5:45pm Sep 23 2010
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Introducing an original plot by Immortal! If you steal, shift, replace, or steal it...I will hunt you down and tie you to a tree until you give me credit! ^.^ Now onto the plot! <3 Plot: Bryan and Landon have always been friends, ever since Bryan's family moved into the neighborhood when he was 10. They did everything together. They were at the top of their cla.sses in hihg school and even joined the football team together. The only thing that seems to bother Landon is the fact that Bryan is bisexual. Landon is okay with that but recently has a suspicion that Bryan is beginning to like him, but what he fails to realize is that Bryan is in love with him. Bryan would do anything to put a smile on Landon's face and wants his little buddy happy. The only issue with this is Landon is as straight as a line. He's never really questioned his sexuality which is why Bryan calls being gay 'The Dark Side'. He knows good and well Landon won't change and he's cool with that. Everything changes at a pre-football game party. Bryan gets drunk and confesses his love for Landon, who brushes it off at first, but Bryan ends up kissing him randomly. That's when things become complicated. Landon is sort of conflicted with his feelings about the thought that Bryan actually is in love with him. He's not really sure what to do. He's always suspected it but never really thought it was true. This puts a strain on their relationship, only seeing each other in between cla.ss, not to mention during football games and practices. Byan is confused and not really sure what happened the previous night for Landon to be avoiding him. He immediatly suspects he did something wrong and tries to apologize in every wy possible but Laondon is not having anything to do with him. This causes Bryan to go into a sort of depressed stage, feeling extremly alone seeing his only real friend was Landon. Heis grades drop and he gets kicked off the football team, thus creatin Landon to feel extremly bad and alone not really getting used to the fact of not seeing his best friend. It is up to Lnadon to eithe rmake up with Bryan and convert to 'The Dark Side' and give it a try or loose his best friend that he's had since they were young. ------ Spiffeh and I start off at the pre-football game party. ^.^ This is for all those lurkers. <3

5:46pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I'm here!
6:03pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 11:31pm Dec 14 2010)
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I apologize for this being long. It's an old bio. >.> I kind of posted everything. Bryan's Bio (Main character): 
Name: Bryan Monrow Reed Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (just like the plot says) High School Year: Senior Clique: Jocks Likes: Football, Boxing, Modeling, Girls/Guys, Show off his body, Sitting back and watching people, Alcohol, Parties Dislikes: People who try to get in his face, those who try to degrade him because he is your standard jock, Geeks, His father to an extent. Flaws: When Bryan is extremly stressed he smokes. He only smokes when he's upset though. That is his key give away when something is bothering him. Personality: Bryan is extremly loyal when it comes to his friends. He will do anything for them just to see them smile. If they are being picked on he will stand up for them. He loves to joke around and have fun. He knows how to have a good time. He is seductive. He knows he has a good body and will flaunt it. He will be nice to you if you are in his range group of friends, but if your outside his little group you'll get picked on or just shoved out of the way. He is extremly ambitious. He strives for success and wants to make the best for his life. He feels as if he could improve his life in so many ways though. The bad sides of his personality is that he is a bully. He has the ability to beat the crap out of anyone who gets in his way and will not feel sorry at all for it. He is arrogant. He thinks very highly of himself. Bryan can be extremly jealous. He has his points of time when he is jealous but this is a side that people normally doesn't see. If he see's something he wants he will get it no matter what. He is selfish. What's his is his and don't you tell him otherwise. Family History: His father's name is Jack and he is constantly on Bryan's back about striving for success in school and to be in as many sports as he can. Since his father couldn't live and participate in high school he pushes everything on his son. He also brings home his girlfriends so Bryan is used to seeing girl after girl come and leave his home and awkward times during the day. His mother's name is Jasmine and she is divorced from Jack. She left Bryan and the family to go to New York for a job as a lawyer. So he really doesn't care about his mother. His little sister Lilith is deceased. They were extremly close but three years ago when he took her to one of his football games she was kidnapped. Two months after her kidnapping she was found dead a few blocks away from their home. Bryan was devistated and still misses her sometimes. They were extremly close. ------ Jay's Bio (Side Main Character):  
