Kindled [Private - Sugar and Cay]

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11:14pm Feb 18 2012

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Jayne glanced down at Akalamora's hand, thinking for a minute. There was still the urge to listen. The urge to trust.

As much as he hated to admit it, it had been a very long time since he felt he could trust. And never before had he done so as blindly as he did now. Slowly, as if he doubted he were making the right decision, he gave her his hand.

Then, he wanted to try something. As simple as if she had merely thought of speaking, he had heard her in his mind. Perhaps he could do the same. He searched himself for a moment, as if staring out into the empty void of space that seemed to inhabit all of the world but the confines of his body. He could almost see her. Feel her waiting for him. Then, tentatively, carefully, he reached out.

Why are you helping me?


11:30pm Feb 18 2012

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Posts: 1,391
Have you ever had the feeling that someone you meet is connected to your own fate somehow?
Akalamora peered at Jayne oddly.
I have that feeling right now about you. I sense that our lives are so closely intertwined that there's no use trying to avoid it. We'll both end up in the same bloody mess, no matter what.
A wry smile twisted her Cupid's bow lips as Akalamora led Jayne to a well-worn path and released her gentle grip on his weathered hand.
Tread carefully, Jayne-vodhr. Our fair city is near. We must simply follow this path, and I will take you to the other elves.
Akalamora pressed her fingers to her lips and blinked slowly at Jayne.
Long has our wisest and oldest elves spoken of a hero to be discovered. I believe that you are that hero. You did not run when I revealed myself, you meant no harm, and you trusted me to keep you safe and to see no harm come to you.
Trust me that my kin will accept you. They will see that you are the Spoken One too.
This moment has been waited for much too long, Jayne-vodhr. Let us march into the land of elves, my kinsmen.
No going back.

Akalamora melted into the shadows, walking briskly to Ellesmera. Her eyes flashed with energy as she glanced over her shoulder at Jayne. A small smile played on her delicate face.
There is no way to go but forward, my friend.


11:45pm Feb 18 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne listened, cocking his head to the side as his gaze trailed after the elf. Before he even realized he had begun to do so, he was following her carefully through the dense, lush woods. But inside, he paused, Akalamora's words echoing in his mind. When she spoke, he felt, tugging at his own gut, the very thing she had described to him. He realized the feeling had been the same since the moment he looked up at the mountainside from the well-worn road between his home and the blacksmith's. He simply had no way to place such a feeling.

Wait, he called softly, the stillness inside him making his ears ring, What if, he questioned, What if because I go, others are hurt? I feel this is something far beyond myself. Beyond the either of us. Whatever one might call this; fate, destiny... it already feels like so much more than two beings.

He couldn't believe his own thoughts about this. Even exploring as he had been, already today had been more eventful than a single other day in his life. And now, he was following someone he had only just met to a place considered forbidden. It almost felt like a dream.

Still, he continued to follow her. Through the winding, bent boughs of the trees, he wandered further and further into the forests of Du Weldenvarden.

(( There has to be a little bit of hesitation. After all, even to someone in his world, this isn't exactly normal. xD ))


1:44pm Feb 19 2012

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Posts: 1,391
Akalamora narrowed her starry eyes, crossing her slender arms.
You can't escape pain. It happens every day, every moment of every life. No matter what decision, there will always be a consequence. It's just that some punishments are not as severe as others. The darkness is... inescapable.
She bit her lip, intertwining her fingers together and hugging her arms against her chest.
If we lived in a world devoid of any hurt and sorrow, it would not be a world I would want to live in. I have gone through too much agony and grief for it to disappear. It is a part of me now. There's no living without some sort of darkness.

