5:46pm Aug 10 2011
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Harry laughed and looked at Blaise. "I don't think ou should sugest that now. They might take you up on that offer." He smiled and looked at his two friends.
Hermione laughed. "Harry, I don't think so.. I'll tell you after class. I can already feel the chill of Snape walking by the class."
Ron blushed like a tomato. He turned his attention to the book in frot of him.
12:59am Aug 11 2011
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2:46am Aug 11 2011
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Blaise saw Ron's blush and laughed. "You better hurry up, Weasley, or I might just snap Hermione up." He winked at the brunette. "You're a pretty girl, and smart to boot." He sent an amused look Harry's way.
2:59am Aug 11 2011
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Harry looked at Blaise and his eyes filled with worry. He didn't want Blaise with Hermione. Panic was just about to set in when he realized what he thought about. Did he really just admit that he liked Blaise?! He looked at Hermione, who seemed less amused. "That won't happen.. Trust me." She looked away and nudged Ron. "Come on ron." Ron shook his head. "No.. I'm not going to say anything anymore.."
3:05am Aug 11 2011
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"Jeez," Blaise said, holding his hands up, "I was only joking." His good mood faltered slightly. Gryffindors. Didn't think Slytherins could bloody joke. Oh well. He turned to Harry. "Maybe I'll just go after you, eh mate?" He gave a deep chuckle.
3:08am Aug 11 2011
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Harry blushed at the thought. His cheeks felt warm to him. He turned awy slightly. "I-I don't think you'd want me Blaise.." He tried to laugh but it only came out as a nervous one. He wasn't even believing himself. He knew Blaise would notice. Hermione looked at Harry. "Harry.. Are you okay?"
3:14am Aug 11 2011
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Blaise did notice, and his eyes widened slightly. Potter did like him? The thought made him feel both hot and cold. He sent a glance at Draco, who he knew had some level of feeling for Harry. He knew he should leave Harry for his best friend, but damn, he hadn't dated in a while, and he did genuinely like Harry. And maybe it would spur Draco to get a move on. "Wanna go for a walk with me after lunch, Harry?" he asked, giving Harry his most charming smile.
3:20am Aug 11 2011
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Harry looked and Blaise, his mouth slightly open at the excitement he felt. He closed his mouth after a few moments and nodded. "Yeah.. I'd like to take a walk with you." He gave a smile and chuckled when Blaise gave him his charming smile. "You're such a flirt.." He smiled and looked toward Draco. He still had something for hte boy since they kissed, but he knew he would have to forget that. He turned back to Blaise and smiled. Hermione giggled. "Oh you two..." She looked at Blaise and Harry. ((omg! I think I'm going to have hermione like Pansy. XD))
3:28am Aug 11 2011
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((Whoo! :D)) "You're looking rather handsome flustered, Harry," Blaise said, grinning. "You two won't mind me stealing him, right, Ron, Hermione?" ~ On the other side of the classroom, Draco was staring at Blaise with a peculiar mixture of rage and envy. He had just asked Potter out. And he knew how Draco felt for him- Wait. He didn't feel anything for Potter. But then...why was he so jealous? With a grimace, he accepted it. He felt something for Potter. And he was embarrassed that it had taken jealousy for him to realise it. "You really like him, don't you?" Pansy said softly, watching the emotions flutter across her friend's face. "No, Blaise is an idiot," Draco spat. "No..." Pansy's eyes were gentle. "Harry." She gave a small smile. She had meant him before, but seeing Draco's reaction, she had changed to mean Blaise. Draco looked like he was about to snarl a rude response, before he suddenly deflated. "Yeah," he said dully. "Yeah." "I'm going to approach Hermione soon," Pansy said, still continuing with her soft tone. "I can put in a good word." "I don't need your-" Draco said furiously, almost about to say 'charity'. But he realised Pansy was being nice, and he nodded. "That would be nice." He sighed. He hadn't imagined that Blaise would betray him like this, and he didn't want to lose the only friend he had now.
3:37am Aug 11 2011
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Ron shook his head. "He's almost 17, he can make his own choices. Plus, it's not like we've been around him much with how we have been missing our class assignments." He smiled. "No. He should have fun." Hermione smiled and looked at Harry. Harry shook his head. "I'm not flustered.." He put his hands on his cheeks and he felt the warmth. Okay, so he was flustered, but who could blame him? Blaise was a handsome guy and he had to forget Draco unless the boy told him otherwise.
