7:17pm Oct 18 2010
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ooc;; I swear I will do my best to get you tomorrow dear. I'm sooo sorry!
7:18pm Oct 18 2010
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Ooc:// Your fine. Thinks have been rough for me the past few days so take your time. <3
9:10am Oct 20 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Kay, posting now. :D I'm really sorry dear.
9:24am Oct 20 2010
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Landon followed behind Jay, feeling the slightest bit awkward. He had forgot that Nathaniel was gay; but he wasn't about to act all weird. After all, it wasn't like he had a problem with every guy who liked dudes- just the one who liked him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, yawning. He was slightly buzzed, but he wanted to finish the joint. He decided to wait, though, for the others. Besides, it was best to re-learn how to drum in a slightly sober state of mind. Kira shrugged. "I mean, I didn't really get death when I was little." she told him. "It was like, someone was there, and then one day they weren't anymore. Since I didn't get death, I didn't understand suicide either." "It's like this," Taylor told him. "Bryan's loved that boy for I don't know how long. And he *censored*ed up. But I'm damn sure that even Landon won't be able to stay away too long. You saw him at practice today. Couldn't focus for *censored*. I mean, I can't say he'll ever return the feelings, I don't really see him as bisexual, or gay. But I'm sure Bryan will be fine with just talking." He stretched out, face very serious. He wasn't bubbly at the moment; this matter wasn't funny. "He just needs his friends right now. And you, sir, need to relax. I'm sure Bryan's too smart to do something stupid over that kid." ooc;;; I'm so sorry, that was crap. -_-
12:15pm Oct 20 2010
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(( Haha. I sooo have a come back later on when things start going wrong at Football practice. ^.^ )) Nathaniel shrugged before turning to Landon. "Hey. Welcome back" He grinned motioning to the drums. "They await your wonderful skill" He smiled warmly leaning back on the bridge wall. Jay just sighed and glanced at the dude who made his way beside Nathaniel. "Eh...I guess your boyfriend can stay. Just don't exect to pay or anything...it's strictly band only" he frowned walking over to where the equipment was set up and grabbed the Guitar strumming a few strings before smirking. God it felt so nice to have his guitar back in his hand. It had been a little while since he got to play. "I love jam sessions" he grinned. "Yo...where's Charlie?" Jay asked curiously looking around. "Eh and that's the way it should be. Childn't shouldn't be taught death young" Bryan retorted with a slight shrug. "Anyway so what movie are we seeing?" he asked curiously wondering what exactly movies were playing. Josh sighed and shruged. "I guess so but this is going to change things dramaticaly whether you see it now or not" he warned pulling into the black and white theater sort of impressed that hardly any cars were there. "I'm relaxed...but i'll be fully fine when Bryan get's his game back and is simi completly normal" he frowned turning the car off and waiting for Eden to arrive with the others.

4:07pm Oct 21 2010
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ooc;; I'm looking forward to it. :D bic;; Landon sat down behind the drums, grinning as he picked up the sticks. Damn, this was familiar. And he sure as hell liked it. He tapped the foot pedal a few times, first slow, then rolling it. By now his face resembled a kid on Christmas. Today had started awful, and he'd thought he'd be depressed all damn day. Jay sure knew how to pick him up though, and he once again felt guilty for abandoning them. He didn't understand what the big issue was between the punks and jocks; he got along with both sides. Or at least, he had. And Bryan had always accepted him, even when he started dressing "weird" as the others so kindly called it. When him and Bryan made u- He sighed, and pushed the thought away. Well, he's almost cheered completely up. "Yeah, come on guys, we gotta see how awful I got." "The movies change every week," Eden explained, as she spotted Josh's car. She pulled in beside the group, parking and shutting everything off before cutting the engine as well. "Lock it up, please?" she asked, before popping out and heading to the front of her cars. Kira followed behind, bouncing up and down slightly. "Everybody out!" she called, smiling at Josh's car. Taylor nodded. "Now that one we can agree on," he said dryly, before popping out of the vehicle, all smiles once more. He was never the type to stay solemn for long. He grabbed Kira by the hands, bouncing with her. "Are we going excited dear?"
4:27pm Oct 21 2010
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Jay shrugged glancing back at Landon and smiling. "Actually why don't you just play and we'll judge how awful you got" he smirked watching Nathaniel stand and grab the microphone and laughing into it. "Who said he got awful? He may still have is beat. They say, once a drummer, always a drummer" Nathaniel shrugged only to be laughed at by Jay. "Does that go with the saying, once a singer always a singer?" he asked a little skeptically. "Dude i'm serious...I heard it somewhere" he sighed just shrugging. "Eh... whatever Jay. If I say anything it's that you suck as a guitarist tonight. Your keys are off but then again...you havn't been around either" Nathaniel teased. "I have been getting drugs. I had to be isolated." "Oh" Bryan said slipping out of the car and locking his door behind him. "Well then I wonder what is playing" he changed his awnser smirking watching Taylor and Kira. He pushed a random thought away as he straightened up and watching Josh get out of his car helping Elisabeth out. "Okay....So lets pay and go watch a movie" Josh grinned pushing his previous thoughts behind him and settling down to enjoy the night. Elisabeth smiled warmly and let out a soft laugh watching Taylor and Kira. "Your weird Taylor" she smiled spinning around a little excited to be with her friends and to get out of the house.

8:50am Oct 22 2010
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Posts: 399
Landon thought for a few moments, trying to remember some of the old songs he used to jam to when he was up in the clouds. He grinned, just fooling around for a moment, before going into the intro to Animals by Nickelback. At first the rhythm was hard to catch on, but soon it felt natural, just like it had previously. He stopped after a few moments. "Alright, looks like I can still do it after all," he said. "So what are we playing?" He glanced between the three people standing around, excitement pouring from his face. Damn, he knew he must look stupid. Normally he'd be getting laughed at, and he would be laughing back. But he felt comfortable goofing off like this in front of them.
Taylor grinned and let go of Kira, pulling out his wallet. "It's like what, five bucks a person right?" he asked. Kira shook her head. "It's only two fifty this month." Eden was already making her way to the building, and Kira was quick to follow, practically skipping. She had three football players at a black and white movie; she was already scheming on how to get them to the spa.
ooc;; I may have limited acccess to the internet this weekend.
11:48am Oct 22 2010
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Ooc:// So do I. I'll be sorting out wedding plans and looking for cake samples and bridesmaid dreses. Awww. What was playing when Bryan made out with Landon? Did we even make a song for that? Bic:// Jay listened to to Landon play and nodded lightly. "Okay so once a drummer, always a drummer does apply here" He smiled shrugging lightly. "I donno. Do you have anything that you really want to play?" He asked not sure what to play. Hell he hadn't played in a while either. "Well while you two birds carry on a conversation in figuring out what you want to jam too I have company" Nathaniel grinnned motioning his current boyfriend over and draping his arms around his neck. Jay wrinkled his nose before noticing his microphone wire hooked up to the amp. A devious grin apeared on his face as he quickly and loudly strumed a the beat to the bumble bee thing (I forgot the name of it) which echoed threw the microphone causing it to let off a high pitch sound. Nathaniel jumped back dropping it and spun around to focus on Jay who was dying laughing. Bryan grinned and followed behind Kira and the rest just watching them. He loved being there with them. He missed these days of hanging out. He let out a sigh before reaching in his back pocket pulling out his wallet. "That's cheap..." he muttered to himself with a slight shrug. Josh eyed Bryan before shaking his head and draping an arm around Bryan's shoulders. "Soo. What's the big bad quarterback up to?" he asked with a smile. "Plotting, but that's really not relevant here" Bryan grinned shrugging out of Josh's arm and following behind Kira and Eden. "Anyone know what movie's playing" he asked nearing the building. ( Fail >.< )

6:50pm Oct 24 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I'll respond in the morning. Pooped. Had homecoming this weekend. But you had a wedding? O: Did you get married?
1:12pm Oct 25 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Bump for the day. Sorry, I'm blocked, I'll have something soon.
4:49pm Oct 26 2010
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Ooc:// No I didn't get married....and why are/were you blocked? O_o My sister is getting married so i'm in charge of wedding plans.
11:31am Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; I meant writers block, haha. I've been really sick the past few days, final exams in one cl*censored*, midterm in creative writing... UGH! I'm really sorry it's taking so long. -_-
11:34am Oct 28 2010
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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Your fine. I have a report to do and it's due tuesday and I havn't enve started on it. lol. I'll be extremly busy so I don't blame you. STudy and make a good effort on your exams.
12:25pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Death in the family. -_- Ugh man my luck SUCKS. bic;; Landon had to admit, he felt really awkward watching Nate all over a guy; and the problem was, it wasn't really freaking him out. He actually sort of thought it was...well, cute. He was sure that Nate would tired of the kid, move onto a new model. But the way the kid followed Nathaniel around like a puppy dog.. It was a little sad. He had a stomach sinking moment where he remembered once more the confusion he'd felt in the moment of Bryan's kiss, and the thoughts he'd had all last night. He was hit with a wave of exhaustion. He sighed lightly, before snapping back into reality, the here and now. He shook his head and tossed one of his drumsticks lightly at Jay, grinning. "Do you want to break the lead singers microphone?" he teased. Kira peered up at the small sign in the window, grinning. "We have, Singing in the Rain, Casablanca, Some Like it Hot, The Birds, and King Kong." She turned back to look at the group, just as Taylor stepped up to the ticket booth. "I'm down for Some Like it Hot, it's supposed to be funny." she said. Taylor raised a brow. "Didn't they just remake this?" he asked. "Yeah, I think so," Eden responded. "Well, I'm in," Taylor said. Eden on the other hand said, "I want to see King Kong."