"Halt," A tall, fair Elf Lord floated in front of Akalamora, his hand curled in a fist except for his index finger, which he pointed threateningly at Jayne. "What is this cursed mortal doing on our sacred lands?"
The Elf Lord strode toward Jayne as if to banish him, but Akalamora quickly darted in front of the elf.
"Do not hurt him!" Akalamora cried out, holding out her arms to stop the male elf.
The elf's shaggy blonde hair gleamed, and his green eyes were furious.
"What is your reason for bringing this human to Ellesmera?"
"He is the one, Avrur, I can sense it." Akalamora insisted, touching her fingers to her lips and bowing to the Elf Lord.
"Perhaps," Hope shadowed by doubt sprung into Avrur's eyes, and he stepped back from Jayne, blinking at him curiously.


5:40pm Feb 19 2012 (last edited on 5:40pm Feb 19 2012)

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne tensed under the second elf's gaze, meeting it with an equally cold glare. He hardly heard what Akalamora said to him, but he was very soon to realize that it had a rather deep effect on the man.

How am I supposed to be this 'chosen one'? he asked the elven woman, not breaking eye contact with this man, Avrur. The corners of his mouth bent into a confused, wary scowl.

(( Sorry, derp post. xD ))


5:48pm Feb 19 2012

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Posts: 1,391
((It's alright. XD I have derpy posts too, a lot of the time.))

If you really are the blessed one, the spoken one sung about in prophecies of old, we shall soon see. Do not be cross with Avrur. He is merely overprotective of our lands. The oldest trees that have been standing since the dawn of time have been demolished by the evil, cold grip of human civilization. Sparing a handful of young saplings, we may allow. But the destruction of our forest? Someone must take the blame. Avrur fears the day when mankind becomes so ambitious that soon the elves will have nowhere to go except back overseas to where our ancestors birthed. Our trees are sacred - remember that.
"Walk with us, Jayne-vodhr," Avrur touched two fingers to his lips to Jayne in respect, viewing him differently after Akalamora's words.

"We have arrived at our fair city, Jayne-vodhr." Avrur inclined his head and disappeared. "I will go alert the other Lords. Wait here, both of you."
Tall, flowing buildings dotted the landscape, houses and furniture sung from the trees themselves, the buildings wreathed and adorned with flowers and blossoms and creeping vines. Swirling trunk patterns dappled the houses of nature, and hundreds of elves pranced around, laughing, dancing, practicing their arts and talents.
Elves were painting, weaving baskets, forging swords and helmets, and various other tasks. Their performances were perfect, flawless, smooth, graceful. At speeds that passed in the bl
ink of an eye, a tunic was threaded or a shield created.
"Ellesmera," Akalamora let out a sweet, musical breath, lightly touching Jayne's arm.


6:26pm Feb 19 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne stopped, captivated by the gorgeous city grown right from the forest itself. Flowers bloomed on either side of the path, an absolutely beautiful array of colors. He watched the elves as they moved about their lives, laughter rising in the air like the soft tinkling of bells. His golden hair glistened in the sun as light filtered through the boughs, cobalt eyes practically glowing.

Ellesmera, he repeated to himself. So this was the amazing, magical city of the woods. I can't believe it...

He let out a gentle laugh, marveling at the incredible scene as it played out before his eyes. Music rose in the air, notes floating away on the tender breeze. A sense of both alienation and belonging began pulling at him, opposing forces of amazement overwhelming his mind. He tried to memorize the landscape, attempting to burn it into the back of his mind so that this moment would stay with him for the rest of his life.

I've heard stories of the people of Ellesmera since I was a young boy. I had never dreamed it could possibly be this beautiful; and I would have declared myself insane if I had ever imagined myself standing before it.

Akalamora, I don't belong here. None of my kind should ever lay eyes on this city. Honestly, I pray not another human ever does. As much as it pains me to admit, I fear it would forever endanger not only your people, but the forest along with it. What you have here...

...this is paradise.


