8:39pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry's shoulders sagged as he let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank Merlin.. Well then, who are you a spy for?" He looked at his professor, who clearly wanted to smack him upside the head.
8:44pm Aug 5 2011
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"I knew you were as stupid as I first perceived you," Snape growled. "If I'm not spying for Voldemort, then who am I spying for?" He began pacing. "And now I'm not the only spy for the Light. Voldemort has found out about the other spy, and his...vengeance has caused two people's deaths."
8:48pm Aug 5 2011
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"Wait.. What? I know Voldemort caused my parents death. And now Malfoy's parents. Is it for Malfoy's Father?" He looked at Snape. He was still a bit confused.
8:56pm Aug 5 2011
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"Idiot boy! The spy is Draco." It took all his control not to Avada the boy right there for his incompetence. "Voldemort has found out about his true allegience, and killed his parents. He has nowhere to go, and you fuelling on his hate for you will only push him away from Dumbledore's assistance. It will be the death of him." Snape bent so his face was up close to Harry's, almost nose to nose. "And if you end up killing him, however indirectly, I will kill you. I am all his family, now."
9:04pm Aug 5 2011
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"Oh.. Wait.. You said.. Oh nevermind.." He backe away as Snaoe pressed his face closer. "O-okay.. I will leave him alone then." he backed away and stood up straight. "I promise not to cause his death.. Howeer indirectly it may be." He looked at Snape. "Well, may I leave? Or am I going to have detention?"
9:08pm Aug 5 2011
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"You will still have detention," Snape said silkily, regaining composure and standing to his full height. "You will still serve your full punishment. Meet Filch at 8 tonight in this classroom. Do not be late."
9:14pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry sighed. "Fine fine.. I'll be there.." He turned and gathered his bag. He walked out of the classroom and shut the door. It was pretty weird that Draco was a spy and now his parents were dead because of it. He sighed and continued his day.
((wanna skip to Harry's dention or dinner?))
9:30pm Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 9:31pm Aug 5 2011)
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((Lolol, 'it was pretty weird that Draco was a spy'. xD And yeah, sure. Dinner.)) Draco sat at the Slytherin table at dinner, not talking at all. He had spent the better part of the day locked in his dormitory, crying. Now, his eyes were only slightly red-rimmed, but he otherwise looked like a decent person. "Are you ok?" he heard a voice ask quietly, and saw Pansy sitting down beside him. Oh well. She was better company than Blaise at a time like this. Draco nodded to her. "I heard about your parents," she continued in the same quiet tone, "I'm so sorry, Draco. Narcissa and Lucius were like second parents to me." And they would have been my in-laws if we marry in the future like I hope, she added in her head. Draco nodded again. Pansy didn't seem to mind him not talking. She continued chatting, now about classes and teachers. Draco heard the Great Hall doors opened, and when he raised his eyes to see who was coming in, he saw it was Blaise. He scowled at the boy, resisting the urge to raise his wand. Thankfully, he saw the boy turn away, but his jaw dropped when he saw him sit at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Hermione. "Wha-?" Pansy looked astonished too, as did the rest of the Slytherins. "Is that Blaise? Sitting with the Golden Trio minus one?" ((I totally forgot what Draco's curse was supposed to do to Harry, so I just skipped it. xD))
9:53pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry walked in and toward his friends. He sat down and looked at his plate. He had detention soon after he finished eating. He looked up to see Blaise was sitting with them. He gave a small smile. "Hello Blaise.. Why are you over here and not with the Malfoy brat?"
Ron nodded. "Yeah. I mean, aren't you his friend and right hand man?" He looked at Harry who's ex pression seemed sad and angry and embarrassed. He reached over the table and pat his friend's shoulder.
Hermione was shocked and speechless.
9:56pm Aug 5 2011
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"Well, I might have done something he wasn't happy about," Blaise sighed, "and so I can't be near him right now, for fear of having my bollocks hexed off." He moved his fork around his peas, and saw Harry near him. For a moment, he deliberated, before saying quietly, "I know what happened."
