9:05pm Aug 19 2011
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Nightengale whipped her head around, and let a smile come across her face. And she NEVER smiled. "You..." She laughed. "...You're my target." She didn't let Ali go, but she called the demons. "Kill her." Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, Anger, Sloth, and Murder all came to Nightingale and began attacking Amalia. Liar snarled and bolted to where Nightingale and the demons were, and threw Envy and Murder off of Amalia. "Get away from her!" She snarled. Gluttony and Wrath turned and attacked Liar instead of Amalia, but Greed and Sloth and Anger still focused on Nightingale's commands. Wrath quickly had her slammed to the ground, and pinned.
9:12pm Aug 19 2011
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((Well uh Hellhound is basically evil incarnate. 8D His lion is his own dark energy seepin out remember? So he should be able to touch the dmeons too right? Anyways he's going to pick a fight with Nightengale. xD))
9:13pm Aug 19 2011
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Amalia was pinned down by Greed and attempted to throw it off of her, but the wolf was too heavy. She ahd just about given up when Dusk came and soved water towards her maknig a current for Amalia to float out from under the other wolf. Amalia smiled gratefully and dodged the other shadow wolves with only a few major cts. She leaped on top of Nightengale and pushed her to the ground...
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9:13pm Aug 19 2011
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((Can you have him pick a fight with the other demons to keep them away from Akime and Amalia?))
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9:18pm Aug 19 2011
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Nightingale snarled. "Murder." She growled the name of her favorite demon, the one who was most loyal and most powerful. And most evil. The demon turned and saw Nightingale pinned to the ground, and he leapt at Amalia, jumping over Nightingale and grabbing Amalia by the neck on his way over. This pulled her off Nightingale, and then Murder threw her across the area. (Yes, the Lion can definitely touch them. I don't know if you saw it but there was a part of a post where a couple of them were talking about how it could hurt them and they hesitated to attack.)
9:24pm Aug 19 2011
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Amalia caught herself before hitting the ground by flapping her wings lightly. She suffered immediate pain from the quick unfurling of her wings and in the process, snapped the bottom part maknig harder to stay afloat. She tucked it close to her body and winced before returning to leaping at Nightengale. Dusk glanced at the demon called murder and tore a shadow out of the air, advnacing the thin blade of darkness towards Murder... ((Everybody seems to have a shadow wolf. Imma make Dusk be able to use shadows to slice things, just because her name is Dusk.))
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9:28pm Aug 19 2011
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Nightingale saw the blade and surrounded Murder in a shield of darkness before the blade would hit her demon. She growled. Someone was coming for her demons. Nightingale bolted at Dusk and bit the wolf's throat, refusing to let go. She pulled darkness under her teeth to add to the pressure on the wolf's neck.
9:30pm Aug 19 2011
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Hellhound let out a howl that could make the weakhearted wolves back down and run with their tail between their legs, summoning up his own demonic army. He let out a cackle, then ruched forward, straight for Nightengale to tackle her, sinking his sharp fangs into her back while his own demonic army rushed towards Amalia to protect her. His lion ran with them, leading them. The lion then ran up and tackled Murder, snarling and pinning him to the ground, digging his claws in. Hellhound was obviously close to losing all control over himself, and once that happened, these demons were TOAST. Meanwhile Failes shook her head at Astrace, her flames moving to gently hover in front of him. "No, Astrace. You must not protect just me, but the rest of the pack as well. We are all fighting against her..." came Faile's soft, warm voice from the crackling flames, a smile on the she-wolf's muzzle as she stepped up to stand beside the other. "Lightning makes fire, and fire can be used to destroy, or even just distract." ((HERPDERP.))

