3:28pm Aug 4 2011
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[Sierra sulks, Ryku lays, Alesa is still on the ground] --- Riker deposited the kill into the pile. "This should be a good catch for the pack," he said. Afterwards, the Beta trotted off into his good ol' shady spot, right where he was before. Laying down, he got all cozy and soon got bored. But at least while he was bored, he was comfortable.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:35pm Aug 4 2011
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"Can I sit with you?" Amalia asked, walking back to the shady spot next to the tree. "Besides, you took the only shady spot in camp." She twitched her snout in an amusing manner and lay down...
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4:00pm Aug 4 2011
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Akime padded over to Amalia and Riker. She sat down inbetween them, then turned to Amalia. "Hey, Amalia, could I talk to you...alone?" She asked.
4:03pm Aug 4 2011
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"Sure." She stretched her legs and stood up, padding a ways away from Riker... (Fail....))
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4:03pm Aug 4 2011
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(Oooooh. I'm going to have fun reading this chick fight. >D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:04pm Aug 4 2011
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((Oh dear. -facepalm-))
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4:13pm Aug 4 2011
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Hellhound growled, continuing to pace. "Water and I are not on speaking terms," he stated before he started off towards the trees, his ears pulled forward. His lion was steadily growing more and more solid, the black wolf's snake-like tongue flicking out once to taste the air. _________________________________ Laughing...Failes wished she could laugh. But still she smiled, running after Astrace with her tongue lolling out in her form of a silent bark. She moved to pounce onto him, then kind of just snuggle against him. She was a very touchy-feely kind of wolf. She best conveyed emotions when she could touch another wolf, and this was her form of showing that she was happy spending time with the wolf receiving her affections.
4:15pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 4:24pm Aug 4 2011)
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Akime led Amalia away from the pack and into the woods. When they were away from where the pack could see them, Akime created fire, making it come onto her paw, then held her paw closed to Amalia's neck, but not quite close enough to burn her. She growled. "I want Riker, not to take your life. But if you try to take him, tell anyone about this, or fight me, I will NOT think twice. (post was inspired by some lyrics from a song. let me know if you want to know what song.) (Edit:) Astrace smiled nuzzling her playfully, then got up and ran, hoping she would chase him around the area.
4:32pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 4:34pm Aug 4 2011)
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"Don't ever touch me." Amalia growled, as zshe shifted and flew out of the grasp of the flightless wolf. "Whoever Riker loves, its his choice, not ours. My brother taught me that. My brother who's heart you have broken." She said, becoming a flying wolf once more... --------- "alright, the woods it." Dusk smiled and chased after the retreating form of Hellhound. "Wait, stop, I smell something, there is a fox near." She sniffed the air as she flew and started to follow the scent trail...
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4:32pm Aug 4 2011
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Failes was up rather quickly, her ears perked up, She moved closer before she broke out in a run as well, chasing after Astrace. She felt like a pup again, and it felt amazing to feel so happy and exited!
4:35pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 4:37pm Aug 4 2011)
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Akime snarled. "You coward!" She yelled, shooting hot flames into the sky at her. She snarled, shooting up more flames. Some of them narrowly missed, and others she couldn't tell if they hit Amalia. "I'll kill you!" -- Astrace bolted, eventually tripping and falling over a rock. He fell flat on his face, and yelped in pain. Ouch. He stood up, looking at Failed, embarrased.
4:37pm Aug 4 2011
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((Can I make another wolfy? XD I might make a male...or I might make another female I dunno for sure. :U))
4:43pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 4:53pm Aug 4 2011)
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((Amalia needs a second power, everybody else seems too.... hmmmm.... she could be able to bend earth? Or maybe bend Air? Nah, I like vines better.)) "How dare you call me a coward!" Amalia said coldly, with no hint of emotion in her blank eyes. Hr eyes turned a light green color and vines grew from underneath Akime, tangling her. "You don't fight5 for beta, you fight for alpha." She snarled, causing the causeing to twist around Akime's paws...
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4:50pm Aug 4 2011
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Easy solution to vines: fire. Fire burned vines. It destroyed them. Akime was fireproof. Akime created fire, burning the vines off her. "Your power has no effect on me, you stupid runt!" She snarled, then shot up more flames. "I have no purpose to want to be an alpha!" Akime snarled. "I am not fighting for rank! I am fighting for RIKER!"
4:54pm Aug 4 2011
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"If you'd tried harder maybe you would have gotten it. She forced earth around Akime, encasing her in it. "Earth doesn't burn." she growled, circling the pile of rocks she created. Why couldn't this stupid wolf understand that fighting wasn't the answer. "We don't have to fight. Let him choose!" she urged...
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5:00pm Aug 4 2011
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(since when can she control earth...? I thought she bended vines.) Akime snarled. She let her diamond wing unsheath, which forced some of the earth off her. "You're a coward not to just fight me! You'd die! Riker will never choose you because you're stupid and weak and hideous!" (just Akime's opinion, Feyth, not mine.)
5:04pm Aug 4 2011
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((It made more sense and I got carried away. I know)) "And he'll never choose you because you're too headstrong and race into something without thinking of the consequences." she hissed and let the earth down from on top of Akime. "Now go." She snarled...
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5:19pm Aug 4 2011
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Akime began to leave, trotting away. Then she made a huge flame burn Amalia's back leg, and her left wing to slow her down. Akime then turned and ran back toward camp, knowing she would get there first despite her legs bleeding from the vines. When she returned to camp, she ran to Riker, panting and bloody. Along the way, she had purposely scratched herself up, along trees and rocks, adding more wounds to her pelt to make the whole thing more convincing. "Riker," She said, pausing every few seconds to pant or wince at pain."I went... to talk to A...Amalia....I...I told her something...about...who I liked....and she became...furious....I..tried to talk...to...her....but she....attacked me!" She paused, panting. "I tried...not to fight...back...but...she would've...killed me. She...whipped me with...vines...and tried to...suffocate..me..in earth. I had...to defend...myself...I burned....her. I had to...." She collapsed from the pain and loss of blood.
5:20pm Aug 4 2011
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((Hey dude. I am going to go make another female that will go after Riker and see what happens. 8D))
5:22pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 5:23pm Aug 4 2011)
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Amalia shook the flames off herself by diving into the local pond and flew awkwardly back to camp. She looked at Riker with sad eyes and padded over to him. "She attacked me.... when.... I tried.... to explain that..... you.... should pick......... who you..... would m....ate with." She shuddered and fell to the ground, the burns too great for her to continue... ((Two can play at that game XD Rika, can you make one, instead, who goes after Ali? I wouldn't be able to keep track of three wolves going after Riker.))
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