9:44pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue felt Ryo's nails cut into his flesh but refused to wince and smiled shaking his head. "Nah, I think i look hotter without it." He laughed quietly. "Besides, we both know you need it more then I do." Blue's body was sweating wildly as if he had another fever, and it dripped from his torso to the ground below. Though he didn't show any signs of discomfort hiding it perfectly, even though he did ALMOST stumble once. but he didn't want Ryo to find out about his fever coming back. "But yeah... Poor Him.. I Wonder WHY he is even down here anyway?" "If you don't take it easy Blue, your going to p*censored* out from lack of blood and from over heating... " Eddie said quietly and paused closing his eyes and listening carefully to his surroundings. His unnatural ears picking up on the sound of dripping water from some broken pipe. Even though Eddie didn't like them- he didn't want to have to carry Blue- but then again he would also never admit the true reason- which was that he was a giant softy at heart. Blue paused and glanced at Eddie his eyes wide and his face pale. "I'm.. I'm fine, Eddie. Heh, I'm not pushing myself, what are you talking about?" Eddie could hear the hesitation in his voice and quickly through it against him. "Well, your stuttering which is hesitation- hesitation means your lying, am I wrong?" He faced Blue and looked him up and down shaking his head before he eventually faced back toward the darkness and again shut his eyes trying to locate the dripping water that he could use to help Blue.
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10:08pm Apr 5 2010
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"Idiot," Ryo hissed through clenched teeth, and he struggled out of Blue's arms, landing neatly on his feet. Even though he landed neatly, he still stumbled a little, but he quickly straightened. "I don't want you doing anything that can worsen your condition, alright? If there was some water around here..." He looked around, blinking in the darkness. His black kitty ears pulled back, and he muttered, "Nevermind." "Eddie, right?" Ryo called, ears perking again. "Wait... No, that's just what Blue suggested we could call you. Okay, so, when are we getting out of here?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:16pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 202
"Stay." Eddie growled then Eddie disappeared into the darkness as he started forward once more without Blue or Ryo. Blue felt himself collapse and laid his head against the cold cement smiling up at Ryo. "Naw, I'm fine really. Besides, we can't go anywhere without our tour guide leading us." He stretched out shivering slightly from the cold against his burning skin. " I wonder where he could have gone?" He looked up at Ryo curiously as if he believed Ryo had some sort of better idea to where he would have wondered off to in a time like this.
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11:04pm Apr 5 2010
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Ryo jerked around to look back at Blue, and sighed a shaky sigh when he saw him on the floor. He came over and kneeled down, threading his fingers through his blue-and-black hair, knowing there was nothing he could do at the moment. That very thought depressed him to no end. "To go get someone? Get something? I don't know..." Ryo sighed again, ears pulling back tighter against his ebony black hair.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:40pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue shook his head a little awqwardly since he was laying down and looked up at Ryo a playful smile on his features. "Who KNOWS were Eddie would ever go?" He found himself laughing quietly at their guides new name. "he is a rather CONFUSING person eh? Anyway, enough of that, how are you feeling Ryo? Is your tail still hurting at all? Or are you feeling ok?" He whispered watching Ryo sincerely worried about him and his tail. Before Ryo could answer the nearby foot steps alerted him that Eddie was returning. He had a small slice on his cheek but it didn't seem to affect him as he held a piece of shirt that he had torn off his own shirt with his teeth, and it dripped as if it was wet. Blue lance up curiously and realized that Eddie had found some water and probably made it like a little rag for him. Eddie leaned down close to Blue and laid the cloth across his forehead in a gentle manner before lifting up and watching him closely. Blue closed his eyes and hear himself sigh in contentment and felt his body relax against the cold pavement as if tempted to go to sleep. Eddie watched Blue for awhile analyzing just how badly the boy was sick before saying wand walking over to a nearby wall leaning on it and closing his eyes. "We can't go anywhere until you friend gets better." He muttered and opened one eye to glance at Ryo. "It shouldn't be that long, but the more we push him the slower it will be for me to get you two out of here. So I suggest we wait until he's feeling good enough to walk. " He closed his eyes finishing up his statement. "And It looks as if we might be down here for a good bit, I suggest you might want to get comfortable- I'm not very social so I don't suggest for you to try and talk to me." He glanced up at Ryo once last time and then looked away from Ryo once more and down toward his blades, his stormy gray eyes sparking as if something had truly affected him before they went dull and emotionless once more. I have to hurry and gets these kids outta here before school ends, but hell... I don't have a clock down here and I don't know what time it is... Well then again, I never needed to know what time it was before now. Eddie shook his head appearing to be in deep thoughts.
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6:13pm Apr 6 2010
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Without answering any of Blue's questions, Ryo growled as Eddie came near, ears pinning to the top of his head again. After some time of heavy silence, Ryo muttered, "I wasn't going to talk to you, anyway." before lying down and curling up. Being a catboy, he certainly did enjoy sleeping, and he tended to sleep through cl*censored*es he was good in. For example, mathematics. And English, too. But, it didn't really matter which cl*censored* he slept in. Ryo just couldn't help himself when he slept. So when he curled up by Blue's head, and he fell asleep, he seemed completely at peace.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:59pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 202
Eddie watched the two boys sleep and found himself actually getting a little tired himself for once, though he refused to even lay down. He didn't need sleep- or so he thought- so he wasn't going to sleep. He would- just not openly- Rather watch over the two boys as they slept while he tried to remember the way out of the basement. Now, for the school of course it had a huge basement, but why he didn't just go back and cut through the ob ject, he would never know. Maybe he actually was craving a little company, even if it was a catboy and his strange blue haired friend. In fact- maybe he was opening up just a little? No.. He would never admit to it. EVER. He glanced back over to the both of them before sliding down the wall and landing on the ground below staring in deep thought at the blades on his hands. Ashamed.
