4:20pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel padded towards the high-stone she made announcments on. She greeted a few wolves as she went by, and took her place on the high-rock. She tilted her head up, and howled. Holwed so loudly, it made echos. It was a harmoniuous howl. A very nice one indeed. She looked down as a few wolves started to gather, along with Taro. She sat on her haunches and waited for the rest to come in. This was a very important announcement. It also meant the fight to be alpha male would start soon.
4:48pm Aug 2 2011
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(Isn't it Toxic, not Taro? xD; ) Sierra was up, just lazily being in her den. She was, in fact, practicing her powers too. Often, her power-practicing took place in her den. That's why it was almost always wet inside. Running around in a circle, she practiced her newly thought-out power that was sort of reckless. This was only the second time trying it out. Going faster, and faster, and faster still, Sierra created a mini tornado of water.skidding to halt, she slammed against the back wall of the den due to the fast speed she had halted at. The tornado, meanwhile, spun out of control as it entered the camp. It wasn't too similar to a real tornado - it didn't suck up things or cause havoc just by going about - but if it hit somebody, that could be a problem. "Uh-oh," Sierra breathed as she sprinted outside to stop the thing. Luckily, her powers didn't affect her much - it only got her wet, seeing as she was the user. Leaping into the air at quite the height, for a second, it was like time slowed down and she was flying. Then time sped up once more and she came down to a slam onto the tornado, hitting the ground with a 'thud' and the sound of an "OOF." Her fur was sopping wet, but the tornado was dimished. The ground around her was wet, too. She lay on the ground, a bit woozy from the fall, but she soon recovered and sat up. Though Sierra was a bit embarrassed. --- Riker heard his Alpha's howl and immediately proceeded outside. Mating season was today - he hadn't forgotten. At least one female was going to want to be Beta, and he had to be prepared. Though that special someone wasn't found yet. Nobody in his pack seemed... right. Sitting down in the middle of camp, Riker looked up at Angel on the high-stone. She would probably start speaking soon. This should be clsoe to the one she says every year. Oh, what pups will come this time? --- Ryku lay just outside of his den with a mix of a bored, angry, normal, and serious ex pression. Mating season was dreaded by him. It was all sick with romance and love and... ugh... pups. It always seemed that every pup was set out into this world to annoy him. They clamber about him and want to play with him every single stinkin' year. Ryku also never found anybody every single stinkin' year. But that was alright... right? Love was just ugly crap, after all! Who needs the yucky love?! --- Alesa was flying high in the air. Almost up to the clouds. She laughed as she floated over onto her back. "You guys all look like ants!" she said. Suddenly, the whole thing was getting boring. An idea popped into her head. "Oopsies~" Alesa said sarcastically as she stopped flying. Hurtling down at amazing sped and velocity, the wolf felt like a meteorite. "Whooooo-hooo!" she whooped as Alesa fell. She then got ready. The ground was coming up quickly. And.... NOW. Initiating her power of flight, she stopped falling just an inch above the ground. Dropping herself down, Alesa shook her fur and sat to listen to Angel.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:50pm Aug 2 2011
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((Ok, now I don't know what to do....))
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4:58pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel saw that most wolves had gathered. So, she spread her wings, adjusted herself, and got ready to announce. " Hello, my faithful pack-members, I hope you slept well. Today, is a very important day. This announcement needs all of your attention because our pack is getting low on members. So it concerns each and every one of you. Today, is the start of.....
Mating season." Angel smiled and waited for the murmurs to go down. " Yes, mating season. I also need to announce that the spot for alpha male, is soon to be open. Along with Beta female." she said, then looked at Riker with a wink.
" So, you should start picking your mates soon. We will need many pairs to repopulate this pack. "
Angel smiled.
" The battle for alpha spot is in two days. Prepare yourselves. That is all, have a good day."