Name: Jay Luke Evans Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight (Although he does kiss his singer randomly) Clique: Punk Likes: His guitar, his band's music, girls, loud obnoxious concerts, his father's dark red viper (it's a car), dying his hair weird colors (his favorite is red) Dislikes: Jocks, Cheerleaders although he does have to admit they have a nice body, any perky personalities (he's not a fan of bubbly), higher authority figures, his mother's drug obsessed personality Flaws: Jay has a tendency to organize things. He has no clue where it came from but many call it OCD. He just calls it an annoying glitch in his brain. He has to make sure everything is perfect before he can do anything. If his desk is not straight he will take the time to fix it before he can sit down. Personality: Jay is a quiet kid who has a tendency to get on other people's nerves. He won't hesitate to say what is on his mind whether he knows it will hurt you or not. He's very nice and caring towards his friends but once you leave his little group he has a hard time letting you back in. He's very social and does tend to make smart a.ss comments without really thinking about it. Family History: Jay basically grew up on his own. His father ditched them when he was ten but that didn't stop him from contacting him. His father and him have a very strong relationship and he swears one day that he will move into his father's awsome house instead of being stuck with his drug stricken mother who toys around with different guys. His father is a lawyer therefore he does have quite a bit of money but since Jay doesn't live with his father, he has no access to anything. Instead he is stuck with his mother who works at a local bar as a stripper and a prostitute in order to make a living. Sometimes she doesn't even make money but gets paid in drugs. ----- Nathaniel's Bio (Minor side character): 
Name: Nathaniel Vivian Joyce Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Gay High School Year: Senior Clique: Punk Likes: Jay's band, singing, the guitar player (*cough*Jay*cough*), His music, his mother, random strangers that treat him with way to much affection, strangers in general. Dislikes: The football players, cheerleaders, peppy girls, homophobes, his father, his father's co-workers, his father's students, the fact that everyone who takes his father's cla.sses knows about him and actually studies him from time to time, and his middle name. Flaws: He tends to be clingy at times and he has his ways of getting around. Each week he'll have a new boy toy at his side (Yes that's what he calls them). He tries to look for romance but what he is getting isn't romance. Personality: Nathaniel is one of the 'sweet' punks. He is the romantic one out of his little group of friends. He's constantly thinking about love unless he's high. Then he's messing around and being an idiot, which the other's dont' really mind at all. He gets jokes thrown at him by Jay but they don't bother them like they should. He's very social but many mistake his friendship for him wanting sex. He finds it rather annoying when they do that but just shrugs it off. He's the one to go to when you need romantic advice. <3 Family History: His mother is a therapist who works from home, so he gets his daily dose of drama from strangers he doesn't even know. He likes to help when he can so he actually does listen to the drama unless they are homophobic, then he's kicked out of the house by his mother. He doesn't enjoy that to much but doesn't let it bother him. His father is a psychology teacher at a nearby college - who also minors in mental disorders. His father isn't really into Nathaniel saying he was changed from a girl to a boy in the womb. He claims god hates him which is why he gave him Nathaniel. He calls him 'subject', 'it', or 'thing' when he's talking about Nathaniel. It's rather sad. ---- Josh's Bio (Minor side character): 
Name: Josh Xavier Reinier Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight High School Year: Senior Clique: Jock Likes: Cheerleaders, girls, nige large meals, partying, drinking, beer pong (He's the master champ), football, the coach, his bodies Dislikes: Pot heads, fruit, healthy food, tofu, his mother's 'healthy diet' Flaws: Josh has a weakness for alcohol. He's not addicted just yet but he is a few bottles away from being addicted. He has a tendency to not pa.ss up parties. He's a little to much of a social butterfly when it comes to the drinking games and will do absoutly anything to be involved in them. Personality: Josh is a very fearless boy and will dive into situations head on. He is also very protective over his team mates and friends. If you mess with his buddy you mess with