9:08pm Sep 28 2010
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Posts: 399
"Spa sounds great," Kira said. She could already feel her muscles relaxing. "God, I haven't been in a few months." She looked at the street sign. "Go the next four lights, make a right, and you'll see it." She leaned back, happy the drive had gone so quickly. She couldn't believe how nice it was to hang out with Bryan. She knew close to everyone on the football team, some more so than others. Hell, she'd dated a few, she had crushed on a few. But she hadn't talked to this guy in... Damn, she didn't know how long.
9:24pm Sep 28 2010
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"Good" Bryan smirked playing out everything in his head that he could to today with Kira and get her back in time before school let out. "Alright...firmly noted" he said refuring to the directions finding out that the road lights seemed to like him. He got through the lights and turned right spotting the spa. He shook his head lightly not really beleiving he was going to do this but hell, it was for Kira and he didn't know how bad his body had been neglected. "Listen. I'll pay so do what ever you want but note. It can't take that long. Nothing over three hours. I still have your suprise which closes at five...so. Not to be mean and rush your or anything" he said parking the car. He turned off the engine and slipped out of the car. He felt a little bad for telling her that but hell he wanted to see her happy. He wanted to make it in his power to make her happy instead of focusing on his own happiness.Typical depressed Bryan.
10:04pm Sep 28 2010
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Kira got out of the car, scrunching her face up. "You are so not paying," she told him. "This was my idea. If anything, I should pay. But I think it'll be fine if we pay for ourselves." She figured that was win-win. "Come on, mud baths and hot rock m*censored*ages, here we come." She couldn't believe she was going to a spa with a football star. God, the world was a strange place these days. But it was fantastic. She paused at the mention of a surprise. She looked at him curiously, but didn't bother to ask. "Well, it better be a good one."
10:18pm Sep 28 2010
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Bryan frowned and shook his head following Kira inside. "Well...I guess that's fair but your not really letting me be a gentlemen here" he sighed. It was odd being in a place like this, hell he didn't even know if he's ever been to a spa. The scent of olivander filled the room as he started second guessing himself. "What am I doing?" he laughed but shrugged. "As of to your suprise. What does every girl wish to become?" He asked thinking about all those weird chick flicks he had been to with a girl he was dating. He still didn't understand why on earth they watched such things. It only made them ball like a baby and that's not a feeling he was used to. "Don't say princess because that's unrealistic here."
3:50pm Sep 29 2010
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Kira pulled out her wallet; it was custom to pay first, obviously. "Two Hawaii treatments," she said. That was the special term for the two things she'd mentioned earlier. Lava rocks, obviously, lead to think of Hawaii. As for the mud bath, they just sort of threw that in there and gave it a fancy partner. She handed over twenty five dollars before turning her attention back to Bryan. "A pretty princess?" she asked. She was completely confused now, running over things. A mermaid? No that was also obviously not realistic. A billionaire was out. She had absolutely no clue.
3:56pm Sep 29 2010
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Ooc:// Impatient to wait for replies hmmm? Well i'm on just as much if not more. I don't go to bed until 3 every morning. *shrugs* I really have no life. lol Bic:// Bryan shoved his hand into his back pocket grabbing his wallet. "Can't help the lady won't let me pay for her" Bryan smirked to the person behind the conter. "She's a stubborn thing" He laughed playfully knudging Kira. he handed over his money before turning his attention fully on Kira. "Well you could be a pretty princess but i'm not sure how well your dress would fit on covers. Seriously they take up a lot of room. Plus its hard to put words over a poof like that so it's just pointless" he said completly serious watching her ex pression. Hell he was worried he had just confused her with his real life ramble of his job.
4:04pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Hehe, yeah. I have an addiction and I like to have as many roleplays as I can at once. I wasn't saying anything bad about you. ^^' bic;; Kira quirked a brow. "Stubborn? A woman who's stubborn?" She shook her head. "Never heard that one before. She grabbed a towel and robe, and headed back to the mud bath area. She so could not wait. She hesitated, realizing she didn't have a bathing suit. But then she remembered that this place supplied, just in case. Jeez, they were lucky. "You know, Bry, I hate to stereotype, but I'm a blonde," she pointed out. "And you're confusing the crap out of me right now."
