1:50am Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 1:51am Aug 12 2011)
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((Amalia does love Riker, not his rank... Lol. Poor Amalia... Why is she so hated XD))
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1:53am Aug 12 2011
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"Thank you for not fighting..." She muttered as the wolf wandred off. She looked towards Riker, itching to talk to him, but he was with Kovalia now and it would be wrong to interuppt. She sent a quick glance to her vrother who winked at her and then sighed. Ali looked over at Kovalia and sniffed the air. Why did it smell like blueberries...?
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2:01am Aug 12 2011
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((Kovalia's the onlyn one who can smell colors. XD She uses it to find her way around. Blue shades smell like blueberries. Cx She, herself, doesn't actually smell like blueberries. XD))
2:01am Aug 12 2011
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(Akime thinks she only likes him for the rank. I know she really likes him. Amalia is only hated by Akime. And probably Kovalia, since she's also in love with Riker. Akime's gonna go get teh assassin. O.O)
2:03am Aug 12 2011
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((I keel akime if she tries to kill Amalia... JK Also, oops, I thought that all of them could. Danr.))
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2:05am Aug 12 2011
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Kovalia kept her head on her paws, unable to see any glances towards her. She closed her sightless eyes, letting herself relax into Riker's scent. The blueberries from the blue and snow from the white really did mix well together. So the shewolf was content, as well as warm and relaxed for once. She liked it when she could relax.
10:46am Aug 12 2011
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((OKAY. Gonna add in another male now because I'm a glutton for punishment. |D))
11:24am Aug 12 2011
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(ROAROAROARAORASRO :o I'm back. And yes, I go to sleep at 10 Res time. c; ) Riker was startled by fighting noises nearby. "Ali, that's not true," he said. "Kovalia, I have to go for a bit now. I should be back later. It's urgent." With that, the blue and white wolf sped out and halted at Amalia. "I'm disappointed in you. And Akime, too," Riker growled lowly. With that, the Beta sprinted into the woods, following the sound of the lone howl. His paws carried him as fast as they could. "Akime!" (Also, characters are accepted KoopaTroopa. Why do you make so many evil wolves? xD; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:44pm Aug 12 2011
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"Wait, what did I do!?" Amalia called after the retreatuing figure of Riker. " I didn't want to fight, she circled me in fire!" She still had little whisps of smoke on her paws from Akime's ring of fire and her wing tips were singed from the cieling. She winced now that Akime wasn't here and watching her...
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2:57pm Aug 12 2011
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Kovalia lifted her head, ears perked when Riker spok. "Okay," she said ears flattening as his snow-and-blueberry scent moved farther and farther away. She then set her head back down, her own blueberry scent blocking the scent of any nearby wolves. She had a feeling that one, or both, of them were going to come after her. Akime and Amalia weren't the most...calm members of the pack, after all. ((Brb making a loner if that's okay.))
3:08pm Aug 12 2011
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Now that Akime was gone, Amalia could truely show the emotion she was feeling: sadness. She trotted over to Kovalia, her tail drooping and her eyes sad. "I don't get it, I didn't do anything wrong.... I just didn't want Akime to hurt you..." She murmered an apology...
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3:16pm Aug 12 2011
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Kovalia lifted her head, her ears perked up slightly at the smell of snow, with a very faint trace of...ice? Something of that nature. She recognized it as Amalia, before she even spoke. "I thank you for that, Amalia," she said gently as she sat up, carefully moving to lick the other shewolf's muzzle. "But I think he may be getting tired of all the fighting in general... He does not even like the alpha fights...though I don't either." She wrinkled her nose when it was turned towards the ring. Blood... "Being a blind wolf...my other senses are a lot better than a normal wolf's...and the scent of blood makes me sick to my stomach..."
3:40pm Aug 12 2011
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"Don't worry Kovalia, I don't like it either. I mean, can't they see that the alphess will choose who she wants to mate. Doesn't that work better?" She wondered, sitting down and pulling her wings closer to her body. "My mother was blind, so I understand the senses thing, of course, she wasn't as beautiful as you are. I get my looks from her. She let out a laugh and then smiled even thoguh she knew the other wolf coudlnt' see it. "Just be careful. Akime is planning something." She said simply...