him and not many people stand up and fight him. He is very trustworthy and won't hesitate to break your heart to tell you the truth. He's a good friend to have on your side. he does get jealous though so watch out for that. He doesn't like when people steal his friends away from him. Family History: His mom is a chef and is into all this healthy dieting crap. She has her own small show on the food channel but he doesn't find any interest in that. He could care less about her job which is why she stays in a seperate appartment from her family. She comes home on the weekends and cooks all this healthy stuff expecting Josh and his father to eat it, but they don't and secretly go out for burgers instead later that night for 'father/son bonding'. His father is a retired football coach so him and his father get along extremly well. They practice in the back yard and are just extremly close. They are constantly hanging out and tossing the ball around so if you can't find Josh, he's with his father. <3 ---- Elisabeth's Bio (Minor Side Character): 
Name: Elisabeth Elaine Conwell Age: 17 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight High School Year: Senior Clique: Preps Likes: Nature, quiet places, writing, singing, her friends, Jocks (which is where you'll catch her), the otucasts (she finds jocks interesting) Dislike: Those who mistake her for a stupid blonde, guns, police, those who make fun of her or tease her for her break downs Flaws: When she gets upset or scared she will have a break down. She'll begin to cry and will run and lock herself somewhere until she feels better or someone comes to comfort her. Her past haunts her and she can easily get lost in her memories which may lead to a break down. Personality: She has a sort of innocent personality but it doesn't mean she IS perfect. She won't hesitate to speak her mind but does like to keep a low profile by keeping quiet and hanging out with the jocks. She is a cheerleader and absolutly adores it. She can be very courious at times but that tends to be about subjects she doesn't really understand. She lets her feelings take control of her giving her the ti tle of emotionally unstable. Family History: Whens he was only ten her mother turned a gun on her little five year old brother - who had cancer and wasn't going to live past six, then turned the gun on herself right in front of Elisabeth. She was emotinally scared for a while until her father took over her whole life. He became extremly protective and wouldn't let Elisabeth go to school for the longest time. One day the law got onto him and hew as forced to loosen his grip on her allowing Liz to grow up and blossom on her own.

7:37pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
((Sorry, posting my bio now! I had to go home.))
7:42pm Sep 23 2010
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Ooc:// Your fine. ^.^ It gave me time to finish my Algebra Homework. <3
7:57pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 12:29pm Oct 8 2010)
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Posts: 399
Landon Lilycove ((MAIN)) 
Name: Landon James Lilycove
Age: Seventeen and 3/4 (He counts)
Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight ((For Now))
Relationship Status: Single ((For Bryan Later)) High School Year: Senior Clique: Mix of Jock and Punks Likes: Football, Soccer, Lacrosse, Swimming, Playboy, Guitar, Singing in the shower, Flirting, Working, Driving, Video Games, Live Music Dislikes: Paramore, Twilight, Cigarettes, girls who throw themselves at him, braces(he had them), bad drawings, stick figures, love letters, crushes, losing, Will Ferel. Flaws: He has a problem with turning down weed, although his job does random pee tests. Luckily he hasn't had one yet, but he knows it's coming. Suffers from road rage, and his eyes often lighten or darken with emotion. Personality: Now, he's not your typical jock. He doesn't make fun of the goth/punk kids because, if not for Bryan, he'd probly be one. He's laid back and quiet, until you screw with him or his best friend. He is not quick to fight, but he will if he finds it necessary. The kind of guy who doesn't know what he wants, so he settles with a girl for a month, maybe, and then breaks her heart. Has no patience for being friends with ex's. Actually, has no patience at all. Is not afraid to hurt anyone's feelings. Family History: Father is unknown; he's a bastard child. He and his mother are very close, and she's one of the few that he'll actually jump into a fight for without thinking. Has two younger siblings, twins, that he's constantly watching while his mother works. Swears one day that he'll find his dad, but doesn't really sweat it too much. They all have a happy life without the guy. Lives in his grandmothers house, although he can't really stand her. She constantly puts down his mother for being irresponsible, never once saying she's happy to have grandchildren. He promises that one day, he'll stick her in a home.
