6:38pm Aug 19 2011
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Hellhound laughed, his snake-like tongue flicking out as he let out a wild giggle. "I can't control my lion past a certain point you know~" he said, his lion letting out a roar as it started pacing back and forth, back and forth. Mikael let out a growl, ears pulling back as he recalled the demons he had brought here. He sat down, staring up at the female in charge of all this. He still remained bright in a world of dhadows, his bright colors glowing in the darkness. At this point, heilen sat down, licking his chops. He let out a soft howl, one that could drift through their forest home and speak to the creatures living within it. Deer, squirrels, rabbits, etc. They heard his call and, in the background, they began to line up to help the wolf who came through to help them. Kovalia stood up and moved to stand in front of Amalia, her ears pulling back as she stared at the demons through her newfound sight. Blurs of black with spots of red...death and blood.... It was enough to make her gag and want to vomit, but she stood strong. Behind them, even Failes was stepping forward, fire she had taken from the fire pit swirling around her. Since this was fir not created by her, but true fire, this could be used to harm. This could be used to hurt, to defend the pack. Before she stepped up, thuogh, she smiled at Astrace and nuzzled him, giving him a lick on the muzzle. Just because she was an omega with no voice didn't mean she wasn't going to fight against these demons. Out of the forest slipped an old-looking blue and brown wolf, a known loner who came by in times of need. Calun, looked towards the demons in the trees and pulled his ears back, standing tall. He looked old, yes, but truthfully he was quite young. A steady wind began to swirl around the demons, gentle at first. He smiled, slowly creeping forward after a while. Then Sky brought the shadows around her close, slowly beginning to make them into a solid being. She sat down, her eyes closed, as a fierce beast bean to take shape beside her. ((I totally forgot Hellhound has legions of his own demons under his control because he himself is a dark being. o3o))

6:53pm Aug 19 2011
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Murder shoved Dagger off the boulder, the wolf tumbling onto the ground and skidding about three feet afterwards. "Killing him would be too easy." The demon muttered under his breath. Then he turned to Hellhound. "I tell you I'm going to kill your packmate if you do anything that might threaten me, and you do not back down to save him?" The demon fearlessly stepped down off the boulder and walked straight up to Hellhound. "I may be a demon, but even I know better than to do something that stupid and selfish. If your lion attacked one of the demons, I'd at least DO something." He snarled.
7:15pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 7:19pm Aug 19 2011)
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"Simple," she said. As a shadow, her voice was a whisper and echoed throughout wolves' hearing. Of course, not everybody could hear her speak. Only the wolf or wolves she specifically wanted to speak to could hear her. "I followed the scent of darkness and evil." She smirked, but you probably couldn't tell through her shadow form. (Hehe, she's a shadow. In the ground. But she can also come out of the ground and still be a shadow. But shadows have like.. cool voices too. xD ) EDIT: (Meh, forgot about meh other characters.) Riker growled at Akime. "This isn't you. What deal you made with Nightingale back there was idiocracy." He continued. "Just because Amalia is your rival doesn't mean you have to murder her."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:21pm Aug 19 2011
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((Awww. No post for Astrace? :U I even posted for Failes. I posted for like...basically all of my wolves right there aw yeeeeeeaaaahhhh.))
7:31pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 7:34pm Aug 19 2011)
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Ignoring everything Riker had said except 'this isn't you,' Liar laughed and then stopped completely. "This is me, Riker." She said. "I made a deal back there with Nightingale because I thought loved you, Riker, and I DIED for you. That means nothing to you, I know. But when I became a demon I realized how stupid I was to love someone as weak and worthless as you, Riker." She said his name as if it was a deadly disease, paused, then smiled as she said," You could have stopped this. None of this ever had to happen. If you hadn't let Kovalia and Amalia fall in love with you, this night never would've came! And I wouldn't be dead. Nightingale wouldn't be here, and this whole pack wouldn't be about to die." She tackled him and slammed him into the dirt. "This is your fault." ------- Dagger tried to get up, but Envy just slammed him back onto the ground. "Now, before I kill this coward, is ANYONE willing to do something?" Envy was a demon who loved fighting because, being a demon, she usually won. Waiting for a reply, she imagined herself killing each and every one of these wolves. Bring it on. --- (EDIT: HERE's Astrace.:) Astrace's jaw dropped open as Failes licked him, and he was completely shocked. He stood beside her, ready to fight the demons to the death. He didn't care what they did to him. As long as they didn't hurt Failes. He looked at her, looking unusually brave for an Omega. "I'll protect you." (probably gonna draw Astrace and failes. Want me to post a link to the picture when I'm done? XD)

7:37pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 7:37pm Aug 19 2011)
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"It's not my fault, Akime. You let jealousy come into you. And I can't help it if others fall in love with me." He took a breath and looked into Akime's soulless eyes. "I loved you back. But I guess that's nothing to you anymore," he said softly. Riker's gaze was sad and melancholy.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:46pm Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Awwwww yeaahhhh. 8D And be back later food.))
