6:37pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 6:37pm Aug 4 2011)
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(Yes, she did. Hence this little post.. -posts again-) Alesa freely enjoyed the sky. Flying about, she didn't notice she had flown over the border. Only the sight of Mikael and Heilen made her realize that. Dive-bombing to the ground, she accidentally slammed into the ground nearby Mikael.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:39pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 6:41pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
Akime looked at Ali. "Thank you so much. "She said. (lol fail) "Amalia should be fine, and Akime is okay since Ali healed her. I don't know about Ali, though." She poured the potion on him.
6:41pm Aug 4 2011
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((Kupala, look at the post on the last page, I posted a fail post, but it was a post XD))
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6:41pm Aug 4 2011
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(lol nobody's freaking out 'cause of Riker's nuzzles I was thinking at least one of them would be all like "OHMIGAWD" lol. But I was sort of like... prob'ly not tho )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:43pm Aug 4 2011
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(edited.) Akime smiled at Riker, returning the nuzzle. (fail)
6:44pm Aug 4 2011
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((Well, Amalia can't, seeing as she's unconcious.))
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6:45pm Aug 4 2011
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Mikael and Heilen both jumped when the she-wolf crash-landed nearby, both of them rushing over. Heilen, being the one who could bend nature to his will, turned to whisper to the trees and the plants, asking them to tell him where herb might be in case she is hurt really bad. _____________________ Sky's ears pulled back, her eyes widening. She carefully moved closer to Ali when she could, wanting to be comforting. She extended a blanket of shadows over him, a protective la yer of black that would allow no harm. ((I really wanna make the square. xD))
6:45pm Aug 4 2011
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Ali shuddered as the medicine coursed throguh his veins, but it didn't hurt anymore. "Thanks Veseya, Imma go hunting now." He said and attempted to walk away... ((-Whacks Ali- you are such a glutton for punishment.))
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6:48pm Aug 4 2011
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Sky was up quickly, using the veil she had extended over Ali to pull him back down. "You will stay down until you're healed..." she said gently, settling down close to the wolf she liked. She tilted her head, ears pulling back out of worry.
6:51pm Aug 4 2011
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((I'm just gonna go ahead and hop into the square okay? XD))
6:52pm Aug 4 2011
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"We don't have enough food yet..." He whimpered, snuggling closer to the other wolf and the starry blanket he had on him. He began to get drowsy and thought he was dying, but no, he was just tired and having night falling around him wasn't helping. He sighed and closed his eyes. Maybe Sky was right, maybe he should rest...
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6:52pm Aug 4 2011
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(((NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Ali is just warming up to her. -smacks- XD))
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6:56pm Aug 4 2011
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((-making another she-wolf silly- I'm balancing out my hoard of men. xD))
6:56pm Aug 4 2011
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((-brain imploads- Ahwell, Amalia didn't hava chance anyway....))
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7:01pm Aug 4 2011
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(Lawlz. Yuss Rika you must hop into teh square.) Riker settled himself in-between Akime and Amalia, being practically squished, but he didn't mind. Both of their bodies were warm and felt good against him. It felt right. Oh Lupus.... How would he choose now?! --- Alesa winced. Her body was sort of hurting.. but nod much. A halt was going on right after she hit the middle of the sky, but it was like her heart was telling her to go ahead and see Mikael.. But while the thoughts were processing, the situation at hand wasn't being comprehended much, and she ended up crashing. Well.. at least Alesa had a lot of experience with falling. Plus, it didn't hurt much, because - as stated before - she was in the middle of stopping. But being near some company made it better.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:03pm Aug 4 2011
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((Hmmmm.... wonders what to do.))
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7:04pm Aug 4 2011
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(Maybe Amalia should... idunno... WAKE UP??!?! And maybe she can have like a weird recollection of memories and then derps out over all of the Riker-luff going on. Oh yeah, Akime should also derp out. Derping out makes me laugh and I NEED to laugh. :< )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:08pm Aug 4 2011
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Amalia awoke with a start and tried to put jumbled memories together in her mind. "Riker, I love you." she said licking his side and then she had an epiphiny. If she backed off from Riker and let Akime have her chance, maybe, just maybe, Riker will find out he loves me more. Her face lit up and she stood, backing away...
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7:10pm Aug 4 2011
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((I edited in her bio. Again. xD))
7:14pm Aug 4 2011
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Riker was quite comfortable between the two she-wolves, but then Amalia said something he didn't qutie catch and licked him. He returned the lick, but she soon got up. Awww. Now he wasn't warmmm. (I need something to happen or else I will ESPLOODDDEEEE from boredome. D': )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -