6:16pm Aug 2 2011
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(feel free to have him crush on her. what would that be then...a love square? XD Amalia likes Riker, Akime likes Riker, Ali likes Akime. Would that be a love square, if there's such a thing as a love square? XD)
6:16pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 6:18pm Aug 2 2011)
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((Angel, lol! EDIT: Ya, a love squarish thing)) Ali wandered out of the den and saw Akime. His heart beat in his chest as he watched the light bounce off Akime's diamond wing. He wandered over to the one winged wolf. "Hello lovely, would you care to go hunting with me?" He asked the lovely she-wolf...
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6:17pm Aug 2 2011
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(( XD. I have no interaction, so Angel's all " Hmm....Derppp*togue out*" ))
6:19pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 6:22pm Aug 2 2011)
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(here, mercy.) Farook padded over to Angel to talk to her, but couldn't help but laugh when he saw her. He stopped himself quickly. "Angel, what exactly are you doing?" He said, smiling. (fail, sorry.) EDIT:) Akime glanced at Ali. I can't hunt with this guy! Riker might think I like Ali and not him!! She thought, panicking in her mind. "Uhh, no thank you, Ali, I'm afraid I don't feel well." She lied. Crap! What if he takes me to Veseya! She'll know I'm fine! She tried to think of a solution, but came up with nothing.
6:21pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel's eyes popped open and she whipped up straight, her cheeks streaked red. " I, err...You saw nothing." she said, blushing. She smiled. " Umm, I was--Yeah, you saw nothing."
6:23pm Aug 2 2011
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(Lol yuss. Love triangle. My Riker feels loved. <3 And Akime and Amalia will have to be all like. Chicks out on the hunt. xDD ) "Ok," Riker replied, and trotted off into the woods. He took a single glance at Akime that could mean a million different things, then he vanished into the forest. Sniffing the ground, the Beta caught scent of Buck. Buck ELK. This would be a good catch. Leading the way, the scent got stronger with every pawstep. --- Alesa was happy with a question. She hovered a few inches above the ground in front of Astrace and smiled. "Weeelll.. I was just sort of born with it. But my dad had to learn.. in a way. You see, when I was a pup, I seemed like I had no powers. But then, a long time after, I tried out tons of things to show my power, to check myself if I had one. Once I got to checking flying, I willed myself to fly and..." she paused for effect, then continued, "I just sort of floated. Then everybdoy knew that I could fly, even though I didn't have wings. I was told not many wolves were known to be able to fly that way."
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:26pm Aug 2 2011
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Amalia darted after Riker and the scent that he was after. She shifted, her fur turned to aredish, rusty color and her face turned to that with a beak. Her ears slipped into her head her tail widened and shortened as she became a red-tailed hawk. She dove down, seeing the Elk with her beady bird eyes. She let out a loud hawk noise and perched above where the Elk was. The elk twitched, but thought nothing of her. After all, she was just another bird...
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6:30pm Aug 2 2011
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"Oh." Astrace said disappointedly. "It looks like so much fun." His head drooped a little bit. "I've just got control over a little bit of electricity. He zapped a small bolt of electricity from one of his front paws to the other. "See?" -- Farook laughed. He mimicked how her face had been playfully, except he crossed his eyes to make it look funnier. Then he realized he might've embarrased her, and hoped he didn't.
6:32pm Aug 2 2011
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((Gonna answer Ali? XD))
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6:33pm Aug 2 2011
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(I did. Here, I'll post it again.) Akime glanced at Ali. I can't hunt with this guy! Riker might think I like Ali and not him!! She thought, panicking in her mind. "Uhh, no thank you, Ali, I'm afraid I don't feel well." She lied. Crap! What if he takes me to Veseya! She'll know I'm fine! She tried to think of a solution, but came up with nothing.
6:33pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel laughed. " Farook, is it? I hear you're one of the good hunters." she said. Angel layed on her back, making him look upside down. She giggled. " Funny wolf~"
6:34pm Aug 2 2011
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( Gotta go for the day... I'll post tomorrow if I can.
Byee~ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:35pm Aug 2 2011
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Ali's face fell. She's lying, she doesn't like me, she likes Riker. He thought to himself. "Here, let me take you to Veseya, she'll have you healthy in no time and then we can go hunt." He smiled, his tail wagging... ((Sorry, I didn't see it.))
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6:42pm Aug 2 2011
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(it's alright, Feyth.) Farook say down. "I'm a fighter, actually." He corrected her with a soft smile. He layed down next to her. Akime's ruby-red eyes widened. She thought of a solution. "It's not something she'd be able to help with. You see, it's the diamonds, whenever they go in or out of my back, it hurts, because they are sharp. She pointed with her nose at a place on her back that was bleeding because of the diamonds.
6:43pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel laughed. " Ahh. My mistake. So, are you competing in the competition?" she said, smiling. Her tail flicked. Toxic was BORED.
6:46pm Aug 2 2011
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"Let me help, please." He please, glancing at the blood. He didn't like seeing the only wolf he had ever loved, hurt. It was a horrible sickening feeling and she didn't even love him back... ((I added healing wounds to his cut. He can't cure sickness, but he can take pain away and put it into himself.))
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6:50pm Aug 2 2011
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"Of couse." Farook smiled "To be the alpha of the pack, sure, that's one thing, but to have the most beautiful and kind she-wolf on earth as my mate...Angel, that's worth dying for." -- "How?" Akime asked curiosuly. (OMG FAIL :''''''C)
6:54pm Aug 2 2011
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"Sit down and I'll show you." He said... ((I FAIL MORE!!! XD))
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7:01pm Aug 2 2011
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Angel blushed furiously. " O-Oh? Well, I might move the fight to tonight~" she said, blushing. Toxic herped his derp, playing with a bug.
7:02pm Aug 2 2011
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