7:47pm Aug 19 2011
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Liar staggered backwards and was shocked completely. Her red eyes got wide and she looked about as scared and sorry as she could look as a demon. "You...did...?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She wanted so badly to make Nightengale call the demons off and leave the wolves alone. But something inside her seemed to be screaming 'No.' She let her head hang down low, her red eyes closed in shame. "I am just a worthless liar." She muttered.
7:57pm Aug 19 2011
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"No, you're are friend. Your not a liar. Everybody makes mistakes." Amalia pleaded to the demon who was once Akime. "Come back to the pack, help us fight against them instead of for them. "I am sorry for whatever I did. I never meant for you to become like this." A sad look settled in her eyes...
 <-- Click me
8:04pm Aug 19 2011
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"Yes, I did," Riker said quietly. He padded up to Akime and shook his head. "You are no liar. You are a wonderful wolf who deserves a wonderful life." Right now, he would nuzzle her but.. that wasn't really possible, right? So he did something else. With a small smile, Riker conjured up a single, small red orb and floated it in front of Akime's face. Would she remember that from so long ago? He then let it drop and crash on the ground. (You need to post as Nightingale. :P )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:06pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 8:07pm Aug 19 2011)
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"No..." Liar said. "You'll all hate me." She paused as the red orb hit the ground, which only filled her with sadness and regret. "You'll all know I tried to kill you, Amalia, and no one will ever forgive me." She turned to Amalia. "How cna you even ask me to come back when I tried to have you killed?"
8:07pm Aug 19 2011
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((lalala............. Riker <--x--> Akime, Amalia x--> Riker, Kovalia x--> Riker?))
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8:09pm Aug 19 2011
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"Because, I don't care. All this over one wolf, even Riker. It's not worth it. You're my packmate. I've known you since I was a pup. We were best friend, why should one wolf change that. I love Riker, but I will back off. I don't want the pack getting hurt for my feelings." She said, nuzzling the air around Akime. Ali looked at Akime with dull eyes and smiled, stading up. "Amalia is right. We are friends and don't try to be something you aren't. You are NOT a liar."
 <-- Click me
8:12pm Aug 19 2011
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(Huh? And you still need Nightingale >U ) "No. I will never hate you. You shall always be accepted into the pack," Riker said. "Demon or not." He nuzzled her as an 'air-nuzzle', so to speak, since he couldn't touch dark energy unless he controlled darkness or shadows and the like. "And nobody has been killed yet and even if they are killed it is not you to blame."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:14pm Aug 19 2011
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((Is that the love thing going on right now?)
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8:14pm Aug 19 2011 (last edited on 8:17pm Aug 19 2011)
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Liar lifted her dark paw. It had once been white, but now it was just dark air. "I don't think I can come back." She said, sighing. "Look at what I've turned into. Nightengale did this. She ripped out my soul and filled it with darkness. Only she can undo it, and she won't. It was part of the deal." (Edit: Here ice.) Nightengale tipped her head to the side. She was completely confused. "What?" She asked. "You followed the scent of darkness and evil...how does that tell me what you want?"
8:17pm Aug 19 2011
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"Akime, it's alright, we don't care. What matters now is Dealing with Nightengale." As she said the name, her claws dug into the ground and her teeth snapped the air in a snarl. "You will always be our packmate, whether or not you are a demon, now come, lets defeat her once and for all." she said, advancing towards Nightengale. She didn't care if she couldn't hurt her or if she was fighting a losing battle, she would protect her pack no matter what the costs...
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8:20pm Aug 19 2011
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"Amalia...you can't fight her. She'll just rip out your throat and soul." She said. Liar suddenly came up with an evil little plan, which was easy for her as a demon. ...Wolves can't touch demons. And she's already filled me with darkness. Nightengale can't touch me...and that means I can be used against her.
8:24pm Aug 19 2011
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"Well, you have the power to turn wolves into demons, correct?" she stated. "It's an interesting feat.." She paced around Nightingale. Her shadow form came out of the ground and became a 'living shadow'. "You also seem quite interesting." Riker thought for a moment. "Don't you have a plan? I know that you can think of plans quite well."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:25pm Aug 19 2011
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"She is a wolf, she can be hurt, maybe not be other wolves, but maybe..." As she padded towards the evil wolf, she shifted into a red-tyailed hawk and flew into the air. As she did so, she folded her wings into her body and dove at the wolf, her beedy eyes staring straight at the neck she was aiming for...
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