2:30pm Aug 15 2011
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11:32pm Aug 16 2011
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11:34pm Aug 16 2011
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((Oh come on...))
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5:46am Aug 17 2011
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Kovalia noddded, a smile forming on her muzzle. "Oh...and um...thank you..." she said, her ears pulling back slightly out of embarrassment. "I'm sure he likes you too, though," she told her, moving to give her a friendly nuzzle. Then she sat down and closed her eyes, her ears perking up as her tail moved around her paws. With her enhanced hearing and her keen sense of smell, she could hopefully detect them coming. Hellhound licked his lips and moved towards the trees, where he was soon joined by Heilen and Mikael, the other two males smiling. Hellhound merely shook his head and sat down with his brother and the only other wolf who could either calm him down or unleash him on a rampage. Together they waited, waited for the first round to come. There would be blood...a lot of it...shed today. All three of them were prepared to die for the sake of the pack. ((Calun will come in during the battle. |D And so will Sky. :U))
9:31am Aug 17 2011
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The alpha fight seemed to have come to an end, Avalia observed that the watching wolves were taking care of the body of Makia , carrying it away for the burial ceremony. She sighed. Makia had been a good friend, not one who deserved to die for the sake of being Alpha. She lay down, refusin to cry, yet sad...
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5:07pm Aug 17 2011
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Nightengale ran after Liar, the demon who was leading her to her target. Liar paused. "We're here. they can't see us until we come through these bushes." She pointed to a small group of bushes which kept Nightengale and the demons hidden. Nightengale nodded and signalled for the demons to come into the veiw of the wolves. All nine of them stepped out of the bushes, the bushes rustling slightly. It was impossible to tell the demons apart unless they spoke, since their voices were easy to recognize. They all stayed quiet as they looked around at the wolves. One of the demons called Envy gave a confused look to liar, wondering which wolf was the one they were supposed to kill. Liar growled slightly, whacking envy with her tail. "You'll see." She whisper-growled, and a wolf with good hearing might be able to tell it was her. None of the demons moved, they all stood in a straight line. They waited for the command to attack. But Nightengale herself wasn't going to speak up, because she needed to remain hidden and use her demons for this. She couldn't face a wolf pack alone. The demons watched as they saw the sky turn black, removing the majority of the light from the area. This how Nightengale had chosen to command them to attack.

9:39pm Aug 17 2011
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Avalia looked up as the sky turned black and shuddered. This much shadow wasn't normal for midday. She glanced at her brother who had stopped trying to squint and look and turned his face to the sky to see what was going on. "Avalia, I don't like this." he whined softly at the discoloratin of the normally blue sky above them...
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9:40pm Aug 17 2011
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((Sorry, I mean Amalia. too lazy to change.))
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4:14pm Aug 18 2011
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Riker nodded to Hellhound. "You need to exterminate her. Fully. I trust you," he said as a final word and stood by Amalia. The sky changed to a sort of smoky jet-black. The sky of hell. He knew that Nightingale was coming. Soon, too. His ears pricked up immediately at... Akime's voice? She was here! Akime was here, but she was a demon now... but still.. Akime was here! Though, she was set out to murder Amalia with Nightingale... Turning to Hellhound, Riker flicked his tail to tell him that this was his opponent. ('Daw... I wanna make two more charactersssss D: Can I make a male Omega and a female loner-ish thing that acts like a loner and isn't in the pack much but has the rank of a Hunter though she wanted to be a Fighter? PLEAASSEEE???!!)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:18pm Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I don't mind. o3o))
4:28pm Aug 18 2011
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Hellhound licked his maw with his snakelike tongue, crouching down with his almost fully-grown lion made of his dark energy by his side. He growled, everything red on him glowing brighter and brighter, almost to the point where he was glowing as brightly as Mikael. He could let loose in this battle and kill these wolves. He'd been given permission. The instant they attacked, some serious stuff was going to go down. Kovalia shivered as the scent of death, associated with the color black, filled her senses. So many flashes ran through her mind, but she stood up and she moved to Stand beside Amalia. She had heard Akime as well, and her ears flattened as the calm, gentle wolf let out her first ever growl, eyes closed.
6:34pm Aug 18 2011
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(Edited in my new chars~)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:36pm Aug 18 2011
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Dusk raced to Hellhound's side. At this point, she didn't care if he liked her or not, she was going to protect him even as a demon. She flattened her ears and opened her maw, water ancasing her paws and freezing to ice. Her pupils became slitted and cat like and lost all the blue in them, become a blood red color. Her teeth snapped the air as she awaited battle. Amalia and Ali stood side by side, their flanks touching and their hearts beating as one. Both had their ears layed back on their head, but only Ali had his jaw open in a silent snarl. Amalia was astounded. She didn't think that she was so popular, of course, it was probably just because Riker didn't want to lose a packmate. It made her wonder what Riker thought about Akime's... change...
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6:53pm Aug 18 2011
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((Dusk, Heilen, Mikael, and Hellhound are the front lines you guys. Everyone else, fall in as needed and make sure your objective can be reached! That demon must be STOPPED! Hehehe. c: -derp- -will edit in her post-))
7:49pm Aug 18 2011
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"Fools." hissed a demon named Wrath. "You cannot touch us. You have no affect on us. Only those who control darkness do. You will go straight through us. We are like air." The demon laughed, but another of the demons named Greed spoke up. "Wrath...the lion..." She had a fearful look on her face as she saw Hellhound's lion. "...It can kill us." Liar rolled her eyes. "You're already dead, Greed." The demon who had once been Akime climbed onto the top of a large boulder so that the wolves could see her. "You have one chance to hand Amalia over. Or we will unleash hell."
7:52pm Aug 18 2011
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This was her chance, her one chance to save the pack from death. "No..." She glared up at the shadow that used to be Akime, stared straight into those red eyes. "You are twisted and evil and dark, but your my friend. I will go with you if you promise not to harm them." she said, stepping forward, brushing past Hellhound and Dusk...
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7:59pm Aug 18 2011
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((Hey hey hey hey Kupa. 8D I had an idea~! o3o What if Nightengale had a sibling that could purify the souls she took? o: -shot-))
8:03pm Aug 18 2011
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((No. I don like that idea... Sorry, I just don't...))
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8:13pm Aug 18 2011
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((Why not Feyth? o3o))
8:23pm Aug 18 2011
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((I don't know.... Mostly because then Akime would come back, but I just don't like the idea...))
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