Loki x Typo {Asylum from fighting -_-}

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4:23am Jun 17 2010

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(( Crap D: I totally forgot it was a RS RP -fail- ))

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4:27am Jun 17 2010

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{~} *sighs* Fine, she uses a rune halberd T.T And she's level 143. And she wears adamant armor - skirt, breasplate, Kite shield and full-helm. She also knows a range of spells...and has level 98 in cooking {~}


4:28am Jun 17 2010

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((I'll join if ya want meh to,though i'll have to post my bio tomarrow.i really gotta sleep.))


4:31am Jun 17 2010

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(( Actually I didn't know we were still doing the RS thing. I thought we just went to something random =_=; *slightly confused* 

And g'night Ranni. ))

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4:32am Jun 17 2010

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{~} That's what Det thought...o-o Let's go with random ♥ {~}


4:35am Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 3,141
(( Lol ok. You start~ :3 ))

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4:37am Jun 17 2010

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{~} Fine {~}

The rain fell in buckets as thunder rumbled on the horizon, the sky a dank, sleet gray. A small, lone figure stood in a small glade, letting the cool rain run down her face. Nothing gets better than this, she thought happily, opening her gray eyes -the color of the thunderheads- and smiled a small, secretive smile. 


4:38am Jun 17 2010

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((-lurks within the shadows- c:))


4:45am Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( lol Rika. 

Ritsuka will be on reserve since he's useless at the moment XD No doubt he'll pop out of a bush later on :3 ))

A lightning bolt cracked up above and another being, this one slightly larger than the first, flinched and shrunk back farther into his shelter, a hollowed out base of a large tree. Forest green cat ears were pressed against his head as he pulled his jacket up closer around him. The rain he could deal with, but the thunder and lightning was too much for him. He whimpered softly and closed his eyes, wishing for the safety of himself and the tree he was hiding in.

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4:48am Jun 17 2010

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FYI, Ryu is also lightning element{~}

As the lightning struck, the girl raised her hands in the air, feeling the electrical current run down her hands, arms, and then into her heart, giving her a jolt. Feeling much rejuventated, the girl sighed and sat down suddenly, leaning her back against a sturdy old oak tree. She closed her gray eyes and opened one hand, a small ball of lightning sitting in it. 


4:50am Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 11,785
((B-but Rika has never played RuneScape. e.o))


4:55am Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( It's not RS anymore XD )) 

The boy's cat ears perked up at an odd sound. He frowned. It seemed to be coming from outside the tree. Resting his hands tentatively on the wood, he pressed his ear against it sure enough, he could hear a heartbeat. One that at least seemed un-beast like. He went over to the exit of his shelter, poking his head out. He blinked. A... girl? With a ball of lightning? He ducked down, continuing to watch her, unwilling to flee. 

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4:55am Jun 17 2010

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Then I'll join. 8D))


5:11am Jun 17 2010

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Name: Remiun Elius (Reh-me-un Eh-lee-us. ouo)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hair Color:Soft black with blond tips. ouo And he has blond-tipped black doggy ears~

Hairstyle: It's cut very uneevn and grows longer towards the front, the back going no further than his ears while the front is past his shoulers. His bacgs grow longer towards the sides and it parted evely...which is weird.

Eye Color: Both eyes are a rich shade of blue that is commonly mistaken for violet.ouo

Skin Tone: Pale, but a healthy pale. ouo


Weight: 254 lbs (Mostly muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, y'know.)

Species: Hurr. He's an Inumimi. ouo

Weapons: He has a pair of longsword that he keeps on his at all times, sheathed in an X on his back.

Powers: He has senses far greater than any normal human and he can see dead people. He can't talk to them in any way. He just...sees the ghosts...everywhere...


Other: Um. Not much except that he's bi, as are the majority of my characters. :D




Name: Esairen Reail (Eh-say-ren Ree-ayl)

Age: 17

Gender: Male (Hnn...Sorry. I fail at girls, which is weird, considering I am one. <3)

Hair Color: A sort of...silvery color.

Hairstyle:Long, down to his waist. At least. But his bangs are just long enough to frame his face.

Eye Color: A pretty, silvery blue.

Skin Tone: Sickly pale.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132 lbs (I think that's underweight... He supposed to be. xD)

Species: Light Mage

Weapons: A large white wooden staff that looks like it has roots crawling around a central pole with a glowing silver orb at the top. This can shrink down to hang as an earring in his lef ear. ouo

Powers: He deals with White Magic. So there.

Crush: Open

Other: He has a kind of weak immune system....but he's still survived.



5:14am Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 3,141

(( Hmm, maybe I should make Grave bi so he can go Remiun...

Grave: No, no! Never again! NOO! ;_;

Loki: *sweatdrop* ))

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5:15am Jun 17 2010

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And I totally made up those names off the top of my head. :D))


5:18am Jun 17 2010

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(( You have a knack for it XD Although they do prove hard to remember at first o_o; ))

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5:25am Jun 17 2010

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((But they grow on you. <3

Remiun: ...I'd hope so. I'd hate to be forgotten so early on. -huff, pout-

Esairen: -bl
ink- ...I don't really mind it as long as I'm remembered at some point....

Rika: Ah, Remiun is all bark and no bite. <3

Remiun: -growl- Was that a poke at my race?

Rika: ...Mayyyybeeee. ;3 So um. YEah. My charries will pop in now, ouo))


5:34am Jun 17 2010

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Posts: 11,785

A soft growl eminated from the area of brush near the oak tree, and unhappy-looking male walking out with dripping haira, the dog ears that were pinned against his skull melting in with the blond-tipped raven locks. He closed hsi deep blue eyes, huffing. He probably smelled like wet dog now, a scent that could easily be deteced.

Not only that, but he was sure he looked like a drowned rat.

He plopped himself down under the tree and shook out his hair, closing his eyes as he ignored every other presence around him.


Meanwhile, a young Mage with long silver hair was sitting perfectly content beneath a dome made of light that shileded him from the rain, curled up and taking a nap on the ground, which was dry within the dome. And he needen't worry about the lightning, since he had designed this particular spell himself for jsut such an occaision. He smiled, wonderfully warm and dry.


((Yes. Esairen is a cheater. <3))


5:54am Jun 17 2010

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(( Lol, now I can throw Ritsuka in X3 ))

The green haired cat boy's ears twitched towards the newcomer and he lifted his head up a little to see him properly. He hissed in surprise when he saw what the newcomer was. His ears pulled back and he ducked down again, glaring at him. He didn't want to make his presence known, but he couldn't resist staring evilly at him. They were, after all, cat and dog.


Meanwhile, another, much younger cat boy dashed through the woods, hissing violently whenever the rain hit him. He hated, hated water and getting wet. Up ahead he thought he saw some weird type of wall of light and tried to skid to a stop with little success. The mud under his feet was too slick and he ended up falling and tumbling right through it. He landed on the oddly surprising dry ground, catching himself with his hands. He recovered within seconds and pushed himself up in a sitting position, looking around. It was completely dry here but it was still raining overhead. He spotted a figure laying on the ground and stared at him, unsure what to say about any of this. 

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