1:58pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 202
"As you said, Ryo... I'm amply not human. I can manage... It's just small cuts that bleed a lot.." Eddie spin around and faced the opposite direction and continued walking noting how close they were getting to the exit. He was just ready for the kids to get out of there so he could rest in peace and be all by himself for awhile. Hoping and wishing that Ryo and Blue would forget about him and never come back down there again. Sure, Admittedly, Eddie loved the peace and quiet of the darkness; But he loved company just as much and just wouldn't admit it. Blue blinked in confusion at the small cat-claw marks running down his hand from where Ryo had jumped down and then realized what it was from and smiled slightly. "That must've been hell on your ears eh?" Blue joked playfully as he caught up to the both of them. "I know it was on mine." (Sorry Kira- The end of the school year is coming up and things are winding down; but exams are coming up and my grades are still poor from all the missing work. So I've been trying to fix that in the meantime too.. '^^)
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5:32pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 5:42pm May 2 2010)
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( It's alright. ^^ But. D< *smacks Tay with a newspaper* Bad Taylor! Get cho work in, woman. >:U ... xD ) Stupid bas.tard. So what, if you're not human? You still need to keep those covered. Ryo's ears flattened against the top of his head, and he walked back to Blue's side, mumbling, "It sure was," When he noticed the claw marks he had left on Blue's arms, his ears perked, and he put a hand over one of the larger scratches. "Oh, I'm really, really sorry." Ryo said quietly, ears flattening again. "I didn't mean to do this... Sometimes, I can't control myself. It's just instinct,"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:19pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 202
"it's fine." Blue giggled and put his own hand over Ryo's a gentle smile coming over his face. "It really didn't hurt at all." He was looking right at Ryo he didn't notice that Eddie had paused in front of him and ran into him. "What the hell?" Blue question and peered up at Eddie who was staring at something rather intently. "That;s strange..." He heard Eddie whisper. "What is it?" Blue question softly peering over Eddie's shoulder and saw exactly what he was looking at and gasped. Apparently whatever it was, was literally trying to keep them trapped. More wooden beams had toppled over in front of the exit of the basement. Blue found himself sighing, instantly giving up all hope and his shoulders hunched forward. "This is just pleasant." He whispered bitterly (I will, I will. xD Tomorrow.)
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7:42pm May 3 2010
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( Oh, hello. .o. ) "Oh, sure it didn't hurt, tough guy." Ryo muttered under his breath, smiling. After Blue bumped into Eddie, Ryo ran into Blue's arm, letting out a tiny mew-yelp when he did. He looked around the other males, ears perked, and sighed. "Lovely," Ryo sighed. "I think there's a way I can get through those wooden beams, though." he said, ears perking again. "But, I don't think I should leave you guys. You two both need to work on taking care of yourselves,"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:16pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue laughed gently. "Don't worry about us Ryo; Crawl through the beams and fetch help- It'll be easier then all of us just waiting here for help." "Are you bot forgetting about these?" Eddie muttered lifting up his claws and looking at Blue and Ryo. "I could easily knock the beams loose and allow you both to escape." He then glanced down at his claws; mentally preparing himself for the more pain he was going to bring upon himself. "now wait a minute.' Blue cut in quickly. "Eddie- your already hurt as is, i don't think Ryo would have a problem going and fetching help," He then glanced at Ryo and tilted his head curiously. "If that's ok with you, right?" (Sorry I couldn't reply soon enough, my comp just started to work. xD)
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9:23pm May 10 2010
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( o3o That's okay. ^^ ) Ryo let out a long, quiet hiss at Eddie's suggestion, and nodded at Blue's question. His ears perked, but he lowered them as he made his way over to where the beams where. He reached out to one of the beams, gripping it tightly, and then pulled his small body up the pile. The fabric wrapped around his tail caught on one of the wooden beams, and it peeled off when Ryo wiggled his way through the beams. Although he noticed that Blue's makeshift bandage was gone, he only gave a sort of apologetic glance at Blue before stepping out to the other side. "I'll be right back," he said, sounding quite timid as he peered through the little escape route. "I promise. Blue, I-I..." He shook his head, ears flattening against his head again before he walked off.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
11:23pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 202
(Again I'll reply tomorrow love? xD)
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2:52pm May 12 2010
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( 'Kay. ^^ )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:04pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 202
Blue watched Ryo leave and found himself leaning up against the wall and sliding down to the floor yawning quietly. "Is it just me or are there more and more people like me out there starting to show?" "Huh?" Blue jumped once the quietness was broken with Eddie's strange question. "What's that suppose to mean?" Blue wondered allowed, though Eddie only shook his head and muttered "Nothing." Long moments of silence went by before Blue tried to speak to Eddie again, his voice much softer then before. "Eddie- Can I ask you something?" "What?" His gruff voice responded as he continued staring at the bunches of beams that had fallen over. "How DID you get those things on your hands, are you human at all? You look like Freddy Krueger." Blue jolted in playfully but only got a hateful glare from Eddie that made him instantly shut up. "Do you really care to know?" Eddie asked, sounding sincere and for once- Not sarcastic. "Uh.. Uhuh." Blue nodded watching Eddie closely thought seeing no emotions in that poker face of his. Eddie slumped down and sighed quietly as he sat a little close beside Blue. "It was a long time ago Blue... Way before you or Ryo- or many people where born..." Blue shut his eyes to imagine the fantasy land that Eddie was about to portray to him. (Hah, done! <3)
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5:22pm May 12 2010
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( o___o Well, what do I do? ) Ryo scrambled out of the basement. Scratched, dirty, and trembling, he looked completely awful. The tip of his tail was bent to the side, and he tried straightening it while he walked to the office. It was dark, so no one saw him, but in the office, they just happened to have battery-powered lamps. "H-hello?" Ryo stammered, stepping into the office. The secretary looked down at him, her jaw dropped. "What in the world happened to you?" "We went down into the basement to do something for the nurse!" Ryo exclaimed, basically shouting in the secretary's face. She sat back, a little startled. "And we got stuck! It was so dark, and Blue couldn't see but I could and something fell on my tail and broke it and some guy told us how to get out but the exit was blocked by a bunch of wooden beams and I was the only one who could go through so I came here!" Still, the secretary was startled. "Oh, uh... Well... I guess I'll be calling the fire department." And she did. ( There. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:41pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 202
(heh I can see it now. Fire Department- Ready, one, two... Three! *breaks the beams and spots Eddie* Holy **** What is THAT thing?! Capture it, Capture him and get him to the nearest scientists! Eddie- -_- I would have preference for me to stay secretive... Blue; Yay! Safety! *pretty much cuddles up in one of the firefighters arms happeh to be free* :3 XD) "It happened- NOT IN YOUR LIFE TIME." Eddie snorted and looked away. "Which means there is no point in me telling you the story at all... Now leave me alone." "Man, being locked up in this place- No wonder you don't have any social skillz... Come on, please tell me- Just this once!" Blue begged, though Eddie only gave him the cold shoulder and said not a word. "Eddie... Come on, I really want to know. I promise your secret won't leave here being told... It'll be between me and you and Ryo too!" Eddie shook his head pointing one of his claw-like things up close to Blue's face. "Don't you get it young one? I don't trust you. Period. Now leave me alone." Blue watched Eddie lay his hands down once more and found himself giggling. "Ugh... Now what, Kid?" Blue giggled even louder and pointed to his claws. "You remind me of a shinigami!" He laughed gently. "Ahh, but unlike the shinigami I don't have to kill to live..." Eddie brought his claws close to Blue's neck and sneered a very cynical and evil sneer. "I kill for the hell of it." Blue gulped and Eddie suddenly backed down. Shivering Blue looked around. "Wait, so your telling me-?" He gulped. "yes, yes, there ARE such things as god of deaths... You didn't know that?" He asked curiously. "N.. No.." "Then where did you hear that from?" " A manga called Death Note..." "Oh I should have known." Eddie said sarcastically and looked away shaking his head. "Oh no, I gotta bring one of those down to ya! It's an AWESOME series man! Ok, so they have the Death Note Manga series, and then there is the anime Series, and then there is-" Eddie blocked Blue out as he continued to rant on and on about Death Note. Interesting. He thought. Someone actually was able to portray a shinigami- these humans... There getting smarter.. Soon there will be multiples of wars if we don't snatch away this information or be more careful.
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5:48pm May 12 2010
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( Ryo: Ah, don't kill him! D8 He's the guy who saved us! He's a shinigaaaamiiiii. ) An ambulance was called as well, probably because they thought Blue was in worse condition than Ryo was and that's why he was the only one that came, but Ryo managed to get away before they had him strapped face down in a stretcher, trying to fix his tail. Ryo crawled through the beams again, poking his head through first. "Glad to see you're not both dead," he said, pulling the rest of himself through. He landed on all fours, letting out a yelp when he did. "Splinter," he mumbled, standing up and dusting himself off. "Help should be arriving soon, by the way."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:51pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 202
"That was fast." Blue said; blinking a couple of times before standing up and gently grabbing his hand. "Is it this one?" He asked softly peering down through the darkness trying to see if he could spot a splinter or not. Eddie quickly stood up and retreated to the shadows saying nothing as he did so. Blue didn't even notice that the older male had suddenly disappeared as if a dream.
(He is not a shinigami. xD He is a thing. xDD By the way; I joined your site. <3)
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6:12pm May 12 2010
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( I know. .o. He's a shinigami thing! :O ) "Uh," Ryo blushed when Blue grabbed his hand, then nodded slightly. "Yes... It's that hand. Um, it's okay, Blue. It's just a splinter. I can get it myself." He looked behind Blue, where he saw Eddie disappear into the shadows. It was as if he were a shadow himself. He probably wants to be alone. he thought a little sadly. He prefers it that way... But...