5:10pm Aug 2 2011
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Riker smiled back and blinked to show that he acknowledged Angel's words and her wink. The speech was pretty much the same as it was every time she said it, with a few differences. He then noticed Sierra all splayed out on the ground being soaking wet. The Beta shook his head with a smile of amusement at the wolf's predicament, then just lay down in a shady spot to spend the day away. --- Sierra was listening intently, no matter to her situation. She had completely forgotten about mating season! It always made her so sad because nobody liked her. And when she actually liked somebody, she was always to afraid to make a move, the other did not make a move, or the other did not like her back. Standing up, Sierra's wet fur weighed her down. Shuffling back to her den, she shook her fur and got mainly dry. But little dark-brown colored spatters were splayed across the wall now. Ah well, the rest of it was pretty wet too, so what was the difference? The water had started to dry up by now, though. Sierra had laid down with only her brown tail sticking out into the sunlight. She was utterly saddened at this moment. --- Ryku barely paid attention, but then again, he didn't need to. He knew the basics already. The wolf just stay in his position with an unsettled look on his face now. Urgh.. mating season erked him so. --- Alesa wagged her tail in excitement for mating season. The puppies were pretty fun to play with. And wolves falling in love was a pretty romantic sight. Though, sometimes, she got annoyed by puppies and didn't like TOO much lovey-dovey stuff.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:19pm Aug 2 2011
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Amalia glanced at Riker when Angel winked at him and wished he would notice her. She had forced down two deers without any help and he hadn't even blinked. She stared at her shuffling paws. It wasn't fair, but that was life and she knew she wouldn't be picked. No matter how much she wanted to be, there would always be someone kinder and more beautiful than she was. She turned away and walked from the gathering to her den... --------------- Makia wrapped his three tails around himself and nodded in approval at the male wolves who were already staring at Angel with lust. He shook his head. He never wanted to be alpha. It was too stressfull and plus, he was fine being a hunter and he was good at advising th alpha. He needed nothing more than that... --------------- Ali looked from where Amalia's gaze had been -at Riker- and back at his siter. He changed his color to match his surroundings and trotted after his twin. "Amalia? You okay?" He asked as he stepped into the den she was in. He heard her sigh and he turned back into his normal color. "Amalia, Riker isn't the only male wolf out there." No, but he's the only one who I love. Amalia thought to herself... --------------- Dusk looked at Sierra with a bemused look on her face and breathed in, making the water from Sierra fall the ground. "That better?" She knew that both of them liked getting wet, but it was more presentable if she was dry, which is why Dusk used her skills to dry Sierra off. "I liked the tornado, it was cool." She said with a slight smile...
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5:23pm Aug 2 2011
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Farook listened to the announcement carefullly. The battle for alpha spot. He thought happily, but not showing it. I'll have to win. If he won, he would rule the whole pack and get a she-wolf, the most important she-wolf in the pack, Angel. He had to figure out how to make his venom more powerful for the day when the fight came. Because right now, the venom was weak and he had to bite several times to even make an enemy dizzy. He thought for a while, trying to figure out how he was going to make his power more....powerful. Then it hit him: Veseya. That healer carried the ever-so-deadly red potion which she rarely even opened because she didn't want to take that risk. If he could somehow get that poison into his fangs and claws... ...He'd be unstoppable. --- Veseya shrugged at the announcement. "Mating season." She mumbled under her breath. "Just like every other season, I'll be the one who is left out entirely." She sighed. All the time, The pack hunted. Without her. They fought off their enemies. Without her. They had families and pups and love and mates. Not her. She was just their doctor who was supposed to magically make all the pain and hurt and sadness go away like it was nothing. It was hard, hard work, and she hated it. She couldn't save everyone. She couldn't cure every disease and wound. Her mission was to keep them all alive. She would not succeed. --- Akime couldn't help but smile at the announcement. Mating season. She had always wanted someone to love her and a family. She sat down and began looking at the male wolves of the pack, considering them all. Astrace was weak, and Farook was power-hungry. Ryku hated pups. She soon noticed that most of them were not attractive to her whatsoever, whether their flaw was their personality, rank, or looks. She got to the point where Riker's name popped into her head. Riker was the strong, nice, and handsome highly ranked beta male. And in her eyes, he was perfect. But her mind was not completely made up, because it would be very, very difficult to win him over before some other she-wolf did. --- Astrace layed his ears back, dissappointed by this unimportant announcement. He was the omega, the worthless, weak, and apparently dumb wolf of the pack. He was their target practice when it came to fighting, and the wolf they took all their anger out on. He hated it all. Why wasn't someone else omega? He kept asking himself. However, his thoughts were interrupted as he watched Alesa fly, then drop down and barely miss hitting the ground. that looks like so much fun. He thought to himself. He looked at his back. Wingless. It was like everyone was a bird and he was stuck being the penguin.

5:31pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel smiled. She went back to her normal chores. ((I FAIL I'M SORRY.)) Toxic wondered into the medicine den, a load of items on his back. He didn't realize who the wolf was. " Oh, hello, could I get a few herbs to go with my stack?" he said, smiling. His tail swished happily. This wolf was very...pretty.
5:43pm Aug 2 2011
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Veseya shrugged. "Sure. Is there any certain type you'd prefer?" She pulled all her herbs and medical items out of their pocket on her belt and took a little bit to lay them all out, organized by type. "Okay, I've got willow bark, which can help with headaches or lessen the pain of a toothache, clover, which has numerous uses, but mainly it can help with cancer, if anyone has it, Tansy, which can help with swelling, and lavender," She picked up some light purple flowers, then set them back down. "Which can help cure a fever. Those are all the more common herbs I've got, I'm afraif the rest are quite difficult to find, and I would need to trade them for something of equal value." She looked up at the wolf, waiting for his response.
