6:21pm Jul 12 2011
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6:24pm Jul 12 2011
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What will you not do?
6:26pm Jul 12 2011
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Remakes of movies(harry potter, twilight, etc) Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts ummmmm there are others but im braindead XD
6:29pm Jul 12 2011
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Will you allow shounen-ai?
6:32pm Jul 12 2011
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nope sorreh >.<
6:38pm Jul 12 2011
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Tehe, okay. Any ideas on what you're intrested right now? [Like, idk, a specific genre?]
6:46pm Jul 12 2011
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Ummm not really, jsut looking for a RP XD(im not helpful lolz)
6:55pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 1,557
Yeah, very helpful... Well, how about this, would you rather do a 1x1 with me through PM, or possibly a small groupl through the forms?
7:23pm Jul 12 2011
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Small group :D lolz XD
7:40pm Jul 12 2011
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Le gasp! I has an idea! [It's stupid, but whatever.... :/ ] Okay, so there is this on kid [girl or boy, I don't really care] who has been prophesied to do something [prophecy not needed, unless someone really wants to whip something up]. Because of this person's super large ego from fame and such, s/he dragged along some poor bystanders when s/he must go on the journey to forfill the prothecy. The innocent bystanders are held against their will to support the guy/girl. Instead of having someone play the girl/guy, everyone would be playing the bystanders and we all kinda contribute to the guy/girl and try to make him/her as unlikeable and mary sue as possible~ You got any other ideas? [[Sorry for any mistakes, I'm currently being yelled at to get off the computer]]
7:50pm Jul 12 2011
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XD I can play some arrogant, unlikeable Characters XD
9:23pm Jul 12 2011
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-Pokes Snowy-
I will rp something with you. o.o
I like that Plot up there as well. c< -Is weird-
Anywho, yeah!
10:26pm Jul 12 2011
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Whoot :D so we gonna go with that plot then?? :D
8:00am Jul 13 2011
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Why thank you! I got the idea from reading way to many prophecy books that didn't make me too happy...
11:52am Jul 13 2011
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Is it too late for a 1x1?
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
12:49pm Jul 13 2011
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CH-depends lol u got a plot in mind? Rabbit-why don't you make a new thread for our rp? :D or do you want me to?
2:00pm Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 7,283
hmm Not really. What are you interested in? I've seen that you like warrior cats. Just to let you know I don't roleplay that. So I guess that's out of the list. Do you do maybe a vampire/human? Werewolf/human? The list goes on haha.
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
2:06pm Jul 13 2011
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I actually like doing werewolves ^.^ are we talking classic werewolves-the whole full moon thing or jsut Shifter? Cuz I'll do either ;D but yes, I do love my warrior cats XD its a shame I killed of my favorite Character in one XD *snuggles Adderstrike* it was an intense death scene
2:15pm Jul 13 2011
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^^ Fortunately, I haven't had a role play yet where my charactar dies, haha. :D And, the only werewolves I'm familiar with is the ones where they're human, and then shift to a wolf. So I guess the shifter. But, if your more comfortable with playing whatever the 'whole full moon thing' is, I don't mind. :D
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
2:22pm Jul 13 2011
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I play either, so tis up to you :D make a thread and I'll get htere!! I killed him as a plot twist XD if you havent read his death scene, I'm puuting it on my profile cuz I'm very proud of it XD I think I'm also putting up Cougarfeather/Cougarstar's. She was my first Warriors charra, and in my first warriors RP, was a silver tom, XD then a orange tabby tom, then a flame point siamese she-cat, until she finaly became the Sandy-brown she-cat she died as XD I think I'm gonna post Liam's car crash too XD hes my favorite shifter, and that was in intensee Scene, cuz he almost died LOL