10:21am Aug 29 2011
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"Mm, I like that idea," Akeli said with an impish grin. Flaring her wings again she pushed off the branch, hovering a few feet over Xavier. Arms windmilling she tipped backwards for a moment, laughing giddily as the world tipped. After a few moments of this she finally got her balance, cheeks rosy with exertion and gray eyes bright. "To your cabin, then?" she asked, feeling a bit self-conscious. After last night everything she said to him felt so personal, as if there was a second, more inappropriate, meaning underneath. Flushing at the thought she scooted back a foot or two, trying to rein in her mind. Not that it worked.
Ooc; Short :<
10:21am Aug 29 2011
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Ooc; ...I hate it when this happens.
6:59pm Aug 29 2011
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Xavier felt the slight bit of tension and awkwardness coming from Akeli and he turned away when he realized it was because of his idiotic move last night. He ran his fingers through his raven black hair before scratching the back of his neck. "To your cabin, then?" Xavier turned again and managed a small smile. "Yes, kitten, to my cabin," he said and frowned slightly when she pulled back away from him. You can bring up last night when you get there, he told himself and Xav forced himself to nod to Akeli before using a couple of downstrokes to send him off. He kept his distance from her, wanting to give her time to think, and maybe think about things on his own.
hello my name is elder price
12:09pm Sep 2 2011
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Ooc; Time skip?
4:31pm Sep 2 2011
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Ooc; Sure. :o
hello my name is elder price
4:48pm Sep 2 2011
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Ooc; ...skype? c: Akeli groaned as the wind picked up, tossing and ruffling her feathers almost painfully. Spitting out a mouthful of hair she gagged and waved her arms about, halting for a second to sort herself out. Blinking her gray eyes she stuck a finger in her mouth ungainfully and wiggled around a little, coughing as she poked the back of her mouth by accident. Finally the errant hair was gone and she spat, watching the globule of liquid plummet towards the earth. Humphing under her breath Akeli spread out her wings only to be dragged backwards by a sudden rush of wind. "Agh! Help!" she screeched as she lost control for a second, flailing downwards towards the dark trees. Akeli could have sworn she was a few metres from the top of a particularly tall pine when her wings snapped open, catching her again. "Dammit," she mumbled, brushing her hair down and trying to calm the wild curls. Failing she rose back up to Xavier, careful to keep her wings angled so she wouldn't be caught unawares again. "The winds sure are feisty," she grumbled. Then, looking down, she gasped. "Cabin at 6 o'clock or whatever!"

7:45pm Sep 4 2011
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Though Xavier's wings were a bit more flimsy than Akeli's, he had his weight and strength on his side. He pushed against the winds a bit more easily than Akeli, but he still got tossed around quite a bit. He turned sharply and winced when a strong bout of wind rushed at his right wing, wrenching it slightly. He glanced down at the sturdy cabin and smiled to himself just as a raindrop hit his nose. "Dive," he yelled as he himself rocked in the air before he surged upward. He dove downward, the wind whipping his hair into his eyes a bit painfully. He landed safely on the ground and wiped out a few raindrops from his eyes. His hair was getting more damp and he opened up the door to the cabin, the smell of must and cozy memories washed over him. Most of all, the feeling of safety lulled his anxious nerves.
hello my name is elder price
12:46pm Sep 5 2011
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Following suit Akeli battled to pull in her wings before dipping. The wind roared by her ears dangerously and she felt a haphazard high rising within her. Squinting her eyes against the oncoming rush of air Akeli let out a loud woop as she broke out of the air stream, wings flipping upwards gracefully to slow her down. Landing with a few shaky hops she grinned and tugged her ginger hair back, laughing with exhulation. Whoever decided to give them wings would have been bloody brilliant if it hadn't been for the whole 'I'll lock you in a cage and chase you with hungry wolf-men' thing. Gray eyes shone as she stared around the clearing, finally lighting on a small cabin near the center. The door was already open and Akeli could feel the warmth spilling out alluringly. Shrugging her shoulders as the rain began falling Akeli trotted towards the cabin, hands held above her head to keep the water off of her. Tumbling into the small room she smiled and tackled Xavier, grabbing him in a joyful hug. Though a bit damp his body was comfortably warm and she pressed her cheek against the familiarity of his back. "Looks like we made it," she murmured.