Kira Lynn Meyers ((Side))
Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single ((For Jay Later)) High School Year: Senior Clique: Preps and Jocks Likes: Football stars, cheerleaders, the color yellow, expensive resturaunts, cute purse's, Hollister jeans, How I Met Your Mother, corny pick up lines. Dislikes: Body Odor, cell phone ringtones, loud music, metal bands, pot heads, punks and goths Flaws: She's the type of girl that will let anyone have her, thus earning her a slightly bad reputation. Personality: Very typical. Likes to talk a lot, flirty, fun. Insults without really thinking about it. A good friend for when you need someone to turn to, and loves to be around others. A little stuck up, judgmental, and very unsure what she wants with her life. Bad at decision making. Has trouble holding relationships because she falls for one jock after another. Family History: Daddy had a drug problem, but he's better now. Her mother is a model house wife, and it sort of bothers her that her little brother is beginning to become chauvanistic. Her father thinks women are beneath men. Charlie Chester Davis VI ((Minor))
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Unsure Relationship Status: Single
High School Year: Sophmore
Clique: Punk
Likes: Flowers, Jay's band, Swimming pools, B*censored* Guitar, Horror Movies, Comedies, MMORPG'S, Drugs, Cigarettes, Reading, his father Dislikes: His uncertainty about his S.O., the fact that he's never had nor wanted a relationship, his mother, his siblings, being called emo, the word "queer", Justin Beiber
Flaws: He never really speaks his mind, and never gets close enough to anyone (aside from the band) to develop feelings for them, hence his single life style. Personality: Shy, reserved, a loner. He doesn't offer help, he doesn't try to console others who are upset. He is more of a mindless drone, especially when there are drugs around. He takes them to become a zombie, so that he doesn't really need to think or do anything. Sometimes he doesn't even talk to his bandmates. Family History: His father is the only person he is emotionally attached to, and as such he spends most of his time at home doing something with his dad; board games, television, video games. He and his father both play World of Warcraft together. His mother doesn't approve of his father letting him get away with everything, such as coming home high, and is constantly pestering Charlie about his habits and behaviors. She also constantly asks why he doesn't find himself a nice girl to settle down with. His older brother constantly calls him a *censored*, and his younger brother is starting to take after the older. Eden Mary Straight ((Minor))
Age: Fourteen
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight Relationship Status: Single
High School Year: Freshman Clique: Prep/Jock Likes: Art, music, dirt bikes, paint ball, manicures, dresses, climbing trees, soccer, tennis, track, violin, singing, dances, cuddling. Dislikes: Sex before marriage, atheists, bad spelling, stress, her cl*censored*es, meat, hunters, fur coats, video games, teen pregnancy. Flaws: She's constantly making the guys feel like she's just, well, one of the guys, which typically ruins her chances with the ones she likes. It's hard for some to take a girl you compare to a guy and turn her into your girlfriend. Personality: Outgoing, creative, friendly. She's a serious over achiever, very competitive. She is very religious, and tries not to push her views on her friends, although sometimes she will slip up. She has a hard time accepting gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, but after a while of knowing the person, she decides that they'll be forgiven for their "sins". She tries to see the best in everyone and every situation. Very charitable. Family Background: Her father is the pastor at a local church, her mother is the model house wife. She looks up to her mother, and hopes to one day be just as good of a mother. She goes to church ever sunday with her parents,. Has no siblings, and knows that her father always wanted a boy, whether he tells her or not. This is why she holds the jock side, to make him proud either way. Taylor Reese Jackson ((Minor))
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Taylor is a lover. He doesn't believe in gay, straight, or bisexual, only that you love who you love, and you can't make that choice. Relationship Status: Single High School Year: Senior
Clique: Jock Likes: The NFL, Strip Clubs, Racial Jokes (among friends), meeting people online, brown hair, green eyes, working out, Taylor Swift, country music, all you can eat buffets, white boys, black girls. Dislikes: Drunk drivers, talking about cancer, talking about death, real racists, people who can't take a joke. Personality: Very down to Earth, sorta seems like he's always on a philosophical high. A lover, meaning he always avoids fights. Group mediator, absolutely hates when his friends aren't getting along. Not afraid to hug or kiss anyone, although the kisses typically end up on cheeks. A fun drunk, that's for sure! Family History: Mother and younger sister were killed in an accident with a drunk driver when he was ten. His mother had just gotten over cancer, only to die at the hands of an idiot. His father remarried about seven years later, and he currently lives with his stepmother and father. He gets along with both, as he's such a tolerant guy. He isn't bothered that his father replaced his mother; he doesn't want him to be unhappy.
7:57pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
((Is that good? D: ))
8:02pm Sep 23 2010
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Ooc:// Sounds great. ^.^ Hehe. <3 So. The party? Did you want to start it or me?
