5:07pm Aug 8 2011
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((Where is Angel?))
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5:15pm Aug 8 2011
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((I dunno. :C))
6:10pm Aug 8 2011
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4:30pm Aug 9 2011
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5:25pm Aug 9 2011
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( :'c )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:28pm Aug 9 2011
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10:35am Aug 10 2011
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( -poutwhine- )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:20am Aug 10 2011
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Amalia looked over at Kovalia and snarled, padding her way over to Akime. "Look, she likes him too." She said simply, sitting down beside her enemy for the moment...
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1:35pm Aug 10 2011
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2:45pm Aug 10 2011
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((Okay guys, seriously. We've bumped like, almost a page between here and page 17. :<))
2:49pm Aug 10 2011
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(I'm tired of waiting. :< I'm sorry to say this, Fruitie, but I'M BREAKING MY PROMISE. I think we should just go ahead for the RP's sake. And sort of for mine. -.- I completely comply with Rika.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:51pm Aug 10 2011
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((It's almost been a WEEK. It's been five days since Angel got off, and we've done nothing but BUMP SINCE THEN. So yeah, we've bumped almost TWO PAGES.))
2:54pm Aug 10 2011
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(I FRICKIN' KNOW RITE. It seems as if Fruitie has abandoned us. So we might as well go ahead until she remembers about this.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:58pm Aug 10 2011
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((So yeah. Iceh: Be Riker. :U So that Kovalia can talk some more and not feel like a blind freak of nature. :U))
3:05pm Aug 10 2011
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(Okies then Rika. Also, I checked up, and the last 1/4 of page 16 was all OOC and all after that was OOC and mainly bumping. :< ) Riker let out a soft sigh. "I understand completely. Last season there was no fight for Beta Female for once, and I was happy. Sometimes I even ended up with somebody I didn't like. And lots of nice females die in the process. So the fight for Alpha is even worse. Lots of valuable male fighters die, all for one position. And the one who gets picked might not even be Angel's true love," he said. "Come to think of it, how can you meet your true love by a fighting competition? True love is earned through a female wolf and a male wolf who bond and become friends and soon end up doing more things that involve themselves being closer to each other. Then they end up mates and maybe even have pups. Now, that is true love." The Beta glanced at the fighting arena, where he heard cries and howls from the competitors. "Not that over there."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:16pm Aug 10 2011
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((I did go ahead)) Avalia cocked her head at Kovalia and Riker and sighed. She didn't have a chance, Riker was flirting with Kovalia. That was it, she might as well go find someone else. By no means, was she giving up ,she just needed to clear her head, so she did. She raced out of camp as fast as her wings could take her and took out all her angry a large elk...
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3:23pm Aug 10 2011
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Kovalia nodded in agreement, then shook her head. "Wolves in love can do stupid things...like fight to the death for someone who might not even love them back..." She set her head down on her paws, sighing softly. "It's not right...I can't stand smelling the blood...that bright...red has made everything else that color smell like blood to me..." She sdighed, covering her muzzle with her paws. "Riker...do you think anyone would want a blind wolf as a mate?" she asked softly, lifting her head. Yeah, she wasn't very secure about her blindness... She was the only wolf she was aware of that had been born blind and had survived into adulthood. Most packs shunned disabled wolves...
3:36pm Aug 10 2011
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"Of course somebody would want a blind wolf as their mate," Riker replied. "A wolf is a wolf, no matter what disabilities they have or how they look. Being blind should also not deter others from falling in love with the blind wolf. As long as she is nice and kind and such, then there should be almost no difference." He thought back to a sad scene he had seen one day, out past the border. Some loners.. a mother and her cute little child... so much blood.. over.. The thought got shaken away. "And by Lupus, if anybody thinks that some blind or deaf wolf isn't good enough because of ONE THING, just ONE THING, and they as so much want to avoid complete contact or compliance with that wolf, I will make it my duty to let them see the truth," Riker said. It was true, after all. It's only one little flaw. And if everything else is perfect, then why not? It's not like if you come in contact with a deaf wolf you're going to die. That's just stupidity.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:37pm Aug 10 2011
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I think Ali should like Kovalia))
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3:40pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 3:41pm Aug 10 2011)
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Kovalia couldn't help but smile, turning her head to give Riker a little lick on his muzzle. "Thank you for that..." she said softly, setting her head back down. She could still hear all of the cries, the howls... "Riker...would you like to move a little further away from the fights?" she asked, turning her head to 'look' at him, her ears perked up slightly. Being blind also meant her other senses were better than most wolves' were, so she could still clearly hear what was going on. ((Hmm. I wonder if Akime really does like Hellhound AND Riker. xD And Sky likes Ali, who also likes Akime... Good god what is this, a pentagon? Hexagon? XD))