his nostrils- it burnt his throat that smell. He wanted nothing to do with the two boys anyway, he was used to being alone and left in the dark 'dungeon' to be alone. As a 'failed experiment'. The boy hmphed and continued forward, and Blue watched. Blue debated with himself weather they could follow him or not- and eventually it boiled down to if he could stand or not. He was still petrified from how the thing was, of how angry he always looked. He seemed distance and Blue actually held some pity for him- but the looks of his claws were so compelling that he would hate to show him pity in the thought of p.issing him off and forcing him to kill them. Though deep inside, He did look kind of lonely and upset. Blue sighed and stood up shaking. "W...well.. I... Its out... O.. Only way out..." He whispered looking at Ryo. "Sh..Should we fo...llow?"
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12:15am Apr 5 2010
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Ryo narrowed his eyes at the male, and didn't react when he spoke his name. He must've heard Blue say it or something. What he did react to is when he realized that he must've been watching them... And he must've seen them...kissing and...things. "Duh," Ryo said, his voice trembling slightly. He turned around and pulled Blue up, having a little difficulty, but adrenaline helped an awful lot. As soon as he got Blue up, Ryo scurried off after the mysterious man and dragging Blue along by his hand.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:33am Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
(Dun worry Ryo.. Eddie is just smart, he didn't see you and Blue-.. xD) Blue allowed Ryo to carry him still slightly weak from loosing all that blood. He watched the back of the other teens head curiously and eventually heard himself whispering to Ryo. "Wow, who would've guessed that we'd come face to face with something like THIS instead of a ghost, eh?" He had that stupid grin about him again, but then it quickly turned to a serious expresstion. "What do you think he is doing down here anyway though? If the staff was hiding shizz from us they wouldn't have allowed us down here so- do you think they know about him?"
"No they don't." The beast replied, even though Blue was whispering so softly that only Ryo and himself could have possibly heard. He glanced up at him with wide eyes. He looked over his shoulder and his stormy eyes met Blue's. "I can hear every word you say, kid." Then he looked forward again and continued to lead them out of the basement. "Hnn..." For once Blue didn't say anything, for he was confused and lost probably just as much as Ryo. What the hell has happened here? Ohh.. I have an idea- I can use this to my advantage... He smiled having this evil sneer about him. Yes.. I can... But first we must figure out this mystery! Oooh, we can use this for our project! He smiled happily. This is gonna be great!
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12:40am Apr 5 2010
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( Lol. xDD ) "Don't eavesdrop," Ryo snapped, ears pulling back again. Of course, he wasn't trying to be mean to the other...person. He was just naturally being hostile towards him because of instinct. "It's rude and I don't want you listening to anything we say." I don't know if I doubt this guy can hear thoughts, but. Ryo blinked his eyes, and his ears perked. I think he probably can, and I'm not sure why. And, I probably should be scared sh.itless right now, but I'm not. Feline instincts...are overpowering. I can't help but be mean to him instead of being afraid of him. And then, randomly, Ryo tripped over something metal and planted face-first into the hard concrete ground. He only whined and sat up.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:06pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue ran to his side and put his hand on his shoulder whispering gently. "Ryo, are you ok? Did you hurt anything?" Blue sounded worried and concerned for Ryo even though he knew that Ryo could take care of himself. But still he was always worried about Ryo when something happened like that. Blue suddenly remembered how bad his hands were bleeding and quickly removed them from Ryo's shirt noticing he had left a blood print of it. "Oh! I'm sorry." Blue quickly apologized and looked around for something to use to try to get it off his shirt. The blond/white haired boy paused once he heard Ryo hit the ground. He felt a little sympathetic toward the boy, knowing full well until his tail is fixed that he was going to have a hell of a lot of difficulty walking the right way. Though the boy again could care less if something was to happen to both of them down there- he couldn't even fathom the least bit reason to why he even WAS helping them. "I wasn't eavesdropping." The teen uttered in his dark voice. "You friend over there simply has a large mouth." He let his eyes face Blue who had blushed a little out of embarr*censored*ment and then continued forward beckoning them once more. "Well, get up and hurry up, less you be left behind and stuck, clueless to where you are suppose to go." Blue found himself glaring at the back of the other boys head and sighing bitterly, the small blush still on his cheeks. "Why must we get stuck with an as.shole?" He found himself muttering bitterly to himself before looking back down at Ryo worriedly. "Can you stand? I mean.. Or do you need help like before? I can give you a shoulder to lean on- if you like." Blue smiled gently, slightly alarmed by how fast the other THING was getting ahead of him.