8:04pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; You please. (:
8:14pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Okay typing it up now but quick question. Include the kiss or wait till your character responds before having Bryan jumping in?
8:23pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Lets start off with the kiss. :3
8:41pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 8:42pm Sep 23 2010)
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Ooc:// I'm no good at drunk talking/typing. lol. ^.^ Bic:// It was approximately 1:00 in the morning at one of Bryan’s football buddies house. It was the traditional pre-game party and of course everyone was drunk stumbling around dancing with random chicks everywhere. Bryan was also drunk stumbling around the living room looking for Landon. “Landy!” he called hiccupping once. “Whe-es that boy?” He slurred not really being able to focus his blue eyes on anything at the moment in time. He hadn’t planned to go all out and just chug down everything that was offered to him but peer pressure was a bi.tch and he couldn’t say no to his other buddies on the team. If he did he would have been made fun of the next morning for it in the locker room. He wasn’t about to have that happen to him, plus the night wasn’t a total waste. He made new friends or to his say, boyfriends later in the future. Bryan scanned the room smirking when he say is best buddy near the wall of the stair case. “The-r you are!” Bryan grinned walking over to him and throwing an arm around his friend’s shoulders. “You know… Yo-r amaz-n” he grinned a stupid grin looking into his best friend’s eyes. Something in Bryan’s brain wasn’t working as he opened his mouth with his next statement. “Lan-n. I lo-v yous” His stupid grin softened as his face turned into a dead serious one. He dropped his arm from Landon’s shoulders as he pressed his hand against the wall behind Landon as his other one gripped his best friend’s chin lightly. Bryan leaned forward and kissed Landon to further show his friend what he meant.

8:54pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
"Bryan, you're so wasted ma-" His chuckled statement was cut off by the feeling of soft warm lips upon his own. His cheeks were red hot, and his eyes began to close. He nearly leaned into it- nearly- but then did the only thing he could think to. With a hard shove, he moved Bryan back just enough to punch him in the face. The room grew quiet. No one had ever seen Landon even play hit his best friend, let alone hit him hard. He was breathing heavy, and he felt sick. Not because he'd been kissed. Jeez, it was just a kiss. But because somewhere deep inside, he sort of liked it. Not the way that he liked kissing girls- he loved kissing girls. It was a terrifying feeling. Almost like...excitement. "Bryan...I swear to *censored*ing god, you better not ever touch me again." He practically snarled at him. He looked around at the others, surprised by their angry looks. Like Landon was the one who was wrong here. Mostly sobered by the kiss, he decided he better just get the hell out of there, and deal with this tomorrow. He stared at his friend, and felt like he might cry. But big boys didn't cry, not even over their best friends. And especially not in front of the football team. And so, he left. ((Sorry I know that was all quick but there's only so much we can do. xP Skip to school?))
9:04pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
((I feel like I just power played... >.> Argh that irks me.))
9:15pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 9:18pm Sep 23 2010)
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Ooc:// Aww. That broke my heart. lol. I'll skip. Don't worry. You can't help it in fights sometimes. So it's cool. ^.^ Bic:// The next morning Bryan was looking at his reflection on his car window examining a giant purple and blue bruise on the side of his jaw and cheek area. "What the hell happened?"he asked lightly touching it and winced out of pain. He sighed shaking his head and spinning around entering through the dark blue double doors of the school building. "Hey Bryan! You okay?" one of his football team mates asked slinging his arm around Bryan's shoulders. "Yeah fine. I took some meds for the headache but other than that i'm cool. Awsome party by the way... Just wish I know how I got this *censored*ing bruise" he frowned looking extremly confused. "Dude. You don't remember it?" The guy asked with wide eyes and bit his own lip, dropping his arm from Bryan's shoulders. "Dude you have got to find your friend. I can't tell you but if you need to later. Big Josh has it on his cell. He's not sending it to anyone but he has it just in case this happened" the guy said backing away. Bryan seemed rather lost at his friend's words but just simply nodded and waved to him walking in search of his best friend. 'What the hell happened? He seems rather...sad?' With a slight growl Bryan pa.ssed a few other students who looked at him with almost hurt expressions. 'What the hell did I do?' This was so irritating for him. Almost everyone was looking at him like they felt sorry for him but he didn't have any clue why. Bryan reached forward grabbing a random person and almost glaring at the poor kid in front of him. "Where's Landon?" he asked as his blue eyes turned to ice. "I saw him near the gym!" The kid almost yelled struggling from Bryan's death grip on his arm. Bryan shoved the kid away turning heading towards the gym in search of his best friend. He wanted to know what happened last night and so far no one was telling him anything. They kept stairing at him.