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3:48pm Aug 12 2011
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((I edited the loner's bio in with my other six wolves. xD;)) Kovalia smiled, then carefully moved to give the other a friendly nuzzle. "Thank you for warning me Avalia. And though I'm told I'm pretty, I don't know if I can really believe it. I finally know I'm blue with little purple markings, though... I still don't know what I really look like, and I never will." She then lifted her head slightly, moving in closer to the faint icy smell. "Your have...wings, right? They are a pale blue...but most of you is white..." She smiled a little wider. "Being able to smell and taste colors is a very strange gift to have...but I use it to determine what wolf is who, and to get through the forest." She grinned a little bit.
4:17pm Aug 12 2011
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(Because it's fun to be evil. >:D) Akime trotted through the woods, occassionally barking Nightengale's name. Then she heard Riker's voice...It was in the distance, but she knew that he could easily catch up. he could ruin this entire plan. But she did have to take him to that place she'd told him of at some point. "Nightengale!" Akime barked, desperately trying to find the wolf. Akime heard growling. Turning around, she saw nothing, but felt like she was being watched. In about half a second, darkness filled the air and took the form of a wolf... a demon wolf. It slammed her to the ground, and Akime gasped as she looked up to see red eyes and an evilly smiling black face looking down at her. She shot fire at it, but to her suprise it went right through the demon. Then something came after it. A white and black she-wolf came out of the bushes. "Murder..." Nightengale snarled, "Get off it."
4:33pm Aug 12 2011
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(Accepted, Rika. :3 Now I wanna make a wolfie... xD But it'd have to be an Omega, and I'm not sure if you guys will be ok with three Omegas. :'c ) Riker ran faster and faster and faster. "Akime!" he shouted again. After calling once more, his next became sort of desperate-sounding. Akime was going to be in trouble. Along with Amalia, of course. Splashing trouble a creek along the way, he eventually spotted her, but slunk off into the shadows to watch the events unfold. Riker's scent was conveniently eliminated due to the effects of water. He smiled to himself at the knowing that he didn't even do it on purpose.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:37pm Aug 12 2011
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((I apparently have this weird obsession with blue. xD All of my wolves except Hellhound have blue in them.))
4:40pm Aug 12 2011
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"Hey,Kovalia, I don't know if it means anything coing from me, but you really are pretty. Riker would be lucky to have you." She smiled and licked the fur of the other wolf. "My brother wants to try something, he doesn't think it will work, but he wants to." She looked over at her brother and he walked forward. "Don't worry though, you won't feel a thing." Avalia turned to Ali waited to hear a yes or a no from Kovalia... ((I think I am going to see if Ali can cure her blindness. He won't be able to fully do it, just a little bit, but barely.))
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4:56pm Aug 12 2011
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(get well soon, ice's tooth. :P) The demon that Nightengale had called Murder stepped off Akime. "we should kill it." The demon laughed, but Nightengale shook her head. "see what it wants first." She paused, then Nightengale looked down at Akime. "Why'd you come here?" Nightengale snarled. Akime paused. "I...I need an assassin." She said. Nightengale exchanged glances with Murder. "And for what?" The demon asked. Akime thought. "You see...there's a wolf in my pack named Riker. I love him, but so does a wolf named Amalia. She seems to want me gone, so I've tried to kill her several times. But she can fly, so she's been a coward and escaped every time." Akime paused. "i need you to go after her." The assassin sighed and sat down. Nightengale growled.. "Alright." She stood up. Akime gasped as she noticed something about Nightengale. "You...don't have a shadow.." Akime whispered. The assassin seemed pleased that Akime had mentioned this. "That's because I AM shadow.
5:06pm Aug 12 2011
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(Aw, shank you for the good wishings to my tooth <3 And anybody think I should go ahead with another Omega? :P ) Riker was taken aback. Akime was so... evil! And so was that Nightingale wolf.. This was terrible. It was extremely bad. Nightingale should be eliminated. That wolf could be a harm to the pack.. a very big harm. Especially since she's going to go murder Amalia! The only wolf Riker could think of that could defeat Nightingale was... Hellhound. They were almost a perfect match. But who knows who would win now? (You do know that Riker's probably going for Kovalia the most right now... right? :P )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -