7:56pm Sep 4 2010
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(( Something like band camp or naturcamp or something ))
8:12pm Sep 4 2010
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You still looking for a 1x1? :D I'll do shapeshifters, or something like that. ^.^ But it'll have to be over rmail, if you don't mind ;x It'll be easier because I don't come on as much as I used to... So yeah. We can do whatever <3
10:17pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 9,944
{ Shapeshifters sounds good, milo. <3 We'll sort out the details over rMail? ;3 } { Oooh. I like the idea of a band camp. o3o; }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:24pm Sep 4 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( yay band camp! who will make the bios? ))
2:43am Sep 5 2010
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3:26am Sep 5 2010
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((I fail at band D: Oh well, I nominate Dream-oneechan to do the bios >D))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
3:57am Sep 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
{ I'm not doing bios. 8D -stares at Dream- }
wuss poppin jimbo
10:43am Sep 5 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( Darn you guys! I guess I will make the bios ))
10:49am Sep 5 2010 (last edited on 10:56am Sep 5 2010)
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BIO ~ Name: Age Gender: Persona: Band Instrument: Psychic Ability: Looks: Other:
11:05pm Sep 5 2010 (last edited on 11:57pm Sep 5 2010)
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{Minus Wings} Name: Jason Frost {Has been known to answer to "Jace" as well} Age: 16ish Gender: Male Persona: Jason is a quiet, soft-spoken young man who is reluctant to step out of his comfort zone. He's paranoid about being picked on and teased about what he likes, so nobody really knows his favorite color, animal, book, etc. {Purple, Snow Leopard, Harry Potter. Just so you know. :D} When Disrespected, he's been known to get into a brawl or two. He's loyal and protective over those people who he's deemed trustworthy. Although he's rather depressed and unhappy most of the time, he views the cup as half-full. He doesn't speak of his past, and when asked, only stays silent. His secrets are his to keep, and not even his closest friends have pried those sacred words from him. He's not interested in dating, or even friendship, but a couple people have wormed their way into his life. Band Instrument: Tenor Saxophone {That's what I play <3} Psychic Ability: He can read emotions. o3o He can't control them, but he can read them. And, obviously, he can see the ghost-thinger. Looks: Tall, with a muscular build. He has medium-length midnight black hair with white streaks in it that hangs in front of his eyes. His eyes, on the other hand, are a pale shade of hazel that many find intimidating. He wears darker clothes, and his favorite high-tops, accompanied with a sharktooth necklace and a dog tag with the name "Logan" printed on it. They seem to hold some sentimental value. See picture above for general idea. Other: He's not here because he likes to play. He's here because his Gramma thinks he's good at playing the Sax and wanted him to come. He keeps his emotion-reading thing to himself.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:34pm Sep 5 2010 (last edited on 11:34pm Sep 5 2010)
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(Only she has light blue eyes) Name:Pheory Pixi
Age:15 Gender:female Persona:Pheory is...Well she has a big imagination. She always comes up for crazy stories about why things are the way they are. She is very proper and polite and it almost seems like she isn't showing her true personality and actions...This is because her parents pretty much trained her that it waas not okay to do other wise. Phoery loves reading and writing though. She doesn't like small children...They annoy her to death because she thinks they ask to many questions and are 'strange'. Band Instrument:Piano Psychic Ability:She can see others weaknesses and fears.
Looks:Above Other:Nope
12:28am Sep 6 2010
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Name: Hayden Beowulf Age: 16 Gender: Female Persona: Hayden always looks at thing from a larger prospective. She doesnt see millions of people at a football game. She sees only a few of the eons of humans in the world. She is highly supersticious and believes in luck and the proper respect of all spirits, alive and dead. Hayden keeps her ideals to herself unless she makes good friends with someone. Then she will spill her guts out to them. Band Instrument: Flute (like me!) Psychic Ability: Astrial projection. This ability does her no good if she is awake. Looks: Other: if her body is moved or damged while she is using her ability, she could die.
12:37am Sep 6 2010
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{ Page stretch. x__x } { Yay <3 Now all we need is Graveyard's bios <3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
12:42am Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( is it my picture? I can never see the stretch :c ))
12:44am Sep 6 2010
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{ Yeah. Just make it smaller. :3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
1:33am Sep 6 2010 (last edited on 2:32am Sep 6 2010)
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((Sorry for being slow o3o; I had the odd urge to lay on my couch for several hours like a lump xD Then I spent another thirty minutes trying to find a list of band instruments >_<)) BIO ~ Name: Brandon Phoenix Age: 15 and a half Gender: Male Persona: Brandon is a very closed off guy. Although he generally seems like a nice, cool guy who's pretty well rounded and average, it's mostly just an act. He's actually quite scared of life itself. He's seen some awful things with his powers and has become rather depressed by them. However, in some ways this has actually helped him. He's thoughtful and curious, more like a child than anything else, and wants to control his powers so he can possibly help others. Band Instrument: Electric Bas.s (He can also play the piano) Psychic Ability: Brandon has slight future sight; however, he has no control over it once-so-ever. It's caused by triggers--objects, words, or links that have a specific connection to the future even--and only happens in flashes so he can't gather much at any one time. Looks:
 Other: He's part of a joint program where he's in both Band and Choir. Edit; Tried to fix the profile glitches... they were starting to bug me >.>
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:14am Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 9,944
{ lol. Okay then. Who wants to start? x3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
2:19am Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,426
((Not it! *raises hand* I nominate Dream-oneechan again to start! xD))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:30am Sep 6 2010
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{ -looks innocent- OH Dreaammm~ }
wuss poppin jimbo
11:59am Sep 6 2010
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Posts: 3,029
(( No! Not again!!!.....fine -pouts- ))