9:33pm Aug 19 2011
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Dusk snarled and tore her neck from Nightengale's gasp. She staggered for a moment and then fell, sending another of the shadow blades deep into Murder's neck. She attempted to get up, but couldn't and instead lay on the ground, her breathing laboured. Ali looked at Dusk and started to advance towards Dusk, ready to heal her, but the ghost of his mother appeared in front of him, unseen by everybody and spoke. "Ali, you will never learn, but you must try. Dusk, this was her time to go, you need to let her advance onwards." The starry wolf licked Ali and dissapared. Ali nodded, a a sad look in his eyes and ran towards Nightengale, pushing her to the ground with Amalia helpnig him keep her there...
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9:42pm Aug 19 2011
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Murder POOFED. Literally, with a burst of darkness, he became nothing. Dead. Gone. His demon was sent to hell, and wouldn't be coming back. The rest of the demons stared in disbelief. --- Nightingale snarled, then started trying desperately to breathe. "ALRIGHT!" She yelped. "I give in!" She pushed the wolves off her, and looked at the demons, signalling for them to leave. They ran off. She got into a submissive stance. "You win...okay...?"
9:44pm Aug 19 2011
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(Oh, and Rika, what color are Failes' eyes?(for the picture I'm drawing.))
9:45pm Aug 19 2011
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"You killed Dusk, it will never be okay." Ali said, starting to push more heavily down onto her neck with his large paw. He looked to Riker for the signle, but wasn't sure what to do. Amalia wasn't sure either. She didn't want to kill even though she knew that Dusk was taking her last breaths and would be dead soon because of this wolf. Over near them, Dusk was indead taking her last laboured breaths. She pushed herself weakly towards Hellhound and snapped the air, her eyes going dim. "I love you..." she muttered before drifting off, the light dying from her eyes...
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9:50pm Aug 19 2011
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Veseya bolted over to Dusk, and sat down. She opened the blue numbing potion and dumped it on Dusk's neck, so that if Veseya was unable to heal her, at least she wouldn't die in pain. She also dumped green potion on Dusk, the kind that stopped bleeding, but with a would like this, she wasn't sure what it would do.
9:53pm Aug 19 2011
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Dusk frelt herself float into the air and then nothing. She was still dead, but the medicine had eased her pain and darkness engulfed her as death claimed her for his own. From dust were they made, to dust they shall return...
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10:00pm Aug 19 2011
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((Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... :<)) Hellhound's ears perked up when he heard snapping at the air, looking down to see Dusk. Hearing the words 'I love you" as her last words, the evil, demonic wolf lowered his head to give the now lifeless shewolf a single, soft lick on her muzzle. She died fighting, a proud death that even he could take seriously. "If I had a heart to melt, it would be a puddle right now," he said before he sat down, his energy returning to his body, his lion returning to a young cub before vanishing. He dipped his head momentarily in reverence, a moment of silence for the slain packmate, before he moved to nudge her onto his back. "While you decide on what to do with her, I will give this little warrior a fitting burial." ((He respects how she died. It takes a lot to get that from him. She died a fighter.))
10:02pm Aug 19 2011
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((I always forget... sorry XD))
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10:07pm Aug 19 2011
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(Rika, what color are Failes' eyes?) Dagger limped over to Dusk's body, but didn't come very close, afraid that if he did, Hellhound would get angry at him or something. He layed his ears back, threw back his head and howled sadly. "And...I'm so sorry." Nightingale said, and a single tear went down her face. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. "...Avenge her." (Don't really kill her people. D:)
10:07pm Aug 19 2011
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((Failes eyes are a pale blue. o3o))
10:09pm Aug 19 2011
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((Won't)) "No. Your a miserable pile of bones and fur, but I won't kill you and neither will he." Amalia nudged her brother and the both of them got off of the wolf. "Don't you dare leave. We need you. Akime, Liar, is in need of being changed back. Do it. Now." She commanded the wolf...
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10:14pm Aug 19 2011
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Nightingale stood up, and got into a submissive stance. "I...I can't! ...And it's not that I don't want to...I literally can't. Only my sister can..." She whimpered.