2:08pm Aug 4 2011
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((Hmmmm.... )) "Veseya, I may have been listening to the last part of your conversation and I think I can help." Ali stepped from the shadows into Veseya's pacing path. "I know a way to heal all the wolves, but there is a consequence, unless you can stop it. I can take all the wolf poison into me, do you think you can heal me after?" Ali dipped his head as he offered his services. What was the point of living if the love of his life, loved somebody else...
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2:09pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 2:13pm Aug 4 2011)
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"You can refer to me by my name or not at all," Hellhound growled, trotting along behind the she-wolf. The mist of his tail was already beginning to take the faint for of a teenage lion, walking in step with the evil wolf. The black wolf turned his head to look at the lion beginning to form beside him, glowing red eyes turning from the mistlion to focus ahead of him. ________________ Failes bounded off when she saw Astrace coming towards her, wishing she could giggle. This was always so fun! She felt freer when she could run around and play with Astrace, seeing as all the other wolves were too busy to waste their time on a mute omega. But still she smiled, her ears perked up and her tail wagging. She kept her wings pinned to her sides, bouncing around as she crouched down to the ground. ((Oh god why is Homestuck making me so sad? :<))
2:11pm Aug 4 2011
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"Don't even try to attack me." She said as she wandered towards the pond. "Now, do you want to learn something that will always be able to feed the pack well." She said, glancing into the calm waters of the pool. She glanced back at Hellhound and sat, her paws digging into the earth. She was itching to hunt...
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2:16pm Aug 4 2011
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(Rika, I think you forgot to post as Failes.) Veseya shook her head. "No. It would be suicide. If it gets into you mouth or your blood, it means death, and I cannot allow you to do that. I will admit it is very brave, but the main purpose of the Alpha Fight is to fight, whether it be to the death or not. Wolves will be injured, and there's nothing you can do to stop that."
2:17pm Aug 4 2011
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"If you are referring to fishing, then no. I do not have the patience to do something as mundane as that," Hellhound growled, still pacing back and forth. He needed to run, to use up his energy or it would drive him mad! He couldn't sit here and not move like this for too long. His evil energy always built up, and when it overflowed very, very bad things happened. He gnashed his teeth, snapping at the air as is energy continued to take the form of the lion, slowly becoming more and more solid. The lion's age depended on how much energy he was excreting, and if it reached a full-grown adult male lion, some serious problems were going to happen. Currently, it was an older teen, his mane starting to grow in. The red lion beside Hellhound growled, red fangs being bared. Just because he was made of mist didn't mean he wasn't dangerous. Once he was solid, he could slash ad bite like he was a real lion.
2:18pm Aug 4 2011
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((Hnnng I really want to make another wolf. |D With the power of sound. Bending sound to his will and even being able to perfectly mimic the vioces of others, or just the calls of the forest creatures. Those truely in tune with nature could tell the difference, though. Those like Heilen, who can speak with the trees.))
2:24pm Aug 4 2011
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"You idiot." Dusk whiped around and shot a stream of water at him. "Sitting still is for dummies, have you ever tried swimming?" And with that, she turned and dove into the crystal clear water. She dipped her now scaley head up at the water and placed her paws on the side of the pool. "And if your really don't want to swim, we can go hunting deer and stuff." --------------- "Veseya, please, let me do this, I will not stand by and let my pack members die." He said, his eyes growing misty. "If I die, its my choice, but this could save more than enough lives that one wolf won't matter." He sat down and stared into her eyes...
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2:27pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 2:34pm Aug 4 2011)
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[Sierra sulks :'c ] --- Ryku growled. "You've been an idiot, Veseya." he simply stated. --- Riker saw the elk started to move, but he then trotted up and tore it's neck apart. The elk went limp, it's neck clearly torn to shreds just now. Looking back to Amalia, "Couldn't have done it without you, too, Amalia," Riker said with a smile. "Now how shall we get this back to camp..?" he chuckled. "Time to haul this big lug back home." --- Alesa kept going and going and going. Her eyes started to sting as tears sprung from them, the reason due to the wind. She soon abruptly went to a stop. Everything was white.. Hey! She was up the clouds! "So. Cool," she said. Whooping around and shouting with delight, the wolf flew through the clouds like an Angel. It was so FUN. Wondering what she looked like from below, Alesa came up with looking like a miniature wolf who looked like an Angel among the clouds. Then she stared down and saw what everybody else looked like - Alesa started to laugh out loud when everything was TOTALLY. MINISCULE. Her laughing was out of control. It was just so fun to be up in the sky and think totally random and funny stuff up. (Lol just randomly chose orange for Riker. If anybody else has suggestions for his color, you can glady help!~ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:27pm Aug 4 2011
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((Ice, I did.))
