8:53pm Nov 25 2010
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Posts: 399
ooc;; We need to designate a song. I'm gonna totally have him spit it out immediately, and regret it later.
8:59pm Nov 25 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm Nov 25 2010)
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Ooc:// We have a song! What's it called? No wait that's a later song. Bryan and Landon's song. It's...that jersey song. I have it on my Itunes. Maybe he says that one not thinking about it and realizes the words as Nathaniel sings em? Relient k - Must have done somethin right
8:56pm Feb 4 2011
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9:07pm Feb 4 2011
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ooc;; Gonna post. Right now. :D Kay so they're gonna sing that song. Without him thinking about it. And kill his buzz.
9:10pm Feb 4 2011
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Ooc:// Yeah and he sorta realizes what it means afterwards.
9:45pm Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 399
Landon did his best to think of a song, but all he could do was throw up his hands and shrug. He was at a complete loss. His eyeballs landed on Charlie, pleading. Unfortunatley, in a few moments, he would wish he had been the one to decide, because Charlie spouted, "How about.. Must Have Done Something Right. You know, the one by Reliant K?" It was a song Landon knew all too well, but for some reason, it made him feel awkward. Although, he couldn't quite place his finger, so he shrugged and nodded. He clutched his sticks a little bit tighter, looking from one bandy to the next. Ah, it was so nice to be back in with his real friends- the crowd he'd always belonged with. He was no jock, and he couldn't lie to himself about that anymore. Why he had wanted to change for Bryan was beyond him. Best friend, so what? He was just another mindless drone around him, a clone he could control. That was it... right? He sighed, and shook the thoughs off. He'd be high as a kite before this night was over and then nothing would matter any longer. Kira laughed and shook her head heading over to the booth to ask for tickets. They had quite a big group, but hell, not like it was expensive right? She was excited, and judging from the fact that Taylor was bouncing around the parking lot behind them, he was as well. Even Eden was awfully smiley, twirling her hair around her finger. "Alright alright, settle down boys," Kira told them. She winked at Bryan. "Big bad football players don't go mushy. But they do go to spa's." She couldn't help herself, it was too perfect not to use it. "Macho, macho man," Eden chimed in, trying not to laugh.
9:47pm Feb 4 2011
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Posts: 399
ooc;; Sorry sorry its not as long as usual.
12:04am Feb 5 2011
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{ Your fine } Jay listened to Charlie before nodding lightly. "That works for me....." He nodded glancing at Nat who didn' seem to be paying any attention, yet again. "Work for you, loverboy?" Jay called over to Nathaniel who jumped slightly and had to think for a moment. "What was the song again?" he asked bringing his hand up and brushing his bangs out of his face. "Come on Nat. I'll make your boy walk home.....Now pay attention. Must have done something right by Reliant K" Jay spoke picking one the strings on his guitar. The name of the song seemed to light up Nathaniels eyes as he nodded jumping up and down. "Of course! It's a cute love song! Lets do it!" His grin seemed to streach from ear to ear as he watched the rest of the band awaiting for someone to start or at least say something else. Bryan watched Josh before glancing up at Kira and frowning at what she said. "Oh nice one Kira...But I had fun" He said walking over to infront of Kira and placed his index and middle finger under her chin lifting it up gently. "I had a lot of fun...more than I would have thought thanks to you" He spoke softly his blue eyes stairing down into her's. Josh straightened up and sighed shaking his head. "It's not fair using your charm on poor Kira, Bryan. Let's go inside" He mumbled to himself seeming to turn slightly away from them so he wasn't really watching or paying attention. Bryan always tried to charm his way out of situations. It was awkward really and especially infront of such a large crowd. He's seen him do it in the locker rooms with some of the guys but that was different. He didn't mean anything by that but here.....somethin felt off.

3:40pm Feb 5 2011
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Posts: 399
Charlie rolled his eyes. "And people wonder why I stay single," he muttered, before lifting his b*censored* and throwing the strap around his neck. He nodded to Landon, who's mind was still swirling around, trying to find out why he felt so uneasy at playing this, but shrugged his shoulders, winked at Charlie, and then nodded to his bandmates. He figured he'd start it off, they could hop in when they were ready. He began with a simple beat before going into the actual songs rythm, and Charlie picked up after him, hoping desperately that Nat could pull his lips away from his new fling long enough to get the song finished. He came to play, not to watch Nat toy with another library boyfriend. He called them this becuase he liked to tease Nat and tell him he couldn't hold a boyfriend longer than someone could rent a book. Kira forced a smile, feeling rather uncomfortable as she realized her cheeks were probably beginning to gain color. She averted her eyes and shook her head, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, what Josh said." Her mind flickered to their earlier... tango, if you will, and she decided it was best if she got quickly into the darkened theater to hide this. Taylor winked at Bryan and followed her in, practically dancing into the building. "Looks like lover boy has a new attaraction," he whispered in Kira's ear, who slapped at him and shook her head, laughing.