7:01pm Feb 19 2012

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Posts: 1,391
Akalamora stared at him, a strange glint in her eyes. A broad smile appeared on her face, and she touched her fingers to her lips.
That was deep. Someone should write that down and sing about it for ages to come.
Laughing brightly, Akalamora grasped Jayne's hand and pulled him forward and embraced him warmly.
The elves will not be so easily deterred by the prospect of silly men. As long as there still be breath in our bodies, we will preserve our forests.
"Do not be so sorrowed, Jayne-vodhr. Your challenge, you fate has come! Welcome it with open arms, for you will not be human for very long."
She gripped his shoulders and her eyes sparkled.
"This is the moment spoken of for generations."
You are him,

Avrur returned with the other various Elf Lords, his face concealing childlike excitement.
"Atra esterni ono thelduin," Akalamora bowed and pressed her two fingers to her lips, twisting her wrist in a formal elf greeting.
"Mor'ranr lifa unin hjarta onr," The Elf Lords replied graciously, swirling their own wrists and pressing their fingers upon their pink mouths.
"Un du evarinya ono varda," Akalamora gave the Lords a small smile, dipping her head.
"It seems Jayne-vodhr does not know of our ways!" Avrur laughed pleasantly, although his eyes were slightly disappointed, as if he had expected the promising young man to know about elvish customs.
The other Elf Lords murmured, staring unblinkingly at both Akalamora and Jayne.
"Welcome to Ellesmera," A beautiful elf maiden addressed Jayne. "Akalamora has said that you must be the one."
"Yes," Akalamora stepped forward, lowering her gaze humbly. Raising them again, she replied to the maiden. Akalamora continued in the ancient language so that Jayne would not be able to understand. "Show him the egg, Viena-elda, so that he may brush his touch against it. The egg will react; I am sure of it."
"There are two eggs, Akalamora Svit-kona," Viena replied in kind, the foreign tongue rolling out of her small mouth.
"Then allow Jayne-vodhr to embrace both!" Akalamora blinked, as if this was obvious. The other elves grumbled. They did not want to easily reveal all their secrets simultaneously.
"Let him touch the first egg, the egg spoken of in the legends. The companion egg, the twin egg, will have to wait until later." Viena reasoned, narrowing her yellow, feline eyes.
"Yes, Viena-elda."

Akalamora turned her steady gaze to Jayne, her black curls shadowing her golden, shimmering skin.
"They will bring out the treasure soon. First, we should inform you of the darkness rising."


7:26pm Feb 19 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne did not miss the look from Avrur, and knew without asking what is was for.

He listened attentively at what the others had to say, once again, much to his confusion, catching words of their language and their meaning. And the more he thought over the words, the stronger the strange sensation in his stomach grew. His heart fluttered weakly, a light in his eyes that he had never shown before.

Then, amongst the elf's discussion, he caught something that nearly made his heart stop. He stared at Akalamora, shocked, and almost betrayed. Somehow, he knew. Something inside him was screaming at him that he knew the answer, even though everything told him they were only stories.

"Egg?" he asked.


9:33pm Feb 19 2012

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Posts: 1,391
"Dragon Riders," Akalamora breathed gently. "Shur'tugalar,"
"There is a rising evil in the world, Jayne. An malicious and powerful wizard is creating a dragon-hybrid, an abomination to the Bjartskulars."
Akalamora narrowed her eyes as Avrur and Viena brought out an ob
ject thickly swaddled and bundled with a thick, woolen blanket.
Viena tugged away the cover gracefully and in one fluid motion, revealing the glittering egg inside.


12:57am Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne felt himself back away from the silver-blue, stone-like egg. His eyes were wide as his gaze flickered over the sacred ob
ject, nestled softly in the woolen fabric.

"I... I can't..." he stuttered, in too much shock to look away. This is what they had brought him for? This is what they thought he was? "It's not me," he choked, "it can't be..."

Of all the things in heaven and earth, nothing was making sense. But as he stared at it, the closer he watched it, the more he felt himself questioning everything he was. Soon, it wasn't just shock, or bewilderment at the sight of the stone; it was something more.


