10:39pm Sep 23 2010
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((Have to go for the night, I'll be on tomorrow. ^^ Around 10:00. AM.))
10:54pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 8:39am Sep 24 2010)
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Ooc:// I can handle that. ^.^ Well Bryan...hmm. It doesn't matter to him. He has all types of friends although maybe a girl? lol. He needs some hugs. ^.^ But then again it wouldn't really mattered if he hugged a guy because he's bisexual and everyone knows that. Well now they do. Bic:// "Fine." With that Bryan spun around exiting the gym. He seemed calm on the outside but on the inside everything had been shattered and torn to peices. Once safely in the gym lobby, he detoured to the door that lead to the parking lot and stepped out of the building. He moved to the side ignoring that he should probably be in cla.ss and just leaned against the bricks. He tried to shove his shaking right hand into his pocket but only seemed to fail. "Da.mn it" he cursed trying to reach his cigaretts. He really needed them right now. After a few minutes of struggling he finally managed to get a cigarette and light it taking a long drag. He couldn't beleive he had just lost his life long friendship over a stupid kiss, a sloppy drunk kiss at that. He wasn't even sure if it was good or not, hell he didn't even remember the thing. He internally cursed himself for falling for his best friend. He wasn't going to admit to him now that he actually did have feelings for him but at this point in time, Landon knew. He just didn't know the extent of the feelings and how long he had been having them. He felt like just breaking down at the moment in time. Just the thought of loosing Landon wanted to make him slid down the brick wall into a ball and just cry, but he knew better. Football players wern't supposed to burst into tears because their best friends dumped them. Hell a guy in general wasn't supposed to do that. It was a chick thing to break down. Men were supposed to duke it out or just simply walk away and forget the whole situation but he couldn't do that. That was impossible. How do you just forget a friend that's always been there for you no matter what? How do you forget the one person in the world you absolutly adore and love? You don't. (( Did you want to post bios for the side characters too? Or just pictures and names then start playing them? And okay. I won't be home until 12:10 tomorrow. That's when my cla.ss gets out. ^.^ ))

10:57am Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
((I can post a bio if you want. He'd probly like a preppy, wouldn't he?))
11:03am Sep 24 2010
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Feeling as though he'd just royally screwed himself, Landon looked up at the ceiling. Everything had gone so wrong last night. The kiss was one thing. Whatever, that didn't really bother him as much as he pretended it did. But Bryan said he loved him. And anyone that knew Landon knew those were words he had trouble hearing. Commitment was a terrifying thing, something he'd never really witnessed growing up. His mother was more concerned with work than finding a man, which was probably a good thing, considering she had three bastard children. He wanted to find his dad and just beat the crap out of him, whether it was fair or not. And what was worse.. he'd dreamt about it last night. All he kept seeing was Bryan kissing him, and eventually it got to a point where he sat up and couldn't breathe. It was one thing to relive kissing him, but to imagine anything further.. He shivered. Landon Lilycove was straight, and no one would change that. He went off hunting for someone that wasn't going to ignore him. So he had a fight with Bryan. So what? If anyone didn't like it, they could bugger off.
11:31am Sep 24 2010
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Ooc:// Probably. And I was just curious if you wanted to go through the work of a bio. I have my guy. ^.^ Bic:// Bryan took a deep breath and one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it into the gr*censored*. He straightened up and stepped on it before walking to the front doors of the building. If his nerves didn't go away within the next few hours he'd be ditching school to go find something much more effective than his cigarettes. If he hadn't been wasted last night none of this mess would be happening but then again, was it really his fault? Landon knew he was bisexual and landon sure didn't mind that from what he could tell. There had been times where he's been with guys and Landon didn't say anything to him. "How does this change things?" Bryan asked himself out loud entering the building once more and heading off to the cafeteria. He didn't feel like going to cl*censored* at the moment, hell he didn't feel like doing anything. He had to literly force himself to stay at school although now he didn't really see a purpose. In his mind he was debating whether or not to go to football practice this afternoon. He knew he would be needed but then again wouldn't the team understand? Probably not. Growling to himself he just slunk into the cafateria and sat at an empty table thinking. He wasn't exactly sure who he could go and talk to about this little situation. It probably was better to forget it all happened but Bryan wasn't that type of guy. When something bothered him, it would bother him until he fixed it or something was done about it. The only thing was, he didn't know what to do. He was just basically told to never even speak to him again. He couldn't fix it if he couldn't speak to him.