1:45pm Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 399
((Bump. C: ))
10:33pm Feb 22 2011
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10:46pm Feb 22 2011
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( Sorrry. I meant to post on this but i've just been so depressed lately and just...out of it ) Jay gave a soft chuckle actually strumming his guitar to the beat following the metal notes he saw. He sort of focused on Nathaniel even though he kept playing wondering if he was going to drop his boyfriend long enough to play or else there would be a new rule in reguards to bringing outsiders to hteir little practices. Even though Nathaniel was all into his boy toy he seemed to drop him immediatly and grab the microphone, grinning back at the band. He seemed a little to excited to sing when only moments ago he was hanging around the poor boyfriends neck. "We should get jerseys, cause we make a good team..." Nathaniel started off spinning around with the microphone. Bryan smirked at Taylor before shoving his hands into his pockets followin them into the thater not really saying anouther word. Elisabeth came skipping behind Bryan gently nudging him. "Awww, Bryan. When'd you become a sweetheart?" She asked only to grunt at the feeling of her hair being ruffled by Josh who apeared behind her. "He's always been a sweetheart but mostly a man *censored*" Josh shrugged following next to them.

6:19pm Mar 8 2011
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Posts: 399
And suddenly Landon was hit, as though by a tanker truck, with the realization. Last night. This had been the song. Their song? Ugh, what an awful thought. He didn't drift from his beat, although he felt as though he might be sick from the stress this entire fight was putting on him. He didn't want to admit it, but he was nothing without Bryan to lean on. But how could he make up with him after the blowout? He'd gone too far, and he knew it, but Landon always had been too proud to apologize. He wondered if perhaps Bryan was just as miserable as him, and felt even worse about the entire situation. His heart was breaking against his will, and all he wanted was to get high and sleep for a few hours. Chester glanced over and noticed his troubled facial ex pression, but as uncaring as he was, didn't stop playing. "It's disgusting, isn't it?" Kira teased, glancing back to Bry. Honestly, it wasn't fair. He really knew how to lead a girl on, but Kir wasn't about to fall for him. He was still hurting, and although he may not plan on her being a rebound, she felt it was all she'd end up. Taylor grinned at Josh, nodding. "He's sweet alright, especially on the eyes." He couldn't help the flirting at times. It was good for comedy, if anything. {{So, want to skip to after the movie, aha?}}
5:48pm Mar 11 2011
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{ Does that mean I can skip the song too? lol. To after so they can see the headlights and shoo the band away safely. } "But yours would look better than mine 'Cause your out of my league
And I know that it's so cliche To tell you that everyday..." Nathaniel sang just seeming to dance around as the lyrics flowed from him. He was way to excited to show off to his new boy toy to even realize that the song was effecting his friend. He was to busy having fun and enjoying havin everyone back, but Jay. Jay knew something was up as he strummed his guitar to the steady beat. He focused on Landon's face before sighing and focusing on the strings of his guitar. He'd have to adress it later to see if he really was okay. --------- Bryan laughed shaking his head nudging Taylor. "Football players are always sweet on the eyes so are the cheerleaders" he chuckled shaking his head going into the dark theater. Maybe this would calm his mind for a while and just allow him to focus on the movie instead of life.
8:26pm Mar 14 2011
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Posts: 399
{{Yes yes, we can skip now, if you're okay with it. Aha.}}
9:43pm Mar 14 2011
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{[ Fine with me. ^.^ }]
5:15pm May 3 2011
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Posts: 399
Landon was no more good; what the hell was he going to do with himself, being so increadibly wrapped around this one incident. How could it hurt this badly to lose a friend? Landon had obviously lost a few in his life, everyone does. Jay and this little group seemed like a good example, but he had them back now. How was he going to be able to get back Bryan? He'd have to be able to forgive him, but with all the confusion bubbling inside of him, Landon was afraid to do any such thing. He wasn't gay- wasn't bisexual, wasn't anything of the sort. This had to be some strange, guilt... or something. The boy stood from his drumset, looking about. "So, anyone have some good crap? My buzz is totally dead. Dunno what's up with me tonight." Jay knew about his stress, but Landon wasn't sure- almost hopeful, actually, that the others didn't know. Charlie might, but the boy was so detatched from everyone else (aside from the ocassional smile he might offer Nate) that he'd never say a word. What a time- Kira, leaning against Bryan from time to time, Taylor leaning on anyone he could reach, and Eden who... well, she didn't lean on anyone, but the three were all smiling by the end of the film. The sky was dim by now, just enough light to see their way back to the cars. Kira paused at the doors, looking over her friends for a moment. Mission successful? They had so much time left, time for Bryan to sink into his thoughts alone. The night wasn't over yet, nope, not yet. "So, back to Bryan's place?" Kira questioned, looking them over. "Giant slumber party, anyone?" Taylor was quick to nod at the idea, shaking his hips slightly to signal that he was ready for a party. But, Eden, of course... "I can stay for a bit, but... well, you know my dad," Eden replied, offering a weak smile. He would never approve of a co-op slumber party, seperate rooms, floors, or housing didn't matter.