10:07pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry looked at Blaise. "I see.. And you know it wasn't my fault then." He looked down and ate his meat. He finished that and gulped down his pumpkin juice. He put a bun in hus mouth. "I have detention. I'll see you.." He stood up and walked off.
"Don't mind Harry.. He got detention as you know and he's kind of embarrassed since he lost us 30 house points. So what happened?"
10:10pm Aug 5 2011
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Blaise watched another person walk away from him, and winced. Maybe it would have been better if he had stayed in the dark after all. "None of your business, Weasley," Blaise said shortly. "If Harry won't tell you, what makes you think I will?" And he stood up and walked to the library, the only quiet place he knew he could stay calm. ~ Snape waited with Filch in his classroom, looking impatiently at the clock. "Do not fidget with my potions, Filch!" he spat at the cleaner. "Am sorry, Professor Snape, but they're lookin' a little dusty is all," Filch replied, cowering slightly before turning back to stare at the door. Snape pinched his nose and ran a hand down his face. Potter better not be late, or there would be hell to pay. There was only so much time he could spend in the company of incompetents without exploding.
10:23pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry ate the bun and finished it just as he walked in. He sighed and looked at Snape. "Professor.. What is my punishment?" He looked at Snape and sighed slightly. He wished he could talk to Blaise, who seemed to know all this.
10:33pm Aug 5 2011
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"You took your time, boy," Snape growled. He walked briskly to Harry, grabbed his collar and began dragging him to Filch. "There," he said disgustedly, "you may make him do whatever you wish, Filch." And left in a billow of robes, leaving Harry and Filch alone. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to Mrs. Norris," Filch said, smiling manically, "which means, I think, since you liked spending so much time in the girl's bathroom...you should have to clean Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, as well as the other five public bathrooms in the castle. Without magic."
11:03pm Aug 5 2011
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Harry flinched. "You're kidding me.." He sighed and looked at the man. "Accio.." A bucket, brush, and mop flew to him. He grabbed them. "Fine. I'll be back.. You can have that cat watch me if you wish.." He turned and picked up the bucket. The soap to clean followed him. He opened the doors and walked out.
"This is the worst.. Possible.." Harry walked into the first bathroom. He started to scrub the toilets.
9:47pm Aug 6 2011
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((bump. Wanna skip to next morning?))
10:56pm Aug 6 2011
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“How was detention with Filch last night?” Blaise asked, plopping himself next to Harry in the Great Hall. He grabbed a roll and took a ferocious bite out of it. “Did he make you clean his cat’s excrements after her nightly hunt?” He made a sour face, remembering it as once of his own punishments. He still thought it was unsafe to go near Draco at this time, who was sullenly glaring at everyone who looked like him. He could give Snape a run for his money.
11:22pm Aug 6 2011
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Harry took a roll and placed it on his plate before he reached to get some more ham from the breakfast food. "No.. Luckily.. He made me go around with a mop, bucket, and sponge.. I had to clean all the bathrooms.. Moaning Mertile did not leave me to clean.. Bloody Ghost continued to try and flirt with me.." He sighed and looked at Blaise. He smiled.
((omg! How about the drama between Draco and Harry is Harry and Blaise! Harry knows Blaise isn't on either side so he could fall for him..))
1:19am Aug 7 2011
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((Oh sure. <3 And then Draco will get jealous, and he doesn't know why. :D)) “Looks like you’ve got good luck with the ladies,” Blaise smirked, “even the non-living want you.” He paused. “Though I must say, that punishment’s a mean one.” He made a face. “I’d take cleaning cat dung over cleaning human dung any day.” Laughing, he took a sip of his pumpkin juice.
1:32am Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((omg yay! Ru gets in a suggetion! :3))
Harry laughed and smiled with Blaise. "I don't consider myself lucky. I mean, I can't exactly get ladies. Only Mertyle." He smiled though. He drank his pumpkin juice and ate the roll he had placed om his plate mext to his ham. "Well, I have this whole week of detention. I bet I will hae to clean a lot of things arou d the castle." He looked at Blaise, he was actually a really nice guy, considering his friends.