3:38pm Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 1,391
"Hold the egg, Jayne-vodhr." There was a slight taint of annoyance in her trilling voice as Akalamora picked up the glowing, flawless egg and forcefully placed the unborn dragon in Jayne's rough hands.
"I believe that you are the Rider sung about in elfish prophecies and stories. Battle the evil, and take up your sword. Isn't my word enough for you?" Her golden skin glittered with health, and her wide, exotic eyes blinked slowly, her long, black-blue lashes thick and curled.
"If this egg hatches for you," Avrur narrowed his silver eyes and a glint of respect shone in his wise face.

((HOMG Fail. D:))


4:06pm Feb 20 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne stared, unblinking, at the silvery-blue egg, eyes showing a mixture of amazement and caution. But before long, he felt his gaze soften. His fingers trailed gently over the almost polished surface of the unborn dragon, the human lost in the beautiful colors, the swirls of patterning.

What almost scared him to death was the heartbeat. He heard it; he felt it even through the stone-like exterior. It captivated him, it intrigued him to no end. And what was the most amazing, what was the most beautiful thing, was that the unborn dragon's heart beat perfectly in time with his own. At the time he didn't notice this, but it was true none the less.

For a long while, nothing happened. He hardly noticed the passage of time, although for the others he was fairly certain it was the different. Silence fell over the human as he cradled the egg in his arms, waiting for a sound.

When, after several minutes, none came, he looked up at the elven Lords around him. Then his eyes finally met with Akalamora's.

"I'm sorry." he murmured, afraid of having hurt the elf. He had sensed the hope, the strange way he felt she almost prayed. As he moved to return the egg, however, there was a sudden, unmistakable scratching sound from inside the glimmering shell. He froze, staring down at it. For a while he was unsure he had heard what he did, but a moment later the creature inside moved again, this time the scraping sound accompanied by a small "crack".


10:22am Feb 23 2012

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Posts: 1,652
(( Bump? ))


2:11pm Feb 28 2012

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Posts: 1,652
(( Haha, again. ))


9:05am Mar 1 2012

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Posts: 1,391
((D: Sorry about not replying. I is a fail. ; o;))

Akalamora's smile was brighter than the sun, and the eyes of the Elf Lords and Ladies shone with eagerness and excitement. A desperate, gliding heartbeat flew and sung in the still air, and the cracking grew faster, widened and became thicker.

"Shur'tugal," The elf breathed, and knelt in reverence to Jayne. The Elf Lords did the same, and grins slowly plastered onto their fair, exotic faces.

A tooth peeked out of the egg, and sapphire eye blinked up at her. "Brightscales, rise," Akalamora let out a quiet note of pealing song, her bell-like voice trickling and floating toward the hatching dragon baby.


10:56am Mar 1 2012

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Posts: 1,652
Jayne never noticed the Elf Lords bowing to him, at least not at first. His eyes, his thoughts were only for the hatchling emerging from the glistening shell in his hands. A clear, mucasy liquid drizzled from the lip of the egg, running into the fertile, black soil below. Jayne carefully pulled the egg back towards his chest to keep from dropping the twitching stone, watching as the infant chipped away at the edges of the fissure.

He slowly reached up to thumb a piece of the shattered shell away from the hatchling's snout, but jumped a bit when the majority of the egg exploded into tiny pieces. He knelt quickly to the ground, cradling the remainder off the fractured egg just over the soft soil.

A sharply-horned head rose from the wreckage, damp scales glistening in the morning sun. The tiny hatchling was a silver in color, tinted with the slightest shade of sky-blue, and she had the most beautiful, captivating, bright sapphire eyes. As she cracked her mouth open, stretching her jaw, a tiny chirping sound burbled from her throat. Then she turned to look directly at Jayne, cooing in a strange, animal way.

Jayne couldn't believe his eyes. He lifted his hands, forearms covered in the mixture of slime and a few drops of blood as the creature studied him curiously. She glanced back at the Elves, weakly ruffling her pale little wings.

(( Question, just to clarify for future events; when is this roleplay supposed to be set? Before, during, or after Eragon? ))

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