9:33pm Sep 24 2010
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ooc;; I won't have ANY internet. So..yeah. xP Bic;; "I dunno, I was just figuring on like the next town over or something," Kira told him. She wasn't figuring on a few days away from school, more like a few hours. But she had no idea how this kids mind was working right now. "I've got some cash in my card, we can go shopping or.. something." She frowned. Jesus, she didn't want to seem like she was stereotyping him. He was bisexual, not another chick. "Or like, catch a game at a college or something." There, that seemed more like it. Landon grinned. "I've always been here, I just got a little lost in jock land." He stuck out his tounge and scrunched his face. Ugh, he did not even want to think about practice later. He took another hit, giving a light cough. This was familiar; this was calm and mellow. Hanging with "the guys", it was different. It was a show of who was manly and who wasn't. Guitar? They were more focused on balls! No wonder they had a problem with being macho. "Think I'll pick the drums back up."
9:47pm Sep 24 2010
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Ooc:// Oh. Wow. Bic:// Bryan smiled and shrugged. "It sounds great. I don't care what we do as long as it isn't related to anything about Landon. Hell I wouldn't mind going dress shopping if you needed one" he laughed, an actual laugh. "Wanna ditch?" He asked motioning to the cafateria doors. "No one will stop me. After all i'm a jock they as.sume as long as i'm back by practice i'm good. No teachers care" he shrugged kind of liking the fact that he could get away with almost anything. That was the beauty of being a jock thena gain he still did his work just for the self satisfaction, but all that was about to change. "Thats a horrible land to get lost in" Jay said with a light sigh. "It makes you something your not" he shrugged glancing over at Landon. A smirk came to his face hearing that Landon would pick the drums back up. "I'll tell duke to bring them. We'll see how well you play. You loose touch after a while. How long as it been really? You know, since you picked up drum sticks and just played?" He asked curiously. He wondered if Landon played at all while he was hanging with the stuck up jocks. He hated those boys. They always made fun of his group. A cult, Bryan called it. Why the hell Bryan would do that was beyond him. Hell they did the same thing the Jocks did, just instead of sports it was music. Although he wasn't going to admit that for nothing in his life.

12:33pm Sep 27 2010
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ooc;; I'm backk! I really enjoy this plot because we can play with it so well. There are so many extra plot twists we'll be able to toss in along the way. bic;; "Only if you promise to wear one of the dresses," Kira teased. She was of course joking. She wasn't a homo-phobe, but she did prefer to think of Bryan as straight. She always thought it was such a waste when he was with a boy. He was such a beautiful boy. She picked up her purse and stood. "Lets get out of here before the bell rings. I so don't want to get in trouble for trying to leave." She offered her arm, and a friendly smile. Landon thought, really thought, but couldn't even remember. He frowned and shook his head. "Hope you don't mind a bad beat," he told him with a shrug of his shoulders. He relit the blunt and took the final hit, closing his eyes and leaning back against the wall. "I can't believe I was one of those mindless idiots." The buzz began to really hit him, and he felt like he was on cloud nine. "I mean, Jesus, all they ever do is talk about sports. Sports are fun, but they aren't life." Uh oh. Philosophical high.
12:59pm Sep 27 2010
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Ooc:// Yeah. It's simple and basic yet you can play with it a lot. So any ideas? lol. Bic:// Bryan raised his eyebrow at Kira then shook his head. "I don't think so. There's only so far you can make me go and that's is not one of the streaches" he commented wrapping his arm around hers with a grin. "Let's go m'lady. As long as your with me, your fine" he grinned escorting her out of the cafeteria. "I say when we get to the next town we grab some real lunch. I have no clue what the cafeteria serves here but it's not food" he smirked feeling his stomach growl. By the time they reached the next town over it would be lunch time and with being a football player, Bryan didn't miss any meals. It was like his body required it or else he'd feel sick. Jay listened to Landon before frowning. "You'll get your music tastes back. It's not that hard to regain your skills" he said with a smirk glancing over at his old friend. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as landon ranted about sports. "Dude...the only reason they think sports are life is because they suck at everything else. All they know is sports and when they don't get those stupid scholarships for football they become janitors and garbage men because they don't know anything else." Jay frowned at his words wondering where the whole fortune cookie talk was comming from. Da.mn, Landon's philosophical high was starting to rub off on him.

