5:09pm Aug 5 2011
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Toxic can go talk to Veseya, mercy.)
5:14pm Aug 5 2011
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Riker ushered Farook and Makia towards the arena, along with four other large wolves. Getting them in line, he then went towards Akime and followed her. "What is it, Akime?" he asked. (Sorry for the bit of PP [also late post], but Angel said for Riker to get them ready. :P And isn't Heilen going after Hellhound..? If not, mebeh... Sierra will have chance or something..)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:14pm Aug 5 2011
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Toxic padded over and sat next to Veseya. ((CAN PEOPLE START THE FIGHT ALREADY??))
5:16pm Aug 5 2011
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((No, no more love square things, Dusk loves Hellhound....))
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5:16pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 5:17pm Aug 5 2011)
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(Yuss. Fight startage pls. ..But Angel has to say "start" or something and who will fight. :P ) EDIT: (Feyth. I don't mean that like romance. Heilen is Hellhound's brother and he was going to go fetch him. o_o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:17pm Aug 5 2011
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((Makia can fight first, he will die, I don't need him XD))
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5:19pm Aug 5 2011
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(Angel needs to say go first XD) "Hey!" Veseya said. (OMGFAIL) "I know of a special place," Akime whispered to Riker, "where you can almost touch the sky. In fact, on nights like this, it feels like you can fly. I'll take you there, after the alpha fight, if you promise to keep this our secret."
5:20pm Aug 5 2011
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((Amalia is going to follow them.... XD))
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5:21pm Aug 5 2011
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Angel cleared her throat loudly and glanced around the cave. " Full attention is expected. Now, hello, today we are having the Alpha battle. Apparently Riker does not want a Beta battle, so, yes. The first to contestants will be...
Makia and Soren (me)."
Soren(me) padded out of the arena entrance, growling and snarling at the wolves around him. He was a deep black wold with red markings, and shadows at his paws. He waited for this Makia.
5:23pm Aug 5 2011
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(no Feyth... D:)
5:23pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 5:23pm Aug 5 2011)
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Makia padded forward and glared down Soren. He was more itnerested in tghe power, than Angel, but if he ahd to fight, he would... ((It would make it interesting... especially if she was in hawk form and Riker noticed her.))
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5:24pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 5:30pm Aug 5 2011)
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"What do you mean by that, exactly? What type of place is that..?" Riker said inquisitively. He was also sort of suspicious about this place. It could be a trick or something like witchcraft, though he doubted Akime would ever hurt him that way. Or, in fact, do anything mean to him. Alesa's eyes opened, but it was sort of a weird experience. She could hear and see her pack well, except she was just sort of not thinking. And when Alesa isn't thinking.. bad things could happen. Or weird things. Whichever comes first at the time. In this case, it was an awkward thing. The she-wolf saw something glowy and moved over to it. It was also fuzzy. Heehee. So soft. Her vision was sort of blurry right now. It was probably from the effects of the crash, because she hadn't had one in a while. Pressing herself against the glowy furry thing (OMG GLOW IN THE DARK PILLOW), Alesa was comforted by it. She then fell asleep once more. In reality, the she-wolf was against Mikael's body and sleeping and apparently it was extremely comfortable. (Who did Veseya say "Hey" to?) EDIT: (And Feyth, I think this time Akime and Riker should go find out by themselves. ;o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:25pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 5:27pm Aug 5 2011)
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Veseya layed back her ears as she heard that Makia was going to fight. I gave Farook that potion...if Soren doesn't kill him, the poison will. She sighed, and prepared for the two wolves to begin ripping eachother apart. (Toxic) Akime smiled. "Follow me tonight, I'll show you. You'll like it, I promise."
5:26pm Aug 5 2011
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((What if Makia kills Soren and gets killed by Farook? Also, alright Ice, but she will think of something to do.))
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5:28pm Aug 5 2011
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Toxic looked over and smiled. " Hey!~" Soren growled and circled the wolf. His eyes sharp, and teeth bared. " You ready to die?" Soren jumped into the air, andjumped of Makia full-on, tackling him and pinning him down. Angel wagged her tail.
5:28pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 5:29pm Aug 5 2011)
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"Ok, then, Akime. I trust you," Riker said. What was a packmate if he couldn't trust her? Akime would hopefully not hurt him. It was highly unlikely, though. -pppphhaillll-
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:41pm Aug 5 2011
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((I wonder how in the world Kovalia will ever get time with Riker. xD And Heilen's just looking around camp for him. Hellhound's on his way back. :U)) Hellhound let out a louder snarl, ears pulling back as he stepped through the forest. ____________________________ Kovalia let out a soft sigh and moved to go lay over at her den, not wanting to watch her packmates fight and possibly kill eachother. And she figured she really didn't have a chance with Riker, seeing as Amalia and Akime were always around him. She was just too submissivle to really be able to have a good mate, she supposed. Who would want a blind wolf, anyways? She didn't even know if she was worth a mate. She couldn't see herself...all she knew was that she kind of smelled like blueberries except for this one place on her left foreleg at smelled kind of like...some kind of purple thing. But as for being pretty, she doubted it.
5:44pm Aug 5 2011
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((Hmmm.... Ali might go after Kovalia. I love blind wolfies....)) Makia turned invisible and wriggled out from under Soren, pinning him to the ground and biting his foreleg. "Nice try, but she's mine." He growled, lashing his three tails around the hind leg of the other wolf...
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5:47pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 5:47pm Aug 5 2011)
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Riker then left Akime and went over to Kovalia in her den. She seemed lonely. "Kovalia," he said softly. "Hello." The Beta laid down beside her, his fur brushing hers. Riker wanted to be with her because she seemed like she needed company. Kovalia was pretty, too. Perhaps Riker could try his luck at cheering her up. (I love blind wolfies too! >O )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:53pm Aug 5 2011
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Kovalia's ears perked up when she heard footsteps, Riker's scent brushing against her nose. He smelled like blueberries and snow...which was actually a pretty nice combination. She smiled slightly, setting her head back down. "Hello Riker," she said, her voice gentle and warm, just like it always was. "What brings you to the blond wolf's den?" she asked, her smile wideniing a little more. She didn't care if others knew she was blind. She could still function very well for herself. Her unseeing eyes focused onto Riker, the she-wolf using her aura-sight once again. If only she could make out true colors. She could only 'see' in varying shades of grey, with things that had no aura showing up as black. She wanted to know what the colors looked like...she already knew their tastes and smells. ((Be back in a bit I have food to go eat. 8D))