4:42pm Aug 5 2011
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(... -is afraid- )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:42pm Aug 5 2011
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Mikael chuckled softly. Soon, they were back in the camp and the two were taking her to her den and gently setting her down. Mikael decided to stay there while Heilen headed out to go try to find Hellhound, worried that he couldn't see him. "Where could my brother have gone off to...?" he murmured, ears pulling back. Only he and Mikael could keep him calm...anyone else he wouldn't hesitate to kill if it came down to it. This was not good... ((I think Amalia and Akime should gang up on Kovalia once they figure out she likes Riker. xD))
4:46pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 4:47pm Aug 5 2011)
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Alesa's eyes fluttered open. Everything was.. vague, and sort of blurry. She couldn't really control herself. It was like she was just watching through her eyes but somebody else was doing everything. Also, it sounded like everything was muted, apart from a few muffles and voices coming through. Some other wolf was in camp beside her.. but she only saw his shadow. It was male, somehow she knew. And she saw the shadows of little wolves.. At that moment, she felt a thud and the sight of falling to the ground came late. Pitch blackness was all Alesa saw afterwards. Of course, this was only a dream. The real Alesa was sleeping with a bit of... paw twitching..? Yes, it seemed that her front right paw twitched twice, and it was in the moment when she was collapsing in her extremely bizarre dream.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:47pm Aug 5 2011
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The arena was ready. She holwed for the wolves to come. The fighting males were to stay in a line and she would pick who would fight. She howled for all of the wolves, everyone, interuppting everything. She smiled and stretched her wings. As the wolves came in, Angel made a (troll) face. " Oh, I forgot, the females are also fighting for BETA FEMALE! Only if thats okay with riker, of course."
4:47pm Aug 5 2011
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(ice, you don't need to be afraid. the plan doesn't involve hurting Riker or anything. only Rika and Feyth need to be afraid XD and yeah, Rika, Amalia and Akime should gang up on Kovalia)
4:48pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 4:50pm Aug 5 2011)
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"Actually, there is a problem. Yesterday, when Akime asked to talk to me, she attacked me saying that you were hers. I told her that it was your choice that I don't care for the rank like she does. I am not asking you to believe me, I just wanted to tell you what happened." She said, dipping her head to the ground. "I am sorry I hurt her in return." She sighed,staring at her paws... ((And kupa, right back at you. I declare that Amalia shall win this. -goes off to write stuff down- Not that she has the slightest chance, but a girl can try XD EDIT: Oh noe........ Amalia doesn't wanna fight, she just wants to be with Riker and have his pups.))
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4:49pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 4:50pm Aug 5 2011)
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Nodding, the Beta understood, but didn't want to think much of those things. Riker looked up suddenly. Beta spots usually always had to fight, apart from last season. Last season was good. He didn't have to watch anybody die. Scrambling up to Angel, he was sort of frantic, but quickly calmed down (in 1.5 seconds). "I don't want anybody to die.. Can't it be like last season? No deaths?" he asked. (... -is still afraid- lol xD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:50pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 4:53pm Aug 5 2011)
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Mikael lay down beside Alesa, tilting his head when her paw twitched. He smiled a little bit, then set his head on his paws, hoping his glowing fur could be of some kind of comfort while she slept. He was a living nightlight, and he was glad for it. He, himself, was afraid of being out alone at night. He saw the things that lurked in the night...the evil things...things scarier than Hellhound on his worst days... _____________________________ Hearing that they would be fighting for Riker, Kovalia was quickly up on her paws, ears pulled back and her unseeing eyes wide. HEr aura-sight suddenly became vivid for only a moment, and she could see what they all looked like. She then shook her head and shut it off, moving up, her steps slow and cautious. Would she really have to fight instead of just trying to win with her kind nature? She didn't want to fight her packmates...
4:53pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 4:55pm Aug 5 2011)
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Sierra was out and goign to watch the fight. With no closing her eyes. That was what she decided last season, because she always had to close her eyes. But this time, the wolf thought about it long and hard. If Sierra was in a real battle, she'd have to watch this all around her.. Better to start with getting used to it now. (And thank goodness for Kovalia, Akime, and Amalia, Riker is protesting for no fighting for Beta Female. Although, Akime/Amalia wouldn't think so xD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:54pm Aug 5 2011
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((I hope Riker doesn't go with Kovalia.... :( ))
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4:55pm Aug 5 2011
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Angel sighed to herself. " Okay, but, you have to get all the fighting males ready~!" she said, going back to her normal state. The battling place was like an arena. It was a large cave with a whole in the top. Angel took her place of the highest spot to watch over the fight, and smiled. Toxic was herping his derp because no one interacts with him.
4:56pm Aug 5 2011
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(Lol. Whoever he gets closest to and ends up loving the most is who he chooses. o3o Sadly, my little Sierra is getting ignored by her crush ;~; -pets- It's alright... he'll come around. xD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:56pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 4:58pm Aug 5 2011)
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Akime padded over to Riker, who was talking to Angel. Overhearing him, she said," I'll do my best to make sure there is no death." She started to walk away, then turned back. "Riker, I need to...tell you a secret." She said, hoping he'd follow her. (edit: here's farook:) Farook padded into the arena, and got ready for Angel to say 'go' or 'let the battle begin' or whatever she was going to say. (And, no, the secret is not about amalia, and it's not gonna be 'I love you.')
4:57pm Aug 5 2011
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((I fail at Romance :( ))
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4:59pm Aug 5 2011
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ANgel howled a sharp silence, kind of angry at the ignorance of the other wolves. ((OMG PMS FOR WOLVES. Sorry, I'm having a sugar-high). She growled slightly to herself. " The fight will start as soon as you take your places by ranks."
4:59pm Aug 5 2011
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Heilen sighed softly, pulling his ears back when the alpa announced what she was going to do. HE shook his head, frowning slightly. All this fighting among the pack was ridiculous...they needed to be strong, unified. They shouldn't fight over rank... So he simply sat where he was, tails curled around him as he listened to the whispers of the trees. ((Weee. xD))
5:00pm Aug 5 2011
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Dusk listened from where she was to the loud howl of the alpha. "Hellhound, we have to go back." She said, starting to fly towrds camp. "And you better come, or I'll make water and you get along." She warned...
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5:05pm Aug 5 2011
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Hellhound slunk through the trees, the strides of him and his lion matching. He began to walk more like the lion, his eyes and claws glowing a brighter red. He snarled, eyes narrowing at the threat. He could care less about it. Nobody could get him to do what he didn't want to do, especially when his energy peaked and he lost what little control he actually has. He licked his sharp teeth with his snake-like tongue, cocking his head a little bit. Hehehe....
5:06pm Aug 5 2011
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Angel waited. Kinda boredly. No one gives a fuk about Toxic. He's going to commit Suicide. XD
5:06pm Aug 5 2011
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"Don't try it hound." She hissed, figuring that the only way to get his love was to show him that she wasn't afraid of him. Of course... she could be wrong...
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