5:58pm Sep 5 2011
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Xavier was still scanning the cabin interior to be sure that nothing had been touched while he'd been gone. One rather small bed was squished into the corner of the one-room cabin and two plastic chairs were placed in the middle of the room, a small coffee table lying between them. To the right of the chairs was a stack of canned foods that Xav had managed to collect on the run. He was about to step into the middle of the room when Akeli tackled him from behind. He gasped in surprise, but the sound turned into a chuckle as she held him closer and clung to his back. He grasped Akeli's arms and pulled her around to face him, pressing his forehead to hers as he did so. His big blue eyes were wide as he grinned. "Yes, we did, kitten."
hello my name is elder price
1:29pm Sep 7 2011
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"So what now? Food?" she asked hopefully. Her belly let out an answering growl and she groaned, embarrassed. They hadn't eaten for more than a day now and she was beginning to feel the effects. Even mutant kids couldn't survive solely off of adrenaline. Wrapping her arms tightly around Xavier she gave in to the hug, glad they could just exist like this at times. After all, no one knew her better than Xavier. Not the things they'd seen, been through and everything else.
Everything else...
Akeli winced at the reminder and stiffened slightly, before sighing. She had to admit she'd enjoyed the kiss. But what now? She didn't want a thing to ruin their relationship. The half-flirty half-fun friendship the two had shared before the kiss.
Okay, now she was blaming Xavier. And it wasn't fair to get all over him like that. Untangling herself from his embrace Akeli smiled worriedly before heading over to the tiny kitchen at the back of the cabin. There was a Bunsen burner and some fuel, two sets of plates, cutlery and four glasses. A pan and pot hung on the wall beside them. All of them were covered in dust.
Rolling her shoulders Akeli grinned and headed to the tiny fireplace at the opposite end of the bed, crouching down with some difficulty. There was a basket of wood beside and with a quick flash of heat she dried it completely, resulting in perfectly usable firewood. Stacking a few in the fireplace she snapped her fingers, mostly for effect, and they began to crackle and pop loudly. Flames climbed higher until they'd surrounded the wood, then settled down to a comfortable blaze.
"I'm not going to brave that firetrap stove of yours," she mumbled. "I think we're better off with the old fashioned way of cooking."

8:30pm Sep 7 2011
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Xavier's shoulders slumped slightly as Akeli stiffened, sighed, and pulled away from him. He turned his back to her as he ran his fingers through his raven locks and closing his eyes. He cracked them open again as Akeli crossed the cabin in a few strides, and he watched her kneel down next to the fireplace.
Pushing away his problems for a moment, he focused on the matter at hand, but that didn't really clear his mind either. He focused on the way Akeli's auburn locks fell past her shoulder, her cheeks still slightly pink from the windburn of their flight. He wanted very badly to run his thumb across her cheek; his wings ruffled anxiously in response.
With a shake of his head, he gave Akeli a strained smile, not really hearing what she'd said before. Something about old fashioned cooking. "Go right ahead," he answered, hoping it would somewhat make sense. He grabbed a few cans of ravioli and ripped the tops off, sniffing the food to be sure it was still good. His stomach rumbled and he kneeled down next to Akeli, knees clamped together as he nestled himself near the bed and her. He was extremely aware of how close he was to her; he handed her the cans nonchalantly.
hello my name is elder price
11:23am Sep 8 2011
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Grinning Akeli shook her head and grabbed one of the open cans, sniffing it as well. Though the food was fine she was at loss at what to do...oh right. First she needed a pan or pot. Standing she slipped by Xavier in the uncomfortable silence and grabbed a small pot, checking the bottom to make sure it hadn't broken. Glad to see that all was good she padded back to the fire.
It began sparking wildly when she neared and Akeli blinked in surprise before lowering it with a gentle push of her mind. They settled and she balanced the pan on the logs in the fireplace. Grabbing two cans she dumped their contents in the pan and heard them start to bubble gently.
Glancing behind her Akeli smiled and mumbled something about the food being done soon.