1:10pm Nov 1 2010
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Ooc:// I'm sorry to hear that. Bic:// Jay moved out of the direction of the drum stick before glancing over at Landon before shrugging. "I came here to play and hang out with the boys, Landon. Not watch a cheap porno" He smirked shifting his gaze to Nathaniel who seemed to pout. "Cheap?" He asked wrapping his arms around his current boyfriend and press his body against him. "You think we would be a cheap porno? Mmm. I think we'd at least be pretty decent. Come on...My adorable looks and my boy's body" he smirked lacing his fingers with his boyfriends before. Jay sighed and just rolled his eyes. "Come on Jay. You know you'd totally join us in the porno" Nathaniel teased. "Watch it, Nathaniel. I know how to tie someone up and leave them all alone on a certain bridge" Jay threatened only to get a smirk from Nathaniel. "Mmm. Bond-" Before the singer could finish Jay picked up a rock and threw it at him. "Hey!" Nat called cowering behind his boyfriend. "Shut up Nathaniel." Bryan listened to the music choices and stiffled a laugh. "What an odd array of choices" he smirked before thinking. "I vote with Taylor" he smirked at Eden. Elisabeth nodded lightly before actually taking Eden's side. "I like King kong. It's such an old movie and a cl*censored*ic" she said softly bitting her bottom lip.

4:20pm Nov 9 2010
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- Nudge -
10:53am Nov 25 2010
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{ Here it is }
11:20am Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 399
Landon chuckled and shook his head. He looked up as he heard someone stomping through the trees, and out popped Charlie. Wow, the kid looked so young compared to his friends. He offered the boy a smile, and a wave. He received only a wave back, but that was normal. Charlie made his way over to the others, his b*censored* guitar hanging from his back and his amp in his hand. He looked at Nathaniel's new follower for a moment, and sighed before switching the guitar around and setting the amp down, plugging it in, and beginning to tune his guitar. He looked over to Jay and raised a brow. "Throwing rocks isn't polite, you know," he chided, before looking back down. He turned his gaze to Nathaniel. "I think it's about time we let go of the man candy and pick up a microphone, right?" Landon grinned and shook his head. Had he always been quite so blunt? Kira looked to Josh. "Well, your vote decides," she said, glancing at the box office. This was going to be so much fun. And she was seriously hoping it would get Bryan in a better mood, at least for a little while. She was still mentally debating whether she wanted him to get over it, or if she wanted Landon to get over himself. Why couldn't he like someone like Taylor? Taylor would probly be game to give it a shot. But noo, he had to like Landon. She sighed and smiled, not wanting to let the thoughts on her face.
11:42am Nov 25 2010
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{ lol. Bryan liking Taylor. Oh that would be interesting. lol. } Jay raised his eyebrow watching Charlie before shrugging. "It got the job done" he muttered under his breath watching Nathaniel pout. "Awww but the man candy is so sexy, Charlie!" Nathaniel chimmed tightening his grip around his boyfriend before stepping aside and grabbing the microphone he had dropped earlier. "But fine...I guess i'll have time later for my man candy" he laughed spinning the mic before glancing over at Jay. "What are we playing?" he asked glancing from Jay to Landon to Charlie. "The hell if I know. It's been a while since we all were together" Jay commented glancing over at Landon before gently running his hand acrossed the strings of his guitar without making a noise. "Landon?" Jay asked focusing on him. "What do you know how to play? Like off the top of your head." { Did we designate a song that was playing when Bryan kissed Landon? lol. Kinda woulda been funny if that was the song they played that he couldn't get out of his head ever since that night. } Josh glanced around at everyone before sighing. "Really? Why do I have to be the deciding vote?" He frowned crossing his arms over his chest. "Well seeing this is an outting for our quarterback, I choose Some Like It Hot" he smiled only to have Elisabeth lightly hit him. "Really Josh?" She asked. "Hey don't blame me. It's Bryan's day out. We gotta make the lug happy" he shrugged looking over at Bryan. "You guys really...Nevermind. Thanks" he muttered softly. Josh smirked and wrapped his arm around Bryan's neck pulling him into a head lock. "Awww is Bryan getting choked up?" he teased. "You wish!" he growled pulling out of Josh's grip and shoving him with enough force to cause him to stumble back a little bit.