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8:47pm Apr 5 2010
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( o_o I don't get it, Blue. ) Ryo stood up quickly, teeth gritted and snarling. "Shut up, alright?!" he hissed, and when he turned to Blue to speak to him, his voice was much softer: "I'm fine, Blue. Don't worry," The catboy took one clumsy step forward, then another, and then began walking in an awkward way. It looked like he was limping, but he practically was. Without his tail, he was completely off balance. "Coming?" Ryo asked, stopping and turning back to Blue with a gentle smile. Although, his face hurt now, so it was a little bit difficult to keep a smile.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:54pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
(Ehh? :P) Blue sighed and ran up behind Ryo easily scooping him up and once more held him bridal style, smiling gently, wincing slightly from the burning pain in his hands. "Of course- but we'd move faster if you were in my arms." With that he quickly ran and caught up to the other teen. "So.. " He said in a conversational manner. "What's your name?" "It's not important." The stranger answered curtly and continued forward as if he had never talked to Blue. Blue felt his anger stir but held it down and smiled. "OK, fine, so.. Can I call you anything I want?" There was no answer from the boy ahead of him so Blue took it as a yes and grinned. "Alright, you look a lot like Edward Scissor Hands sooo- I think I'll call you Edward! No.. That's to much of a soft name for you.. How about Eddie?" Eddie felt his legs cramp up as if coming close to freezing his eyes wide as he stared ahead. H.. He guessed my name.. How-? No, pure luck based on a fictional character. Hmph, typical teens. Eddie sighed quietly waving his blades around. "Call me whatever you please." Blue nodded his grin widening. "Eddie it is!"
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9:04pm Apr 5 2010
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Ryo let out a yelp-mew, eyes widening when Blue snatched him up. His ears flattened and he muttered, "I don't need to be carried," but didn't struggle. In fact, because he couldn't walk too well with a broken tail, he preferred to be carried. But, still, he didn't need to be carried. Ryo giggled. "I was thinking that, earlier, Blue. You know, that he looks like Edward Scissorhands. Maybe he is Edward Scissorhands!" He laughed a little obnoxiously. ( Fail. :c I can't reply with my grandmother nagging at me. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:11pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
(its fine.. xD) Eddie paused in his steps and spun around, his stormy eyes seeming dangerous and anger filled. he raised up his blade so it was alarmingly close to Ryo's neck- But Blue hastily pulled away and glared at him, again slightly scared. "Listen here, the both of you- I'm NOT Edward Scissorhands, I'm NOT a fictional Character- Do.You.Understand?" His low voice growled through the basement. They stared at each other for long moments before Eddie 'humphed' and spun around walking away once more. Though as he spun around Blue had noticed that deep within his angry stormy eyes he looked hurt. "Hnn.. Ryo, did you see that?" He whispered gently. "Did you see how badly it effected him? I wonder why..." Blue watched the back of his head and followed after him slightly reluctantly, ignoring what Ryo had said earlier about not needing to be carried.
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9:22pm Apr 5 2010
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As soon as "Eddie" started yelling at them again, Ryo let out a low hiss, turning into a angry little feline once again. When he turned away from them, Ryo murmured softly to Blue, "He looked hurt, Blue." He tried to cling to the torso of Blue's shirt, and then he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. Ryo blushed. "Dammit, take your shirt back." he growled under his breath, lifting his tail in Blue's face. It hurt a little, but it was the upper part of the tail that had been broken, not the bottom.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.