5:49pm Aug 2 2011
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(Hm, I think Veseya and Ryku could make a good pair. I remember once when Angel crushed on Ryku, I think~ But the RP never really got started.. ;c ) Sierra looked back at Dusk from her den and said, "Thanks. And double thanks. The only problem with the tornado is that it's reckless. I have to keep practicing to learn to control where the thing goes.." Trailing off, the conversation felt lost and over to her, so she went back to sulking. Sadness engulfed her. Though nobody would really notice. Unless the wolf she liked came out to cheer her up.. --- Riker noticed a few pairs of eyes straying his way, but he didn't look back at anybody. He didn't need to be a big snoop. If some wolf liked him and then they started to build a bond and he liked the other back, then that would be that. They'd fall in love and be mates and have pups. Hopefully a big bundle of pups. Lots were always wonderful, since Riker loved the little ones. They brought joy to the pack. But everybody was all grown up now. There needed to be more life, and that was what puppies supplied. --- [Ryku lays] --- Alesa thought about some options of wolves. Eventually, Mikael ended up as the last one left. He was pretty weird, though.. But it made him cute at the same time. At least to Alesa it did. After a moment, she realized that she really did like Mikael. But not a heap of love. More like a smidgen that would grow over time. But there wasn't time to go waste the day daydreaming about stuff that might never happen. You always had to get real. Alesa never really thought much about the topic of mates, but now that she was, it seemed like an ok topic. But she soon got bored of it and started to fly about, being maybe a foot or so above the ground. She spotted Astrace who, Alesa noticed, had seen her little trick. She proceeded over to him.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:51pm Aug 2 2011
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"You need to talk to him." Ali urged as he nudged his sister out of the door of her den. "You need to stop being shy and just go and tell him how you really feel, if you don't, you'll never even have a chance." He finally managed to push her out and then blocked the door way so she couldn't back. She snarled once at him, but went over to Riker and sat down next to him. "Hi." She said in a quiet voice...
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5:52pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel sat around. It was boring when all her duties had been done. She climbed on top of her den and watched the others. Toxic smiled. " I'll take the lavender....Did anyone ever tell you that you had such pretty eyes?" he said, smiling.
5:58pm Aug 2 2011
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Riker looked up at Amalia. "Hello," he said. "How has your day been going?" It was nice to have somebody to talk to right now. Recently, every day seemed so... boring. --- Ryku's den was near the medicine den. And since he was laying in front of his den, he heard all of the hubbub going on inside the other den. Ew. Love. "Would you shut up?" he muttered. The wolf didn't really care whether or not the two heard and/or reacted.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:58pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 5:59pm Aug 2 2011)
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(Veseya and Ryku would make a good pair, now that you mention it.) Akime decided to go talk to Riker. She padded over to him, then came up and sat a few feet away from him, not wanting to seem creepy by getting too close. She looked at him, not really knowing what to say, though she wanted to talk to him. She was about ten feet away, and watching him out of the corner of her eye. Hopefully, he would see her. That was her goal. She became impatient quickly, and let her one diamond wing come slowly out of her back, sun shining through the diamonds and making little rainbows appear around her. (sometimes the sun shines through my window and does this XD) Veseya ignored the compliment. "Here you go." She said, pushing the lavender toward him with her paw.
5:59pm Aug 2 2011
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"Its been good, have you eaten?" She didn't want to brag, so she didn't mention the fact that she caught a lot of the stuff on the fresh kill pile. "If you want, we could go hunt... together." She hissed to herself. Why was she so stupid. Of course. If I say WE, he is going to know that I mean together. She did a mental facepaw...
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6:05pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 6:06pm Aug 2 2011)
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(Lol wooo. But it depends if Toxic gets there first. ;P And Ryku isn't really one to... make the first move, if you know what I mean.. :| ) Riker looked at Akime and smiled to himself. The rainbows made a pretty little display. He was smart and could figure things out pretty easily when it came to mating season. To show the other she-wolf that he noticed, Riker conjured up a small red orb by her face that quickly dropped down and diminished itself. It wasn't very noticable to anybody except for Akime. Riker then directed his attention back to Amalia. "No, I actually haven't eaten yet. Also, I saw you bring in those two deer this morning. A good catch. How did you execute it, might I ask?" At the mention of hunting together, his ears perked up. "That sounds alright." --- Alesa finally finished the short distance to Astrace and hovered above the Omega. "How are ya?" she asked, all bouncy and chipper.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:12pm Aug 2 2011
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"Well, I saw the two of them drinking. I knew that the mother would attack me if I attacked the baby, so I downed the mother first and then got the younger." She blushed and her paws started to shuffle without her noticing. She stretched her wings "lets go then!" She jumped to her feet. "You lead, I'll follow." She murmered, floating into the air...
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6:13pm Aug 2 2011
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Akime was overjoyed when she saw the little red orb. She knew that Riker'd done that. Her ears went flat to her head, however, when Riker said he would go hunting with Amalia. Alright. If he's going to be impresed by a flying wolf taking down a couple of puny deer in an aerial attack where they can't see her in any way, I'll have to beat that. Astrace looked up at the wolf, who flew above him, the one thing he wanted to be able to do. "Good." He lied. "Hey, how do you do that...fly like that?" He asked curiously. "Did you learn from somebody?" He knew there was a ninety nine percent chance that it was a power that she had been born with, not learned. But he was curious and sort of stupid.
6:14pm Aug 2 2011
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((Ooh, love triangle. Poor Amalia has no chance XD She doesn't get love, her brother's the expert. Ooh, what if Ali likes Akime?))
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6:16pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel lolled around, bored.