11:38am Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Lets do bios just to make my life easier. It's organize. And I can reference it later if I need it. xP Lets do that now. I'll get her ready.
11:44am Sep 24 2010
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Ooc:// Okay. What clique do you want Landon's friend to be in?
11:46am Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I think it should be a punk. Like Bryan said, they can take him back to the darkside. Mwahah. xD
11:48am Sep 24 2010
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Ooc:// Aww. <3 Okay.
11:51am Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Of course it's your choice in the final cut. ^^ And Prep for me, right?
11:53am Sep 24 2010
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Ooc:// Yeah. ^.^
12:24pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
Name: Kira Lynn Meyers Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight High School Year: Senior Clique: Preps and Jocks Likes: Football stars, cheerleaders, the color yellow, expensive resturaunts, cute purse's, Hollister jeans, How I Met Your Mother, corny pick up lines. Dislikes: Body Odor, cell phone ringtones, loud music, metal bands, pot heads, punks and goths Flaws: She's the type of girl that will let anyone have her, thus earning her a slightly bad reputation. Advantages: She's an extremely caring friend, so when she actully likes you, you're set. Personality: Very typical. Likes to talk a lot, flirty, fun. Insults without really thinking about it. Family History: Daddy had a drug problem, but he's better now. Her mother is a model house wife, and it sort of bothers her that her little brother is beginning to become chauvanistic. Her father thinks women are beneath men.
12:35pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 1:09pm Sep 24 2010)
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Name: Jay Luke Evans Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Straight High School year: Senior Clique: Punk Likes: Guitar, his band's music, girls, loud obnoxious concerts, his father's dark red viper, dying his hair weird colors (His favorite is green though) Dislikes: Jocks, cheerleaders although he does have to admit they have a nice body, any perky personalities (He's not a big fan of bubbly), higher authority figures Flaws: Jay has a tendency to organize things. He has no clue where htis came from but many call it OCD, he just calls it an annoying glicth in his brain. He has to make sure everything is perfect before he can do anything. If his desk is not straight he will take the time to fix it before he can sit down. Personality: Jay is a quiet kid who has a tendency to get on other people's nerves. He won't hesitate to say what is on his mind wether he knows it will hurt you or not. He's very nice and caring towards his friends but once you leave his litle group he has a hard time letting you back in. He's very social and does tend to make smart a.ss comments without really thinking about it. Family History: Jay basically grew up on his own. His father ditched them when he was ten but that didn't stop him from contacting him. His father and him have a very strong relationship and he swears one day that he will move into his father's awsome house instead of being stuck with his drug stricken mother who toys around with different guys. His father is a lawyer therefore he does have quite a bit of money but since he doesn't live with his father, Jay has no access to anything. Instead he is stuck with his mother who works at a local bar as a stripper and prostitute in order to make a living. Somtemes she doesn't even make money but just gets paid in drugs.

12:47pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 1:10pm Sep 24 2010)
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Ooc:// I am now satisfied. <3
3:00pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
Careful eyes scanned the cafeteria for what Kira knew would be a hideously depressed Bryan. She'd been there the night before (she was somewhat into Josh) and she'd seen the whole thing. She hadn't expected Landon to hit Bryan. She'd expected him to be upset, but geez. Didn't have to hit the poor guy. He'd just confessed love! She thought it was a little sweet. But then, she'd never liked Logan. He was a punk trying to fit in with the jocks, and it just didn't work. Spying her target, she sauntered over to the table and sat down. She didn't have to tell him she knew. She figured he'd *censored*ume from the solemn look on her face. "Bry, it's not the end of the world," she promised. Logan, on the other hand, was going to what used to be his favorite area; the smoke spot. Oh, he wanted to be high as a kite. It'd been so long since he'd had that sweet escape. If the teachers noticed, they never said anything, especially to the "jocks". They were the pride of the school. Getting the football stars into trouble meant losing, and their school was much too competitive for that. He moved around the corner, wondering who would be there.
4:19pm Sep 24 2010
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Byan side ways glanced at Kira before sighing. "I know but seriously it feels like it. I was told off in the gym. It seems as our friendship is over. Nearly eight years of giving him everything and it just ends because of a kiss, a drunk one at that" He sighed looking at his friend. "Actually it probably isn't the kiss that's bothering him and ruining everything" he shrugged. "Honestly I just want to drop it right now. His words were enough to kill everything." "So have have you been? Anything new?" He asked really wanting to change the subject. He had enough talking about Landon and wanted to see what was up with Kira latley. He didn't remember the last time he had hang out with her. Jay leaned against the building smoking a bit of weed trying to stay out of sight from the teachers. He knew the jocks could get away with it but when it came to punks and other students; they wern't so lucky depending on the person who caught them. Jay glanced side ways catching sight of Landon. "Well hello there" Jay smirked bringing the weed that was pressed against his lips, down to his side. "How's life?" He questioned with a smirk not sure exactly how Landon was going to react just yet. Normally he hung out with Bryan but after hearing the news spreading around school, he didn't really know what to expect.