4:18pm Sep 29 2010
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Ooc:// Oh I know. I was just stating the obvious. I used to be like that, in fact I sort of am, but it's hard to get literate people and not those who post five sentences then that's all. It really gives nothing to go on. At the moment on this Rp i'm just at a loss. Although we get to play in the mud! ^.^ I wonder if they will get in trouble for a mud fight. lol. Bic:// Bryan laughed shaking his head. "Sweetheart, Do you know how many stereotypes I have to go through in one day? It's absurd but I get used to it. Hell after a while you start beleiving them if you don't firmly know who you are as a person" He shrugged tossing a towel over his shoulder but eyed a robe. He reached out to grab a robe but paused not really wanting to get one. His fingers touched the soft white fabric and that all changed as he smirked. It felt warm and fuzzy, so he grabbed one not really beleiving he had agreed to come to the spa with Kira. "Well think of it this way blondie" He joked with a smirk playing at the side of his mouth. "Almost every movie star is one almost instantly but they don't get paid to do it. It involves the most wonderful new fashions of the world and...." He brought his hand up to his chin as he glanced up at the ceiling trying to think what exactly he did in his job. "Oh. You also get to interact and kiss people and not mean anything by it." That last statment was beyond true but his most favorite fact about being a model. He could wrap his arms and snuggle up to almost anyone during a photoshoot and get involved in a heavy make-out session but yet as soon as they yelled 'wrap' it was like nothing ever happened.

4:30pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Yes, I am too, and it makes me feel bad because I know my posts are crap right now. I'm so drained with my creative juices. I have Creative Writing and we've written a poem every day for the past month. Bull crap. :D Haha I could see them doing it. I'm in love with Bryan. bic;; "Bry, if you're talking about modeling, I may have to kiss you," Kira said, finally catching on. Oh, she would love to be in pictures, on magazines, on billboards. But her father would kill her if she ever asked him for the money to pay an agent. Ugh. It wasn't like she wouldn't get rich later, she'd just have to pay like once! But he was so not going to agree. She paused at the dressing rooms. "I'll be out in a minute. Don't you dare come in and peak," she teased. She popped in to put on the soft bathing suit. It was a perfect fit.
4:45pm Sep 29 2010
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Ooc:// Why? lol. Ooh! Lookie! Bryan and Kira <3 
Bic:// Bryan laughed and shook his head. "Oh you finially got it. Congrats blondie and feel free to kiss away" he joked watching her disapear into the dressing room. "No worries. I dont feel like being a pervert at the current moment" He shrugged slipping into the males dressing room grabbing a locker. He found a pair of swim trunks and raised an eyebrow looking at them. "Eh. They'll have to do" he shrugged stripping and slipping them on. He was suprised to find out that they actually fit. Bryan spun around catching himself in the mirror. He smiled as he ran his eyes over his own perfectly muscled and tonned body only to frown at the one thing throwing everything off; the bruise. "Damn" he cursed shaking his head slaming his fist into his locker only to curse under his breath. "Why not beak your hand while your at it" he growled to himself before trying to compose his emotions. He didn't want to go back out to face Kira obviously upset. He slipped out of the dressing room and gave off a playful smirk calling to Kira. "Seriously I wouldn't mind the kiss. I've been lonely for quite a while" he called out playfully.

7:10pm Sep 29 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I don't know. He's not even my type. xP Lol. Ahh that's so perfect! bic;; As Kira popped out of the dressing room, she shook her head and tweaked his nose. "Now, now, now Bryan," she said. "Do you really want to make me your rebound?" She held open the door, the warmth from the room wafting out into the hallway. "Oh, come on," she said, shivering all over. She was excited! It was one thing to have a spa day with her friends; but to have a spa day with a good looking football player was a whole different story! "So do you really think you can get me a photoshoot?" she asked.
7:22pm Sep 29 2010 (last edited on 11:47pm Sep 29 2010)
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Ooc:// I have one where they are kissing but I would have to find it again. Bic:// "Sweetheart! Your not a rebound! I havn't had someone in about two to three months" he frowned at the thought that Kira had threw at him. "I'm so disapointed in you Kira. To think I would do such a horrible thing" he pouted walking into the room with her. He snatched her waist and grinned down at her, pressing his chest against her front. His blue gaze looked down into her eyes as a soft smile played across his face. "Do you seriously under estimate my power at the modeling agency? Maxwell owes me an expensive photoshoot. I've done so much for that boy....he'd have no problem casting you on a cover. Your gorgeous and anyone would be a fool to turn you down." With that Bryan's face fell and he released Kira's waist, stepping back. "And no...this is not me hitting on you" He smiled warmly.
12:51pm Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; ^^ bic;; "Oh really now?" Kira asked, as she pulled away and stepped into the in-ground pool that was filled with the mud substance. She sighed as she felt it squish between her toes, and slid down to sit, shoulders and head still sticking out. Her heart fluttered; it was one thing for Bryan to be attractive, but it was a whole different story when he was pressing against her like that. "You know, that's hard to believe when you're charming me like that." She flicked some of the mud at him. "Come on in. It feels so wierd, but so nice."
