11:01am Oct 8 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; My posts are getting pathetic. I'm going to drop Kira this post, do you want to skip directly to the party or wait to keep them all together for the same time and such. bic;; Landon felt a wave of embarr*censored*ment take over. He realized he must look like a *censored*ing idiot, getting so excited over a ride on a motorcycle. He shoved his hands in his pockets, only to pull them back out so that he could hop on the dumpster as well. He couldn't believe Jay had it this bad off; he'd thought his own living situation sucked. His grandmother may not like him, but she at least let him come into the house. Bryan was another story; she'd given Landon a fit when she'd heard that his best friend was bisexual. He shuddered at the thought of what she'd say if she knew about last night. She'd call poor Bryan all sorts of names, ban him from the hou- He paused midthought. What did it matter anyway? He pushed aside the guilt he felt as he realized he'd been the one calling him names earlier, deciding to ignore that little tidbit of information. It wasn't his place to defend him any longer. Big bad quarter back could do it himself. He felt a wave of depression hit, and hard. He sighed, anxious to get into the house and find whatever Jay had. While Landon had only fooled around with weed, he wasn't sure that if Jay couldn't find any, he wouldn't take anything harder.
12:52pm Oct 8 2010
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Ooc:// Your posts are still awesome and that's fine we can skip. It's not that hard to coordinate the time when we do bring them back together. I apologize now for Jay's post. It is really long. >.> But hey, now Landon get's to see what he has to put up with which is why he's always out. lol. I also added my side chracters to Bryan's prifile. I have 5 characters in total, a jock, a prep, and a punk not including Bryan and Jay. Bic:// Jay watched Landon before he took a deep breath and climbed up the rest of the stairs to his window. He placed his finger tips on the gla.ss, sliding it up so he and Landon could get into his appartment. He looked down the ladder then sighed slipping inside, figuring Landon would just follow. Jay stepped on his bed and then walked across it and softly landed on teh floor as he glanced around the room. Everything was nice and neat in it's place, but his eye were drawn to a peice of paper resting in the middle of his clean floor. He sent death glares at the peice of paper and walked over snatching it up, reading it. This wasn't his peice of paper, but his moms; she had been in his room while he was gone. "Ugh" Jusy growled walking over to the door opening it, only to witness his mother layed out on the couch fast asleep ontop of some dude. They were both wrapped in a blanket dead asleep. Jay was thankful for the blanket being there because half the time his mom ddn't even bother. "For the love of god seriously?" he whispered frowning, looking around the apartment from his doorway. He was looking for the guys coat which was where all the drugs would be. The guy dead asleep under his mom was a drug dealer after all. The only reason he knew that was because she brought one one every time the club couldn't pay her and thankful for Jay today was one of those days. He could now stock up on his secret drug stash without being caught. He had never been caught when stealing from these men and knew he wouldn't ever get caught either. It was a simple deed to pull off. His eyes kept scanning the room until he seen the coat hanging on the back of the couch. Jay's frown deepend as he shook his head. "Why can't this man be like a normal one and hang his coat on the coat rack?" He whispered to himself glancing at the door and empty coat rack. Although Jay did have to admit he admired this dude for at least putting it on the back of the couch and not laying on it like the dude a few weeks ago did. That one was a hard heist and jay did not enjoy that one.

