5:06pm Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 5:09pm Aug 12 2011)
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((It'll only do it enough to where she can make out colors in big blurry messes. :U Sound good?)) Kovalia tilted her head, then lifted it as she turned her head to where the scent of snow and several other things came from. Only Ali smelled like so many things. "I...suppose it's okay..." she said softly as she sat up and curled her tail around her paws, ears perked up. ((And I mean big masses of color all smushed together kind of blurry mess. xD)) _____________________________ ((Speaking of Hellhound...)) Hellhound watched the alpha fights with glee, a wide, sadistic grin on his muzzle as blood was spilled. His evil energy had slowly returned to just his tail, though it still glowed brighter than usual. He currently had violence to distract him, so the pack was safe for the time being.
5:10pm Aug 12 2011
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((Well, it will be better than being blind. Have it be a bit clearer though.)) All licked the top her head and shuddered as certain sights and sounds coursed throguh him. He tried to look around, but everything seemed strangely dark. He could still make out shapes, but the color seemed to be darker than usual and certain things were giant blobs. He now knew how Kovalia felt...
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5:23pm Aug 12 2011
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Nightingale froze. "Wait. What's in this for me?" Akime paused, thinking. "...You can turn me into a demon as long as you gaurentee the wolf will be killed." Nightengale's eyes brightened. "Deal." Akime closed her eyes so she wouldn't see it coming, but the pain still came very clearly when Nightengale ripped out Akime's soul. This killed the white diamond-winged she-wolf, and left quite a bloody scene. Akime's soul was dark gray. It was evil, but not black like Nightengale wanted. The most evil demons were jet black, like Murder. Nightengale forced darkness into the soul. Soon it was jet black and would quickly develop a worse personality which Nightengale would have to learn to put up with. and since the assassin called her demons not by their real names but by something horrible they'd done while they were alive, she would not be called Akime anymore. "Come, Liar," Nightengale said, "We've got work to do."
5:25pm Aug 12 2011
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((She won't be able to see at all very well. It'll still mainly be big blurs. :U)) Kovalia's eyes grew wide as the darkness slowly began to fade from her vision, slowly standing up and taking a few steps back. At this point, you could see that her eyes actually were white, just covered with a transluscent film that made you wonder. She looked around, the tings around her startling colors. She could...place together the scents and the tastes with colors, true colors now. Slowly, she turned her head and stared at Amalia, her ears perked forward. "Amalia..." Slowly, she got a little closer, "Amalia, you really are....very pretty." Then she looked over at Ali, again startled by all of the colors. She cocked her head and slowly moved over, sniffing at the rainbow that was his mane. Red still smelled like blood, yellow smelled like daisies, orange smelled like wildflowers, green was grass, blue was blueberries, indigo was blackberries, and violet...smelled like violets. ((Hehehe. c: She can now make out colors. Woo. |D))

6:06pm Aug 12 2011
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"Why thanks!" amalia said and looked at her brother who had his eyes narrowed in the direction opposite her. "Ali, I'm over here." she said softly and he turned to face her. He cocked his head, trying to make out the colors, but they didn't seem to be working. To him, his sister looked black with navy blue on her. He shook away the feeling, but it was still there, lurking in the back of his mind. "It will take some getting used to." He said, his tongue falling from his mouth in a playful way...
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6:44pm Aug 12 2011
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7:14pm Aug 12 2011
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Meanwhile, Kovalia was starting to wander off, looking around and taking everything in. She could...see colors... Soon, however, she was back over to where Ali and Amalia were. She was....so happy... She nuzzled Ali, her ears perked as tears built up in her eyes. "Thank you....Thank you so much..." she whispered, her voice wavering with tons of emotion.
7:32pm Aug 12 2011
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"No problem." He muttered with embarresment, his cheeks growing hot under his fur... (FAIL!))
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4:24pm Aug 13 2011
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((Hurr hurr Riker should come and warn Amalia. :U And go get Hellhound. xD))
8:55pm Aug 13 2011
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((Up. o3o))
12:04am Aug 14 2011
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((bump is right.))