1:24pm Sep 27 2010
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ooc;; Well looking at the current events, Landon will probly become a burnout, annndd Bryan might start to go downhill in school. SO we could probly work something with that that brings them back together. bic;; Kira patted his stomach lightly. "Hey you," she said. "Sounds like there's a freakin' lion in there. Better tame the beast soon." She started to walk, gently tugging on him. She wasn't usually one to ditch, but she knew he needed this. And she knew he needed to get out of here without running into Landon. She could only imagine where he was. After all, most of the football team was a bit ticked off at him. The only real place he had to go was back with his scummy punk friends. "What's your car?" "And they get so emo if they get hurt and can't play anymore," Landon went on, rolling his eyes. "Oh heaven forbid, I can't kick a stupid ball, I might as well curl up and die!" He turned around and gently kicked the wall. "I'm sorry for giving you guys *censored* with them." He'd never really teased his old friends, but he didn't ever step in when they were bothered. And that made him feel like an awful person. "Bryan just had me...brainwashed. It was like, I couldn't step out of his shadow."
1:55pm Sep 27 2010
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Ooc:// Yeah and for some reason I want them to be trapped in a room together. lol. That's my only thoughts. Them stuck somewhere and only having to face eachother instead of ignoring one another. I don't know why or where though. *shrugs* Bic:// Bryan laughed and nodded lightly. "Oh it will be tame after a while" he grinned before motioning to the parking lot beside the gym. "Red convertable second space on the far right" he said holding up his keys. "Full tank of gas so we can go as far as we want but knowing you, we'll be back before school ends" he smiled warmly knowing she cared for school not really wanting to get in trouble. It didn't fit her style to be hanging with detention students. "Isn't kicking a ball related to soccor? In football the ball is only kicked once" Jay asked curiously but got the point Landon was trying to proove. He frowned standing up straight watching Landon for a moment before nudging him lightly. "None of that mushy crap. You've been hanging around with that jock way to long. He's grown on you and it's scary" jay sighed glancing up at the sky. "but your fine. You get to make up everything you missed tonight...the boys and I will make sure of that" he smirked glancing back at school, wondering when the next bell would ring.

3:00pm Sep 27 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; That would make for a really really amazing romance scene. They start screaming at each other and then Landon latches onto his face. :3 I suppose Kira and Jay could scheme it up after they get sick of mopey one and mopey too. Or something. IDK though Kira thinks that Bryan being with a boy is a waste. So we might have to figure something else out. To keep time together, shall we cut out Landon and Jay after this post? Also Jay makes me think of Degr*censored*i. D: WOW That was a lot of ooc. bic;; Kira gave a sly smile and shook her head. "I know, I know, I have to ruin all the fun," she said. She shrugged her shoulders and glanced around the parking lot. "Some body has to keep you jocks out of trouble." She did wish she'd be able to convince him to go to practice, but highly doubted that. She knew what it was like to face rejection; it was never a good feeling. Landon opened his mouth to say something, but the bell sounded. He grinned and gently punched Jay on the arm. "Hey, you better bring the good stuff." he said, holding up the small remains of the blunt. "This is a little weak. I'm surprised at you."