1:19pm Oct 8 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I noticed, so I added in mine. I even threw in a random black dude. I feel you never see black people in roleplays. Have you ever noticed that? And when a picture isn't provided, I automatically *censored*ume the character is white. o.o bic;; As Landon reached the window, he pulled off his shoes. He crawled into the window and across the bed, carefully placing his feet on the ground. When he was positive there wouldn't be a squeak from the floor boards beneath him, he applied all of his weight, standing. He sighed softly, and followed Jay to the living room. He wasn't surprised to see everything neat and in order; he was, however, surprised to see the woman lying on top of a man. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he saw Jay eying the jacket. He'd beat the *censored* out of the guy if he woke up and went after his friend, but that didn't help the fact that this was a risky thing to do. However, his need for what the man had overpowered his worry for his friends safety. The thought scared the *censored* out of him. Kira ended up getting a ride from Eden, as her mother needed the car. The girl had felt bad about leaving her mother to make dinner, but the older woman had told her to enjoy her youth. Kira couldn't stand how aged her mother looked; living in the house with an ex-alcoholic was stressful enough. Throwing in the fact that he was a chauvinist was no better. Of course, she couldn't voice any of this to Eden. The girl was all for house wives. Sometimes her religious beliefs bugged the hell out of Kira. Within a matter of minutes the white Kia was parking down the street from Bryan's home. Kira had already filled Eden in on all of the days details, omitting the kiss. She didn't want to talk about that, because she felt awkward. She enjoyed kissing Bryan, but she knew that she didn't have feelings for him. She didn't want feelings for him. Friendship was good enough. "So, who else is coming?" Eden asked as she straightened her bangs in the rear view mirror. She reached down to cut the engine, tossing her keys in her purse. She glanced over to her friend. "Well Taylor promised he'd show, I'm still waiting on responses from Josh and Liz." Kira had gone through a lot of trouble to try to get ahold of everyone. She was seriously hoping to make Bryan's night amazing. Anything was better than last night, she was sure. She stepped from the car, Eden on her heels, and headed for the door. She absentmindedly fiddled with her clothes before knocking on the door.
1:52pm Oct 8 2010
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Ooc:// You noticed that too!? I was thinking about that the other day, which was why I made my Native American roleplay. You don't see a variation of people in roleplays like you do in real life. Awww Charlie! Now I feel bad for my own characters. Yours are more realistic than mine. >.> Bic:// Jay glanced at Landon before laughing softly. "Stay here, Landon. I got this no need to worry your pretty little face. I'm an expert at this sort of thing" he laughed bringing his hand up to his friend's hair ruffling it a little bit as he walked quietly into the living room to the couch. He glanced to the side at an alcohol bottle before shakng his head. They would be out for a while so he was safe. Jay grabbed the jacket and froze watching the man what seemed to roll and wrap his arm around his mother's waist. Jay gave off a distgusted face as he snatched the jacket away from the couch and headed back to his room pushing Landon in it, and shutting the door behind him. He immediatly dug threw the pockets tossing Landon the weed in one of the pockets but finding a small white packet in another; Cocaine. "Eh. I can sell this for what I want" he grinned tossing the white packet on his dresser continuing to dig and pull out different types of drugs from pills to powders. ( I don't know all the drugs out there so yeah. lol ) Bryan glanced up at the door as he tossed the towel he was drying his hair with around his neck. He had just gotten out of the shower and managed to have an old pair of faded blue jeans on but no shirt just yet. He was a little hot so the shirt had to wait. He opened the door and smiled down at Kira then nodded towards Eden. "Do come in. No need to stand on the front poarch" He grinned stepping aside so they could come in. He glanced to the side and seen a familar black car pull up and park on the curb. From the driver's side, an extremly pissed off looking Josh apeared and had his glare focused on Bryan. "Oh *censored*" Bryan cursed spinning around and taking off running inside his house. It wasn't long before the angry Josh ran past Eden and Kira only to leap over the coach and pin Bryan to the wall. "What the hell man! Missing practice? Coach was extremly pissed. That damn punk came but you couldn't man up and come yourself?" Josh asked punching Bryan's shoulder who knocked Josh back away from him. "Damn Josh. It's one practice. I needed air. It's not like i'm going to miss anymore or even the games" he sighed shaking his head "plus I was preoccupied today" he said focusing his gaze on Kira and smiled before punching Josh in the arm. "Don't mess up my house with your stupid antics. Football's not everything. I have a life too you know" he sighed only to get a shocked look from Josh. "Football's not everything?" He asked flopping down on the coach. "Dude...where did the Bryan we all know and love go?" he asked looking at the door as Elisabeth apeared. "Hello" She said softly waving with a warm smile.