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4:39pm Aug 14 2011
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((Herpderp. :U I think I might bring in my new wolfy now. If I do I'll edit it into this post. :U))
4:56pm Aug 14 2011
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(alright. I'm gonna post. :P) Astrace padded over to Failes. He was quiet, for a few seconds, then said, "Uh...Failes...can I talk to you...alone?"
5:41pm Aug 14 2011
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Failes ears perked, then smiled and nodded, standing up to follow the other wolf when he was ready to go, her tail wagging lightly behind her. Of course, talking is something she couldn't really do, but that wasn't the point.
6:47pm Aug 14 2011
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Astrace padded away from the other wolves. When he was convinced that nobody would hear him, he picked up a couple of sticks and struck them with electricity. This started the sticks on fire. "You can speak through fire, correct?" He paused. "...Failes...I really...like you."
8:39pm Aug 14 2011
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Riker sped off, rustling the bushes a bit. But he was gone before anybody would notice. He ran and ran and ran and ran to camp. "Amalia!" the wolf shouted, almost bumping into her as a stop. "I.. I... Need to tell you... something.." he said in-between pants. Taking a deep breath, the Beta regained himself. "Akime has foudn an assassin named Nightingale and that assassin is going off to kill you! In return for Nightingale's murder of you, Akime has been turned into a demon! You have to be on high alert! You need a protector!" Riker rambled. "Think about that. I need to go get Hellhound," he said hurriedly. His paws carried him quickly to the arena where he found none other than Hellhound. "Hellhound, I need you to do something for me. Can you go to.." Riker couldn't believe he was saying this. "Kill someone? Her name is Nightingale. She's an assassin Akime has sent to murder Amalia. I need you to stop her by killing Nightingale first. Can you do that, Hellhound?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:47pm Aug 14 2011
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"No, wait! Riker, I have to face this alone! Otherwise Akime will think I am weak!" she called after him, trying to catch up with the speed of her wings...
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11:08pm Aug 14 2011
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Kovalia's eyes widened when a blur of white and blue rushed by, the familiar scent of blueberries and snow washing over her. HEaring Riker's voice she moved forward, ears pulled back. Amalia had kept Akime from hurting her...so in return... "Amalia, would you mind if I because your protector? I have better senses than most wolves and even a shadow can't escape my nose... But that color...it smells like death..." She shivered, then shook her head, moving up to stand tall. Hellhound turned his head, ears perking up when he heard that he would be allowed to kill someone. He grinned, his snake-like tongue flicking out before he stood up. "I'd love to," he growled, his tail suddenly growing brighter and taking its lion shape beside him, looking close to being an adult.
11:47pm Aug 14 2011
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Amalia nodded and then realized she still might not be able to see that. "Oh, Ya, sure, that's fine. If you really want to, I would be glad to have you fighting by my side. And if it means anything, Riker really likes you and you would make a cute couple." She stopped, about to walk. "What I don't understand is that if Akime loves Riker, why would she allow herself to turn Demon." She wondered...
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12:34am Aug 15 2011 (last edited on 1:10am Aug 15 2011)
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Dagger overheard the conversation, and when Amalia asked why she would allow herself to be turned into a demon, he said "Maybe she got so angry that her thoughts were more focused on killing you than being in love with Riker" He said, facing the two she-wolves. "I've heard of things like that happening before." Dagger didn't want to mention that Hellhound would probably be attacked by demons before he could even get to the assassin. And if Akime had become a demon, she was simply more help for the killer. (switching to Nightengale. Enter key doesn't work on my phone.) Nightengale was led toward her destination by Liar (akime) as her other eight demons followed her. the other eight were Murder, of course, who was Nightengale's favorite demon and her little slave, and then she had seven other demons named after the seven deadly sins. Gluttony, Envy, and so on. Nightengale had all seven, with a demon whose personality matched each name.