9:21pm Sep 8 2011
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Xavier was beginning to feel a bit anxious, angry with himself for knowing he caused this tense, awkward air around them. He gave another smile to Akeli when she turned to tell him the food would be done soon. The boy sucked in a tight breath and took the few steps that would lead him to Aki. He gently rested his hand on her shoulder and looked at her face.
"Aki, we need to talk about...last night," he said softly.
hello my name is elder price
12:48am Jun 25 2012
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Posts: 9,641
oh my god reading through this what are they even doing right now. will reply once I have slept 8D
2:33am Jun 25 2012
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"Why," she asked, her voice harsher than she had intended it to be. Akeli wasn't quite upset -- no, she was just confused and startled and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't make sense of that tight ball of turmoil that just sat in her stomach, heavy as lead. It was everything wonderful and horrible and beautiful in her life and Aki simply couldn't make sense of it. Half of her resented Xavier for kissing her, for waking up those dormant emotions. The other half didn't want him to stop doing whatever he was doing.
Everything seemed to have been turned upside down by their kiss and after a few minutes of contemplating while staring intensely into the fire, Aki had resolved to just forget about it.
Now, if only Xav could too.
Gray eyes refused to meet her companion's, flickering away uncomfortably as the silence stretched on. Finally, leaning away from Xavier and lifting up the pan, Akeli hefted it and sloshed the contents in Xav's direction.
"Let's eat first, talk later." Putting it off like a boss. In truth, every time Aki thought about the kiss; thought about the way Xavvy's -- no, Xav's -- hands had felt on her neck, a warm flush spread through her body. She didn't want anything carnal when it came to the mutant, but there was something safe and warm about Xavier's arms and them being around her. Like being in a cocoon, or a womb, even if the two of them had probably been test-tube babies.
Pouncing on the only cutlery in the cabin -- a spoon and a fork -- Aki held out the fork to Xav. "If that doesn't work, you can always try to drink straight from the pot." A failed attempt at her usual humour.
Damn, she was rattled.
If Xav tried to say anything, tried to bring up that very, very uncomfortable subject that sat like a big, fat elephant in the room, Akeli would jam a spoonful of soup into her mouth, eating mechanically just to stave off the conversation.
Later, she thought. Later.

6:09pm Jun 25 2012
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Xavier lost his appetite by the time their cans of ravioli had finished cooking. The smell was nauseating in the sense that he was starving. He truly couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten. All will to eat had left him though, not when tension was high in the room and Akeli was trying to brush off what was important right now. Maybe it's only important to me, he thought. His blue eyes glanced down to the ground, knuckles cracking to break the silence.
He used one finger to push away the fork Akeli was holding. "You finish it," he said gruffly and stood. The cabin was small but it didn't feel as cozy as it had when they'd first walked in. Xavier slid his wings through the slits in his shirt in an attempt to have the damp feathers air out. Their fly through the storm hadn't exactly been easy and his wet feathers were making his back uncomfortable.
He would let Akeli polish off the food if she chose to do so. If she wanted space, he'd give it to her. Xav walked over to the corner of the room where a couple of bulging garbage bags lay. he opened one of them and drew out a sleeping bag. He rolled it out in the spot he was standing in, as far away from the bed as possible. "You get the bed," he said without looking up. He unzipped the bag and reached back into the garbage bag. Withdrawing a couple of pillows, he tossed one across the room and one onto his makeshift sleeping area.
"We'll stay as long as we need," he said as he slid into the sleeping bag. He took one last look at her with his solemn blue eyes before turning his back. "And Akeli, don't forget to put the fire out."
hello my name is elder price
7:08pm Jun 25 2012
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"Xav...what," Akeli managed, her throat tight. All of a sudden he was...angry? She wasn't even sure, but whatever it was wasn't the same from earlier. Searching for something -- anything -- to break the awkward silence, Akeli went straight for the tried and trusted route.
"Don't tell me you aren't hungry. Just don't. We haven't eaten in days and I w-won't have you wasting away like this. I don't care if you're going to be all moody and hormonal," that was her job, "because go ahead and be so! But you will eat or I will force it down your throat."