5:14pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
Kira sighed lightly, deciding not to push him further. "I've been okay," she told him. "Stupid car finally blew a head gasket. But I mean, it's in the shop, so we're all good." She leaned her chin on her fist, staring at him. He looked like he'd aged ten years, wearing a frown that deep. "We should hang out some time, Bry. What are you doing after practice?" It was obvious he needed cheering up. Even though she was typically better at that with girls, she figured Bryan wouldn't be too difficult. "What are you doing putting that down?" Landon questioned. He quirked a brow. "You're going to hold out on me? That's cold, man." He grinned, feeling the slight buzz he'd caught wearing off. He sighed and leaned against the wall with the other. "How do you think it is?" He didn't bother looking over. At times like this, he wished he actually did smoke. But he couldn't stand the idea, nothing besides weed. Hypocritical? Maybe.
5:57pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 6:18pm Sep 24 2010)
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Ooc:// Yay! I can use internet in the car while going to SC. So we are good. Bic:// Bryan shook his lightly and shrugged. "Sorry about your car. You paying for it out of your pocket? Or are your parents chipping in?" he asked curiously although he figured she didn't want to talk about her car. His frown only seemed to deeping as he winced when hearing the question about practice. He didn't know if he really was going to practice or not today. He bit his lip lightly before shaking his head. "I'm ditching practice today so nothing really. My schedual is free" he gave a weak smile trying to cheer up. Jay laughed just shaking his head. "I didn't know who's side you were on. Sorry man, here" he said bringing his hand up handing Landon the weed. "You can take the rest. You need it more than me, plus I can always find more. Mom's commin home with her new druggie tonight" Jay smirked knowin good and well he could steal it off of the guy when he was busy with his mother. It wasn't hard stealing from drug dealers, especially when his mother was occuping them. "You busy this afternoon? Me and the mates are heading down to the old bridge tonight, wanna join us?" he asked with a slight smirk resting hsi head on the wall he was leaning against. The bridge was a nutorious place to get high and drunk without the cops catching them. Hell it surved as a great spot to swim too and the best thing out of it all, was they were the only ones who knew where it was. It was sort of like a secret hide out.

8:57pm Sep 24 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I have to go away for the weekend. T_T bic;; "You really shouldn't ditch.." Kira sighed and ran a hand through her soft blonde hair. "But screw it. You need a vacation." She began to drum her fingers on the table, eyeing up a piece of gum that was stuck to the top of it. Ew. "Lets go somewhere. Do you have a car? I mean if not we can take a walk or something, clear our minds. But I think gettin' outta town would do wonders for our moods." Landon didn't hesitate to bring the blunt up to his lips, and he inhaled with a sick sense of satisfaction. Would Bryan approve of this? Oh he didn't care! Screw Bryan, and screw the team! He wasn't meant to play football, whether he liked it or not. He was supposed to be hanging with these wasted stoners, talking about hot chicks and how to score more. "Wouldn't miss it," he said with a smile. "What time?"
9:18pm Sep 24 2010 (last edited on 9:18pm Sep 24 2010)
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Ooc:// I am away for the weekend in SC. lol. I'm at my sisters house and we are going wedding shopping so I won't be on as much. Bic:// "Hell yeah I have a car" Bryan grinned standing up. "Where do you have in mind? A vacation sounds lovely" Bryan was all up for this. Hell he needed to get away and this was the perfect thing to do. Get away for a few days. Screw practice, screw school. He just needed it for grades and scholarships but he honestly didn't care for all that right now. It was his father's dreams not his. He was tired of living through his father. He needed some time onf his own, a life of his own. Jay gave off a wide grin bringing his hand up patting him on the shoulder. "Welcome back buddy. It's around eight, but the band and I are going up around seven to get thing set up. Duke wants to play some and honestly I don't mind. I havn't played my guitar in ages" he grinned just imagining being able to play again. He hadn't really practiced his guitar in a while and that was something. His guitar was his life. He even named it, Vivian. Oh how he loved that black instrament. It was a better calming method then any drugs his mother could bring home. Music was his drug and it worked wonders although an extra high never hurt and made the experience all the more enjoyable.
