6:34pm Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I'm sorry I haven't been on. I got really sick. But I'm going to post like now. If you're not mad at me. :x
6:45pm Oct 3 2010
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Ooc:// I'm not mad at you. What would make you think that? I understand. This weekend I got to catch up on my lack of sleep. So your fine. ^.^
6:46pm Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Okay! ^^ I just get nervous when I'm not around. I know it annoys some people. But like I said, posting now!
6:48pm Oct 3 2010
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Ooc:// Alright but remember. With me, i'll never be mad. I completly understand. I'm the cool type of Roleplayer who's okay with waiting as long as you don't just drop out without telling me, then i'll be slightly upset. I've had that happen a lot. It made me sad becuase I was all into the story and JUST as it got good...they bailed and never came back. T.T
6:54pm Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 399
"I swear, I'm going to convince the boys to come do this with me," Kira vowed. She could imagine it now; she'd probably be banned from ever returning, but tit didn't quite matter. The vision of an entire football team relaxing in a mud bath would be payment enough. Of course, she was sure not everyone would come. Specifically a certain Landon.. "So, what do you usually do to relax?" she asked, glancing at the clock. They had a decent amount of time. A few more minutes of squishing and she'd be off to the hot rocks. She gently played with the mud beneath the surface, knowing it was childish. But she didn't quite care. This was fun!
7:11pm Oct 3 2010 (last edited on 7:36pm Oct 3 2010)
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Bryan laughed imagning the football team in the mud bath. "I can help convince them if you would like. Who wouldn't listen to the star quarterback?" he smirked out of cockiness. "You might want to be careful though with the team comming here. You would have to avoid upsetting or egging on a few guys who would potentially start something..." Bryan paused picking out a few guys in the team who would in fact start a mud wrestling match. "If you invited the team here and they actually came...it would turn into a mud wrestling match no doubt about it" he laughed. He could see the guys out on the muddy football feild wrestling and prooving one another's strenght. He knew for a fact that if they did that out on the feild they would do it here in the spa. Kira's question caught Bryan off guard a little bit. "What do I do to relax?" he asked glancing up at the ceiling just laying back in the mud. "Smoking gets rid of my stress... but honestly the way I get rid of my stress is to soak in a nice warm bath and probably smoke a few cigarettes" he said honestly looking over at her. "Father's never home so I can get away with smoking in the house. It's normally that or ..." He trailed off just now realizing what he did to relax. He would hang out with Landon and joke around just forgetting about everything the days events had brought him and just focus on Landon. "Hanging with Landon" he said honestly averting his gaze to the mud in front of him. "I would forget everything when hanging out with him...It was my way of cooping with the day's events and what was going on in my life. I would do anything to make him smile and in return he'd help me relax. For that short period of time I would try to make him happy." 'Oh I have it bad' Bryan thought realizing just how pathedic that sounded.

9:03pm Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 399
Kira reached over, trying to find his hand in the mud. She grasped it gently, rubbing the back with her thumb. Reaching up, she tilted his chin so he would look at her. "Bry, if there's one thing I know about Landon, it's that deep down he loves you," she told him seriously. "Perhaps not the way you want him to, but that boy has you high up on a shelf, practically his idol. I've seen the way he follows you, the way he laughs at your jokes, the way he sticks up for you." She let her hand drop, frowning slightly. "He's being stupid, we all agree on that one. But he's going to get over it. I know it." She hated to admit it, but as long as it would make him feel better. She slipped out of the mud bath, frowning as the substance stuck to her body. "Shower time, and then we'll see about switching that to a m*censored*age for you, okay?"
9:22pm Oct 3 2010
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Bryan was a little taken off and allowed his face to be moved so he looked into her eyes. Everything she said did make sense but he felt stupid for not seeing what she saw. He bit his bottom lip and climbed out of the mud bath not saying a single word. As soon as he was away from the mud he reached forward grabbing Kira's wrist pulling her into a tight hug. He rested his cheek agaisnt her hair and sighed lightly. "Thank you" he said into her hair ignoring the feeling of mud squishing away from between them that had clung to thier bodies. "I want to be wherever you are today. To enjoy what you enjoy. No need to change things for the benefit of me, kay?" he said softly, slowly releasing her. "Do what you wish darling."