9:21pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
Landon was in the gym, tossing balls into the basket. Great, true to his damn jock obsession, he was in here, killing his anger. This was all Bryan's fault. He'd gotten him into sports. He'd gotten him into girls. If he wasn't on the stupid football team, this never would have happened, and he'd be out there joking with Bryan about the night before, and making fun of his bruise. But he wasn't. He was stuck in the gym, dreading the moment he'd have to face him, if he did. And now he was dealing with dirty looks and angry team mates. It wasn't like they understood! He hadn't kissed any of them! He wasn't their best friend! But he was complete douche for it? He threw the ball so hard it bounced off the backboard and nearly hit him in the face. Luckily, he ducked. He didn't bother chasing the ball, just stood there. He wanted to be upset. But he was smarter than that. He always turned depression to anger, at whoever he wanted to. It was one of his damn problems. He couldn't be upset about Bryan's actions; he had to hate him for it. He was 100% straight. And that bit of doubt last night had simply been alcohol. ((sorry for all the ooc, would you like to throw in a few sub characters to keep up conversation until they start talking again? Because I think we should hold that off for a while.))
9:43pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 9:51pm Sep 23 2010)
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Ooc:// First Bryan needs to understand what he did. lol but Yeah. The question is who do we throw in as subcharacters? Maybe other friends of Landon and Bryan who keep them company through the whole thing? Bic:// Bryn neared the gym hearing the sound of basketballs on the court. He paused for a moment just staring at the gym doors debating if he even wanted to find Landon. Something pulled at his heart as he stepped forward but was only stopped by Big Josh who placed his hand on his shoulder. "You might want to wait a moment. Here. I didn't send it to anyone but it's all recorded. I know you don't remember it but just...watch" Josh sighed steering Bryan to a wooden bench and sat him down, handing his cell over to the confused jock. Bryan pressed play and watched the whole thing play out. The slurred words, the kiss, the punch and last Landon's words. The screen cut black indicating the video was over and instinctivly Bryan brought his hand up to his face where the blueish bruise lay. "He hit me" he muttered softly looking up at Josh who took his phone back. "Dude...you shouldn't have drank that much alcohol. You would have still had him" Josh sighed sitting down next to Bryan. "What did I do after that?" Bryan almost snapped at Josh. "Calm down. You went outside and smoked almost a pack of cigarettes. I've never seen you like that. After that I took you home to your father. He didn't ask questions just pointed your room out then I bolted before I was grilled by your old man" Josh explained standing up. "I gotta jet, but you should go talk to him, man. He's your friend and as a team mate I can't let you walk away. We have to have eachother's backs or we loose. You know that" With that Josth left heading back down the hall way. Bryan stood up and made his way to the gym doors pushing them open softly and stepping inside. His soft blue gaze focused on Landon but that was all he did. He just watched his friend in the middle of the court a little hesitant to say or go closer. He didn't know what to do. That kiss was so not intended and he felt horrible for it, but it was the truth. He had been feeling like that for a while. All he wished was that he would have told him a more nicer way and not just forced himself onto Landon. Honestly he was at fault for what happened not Landon. He was only acting out of defence and Bryan understood that. Bryan stayed quiet debating in his head what to say. With a soft sigh he finially opened his mouth and said two words. "Landon, please"

9:56pm Sep 23 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Oh of course. I was just saying, like, for the future. Haha. But yes, they should keep company. That way we have interaction. bic;; Landon didn't bother turning around. He simply stared up at the hoop. He had so many things he wanted to say. Hell, he wanted to say sorry. But this was a matter of pride, and in honesty, he felt betrayed. He felt like he'd been stabbed in the back. But why he couldn't explain. He kicked at the ground, unable to stand all the emotions. As he turned around, it was noticeable that his eyes were bloodshot. Apparently, someone had gotten him a little present to help him calm down. At least Bryan didn't have to worry about getting hit again. He was only violent with sports when he was high. "Please what?" he asked with a shrug. "Please... don't be disgusted?" He knew the words would hurt, but he was not in the mood to care. He was being selfish, but he wouldn't admit that to himself. "Please don't admit that I hated it? Please don't hate you?" The last was harsh and strained, because it was hard to even say that to him. Deep down he knew it wasn't hate; how could he hate his best friend? But anger said many things. "You're a freak, Bryan." His eyes narrowed and he balled his fists. Well, apparently he was going to get violent. "I trusted you. I stuck up for you. I swore to everyone that you were a nice guy, that you'd never push that crap on anyone. But you pushed it on me Bryan. I'm supposed to be your best friend. Meanwhile your scamming on me. I never even thought that I should worry about changing in front of you, or practicing tackle with you. But it was just some sick little turn on for you, wasn't it?" He didn't understand why this was bothering him so much. It had just been a kiss and three words. But it was tearing him apart.