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:16pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 202
"Hold still, k?" Blue asked and looked up at Ryo. He noticed that his buddy was looking at something behind him and turned his head to look behind his shoulder and realized that Eddie had disappeared. "Oh... He's gone.... He must... Not like having many people around him..." He glanced back down toward Ryo's hand and gently pushed out the splinter. "I'm sorry if I hurt you at all." He whispered looking up to Ryo. (Yeeeeessh.. A shinigami looking thing! xD)
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3:23pm May 13 2010
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( .o. I knew it! ) Ryo nodded slightly at Blue's comment, then looked back at him just as he pulled the splinter out. He flinched, jerking his hand away from Blue at the same time. "You didn't really hurt me," he said quietly, ears flattening against his head. "You just startled me." Just then, the fire fighters happened to break through the wall of beams, startling Ryo once again. Instead of jumping up and clinging to Blue like he had before, he ducked behind him with a long hiss. "You guys okay?" one of the men asked, pulling his cap up so he could see them. Another one of them cocked an eyebrow and said something like, "Where's the other guy's shirt...?" ( Lol. o3o I'd be embarr*censored*ed. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:12pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 202
"Umm, what other guys shirt?" Blue whispered nervously. "I didn't see another guy down here, there was only me and Ryo... But yeah, we're pretty much ok. But um... Ryo has a broken tail sir.." Blue said looking up the firefighter that had asked them the question. He failed to mention his own gashes and cuts, uncaring how bad they stung. He wanted them to take care of Ryo first no matter what happened while at the same time trying to defend and protect Eddie. He knew that he didn't want to be found for some odd reason. Maybe he had been through all this once before? Eddie let himself slink deeper into the darkness- going back into familiar territory once more, allowing the darkness to envelop his body. He tried to stay real still so his claws wouldn't glint in the sudden light and so he wouldn't be heard or seen. His whole body stiffened just like a ghostly statue as he waited for the potential threats to leave. (Me too! xD And by the way- Your choice weather they catch Eddie or see Eddie or not. xD)
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1:20pm May 15 2010
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( D: Aw. It'd be mean to catch him. Seeing is fine. :U But let him run! Your shirt, Blue. Your shirt. xD ) "They're talking about you, dumbas.s," Ryo hissed from behind Blue, lightly smacking his arm. He flinched when he remembered all the wounds Blue had acquired from just being in the basement. "Oh, sorry... And, about my tail... I'm fine, really. I'll just go to a, um," He cleared his throat noisily, and then mumbled, "veterinarian...after school." Ryo looked behind him. He could hear Eddie in the darkness, and he seemed to be struggling to stay quiet. Looking back at Blue for a moment, Ryo tiptoed over to where he *censored*umed Eddie was, and then squatted down in front of him, blinking. "You're noisy," he whispered, and he scooted closer. "I know I'm really tiny, but I think I can help you hide, if that's what you want." he said as he tilted his head back, ears flattening.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:45pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 1:46pm May 16 2010)
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Posts: 202
Eddie watched Ryo and eventually nodded his thanks before stealthy moving through the darkness noiselessly. His body whole body was suddenly shown when he stepped into the light because of a hole in the top. His claws glinted and instantly he knew that the firefighters had seen him. Now that he was getting the fill for the darkness once more he was easily maneuvering through the darkness with complete ease. And quickly he disappeared, almost as if he was never there, dodging the chance of the firefighters being able to find him ever again. Blue watched Ryo talk to the darkness in a whispered voice and instantly knew he was talking to Eddie, so Blue tried hard to divert the firefighters attention by talking about his wounds. "Oh.. Well i knew that." He said and looked up at the firefighters. "Actually, My cuts are pretty bad, I sliced up my arm and I hit my head pretty hard against the concrete... it hurts really bad-" Blue had their attention but before Blue could finish he spotted Eddie through the corner of his eye; and finally saw his true looks in person. His long black hair had a blue tent to it; and his claws had glinted eerily. He was as pale as a ghost, almost like he WAS nothing more then a ghost, he suddenly disappeared. But his cut up jeans and black short-sleeved shirt, he would never forget. Blue knew the firefighters had seen him, For one of them ran up beside Ryo and pointed out into the shadows where Eddie once stood. "Hey, Hey, boss, didn't you see that? What was it?!"Blue knew that everyone of them had to have been able to see it and would be blind if they didn't. He gulped hoping that they would think they were just seeing things and was gonna leave him alone. (Daw, I was hoping yu wanted to be mean to him. xD It would have been fun. XD Anyway; Poor Eddie HAAAD to step into the light. Personally, if he wasn't so pale he'd actually look hot. x3 LOl! xD Anyway, wonderful post by the way. <3)
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2:29pm May 16 2010
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( Pale guys are hot. ;c ) "Your imagination," Ryo said quickly, almost in a snappy tone of voice. "It was me, you jerk. And, I'm not an 'it', thank you very much. I might be freakin' part cat, but I'm not an 'it.' How would you like it if I called you an 'it', huh?" he hissed, flattening his ears against his head and revealing his sharp teeth. His pupils slitted, despite the fact that he was in the dark, and he tried to seem as pissed off as possible. If they guessed there was someone else nearby, poor Eddie would be found out.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.