2:22pm Oct 8 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Your characters are fantastic. o: You know what's great? I just noticed that Eden is wearing a cross necklace in the picture I chose for her! bic;; Landon's eyes fixed on all the things that Jay had been able to snag, and he was ashamed to admit that he was curious what the harder *censored* could do. He pushed the thoughts away, but they bumped right back, even harder. He ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the window. "Jay, you ever try anything harder?" He hoped he didn't sound like he was accusing him of anything. He sat down on the bed, feeling uneasy. He didn't like the idea of a sleeping drug addict waking up to discover that his stash was gone. He couldn't imagine what would happen if the guy woke up and he wasn't here for Jay; but what would he do if he woke up now? All he could think about was running, and what good was that, when the only way out is the fire escape? He felt like complete *censored* today. He wanted to get high and doze off, just pretend that all this *censored*ed up stuff wasn't happening. "That's why we're here, Josh," Kira said, with a slight wave to Elisabeth. She frowned, looking at Bryan. "He needs us to pull him out of this rut. I mean, we all know what it's like to be rejected. We all know what it's like to fight with who you love, and to lose them. Well he went through all three in a matter of minutes." She fixed Josh with a glare, hand on her hip. "So I think he's excused from one day of practice. Right?" Her tone dared him to speak back. Even Eden took a step away from her, giving her a nervous stare. "Kira, chill," she said, furrowing her brow. "I'm sure he's just as worried about Bry as we are... right Josh?" She hoped this would settle the matter, and sure enough, Kira let out a sigh and took a seat to Josh, not needing to know his reply. She looked up at Bryan, eyes hopeful. "Are you at least feeling the slightest bit better after everything we did toda-" She was cut off by someone calling, "Bryan, doll, where's my lovley?" It was the one, the only, Taylor. Well, okay, there were millions of Taylor's out there. But he liked to think of himself as a gift. And why shouldn't he? In his eyes, everyone was a gift. If you needed cheering, he was the man to see. He trudged in the door behind Elisabeth, squeezing past. "Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, you can't go missing football! These other boys are no fun to tackle." He offered a smile. Did he mention he was a flirt?
2:49pm Oct 8 2010
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Ooc:// ^.^ Thank's for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed it. Bic:// Jay looked up at Landon a little shocked by his question. "Dude, you don't even want to get into those things" he sighed shaking his head. "This..." he said reaching over for the bag of white cocaine. "This can *censored* you up. I've seen what it can do. My neighbor is addicted to this *censored* and it makes you look like you walked threw hell. The pills...some are safe but there are stories on the street that just one try can kill you" he sighed cleaning out the coat and tossing it to the door sorting threw the drugs in front of him picking which one's he was going to sell and which one's he was going to keep for a rainy day. His eyes focused on a group of small white pills. "These are what's known as extacy...hell they are amazing at parties, every touch, every sound, every sight is just pure sex, but it contains a trace amount of cocaine and well, you turn into a snuggler with this pill. It's used for raids, mainly given to women so dudes can feel her up and not get slapped" He shrugged. "If I were you I'd stick with weed, Landon. We don't need you getting hooked on some of this *censored*. Hell not even I would take some of this, minus the extacy. That stuff is petty amazing but should only be used at parties." Josh listened to Kira and sighed. "I do want him to get better. It seems like it would be easier just to beat the damn pu---" Josh couldn't finish his sentence because Bryan had actually threw one of his picture frames at his head causing Josh to curl his hands around his head. "Holy *censored* Bryan" Josh said wide eyed looking into the cold blue gaze of Bryan's eyes. A slight shiver went down his spine before he waved his hands. "Hey, I was joking. Lets just drop the subject and relax. We all came to hang out with you not get killed" Josh sighed rubbing the back of his head only to feel a warm sticky liquid. "Damn it" Josh frowned disapearing into the kitchen. "I suggest none of you insult him. I don't care what he did, I don't care about this bruise, just...don't" Bryan sighed glancing over at Taylor who actually made him laugh. "Taylor, I'm glad you could come and I won't miss any other football related things. I gotta stay with my family" he grinned with a slight laugh before walking over to Kira and hugging her. He kissed the top of her head and nodded. "I had a blast today and it was well needed." He nodded before lifting his gaze at Liz. "Come here doll, you seem out of place" Bryan smiled grabbing her wrist pulling he forward. He spun her around before wrapping her in a hug causing a small giggle to escape. "Your so innocent it's not even funny" he shook his head releasing her. "So, what do you guys really want to do? I'm up for anything, plus I really didn't plan this little get together, Kira was the one who suggested it" he said motioning his and to Kira with a warm smile.