3:59pm Sep 27 2010
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Ooc:// You know. It would. <3. I also thought of Bryan kind of freaking and handcuffing himself to Landon but then again this is the wrong roleplay to play the stubborn 'i want answer' thing out. I have never seen Degra.ssi. All I can think of for the room is...an elevator! lol. Oh that would suck. I hate getting stuck in an elevator, it's scary as hell. Bic:// Bryan smirked at Kira's comment. "Yes, without you all of us jocks would be running around with our heads cut off not knowing what to do" he said a little sarcastically but gently pulled her forward. "This way sweetheart" he said softly leading her to the red car. "Have you decided what we are going to do besides lunch? Or well...I decided we were goin ot eat lunch so that means you get to pick the after effects" he said softly unlocking the red convertable leading her to the p*censored*enger side. He opened the door for her and gentaly slipped his arm away from hers. "You ride...." he said motioning to the open door. Jay smirked but shrugged as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "I can't garentee i'll have the really good stuff. Like I said ealier, Mother is bringing home a new guy so it depends what he's got on him." With a low chuckle he began walking off to cla.ss. He stopped and glanced over his shoulder at Landon. "I expect to see your as.s tonight. No dropping out. I just got you back man." Jay smiled and disapeared inside the building.

3:36pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I haven't had the pleasant experience of being trapped in an elevator. I don't plan on it. bic;; As she slid in, Kira caught sound of the bell. She gave a light sigh and a shrug. Ah well, one day of cutting couldn't be too bad. She buckled up and looked over at the steering wheel, before taking a look at the entire car. She whistled. For her standards it was nice. "Hey, Bry, when did you get this thing?" she asked. She'd never gone for a ride with the other. She preferred driving herself wherever she went. ooc again;; I'm sorry I'm going through writers block..
4:22pm Sep 28 2010
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Ooc:// Your fine <3. Bic:// Bring slipped into the driver's seat and buckled his seatbelt. "I got it about three months ago. It was a savings of a few years of modeling and a few boxing tournaments my father took me to" he smirked starting up the car and backing out of his parking spot. "It took me a while to raise the money. My father is big on getting me everything he didn't have but he drew the line at cars. He said if I worked hard for one it would make me respect it more than him just buying it for me. I guess I understand his point" he shrugged pulling out of the parking lot and heading down the road towards the next town. "So where to princess?" he asked curiously watching the road. Ooc:// Mine sucked too. lol.
5:46pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 399
"Lets go see a corny movie, or go to one of those lame roller rinks," Kira said. "No one will be there, and it'll be pretty fun." She was a sucker for things like roller rinks and drive-ins. She thought that the cl*censored*ic ways of fun should be modern; less trouble, less fights, and a lot more fun. Plus the cost was low! "I bet the black and white theater will have some good films. Have you ever been?" She knew that must sound lame; most preppies like her wouldn't think of setting foot somewhere like that. "When they have the silent movies, it's so funny."
5:52pm Sep 28 2010 (last edited on 5:53pm Sep 28 2010)
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Ooc:// I bet Landon HATED the fact that Bryan smoked everytime he was stressed. Bic:// Bryan raised an eyebrow over at Kira. "Hmm. Well that gives me a few ideas" he said shaking his head lightly. "Actually I have never been to a silent movie. We could try it. Maybe i'll like it" he smiled warmly wondering where on earth the black and white theater was. "Hey...you are going to have to give me directions. I'm a little new at this" he laughed lightly. For once it actually felt good to get out and away from things. He was quite proud of himself that his sudden urge for a ciggarette was instnatlly demolished as soon as Kira stepped forward to hang out with him.
5:56pm Sep 28 2010
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"Gee, thanks for making me feel like a loser," Kira teased lightly. She looked around, then gave a short nod. "Kay, you're going to want to get on the high way, and then we'll take exit fifteen later." She leaned the seat back a bit, relaxing. "Bryan, when's the last time you really just sat back?" she asked. "Like, didn't worry about anyone else or anything, just sat there." She prided herself on the fact that she one day wanted to be a therapist, and Bryan was going to be great training.
6:16pm Sep 28 2010
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Bryan kept quiet while guiding the car onto the highway carefully making sure that he was with the speed of traffic before leaning back and thinking about Kira's question. "Never" he answered truthfully. "Between my father's constant pressure, School work, Football practice, Boxing after school sometimes, Modeling on the weekends...I have no time. The only time I can actually get away is at those parties and mainly i'm just drinking half of the time anyway. It sucks being me" he sighed realizing he had no life at all. Everything was wrapped around his father and school activities.
6:26pm Sep 28 2010
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Kira couldn't believe what the poor kid was going through. Well, kid, jeez. He was her age. "How the hell do you put up with it all?" Her voice held pure awe. She had enough trouble dealing with her stress, and her only problem was her lousy chauvinist father. Compared to what Bryan had on his plate, it felt like nothing. "Maybe we should hit the spa instead. I won't tell anyone on the team if you take a mudbath with me, I promise." She grinned.
6:40pm Sep 28 2010
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Bryan let out a soft chuckle taking one hand from the wheel and digging in his pocket. "These are what gets me through my tough times" he said tossing the pack of Ciggarettes into her lap. "There's days where it feels like i'm a chain smoker and I hate it, but they are the only thing to do the trick. Calm me down enough for me to go on. I've tried gum but seriously have you tried chewing gum while your being punched and tackled? It don't work" he shrugged relaxing into his seat keeping his eyes on the road. "The boys wouldn't care if I went to the spa. They know me enough to know if they dare say something i'd punch their lights out. I may be bisexual but that doesn't mean i'm not still a guy" he sighed his thoughts immediatly jumping back to Landon. He knew it too but something changed in him. He wasn't the same kid he knew when they were children. Bryan's hands tightened around the wheel as if to strangle the thing as he kept his now sad glare on the road.
6:51pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 399
Kira laid a gentle hand on Bryan's arm. "Bry, I know you don't want to talk about this, but..." She hesitated. "Logan will get over himself. He loves you, although not quite the way you love him. But he's one of those guys that's afraid to be gay. And he probly feels like you were trying to force him into it or something." She let her arm fall again. "He'll be back, and you and I both know it." She hated to admit that fact, too. She really never had liked the kid. Why Bryan tried to drag him in with the jocks she'd never understood. But she supposed no one could help who they loved.
7:02pm Sep 28 2010
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"I wasn't pushing him. I was drunk" Bryan sighed turning off on the exit Kira had told him earlier. "I never pushed that boy into anything. I walked he followed. I asked he said yes. I don't remember pushing *censored* on that boy" he growled softly as if trying to understand it himself. "He may come back but at the moment, I don't want him back" He said turning his eyes away from the road for a brief moment to look at Kira. He bit his lip glancing back at the road thinking a few things over. "I mean. He knew everything deep down but never really had to face it. Hell if I wasn't so messed up that night, nothing would have happened. The only thing that urks me is...he knew everything. Deep down he knew."
8:29pm Sep 28 2010
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Kira was a lot smarter than Bryan took her for. He didn't want him back? Yeah right. But she wasn't about to say that. Instead she nodded her head in support. She wasn't about to defend Landon. He'd punched him in the face! "I think it'll blow over and he'll apologize," she told him. She wasn't sure that was entirely true. She *censored*umed more likely it would take a few months, if it ever happened. This seemed like a huge deal on both sides. But he needed to be happier. "Anyways. So spa or theater? You need to decide quick."
8:55pm Sep 28 2010
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"You pick. I don't mind either" Bryan gave a weak smile not sure what he wanted to do. The spa did sound good but wasn't that a chick thing? Then again, hell there was no line between chick actions and his actions. It was all so messed up. "Actually I want to thank you for this. I've realized a few things with your help. A few things i've been neglecting for a while" he sighed getting a few things straight in his head. He knew what he had to do now. He knew what he had to drop and what he needed to pick up. Right then and there the Bryan everyone had once known disapeared. "How about the spa then I take you somewhere special? You know to thank you for everything. For being the only one here for me" he smiled warmly having a few things up his sleeve that he wanted to do with Kira.