No matter what the heck was going on between them, Akeli still cared for Xavier. Maybe not as much as he wanted her to, maybe more than she wanted to, but nonetheless, Xav wouldn't be dying on her watch. Aki knew the state of her own body -- how her ribs jutted out and without even taking a breath she could count them clearly. How her head felt woozy and light even after an hour of soaring. How every single intake of air felt harder and harder manage.
They were getting closer and closer to death each day, but Akeli was pretty sure she'd fight to the end to make sure Xavier lived. Before her was another question, but while she still had the strength, still had the energy and emotional attachment to the idiotic mutant boy, Aki would save him.
Or at least try.
"D-don't." Akeli dropped the pot of ravioli to the ground, lips hardening in a thin line. The clang of metal against wood went unnoticed. "You aren't going to sleep until you've eaten. No if's or but's."
She stood, striding towards Xavier purposefully (or at least shuffling towards him in the tight confines of the cabin), holding up her hands in the universal gesture of peace. Akeli had an inkling of why Xav was acting this way, but she wasn't positive. Hell, she would probably never know why he was acting this way, even if it did get resolved.
On the outside, Akeli was calm and determined. Her face was smooth and there was an uncompromising set to her chin and mouth. But inside... ah, that was a whole other story. Mostly, there was confusion. Akeli was romantically obtuse, and to top that, she had never had the experience that most normal girls took for granted. It was a mass of shock, bewilderment and curiosity. Mostly, Aki just wanted to go back to 'before'. Before was when Xav hadn't kissed her and hadn't made his feelings known. Before was their flirty and casual relationship that fit like a glove to Akeli.
Before was not this. Before was not raw desire and desperate chagrin. This was embarrassment and horror and everything Akeli had pushed away since their escape from the school. Since they had left Sara and that Shay kid and it had just been the two of them.
This was a baffling concentration of good and bad.
At the moment, Akeli wasn't sure if the good outweighed the bad enough to matter.
She spoke, maybe as a placating gesture or just to get on Xav's good side. Or maybe she even wanted to do it. Whatever it was, the words leapt unbidden from Akeli's mouth. "We can talk. You eat, we talk. We do that discussion thing you're so keen on. Whatever. Just eat. Please."

7:30pm Jun 25 2012
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Posts: 3,828
"We can talk. You eat, we talk. We do that discussion thing you're so keen on. Whatever. Just eat. Please."
Xavier pulled his sleeping bag up over his head to hide his scowl. Now she wanted to talk to him? It didn't help the fact that he was liking the way she was going to back to old Akeli, the one that wasn't afraid to boss him around. His nose twitched under the covers, his stomach growled. Wincing and curling in on himself just a bit, Xavier pushed the covers back down his face and stared upward at Akeli.
Maybe it would be better if he just gave her what she wanted. Throwing the sleeping bag open, he got up to his feet. His raven locks had dried and they hung in front of his blue eyes. "Fine, I'll eat," he said and threw his hands up in mock surrender. Winking at Akeli that hinted nothing more than the old Xav, the boy turned and scooped up the pot Akeli had dropped.
He held the pot in one hand and dipped his finger into it. He stuck the sauce into his mouth and made a smacking sound when he pulled his finger free. "Happy?" he said with one brow raised, though he doubted she would be able to see it in this almost-darkness. He ended up having to search around for the fork she'd dropped. Xav rubbed the silverware on his shirt and took to forking some of the food into his mouth.
He cleared his throat as he sat back down onto his sleeping bag. Maybe another time he would have scooted over and asked Akeli to sit with him but not now. He was just too damn tired of trying to get her to feel the same way as him. Which sort of went with what he was about to say. "Look Aki, there's nothing to 'discuss' alright? I ate, so you can get off my back for that. We're both exhausted from flying and there's nothing left to be said." His words were clipped and formal.
He stretched his legs out and leaned against the black garbage bags that were filled with supplies. Xav propped his hands behind his head and gestured with his chin back to Akeli's bed. "Now go get some rest, okay?" he said with a gentler voice.
hello my name is elder price
7:47pm Jun 25 2012
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No. Of course not. "Don't," she said again, the steel returning to her voice. It was still brittle and liable to break, but it was there. This was not the time to deal with Xav joking around about something like this. Either someone had removed his filters or he was just being a stubborn butt on purpose.