3:13pm Oct 8 2010
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Landon immediately felt like a child who had been reprimanded. He couldn't believe he was even thinking about drugs other than weed. Was he really that desperate to forget? Forgetting was one thing, getting hooked on something deadly was another. At least with weed he would only ever experience a mental addiction; that was easy enough to fight. Something stronger, like cocaine.. He shivered. "Yeah, you're right," he agreed. "I don't need to *censored* up my life." Any further.. he thought. He groaned. God, he was sick of these depressing thoughts. "So, what time are we going to the bridge?" he asked, hopeful that the word 'soon' would make it into Jay's next sentence. Adrenaline and weed; what a great combination. One to take him up, one to take him down. Kira felt her heart breaking as she heard Bryan talk about Landon. God, that boy was so hooked. She wanted to find him and beat some sense into him. But she didn't voice this; she was afraid Josh might take it literally. She didn't even want Landon's name to come up in conversation any further. That wasn't the point of them all hanging out. "Dude, I have no idea." she admitted, shaking her head. Eden was quiet; she felt a little out of place. She was used to both Bryan and Taylor by now, but it still made her uncomfortable to be both insanely religious and friends with "sinners" as her father called them. She didn't want to be a downer, though, so she piped in, "What about a really bad eighties horror movie?" With a laugh, Taylor nodded his head. "Yeah, something lame and black and white!"
3:35pm Oct 8 2010
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Jay watched Landon for a moment before sighing. "The only thing you'll catch me dead using is PSP and Acid other than weed. I tend to stay away from the ecstasy" He sighed dumping a few pills into a bag and shoving it into his pocket before dumping the rest in a small container he snatched from his dresser. "Why don't you head down to the bike and take the weed, but don't use it all. I gotta get this dude's coat back" He grinned dumping just a few drugs he wasn't even going to dare try to sell, knowing he'd get caught. He didn't need date rape drugs or others like it. He pushed himself up to his feet and grinned at Landon. "Go on, don't worry about the druggie. He's knocked out cold" he laughed opening his bedroom door and heading into the living room with the jacekt to replace it back on the coach. Josh entered the room again with a hard frown upon his face. "Well, we could watch a movie called 'The birds' I don't know how old it is, but it's pretty lame with effects and all" he shrugged rubbing the back of his head. "Damn that hurt" he sighed but plopped down back on the couch. "Bryan don't you have that movie?" He asked looking back at him. Bryan puased for a moment trying to think. "I don't know. My dad has weird movies why don't you search, unless you all want to pile into a car and go down to the black and white theater, Kira oh so happily explained to me today. Can you beleive I didn't know such a thing existed around here?" he asked with a slight laugh. "It doesn't cost that much" Elisabeth piped up and said with a warm smile. "It won't be that bad either, not many people really go there so it will kind of be like we all will be alone" she smiled warmly glancing over at Eden wondering if she was okay. She was being rather quiet and that slightly worried her. It wasn't like Bryan and Taylor were doing anything, or would do anything. She didn't understand why Eden was so tight on her religion but then again that as her own opinion and choice.

9:16pm Oct 8 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I'm not sure yet, but I think Eden might start problems when Landon and Bryan finally get together. Like I envision them trying to go to prom together and her protesting with her father or something. bic;; Although Jay was telling him to go, Landon's better judgement told him to stay. He pocketed the weed, prepared to either dive through the window or for the druggie. He was so not looking forward to a fight, especially not with an enraged addict. More important than his wants was his friend; Landon knew what some men would go to to protect their valuables. He was not going to let Jay end up in the hospital when help was only a few steps away. He waited impatiently, wondering how the boy could stand having to go through this every day. It was torturing him, and he hadn't been up here with Jay in well over a year. He could feel the itch in his finger tips, the weed only inches from them. God he was pathetic. But he knew he was the only one at fault here, as much as he'd like to blame it on Bryan, or even Jay. Mental addictions weren't as easy as everyone made them out to be. "You mean that old joint next to the book store?" Taylor made a face; he wasn't sure he liked the sounds of it. He didn't like the idea of roaches or spiders. However, the idea did was pretty amazing. Going to a dark movie theater, watching movies in black and white, and pretty much having the place to themselves? While staying here was free, going out was so much fun. He nodded his approval. "I'm in." Kira was an instant ball of joy. "Oh, Bry, this is perfect! First spa day, now-" She paused, realizing that both Eden and Taylor were looking at her funny. She laughed. "*censored*, was I supposed to mention that?"
9:36pm Oct 8 2010
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Ooc:// That is a good idea, but very sad though. Nathaniel might take Bryan and Landon's side. What if like they start questioning if that type of thing is even allowed maybe causing troubles for the principle....eh. Remember that court battle on the news about the two lesbians wanting to go to prom but they were denied so they sued the school? I donno. I'm ranting. lol Bic:// Jay slipped the coat on the back of the couch glancing down at the dude out of disgust and headed back to his room. Before he got there though a groan type call stopped him as he glanced back to meet the eyes of the drug addict. "Kid..." the man growled going to move but stopped. "P*censored* me the...thing" he growled pointing to the phone. Jay's eyes narrowed wanting to refuse but he had no other choice than to obey. He walked over at the phone handing it to the drug addict before heading back go his room ignoring the groans of the man. As soon as he entered the safety of his room he shut the door and locked it. "Out the window, Now!" Jay snapped quietly, shoving the bottle he had stolen the drugs in, in the bottom drawer of his dresser. "He's calling for a ride...we need to be out of here before he manages to get up and get dressed" Jay sighed jumping on his bed and motioning to the window for Landon to jump out of. Josh's face fell when Kira mentioned the spa day and his glare set upon Bryan. "You blew us off for a spa day with Kira?" he asked trying to find some lie in Bryan's ex pression. Bryan gave a nervous laugh as he brought his hand up to his hair. "Umm...Kira why don't you all pack into two seperate cars and....I need a shirt" he said rushing out of the room causing Josh to stand up. He was going to run after him but let out a deep sigh, glaring over at Kira. "You take our lead quarterback from us for a spa day?" he asked nearly snapping at her. "I understand pain and hurt but seriously? He is going to have to live with that kid playing beside him for the rest of the season, why make it worse by having him avoid him? Next week he'll just have to play with him so technically you, Kira, are making this ten times worse" Josh snapped shoving his hands in his pockets. Elisabeth sighed shaking her head. "I think it's nice. He needs to forget somehow. You seen his glare when you went to talk bad about that kid. He's in love and there's no changing that unless someone else comes along. I suggest you move on about the practice thing unless you want to take Landon's spot as his little love toy" Elisabeth said glaring over at Josh who seemed shocked by her words. Hell he knew she was silent and quiet all the time, but those words comming out of her mouth sort of stung him.

2:54pm Oct 9 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I'll be replying tomorrow, I have a birthday party!
5:48pm Oct 12 2010
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Landon was glad he'd stayed; that could have been ugly. He slid across the bed and out the window, watching anxiously for his friend. God, this was such an amazing rush. What, was he going to become an adrenaline junky next? It was better than hard drugs, he supposed. He couldn't wait to light up, he couldn't wait to get high, he couldn't wait to hop on that damn bike! And oh god, he could not wait to get behind that drum set later. He felt a ripple of pride, thinking how pissed Bryan would be if he knew where he was, what he was doing, but then he told himself he didn't care. He climbed down the ladder, already rolling up the weed in a little piece of paper. He decided he'd let Jay have the first hit. after all, it was his, and he had worked so hard to get it. He leaned against the wall, taking a breath. God it felt good to get out of there. That had been pretty damn close. Kira opened her mouth to defend herself, but closed it as Elisabeth finished speaking. She wasn't going to bother. Josh didn't get it; that was fine. He wouldn't get it until he had his own heart broken. She simply crossed her arms and glowered at the floor, reserved not to speak to him for a bit. This time, it was Eden that broke the silence. "So, I think we should all pile into the cars and roll." She stood up, holding her keys. "I think I'll take Kira, and Bryan. Anyone else want to go with me?" She made a point of not looking at Josh. She didn't want to tell him he couldn't come, but she felt it better to let him and Kira both relax. Plus, Bryan really didn't need a lecture right now.
6:31pm Oct 12 2010
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Jay hopped out the window slidding it shut quickly before he made his way down the fire escape. "Okay seriously what part of get the hell out of here do you not get?" Jay asked with a slight laugh. He glanced at the weed Landon had rolled then smirked. "I have plenty for the party. You take it and hop on. We have to get out of here. I don't feel like getting into a high speed chase over drugs" he sighed hopping on the bike kicking up the stand but holding it up with his foot glancing at Landon. Josh sighed and shook his head. "I'm taking my car and Elisabeth is comming with me" he said shoving his hand in his pocket pulling out his car keys. "Anyone else is welcome to join me" He muttered glancing at Tyler before grabbing Elisabeth's wrist and pulling her out to his car. "Hey!" Elisabeth snapped being lead out of the front door. Bryan came back from the back room with his shirt on and all ready to go glancing over at Eden. "So...we all ready to go?" he asked curiously throwing an arm around her and smirking. Ooc:// Bleh that sucked. Sorry. >.>

11:50am Oct 13 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; It doesn't suck. If anything mine did, and it didn't give you enough to respond to. I've been like drained off and on lately. -_- bic;; "Look dude, I wasn't leaving you with some crack head," Landon said. He happily lit the joint, not needed a second offer. He inhaled as he slid on behind Jay, not hesitant this time to put his free arm around him. He took one more large toke from the blunt, coughing slightly, before deciding to wait until they got there. God, this was going to be hellishly fun! He even leaned against Jay, relaxing, not worried about seeming gay. He was comfortable. Thank god for weed, man. Taylor headed out with Josh and Liz, grinning. "Alright guys, hope you can drive good Josh." He looked to his own black pickup truck. It was low on gas; he was so not wasting any if he could get a free ride. "I mean, imagine all the hearts you'd break if something happened to this pretty face?" He was determined to lighten him up before they got back to Bryan. Eden nodded, hooking arms with Kira. "Off to the theater then," she said. She ducked out from under him and let go of Kira, going ahead of them so she could unlock the car and get it started. It was occasionally temperamental. This left Kira to offer her hand, smiling. "Come on Bry." she said.
12:43pm Oct 13 2010
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"There are going to be times where you are going to have to leave me for your own safety... I suggest you listen next time. My life is different from when you knew me before you turned into a football freak" Jay sighed starting the engine listening to it roar to life. He ignored the feeling of Landon leaned against him and spun the bike so he was facing towards the enterence and towards the road. Without hesitation he let the bike take control as he drove out onto the road zig zagging threw the trafic and exiting out onto the interstate. He loved the feeling of the interstate. It was an amazing rush, especially since he sped anyway. The thrill of p*censored*ing cars going way over 90 miles an hour but he did hate having to watch out for truckers. They wern't always nice on motocrycles on the interstate. "Of course I can drive well" Josh frowned glancing back at Tyler. He laughed lightly before shrugging. "No one would miss your pretty little face if we magically disapeared" Josh smirked lightly nudging Tyler. "I'm just joking. I'd miss you too and we are in the same car" he laughed slipping into the drivers seat unlocking the doors for Tyler and Elisabeth to climb in. Bryan frowned when Eden ducked under his grip but that frownd didn't last long as he took Kira's hand. "We are off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz" he joked walking forward making sure to grab his house keys on the way out. The last thing he needed to do was lock himself out. He didn't feel like breaking into his house later.

12:44pm Oct 14 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; It's Taylor dear. :P You keep calling him Tyler. And I just realized something. Homecoming is the beginning of the year, so it should be the Winter Dance or something that they nearly get banned from. Thanks to Eden, of course. :P bic;; Landon had been about to yell at him for being so stupid, for thinking that he'd just ditch him like that, but they were already gone. The wind in his hair, the trees flitting by... Oh god this was awesome. And it was so much better when he was high. God, he was getting one of these! He would speed everywhere, he'd risk it all, he'd do whatever the *censored* he wanted. And best of all, there was no one to harp on him about it being dangerous. Jay obviously wouldn't scold him, his mom would never know how fast he went, and no one else mattered. No one else would spend enough time with him to care. He grinned against the force from the wind, almost wishing that the ride would be longer. "Hey hey hey!" Taylor said, mock hurt. "This face is gorgeous, everyone loves it!" He slid into the back seat, grinning. "You know, you're just jealous 'cause I get all the hot ladies." He stretched out, glad not to have to drive. He had a lot on his mind, worrying about poor Bryan. And he wasn't too pissed at Landon either; he just wanted the kids to make up. He wasn't one to allow hate to bristle around him. Kira laughed, and said, "Oh god it'd be great if they had that. It'd be half color, though, so they probably won't." She tugged him along, hoping he would follow, and dropped his hand to hop into the car. She slid into the front, hoping it would make Eden chill out. She wasn't usually so tense around Bryan, but she figured maybe it was the principle of why they were here. Cheering him up over a guy wasn't exactly Christian. But she was glad to see Eden smiling and looking a bit more relaxed. "To the movies, away!" Eden cried, laughing.
1:34pm Oct 14 2010
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Ooc:// Sorry! Tyler, Taylor they are so close. Anyway, Yes you are right about that too. Hmm. Wait...Prom and Homecomming are two different dances at two seperate times in the year. >.> Our Prom was near the end of the year while homecomming was near the beginning. And Landon is turning into an adranline junkie isn't he? lol. OH and bow down to the secret bridge....: 
Bic:// Jay exited the interstate turning off what seemed to be an old road heading into the woods. With a slight smirk the pavement died out and gravel and dirt took over. Ah the beauty of the woods. Tree's flew past them as they went on. He figured Landon had no clue where they were going which was the best thing of all. This was the band's hide out not really open to public. Jay's smirk only widened as the sound of water snaked it's way threw the engine roars. It wasn't long before Jay slowed down allowing the sound of water to drown out the engine. He continued on carefully and slowly as they pa.ssed by some trees and revealed a large old bridge. He stopped his motorcycle near the entrance not daring to even ride it on the old wodden planks. "There we go. Welcome to our hide out" Jay breathed slipping off the bike noticing a pick up truck parked at entrence. This signified that Nathaniel was here which meant everything was set up and ready to go. Bryan laughed shaking his head at Kira's comment. "Yeah, sorry but not wizard of oz. I remember that movie from when I was little and it sort of scared me" Bryan admitted slipping into the back seat of Eden's car. "The whole story of a munchkin hanging himself on set was a little more than my young mind could take at five" he laughed at how stupid that sounded now but back then it was terrifying news for a child. Josh shrugged lightly not really letting Taylor's words bother him. "You know...I don't go around sleeping with everyone so i'm okay with having my face and my current girlfriend" he breathed watching Elisabeth climb in. He started his car and glanced to the side noticing Eden and the rest of the gang hadn't left yet. With a shrug he left first figuring he'd save a good parking spot for the others when they did get there.

9:30am Oct 16 2010
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ooc;; Yeah, Landon's gonna fall back onto that after his beau makes him give up the pot. :P Don't know how much Bryan will like that. "HaI BABE I'LL BE THERE IN LIKE FIVE MINS!" Bry- "Uh...aren't you like twenty minutes away?" Lan- "BIKES GO FAST LOLZ!" xD Also Landon knew about the bridge, that's what we said early on, I'll just make it so long ago that Jay forgot and Landon barely recognizes it. bic;; The scenery around them was vaguely familiar. To think he hadn't been back here in so long. It was so beautiful.. This was what he was missing when he was busy tackling sweaty dudes. Awesome. Was he really one of the mindless drones? He let all this *censored* go, because Jay wasn't one of Bryan's crew, and as such, he'd turned out not to be Landon's crew. Why the hell had he followed Bryan around like that? It sort of sickened him. Bryan had been his best friend, true, but that didn't mean they had to spend every moment together. He was damn lucky that Jay had accepted him back into his group so easily. As soon as they stopped he was grinning, anticipating the drum sticks in his hands. Now this was fun. This was something he liked to do. It was something he was good at! Well, he used to be. He whistled when he saw the bridge. He couldn't remember it from the past. "Jay, you guys are damn lucky you found this place," he told him. Eden grinned and shook her head. "Wow, big bad football player afraid of the Wizard of Oz. I'm so going to tweet that one." She pulled off after Josh, rolling down her window. "If either of you get cold, let me know," she said. Kira, on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing at the thought. "I can't believe that scared you. Why the hell did you know what hanging was at five years old dude?" "Dude, Josh man, I love you and all, but you need to take a chill pill," Taylor said, his usual happy demeanor dropping. "You're buggin' out dude, and you're not supposed to be the one we're trying to cheer up. What's your issue today? It was a joke. You should know that."
2:46pm Oct 16 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Opps. I must have missed that one. And Bryan would probably be all "O_o Dude, isn't that dangerous? I can't have you zooming threw traffic and getting struck by a car. -_-" Bic:// Jay couldn’t help but laugh at Landon’s comment. Were they lucky they found it? He didn’t think so in fact, his group wasn’t the actual ones who found the bridge. Jay had caught a conversation with a drug dealer and his buddy about a secret meeting place in the woods so naturally, Jay followed and took it over. This information made him smirk as he ran a hand threw his black hair. “Yeah…I guess we are” he smiled walking up to the enterance of the bridge, careful not to step or trip over any wires that snaked their way from the truck to the band equipment. His eyes were drawn to Nathaniel sitting down on a broken piece of wood with some strange dude he didn’t recognize. “Nathaniel?” Jay called out softly to see his blue haired friend perk up from behind the man in front of him. “Sooo. What number notch is he on your bed post?” Jay asked with a slight smirk walking inside the bridge. “Oh I’ve long over killed my bed posts, I’m now on marks on the wall” Nathaniel joked shrugging. “I never agreed to play for an audience. This is supposed to be practice and a little off time” Jay sighed reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bag full of different drugs. “ooh! Goodie you snatched some more…Gimmie” Nathaniel muttered reaching forward to grab the back but Jay shoved it back in his pocket. “No no…later” he teased studying the equipment slightly impressed. Nathaniel and the boys really went all out to make sure everything was hooked up to converter cables so everything could play. Bryan looked over at Eden before sighing. "Tweet what you want. I was a kid" he shrugged before turning to Kira and answering her question. My father explained it to me thinking I would find it rather cool that something like that was said to happen on the set but instead it sort of freaked me out. Imagine a little person dangling from a tree. Wouldn't that scare you?" He asked curiously crossing his arms over his chest. Josh glanced over his hsoulder at Taylor before sighing. "I donno. I guess I don't quite understand Bryan or the whole situation. It just irritates me slightly. His mind is supposed to be in school, in football doing his best to impress scouts but he seems different now. I've never seen him like this and it's sort of scaring me. When a football player goes all depressed it's never good" he breathed watching the road. In his mind many things spun around of what Bryan was mentally and physically capable of if things got to bad. He shuddered at the thoughts before forcing them out of his mind completly.

7:24pm Oct 17 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 399
ooc;; Sorry, really busy weekend. I'm pooped. Just wanted to bump this up. Ughh this is why I dislike the boards!