1:05pm Sep 30 2010 (last edited on 1:53pm Sep 30 2010)
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Ooc:// I really have to stop looking at the playby for Bryan. lol. I found him in a towel sitting on his bed. <3 
Bic:// Bryan smirked and let out a low chuckle. "Trust me...If I was hitting on you, there would have been a whole different action involved, darling." Bryan dodged the mud and shook his head. "I dare you to tell the boys about this one. I don't think they will bleive it even if you did" He laughed stepping into the mud and let out a laugh. "This is just like football practice on rainy days, although not so slippery and full of injuries. It's nice" he said sitting down. "You know...it wasn't very nice of you to flick mud at me. In fact I find that offensive" he pouted bringing his hand up, scooping some mud into his palm and tossing it in Kira's direction.
4:27pm Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Dawww <3 bic;; Kira squealed as he threw the mud at her, putting her hands up at the last second. She grinned, and splashed him with it, getting herself in the process. "Bryan you better stop, you're going to get us kicked out!" Although her voice was firm, her eyes were dancing. This was fun. "I am so going to tell the guys if you do. They'll believe me. The team loves me, you know it!" She laughed, thoroughly enjoying herself. Who knew that skipping school could be so great? "If I have to, I'll get a picture."
4:38pm Sep 30 2010
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Ooc:// Ugh. I'm so tired but I have to stay awake. *growls to self* I should have taken a nap earlier. <3 Bic:// Bryan laughed going to dodge the mud but failed and it hit him against the side of his head. "Oh that's lovely" he frowned going to wipe the mud off his face but only smeared it. "How am I going to get kicked out when you started it?" He asked splashing some mud in her direction before a frown fell upon his face. "You wouldn't dare" he said with a dead serious face making his way over to her. He placed his left hand on her back and placed his right index finger under her chin as he looked down into her eyes staying a few inches away from her face. "Would you really do that to me?" He asked curiously taking deep slow breaths. "The football teams adores you and yes they would beleive anything you say. Your our good luck charm, they have to beleive you" he whispered softly as a warm smile played across his lips. His right thumb lightly stroked her cheek as he thought about something. "Do you think you could keep me company?" he asked curiously not really wanting to be alone. His whole life he had Landon at his side and now...that one person to keep him company was gone.

5:37pm Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I can keep you occupied. ^^ Wow, it's been so long since I've played a girl. I just realized that. Haha. I have to say, while I can't wait for Landon to get over himself (because trust me, he will) I think they're so cute! bic;; There it was again. They were so close that she could feel his body heat, mixed with the relaxing squish of the pool beneath them. Staring back into his eyes melted her heart, and she felt like she might kiss him; but she paused, knowing better. This was a heat of the moment type deal, and while she usually acted on those (some of the most thrilling relationships bloomed that way) she knew that wasn't what Bryan needed right now. "I won't tell anyone," she promised. She smiled at him, and placed a gentle hand on his cheek. "And I'll always be around to keep you company."
6:00pm Sep 30 2010
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Ooc:// Think who's cute? Kira and Bryan? Or Landon and Bryan? -is confused- Bic:// "Thank you, Kira. I won't let you down" He said with warm smile making his eyes soften into a liquid blue. He dropped his right hand from her chin and placed it upon the hand she had rested on his cheek. "I won't let you forget today. I promise and if Maxwell is nice to me...I might just make your year" he smirked releasing her hand on his cheek and pulled her into a tight hug. "Okay that feels weird" he laughed felling the mud squish from between them. "I'm used to mud and all, but I never thought in a million years i'd be swimming in it" He laughed releasing Kira from his grip.
6:48pm Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Haha Kira and Bryan. But I think when Landon finally gets his head straight they'll be cute too. Bryan seems to be Landon's back bone. xP bic;; Kira relaxed against the tile, sighing and closing her eyes. "It feels so good, though," she told him, not caring if it was a matter of opinion. She laid her head back, breathing in and out lightly. "My mom and I used to do this when I first turned thirteen. She'd call it girls day out." She laughed at the thought. "I cried the first time they put a lava rock on her. I thought they were trying to burn her to death." She wiggled around, making light waves around them. "Then I tried them when I was fifteen, and you have no idea how relaxing it is!"
7:09pm Sep 30 2010
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Ooc:// Awww. <3 Well. Byan is starting to beleive it was a mistake to pull Landon into his screwed up life, although he's been a big help to Bryan. Landon is what keeps him grounded and not turning into a complete as.s. Bic:// "So i've been dragged into a girls day out ritual" Bryan smirked leaning against the side streaching so his back popped. "I would rather have a mas.sage...unless hot rocks will pop my back" He winced slightly leaning back. "Awww. That's sweet. Family moments like that mean a lot" he smiled warmly trying to remember the last time he had a family moment with his father. He let out a deep sigh and shook his head. "Keep up with the time dear. Remember...we have to be out of here way before five and honestly, I don't pay attention to the clocks" he said softly closing his eyes enjoying the weird feeling of the mud around him. It was oddly relaxing. "You know. I think I could get used to this. Maybe after a big game we should come here instead of straight to parties" he laughed lightly at the thought of all the guys resting in a mud bath.