10:22pm Sep 23 2010
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Ooc:// Alright. I'll make my side character. ^.^ Just a question. Would Landon rather a female or male friend? <3 Bic:// Bryan listened to every single word Landon spoke. He could feel his heart twisting and turning out of pain as each word was spoken about how horrible of a person he was. Did he really beleive all that? This was Landon, the very kid he knew when he was ten. Each word spoken was like a knife to his heart. He knew he was at fault but did he really disurve all this? Landon knew he was bisexual. He went out with everone and wasn't ashamed of it. Bryan's gaze lowered to the wooden floor in front of him as his blue eyes narrowed. He felt the blood in his veins warm up as anger took over. "I respected your privacy and I didn't do *censored* to you. Never once did I actually look at you in the locker rooms when you changed. I looked away. I didn't cop a feel when we were practicing takling. Do you honestly think I would do that to you? You think so lowly of me now that I would change and betray the only person in the world that I actually trust? Your my best friend! I was *censored*ing drunk last night. Do you tink I had any self control over my emotions? No! Do you when you're drunk?" He asked balling his fists. "But it doesn't matter! I'm a *censored*ing freak like you said. You hate me I can see that. I was going to apologize for what I did and accept the fact that you hit me out of defence, but screw it. Da.mn it all to hell! I don't need you to stand up for me anymore. I'm not the one that everyone hates now. Go back to your *censored*ing punk friends. The real freaks you used to hang out with until you met me. I'm sure they'll open up a spot for you into their coven and brain wash you back to your old self." Bryan didn't mean a single word of that but he was hurting. His own best friend thought he was a freak because he was bisexual for his own orientation when he knew it all along. He didn't understand why he was being suck an *censored*hole over this. It was a kiss and a mistake. He knew it but why couldn't Landon see it as that? A mistake. Everyone made mistakes but did he think that Bryan was to good for such a stupid mistake? Surely not. With a deep sigh Bryan lifted his gaze back to Landon. His tried to control his breathing feeling the tears but he refused to cry. He refused to show any emotions at all besides anger. He didn't need to be treated like *censored* for some stupid kiss.

10:37pm Sep 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 399
ooc;; Probly a guy because he tries to be all macho (I think he's just closeted. xP) but he'd work with a girl too right now. What about Bryan? bic;; Bryan's word cut him just as deep. "At least my punk friends didn't try to *censored*ing change me into something I'm not," he spat. He meant it about the sports and crap, even though he knew that it was his own fault for following Bryan's lead. But it was perfect for right now. A *censored*, was what he wanted to say. But he couldn't. Even in his moment of hatred, he couldn't insult him so. He kicked the nearby basketball towards the wall, nowhere near Bryan. He'd already hurt him physically, and mentally, enough. "Bryan, just get the hell out of here." His voice was calm now. He was mellow. He was high. He was indifferent. He just... was. "I need to cool down before practice. From now on, that's the only place that I should see you." He didn't need to explain it any further. He turned and moved to the sideline, picking up his backpack. "I've got nothing left to say to you." He couldn't believe he was really saying all this. He felt like he might actually cry, something that only Bryan had ever seen him do. He wouldn't make the mistake of doing it right now. This wasn't supposed to hurt him. It was all Bryan's fault.