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2:30pm Aug 4 2011
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(Oh. Well pardon my fail. -edits old post- )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:33pm Aug 4 2011
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((-pats Ice on her bavck-))
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2:34pm Aug 4 2011
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- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:35pm Aug 4 2011
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((Kupa: I edited. c:))
2:42pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 2:44pm Aug 4 2011)
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Veseya narrowed her eyes, signalling to Ali that she would answer him in a moment. "Oh, yes, Ryku? And tell me, what useful things have you been doing today? You've been lying around and insulting other wolves all day. Sorry to bother you, you do seem like you're pretty busy." She opened up the container of blue potion, and flung a small amount at Ryku. All that it did was numb and area it hit, which she knew was pretty annoying. Then she turned to Ali. "Look," She said," I didn't want Farook killing those wolves either, so I gave him some of this." She tapped the blue potion with her claw, causing him to make a clink sound when her claw hit the glass. "All it does is numb the area, and I put deer blood in it so it'd look red. I don't carry the red potion with me, because it's simply that dangerous. It is hidden somewhere, and I will not tell you where since you wish to kill yourself." This was all a complete lie, but a very, very convincing one. "And didn't you tell Amalia that Riker wasn't the only male wolf in the world? Well, Akime isn't the only female." --- Astrace smiled, chasing after her. He laughed, then regretted it, as Failes could not. He layed his ears back shamefully, then continued chasing her, hoping she wouldn't notice.

2:47pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 2:49pm Aug 4 2011)
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"Very resourceful." He said to Veseya. "I'm glad you are smart. Thanks for the advice." He didn't want to kill himself, he just wanted to know why everybody was so interested in Rikre. Was it for power or because they actually loved him. He knew his sister and power, the two were enemies, so she must love him, but what about Akime, what was her take on things... ---- "Okay." Amalia said and grabbed part of the elk with her teeth, one of the legs to be exact, and began to drag, hoping that Riker would pick up the rest. She smiled proudly, would Riker actually love her eventually. She didn't know how much she wanted the power aspect of the job, all she really wanted was Riker...
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2:55pm Aug 4 2011
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[Sierra sulks] --- [Riker lugs] --- Ryku growled, and only a few spatters of the potion hit his back. The rest flew over him. You missed, Veseya. "Oh, and what have you been doing all day that is soooo clever? Sitting around in your den and having a bit of chit-chatter isn't much either - and you ignore the flirt of another wolf, migh I add," he muttered quietly, mostly to himself. --- Alesa freely enjoyed the sky. Flying about, she didn't notice she had flown over the border. Only the sight of Mikael and Heilen made her realize that. Dive-bombing to the ground, she accidentally slammed into the ground nearby Mikael. (So Kupa, will Veseya and Ryku make a pair or no? owo )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:58pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 3:01pm Aug 4 2011)
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(Riker's color should totally be blue. Light blue or normal blue.) (possibly yes, possibly no.) Akime thought of what she would do when Riker got back. She needed to wait until Riker and Amalia got back. And put some distance between them. Thinking, she looked back at her diamond wing. the sun was going through it again. Annoyed, she sheathed it, not wanting any dumb he-wolves to come to her. She just wanted Riker. Ali was not a huge concern of hers, although she felt pretty bad for him. Akime smiled, knowing now what she would do. Creating a small amount of fire, she began practicing the power. She could coat herself in it completely, as being fireproof was pretty much automatic when you could control fire. She leapt high into the air, unsheathing her wing in midair, and at the same time having some fire by her paws which came with her as she fell. The fire hit the ground shortly before she did, and spread all over a small area, poofing like a mushroom cloud. She rolled around on it to put it out before it spread, then looked at the small area of blackened grass. --- When Ryku brought up that she had ignored Toxic's flirting, she said,"That's because I don't put up with perverts." She said. "Or morons." She looked straight at Ryku as she said 'morons.'

3:00pm Aug 4 2011
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((Wow, Akime really likes her appearence. -pats Ali- She'll come around.))
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3:03pm Aug 4 2011
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When Amalia arrived back at camp with Riker, she saw Akime and ignored her, still dragging the kill that her and Riker had killed together.
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3:06pm Aug 4 2011
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(I have to go soon. I will still post, but it will be from my phone, where my enter key ish broken. So I'll just have to say when I'm switching from one character to another. For example, it would go like this; Akime sat. (switching to Farook) Farook sat.))