9:44pm Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 399
"You know, you're going to spoil me, and some nice young fellow is going to want to take me out, and I'm going to be ruined." Kira chided softly, eyes dancing with joy. She squeezed him a little tighter before letting go and backing up. "Besides, we'll be in the same room. You'll just get a m*censored*age while they burn my back. It's okay for you to do something different." She stretched out and disapeared into the locker room, hopping into the first vacant shower. While that had been nice, she hated when the mud clung to her.
9:58pm Oct 3 2010
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Bryan laughed at her comment and watched her go into the locker rooms for a shower. He shook his head putting a mental note to tell her something when they met again to go get their second treatment. He went into the designated locker rooms and jumped in the shower making sure every last drop of mud was off his body. It had felt nice, so much better than a normal bath. He washed all the mud off his body before wrapping himself in a towel, drying off adding another mental note to call someone a little later. "I have way to many mental notes" he laughed to himself putting on some shorts and running the towel threw his hair as he walked out of the locker room waiting for Kira to show so they could head to the other section together.
11:20am Oct 6 2010 (last edited on 11:21am Oct 6 2010)
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Ooc:// I think something intersting should happen either with Bryan and Kira or Jay and Landon. >.> I just have no idea what though.
11:24am Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 399
It took Kira about ten minutes to get all of the goo off of her body, but she felt amazing as she stepped out into the hallway again. Her skin was so smooth! She made her way over to offer her arm to Bryan, smiling. She realized she'd been smiling the entire time. It was a nice feeling, being around Bry, having him here to keep her cheery. But she felt a little down; she wasn't doing such a great job of keeping him in a good mood. "Squeaky clean," she said with a sigh. "Ready for that m*censored*age?"
11:54am Oct 6 2010
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Bryan lifted his gaze and focused on Kira smiling warmly. He took his her arm and nodded warmly. "I'm beyond ready..." He smirked before pausing remembering her previous comment. "Oh before I forget. The earlier comment about a guy comming along and sweeping you off your feet but you being ruined....Your not ruined, my dear" he said softly watching her. "I always treat the ones I love this way. You know that. I doubt you will be spoiled just because of me" he laughed lightly shaking his head. "I can say though...that one guy will be lucky to have you. Your a catch" he smirked before motioning his hand to in front of them. "Lead the way my lovely lady seeing I have no clue where we are going" he laughed bringing his right up, running it threw his hair.
1:10pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 399
[Would you prefer to skip past the m*censored*age? It's a relaxing time, they probably won't talk much, and I'm in a serious writing rut here.]
1:13pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Yeah. That would be better. I really have no clue what to put. Would you like to skip to the modeling shoot or skip that too and just say Kira had an amazing time and bring it to a wrap that night where Landon and Jay meet up and maybe Kira and Bryan can do something. *shrugs*
1:22pm Oct 6 2010
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[Up to you dear. I don't know much about modeling. I don't know much about spas either. xP So it could go either way for me.]
1:29pm Oct 6 2010
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Ooc:// Honestly. I've never known what happens at a modeling shoot, or well I do but it's boring. *shrugs* So skip to after school? Maybe when Bryan brings Kira back and Landon's heading out with Jay or something. Maybe Landon see's Kira and Bryan kiss (This doesn't have to happen) ....oh wait. Is Landon heading to football practice? Cause Bryan's ditching. ^.^
1:32pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 399
[We can skip to after practice, cause the modeling would probly take longer than school. (: And I think that should totally happen, and it'll really kick Landon into high gear of questioning himself.]
1:39pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Okay. Jay would probably still be around. Psh he smokes to much. >.> Only beacuse I want to play him and I have no clue why on earth he'd be hanging around school after hours. lol. Okay so...Bryan and Kira get back and Landon and the boys are let out of practice. Oh I hope to god the coach doesn't catch Bryan. lol.
1:43pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 399
[You know how Bryan's supposed to get kicked off the team? I think it should be Landon. The teams mad at him for all this, plus Bry is the star quarter back, so he's more valuable. Plus it's going to become apparent that Landon's high. I think there should be a cute little argument between Bry and Landon when everyone realizes what he's doing.]