4:01am Aug 11 2011
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The rest of the lesson passed surprisingly without much malice on Snape's part, and soon they were leaving for lunch. "Did you want to go by the lake?" Blaise asked Harry, walking in step with him.
4:08am Aug 11 2011
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Harry smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that would be nice." He liked how nice Blaise was to him. Maybe he really could fall for blaise. He was nice than Draco and probably would blame him for a kiss he didn't initiate.
4:39am Aug 11 2011
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Draco watched Harry and Blaise walk off in the direction of the lake, and he felt Pansy stop behind him. "Pansy?" he asked quizzically, and saw her looking slightly pale. "What's wrong?" She was staring at something somewhere further down the hallway, and he saw Granger standing alone. "What's wrong, Pans?" he asked again, more worried now. She stepped out of her stupor, continuing to walk. "She's alone. She's never alone." She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened again. "I think I'll ask her now. My only chance." She pushed her bag into Draco's hands and began jogging after Hermione. "Granger! Hey, Hermione!" Draco watched her go, feeling slightly put out, before he began walking again in the direction of the Great Hall. He sighed.
12:44pm Aug 11 2011
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Harry walked in step with Blaise and actually felt a connection with him. "Hey Blaise, if you don't mind me asking, how has Draco been? Besides the crying?" He looked at Blaise, wanting to know since Snape told him to stay away from him.
Hermione stopped when she heard someone calling her name. She turned around to see Pansy running toward her. She smiled slightly but quickly made the smile fade as she got closer. "Yes Pansy?"
12:57pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 1:12pm Aug 11 2011)
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Ugh! I double posted again.. T-T
1:54am Aug 12 2011
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2:32am Aug 12 2011
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Blaise gave Harry an undecipherable look. After a few moments, he relaxed. "I don't know. We haven't talk much, since then." He shrugged. "But it's not about Draco, is it? Just you and me." He gave Harry a smirk, and pecked him on the cheek. "Now tell me. Are you a good snogger?" ~ Pansy noticed the smile fade, but ignored it. She started blushing as her nervousness got the better of her. "Would you- uh, would you come with me to....to the Library?" She knew that was where the girl was most comfortable. "I'd like to talk something over with you in private."
2:44am Aug 12 2011
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Harry blushed when Blaise pecked his cheek. "I-I'm not sure.. I haven't snogged in a while. I mean, thte last person was probably... Draco?" He looked at Blaise and knew he had to fix that sentence. "Well, I just haven't snogged in a while. I mean, I haven't been snogged until Draco did.." He smiled and stopped at the shore of the lake. He liked the cool water on his feet, but he knew he had no towel to dry his feet if he took off his shoes. ~ Hermione smiled slightly. "Of course Pansy. Are you going to bring... him.. with you?" She motioned toward Draco and knew he looked different. Why wasn't he going after Blaise and Harry? His enemy and best friend were going to the lake and the friend he has now is talking to a, dare she think, mudblood. She felt something different about draco too. She knew she had to watch him more carefully.
3:50am Aug 12 2011
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Blaise looked a bit frustrated with the mention of Draco. Although the main point of his relationship with Harry was to get him with Draco, he still hadn't dated in a while, and he was concentrating on that at the moment. Shaking his head, he sighed. "Well, do you think I'm a good snogger?" His smirk was back in place. ~ "No." Pansy shook her head. "He understands that this is...private." She sent him a look, and noticed him smiling at her for the first time in a while. Pleased, she turned back to Hermione. "Let's go?"
4:01am Aug 12 2011
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"Ah.. I'm sorry for mentioning him!" He felt a bit bad at the mention of draco in front of Blaise. He looked down. "I would think you are a good snogger. I wouldn't know myself though." He looked at Blaise and blushed slightly. The smirk kind of set him off. Maybe he was a good snogger. He wanted to find out. "Am I going to find out?" ~ "Oh Merlin.. He looked quite handsome when he smiles.. I'm surprised Harry hasn-" She cupped her mouth. "I've said too much. But yes, let's go." He smiled slightly since Draco seemed to be kinder. "I feel bad for him.. Poor fellow is just like Harry now.." She walked toward the library, waiting for pansy at the end of the hall.