She leaned against the bed as he ate, curling up to wrap her arms around her knees. It was a cold replacement for Xavier's body, but she wasn't going to think about that. Not right now -- not when she had just been able to forget about all that. Instead Aki concentrated on tomorrow and the flight and the hours of sheer happiness soaring through the air. They could take some food with them, and maybe the pot and cutlery. She could make the fire to cook the food with.
It would work out. She was certain.
"Look Aki, there's nothing to 'discuss' alright? I ate, so you can get off my back for that. We're both exhausted from flying and there's nothing left to be said."
Hollow eyes just stared at him. Part of Akeli wanted to snap at him. To grab him bodily by his shirt and shake him silly. Shake some damn sense into him. The other half of her just wanted to give up and tell him 'Okay, okay. We talk tomorrow.'
She wasn't really happy with either choice.
But through and through, Akeli was Akeli. In other words, she wasn't a girl to back down. Xavier had demanded they talk, and now that she was willing to, he was backing off. That was not okay. A scowl set on Aki's mouth as she stared at Xavier a few seconds longer.
"Aki, Aki, we need to talk about last night. You know, Kitten? About that stupid kiss and how I sort of turned everything upside -down? Remember that? Yeah, I wanted to talk about it." Her voice was a rough facsimile of Xavier's voice, cutting in the fact that it wasn't mocking. It was just the truth -- the one Akeli knew -- that was pouring out of her. Her mind yelled at her to stop, but inhibitions were gone.
"Well, you know what? You are such an idiot, Xavier! You know perfectly well I have no experience with this stuff. You knew that this would surprise me, and then you act all nonchalant about it! You want to 'talk' and then when I say I don't want to, you can't respect that? You have to give me that broody look of yours and then you have the gall to give me little winks and I-I am just tired of all your crap!"
She sucked in a breath, sides heaving. Akeli's voice was still low, but with each word it became rougher and harder, all of her anger pouring out into this one, sharp outburst. Behind her, the fire glowed a brilliant white. It snapped at the air and, looking down at her clenched fists, Aki could see tiny lights flickering within them.
"You wanted to talk, so guess what? We're going to talk. You're going to explain to me what the hell that kiss was about and them maybe we can get some sleep. Maybe."
Another breath. Lungs heaved, dry and burning, searching for air that was there. The cabin was sweltering by now, but Akeli didn't notice it. All she saw was Xavier's patronizing face and his little wink.
That damned wink. Akeli let out a short breath. "Stop toying with me."

8:15pm Jun 25 2012 (last edited on 10:23pm Jul 30 2012)
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Xavier's eyes flew open when Akeli started to yell. His muscles stiffened with the dagger-sharp words she threw at him. It was a bit ironic how before he had told Akeli to put the fire out before they went to bed, and now its flames were growing, fueled by her rage. A bead of sweat ran down Xavier's face as she continued to rant and the flame grew brighter. "Stop toying with me." Well, if she was going to be stubborn and yell at him like that, of course he was going to toy with her.
Xavier let silence stretch on for a few more moments. Reaching one hand behind his back, he grabbed his collar and pulled his shirt up over his head. "That's better," he said with a smile, though his eyes were hard. Xavier didn't hesitate in his steps when he walked over to the bedside and looked down at Akeli. The heat was near unbearable over here from the flames that flickered by his side. It seemed almost as if they were leaping toward him, wanting to lick at his exposed skin and devour his clothes.
"What do you want, Aki? Do you want me to stand here and tell you how sorry I am for kissing you, for turning everything 'upside down'? Do you want me to spell it out that I have feelings for you? Does it even matter?" His words didn't waver, nor did the stiff stature falter with which he composed himself. In his stony voice, he continued on, "Do you want to know how badly my chest ached when I realized that the kiss might now have been such a good idea? Do you understand that I was tearing myself up on the inside because I thought I might lose you because of some stupid mistake?"
He shook his head. "I realized this a few seconds ago and decided 'hey, maybe I can't fix this after all. Might as well forget about it since she seems to want that' and here you are, screaming at me because I don't know what to do."
Xav took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest. "There. We talked, if that can count as talking. Now go to bed, damn it," he said and turned his back to trudge back over to his sleeping bag.
hello my name is elder price