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6:05pm Apr 7 2010
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( SHAME! D< How are you doing, Taylor? D:> ) As Ryo slept, his tail twitched an awful lot, and every sound Eddie made woke him up, but he was always in daze. One time, when he woke up again, he found himself a little bewildered, as he was lying on the cold concrete floor of the basement, next to Blue, who he didn't recognize. He sat up then, rubbing his eyes and looking around. When he saw Eddie, he hissed, suddenly remembering what had happened that day. And then he curled back up next to Blue and dozed off.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:26pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 202
(Eh, fine I guess... A dear close friend of mine is trying to get me to ignore it... But heck Kira, me just being able to be here again makes me happy. :3 Specially since me and you have such a good rp going! ^^) Eddie watched the cat-boy lift up and hiss at him and lay back down, earning a small smile. An hour seemed to p*censored* by before Eddie continued to check up on Blue and realized he wasn't as hot as before. Gently he nudged him. "Blue, Ryo, get up.. We need to get you both out of here before school is out." blue looked up in a drowsy stage and yawned quietly. "Eh... E...Eddie?" He whispered blinking and rubbing his eyes in confusion. "That's my name." Eddie said before standing up completely and walking off a little ways, beckoning for both to follow. Blue watched Eddie before gently picking up Ryo so he wouldn't be woken up and followed after Eddie trying his hardest not to joust him around.
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10:45pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 10:54pm Apr 12 2010)
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( ^^ I'm glad you feel that way, Tay. ) Ryo blinked, noticing that he was moving again. Cats didn't sleepwalk, so he knew he wasn't sleepwalking, but he didn't know what was going on. In a daze, Ryo blinked his half-opened eyes at Blue's face, opened his mouth, and let out a long, somewhat tortured-sounding yowl. When he was done, he just kept blinking in Blue's face, ears swiveling around and listening to the noise that he noticed.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:16pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 202
(I Just lost my grandmother, she died at 4:00 am this morning.... I will not be online for awhile, my apologies that this has come up, but I'm very upset and grief stricken, so I'd like to be left alone until I grow numb later on. Sorry Kira.... But... I can't bring myself to do it... Keep this going for me until I get back though.. I'll reply when I'm numb.. )
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4:57pm Apr 13 2010
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( I'm sorry, too, Taylor. It's always sad to lose a relative, so I understand completely. This year has not been a good one for me or my family, as I've lost two of my relatives, and we're about to lose our house. So, you can take all the time you need to recover, Taylor, 'cause I don't mind one bit. Sorry again. D: )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:30pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
12:39pm Apr 17 2010
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Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:44pm Apr 18 2010
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Other bump. ^^ *half spazz* Zzbebut
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:42pm Apr 19 2010
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Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:06pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Oops, I did it again~ I bump this thread up~ Got lost in the game~ Oh, babeh, babeh.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:20pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 202
"Heh, rise and shine, Valentine." Blue teased playfully chuckling weakly to himself. Eddie rolled his eyes at the youths playfulness as they came up to another issue- the person that was suppose to be working on the lighting for the school was laying under a beam that had fallen from whatever reason. "Help..." He old man called out in a wheezing breath. Instantly Eddie was ontop of it in a second his stormy eyes blazing from some hidden anger. Blue shivered when he heard Eddie growl and flinched whenever Eddie lifted up his claws. "Eddie, NO!" Blue's mind was racing with what Eddie might do to the man. Eddie looked up and glared at him making him flinch away. "Shut up, runt! It's not what it looks like." He sighed wishing no one had to see him like this. He lifted up his claws once more and quickly dug into the wood. The sickening sound of something worse then nails on a chalk board made him gasp. It took him three good strokes in the wood before it finally was easy enough for the man to push it off of him. His arms were slightly cut up due to the pieces of wood though he didn't seem to notice as the man and him stared at each other eye-to-eye. For a second nothing happened before the man let out a low cry of shock and fear, his face growing real pale before he shot up weakly and fled screaming. "You horrible monster, stay the freak away from me you beast!" Eddie cringed at every insult and looked down and went to rub his sore arms only realizing that he had accidentally cut them deeper. Quickly he brought his bloody blades down and shook his head and spun around his head dangling low. "Come on..." Blue felt horrid for poor Eddie even those insults made HIM cringe, and he wasn't Eddie. Sure how sharp his claws were scared him to death, but poor Eddie had it worse then the both of them, no hands or anything, still he was hard to actually believe that he existed, and he was an a-ss at times, but.... He was still.. 'human' and he still had emotions to.
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6:29pm Apr 22 2010
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Ryo hissed, digging his nails into Blue's skin when he heard such a cacophony. He struggled out of Blue's arms and landed neatly on the ground, where he promptly curled up and trembled. As soon as Eddie said, "Come on," Ryo looked up, alert and yet somewhat disoriented. "What the hell," he said, standing up and dusting off his jeans. He noticed the blood all over Eddie and he jumped, cat ears flattening against the top of his head and tail puffing up. "Sh.it, now what?" Ryo hissed, glancing back at Blue before looking back at Eddie. "The both of you are bleeding an awful lot." He stepped close to Eddie, placed a hand on one of his arms, and mumbled, "Saliva helps stop bleeding. I'm not suggesting you lick your own wounds, but you really should stop that bleeding. For one thing, it sickens me, and then, I'm thinking that you might die, even if you're not human."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:51pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Bump. O_o
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.