4:06am Aug 12 2011
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Blaise's eyes darkened considerably in desire. "Of course you are. I wouldn't suggest it otherwise." He gave Harry a devilish grin. "Now, am I going to have to go over than and snog you, or will you come here? You're looking quite cute with that red staining your face." ~ Pansy noticed her slip up, but didn't comment on it. However, she knew she'd be reporting it to Draco tonight. They walked to the library in silence, before reaching the dusty place full of books. Pansy led Hermione to un unused row of shelves in the deeper parts of the library and then faced the girl. She was trembling slightly from nervousness, but she mustered up as much courage as she could. "Hermione," she managed to choke out. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and started again in a more normal voice. "Hermione...I don't know how to say this in a more subtle way that won't scare you, so I'll just come out with it. I really, really like you, and I wanted to know if you'd give me a chance to get to know you. Intimately." She offered the other girl her most pretty smile.
4:12am Aug 12 2011
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Harry backed up slightly with the darkness in Blaise's eyes. "I-I guess I'll go over there.." He took a few steps forward until he was only inches from Blaise. He didn't like the way Blaise looked at him right now. It was dark and weird and he didn't exactly remember that look from anywhere. He wanted to step back and took half a step back, afraid to upset the man. ~ Hermione blushed. "You mean, as in going out?" She smiled slightly and tried to calm herself down before she could answer. She didn't trust her words, which was right of her. When she opened her mouth, all that came out was a small squeek/excited noise. She tried harder to calm down. "Yes Pansy. I would very much enjoy that. I mean, I did have a liking toward you since earlier in our years. And Ron hasn't tried to get at me anyways." He smiled and held her hand out to Pansy. "Come on now.. We shouldn't leave a greiving boy alone."
5:23pm Aug 12 2011
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"You're worried?" Blaise asked softly. He looked at Harry, concerned. He didn't want to scare the boy, but right now, his teenage boy hormones were raging. "I'm not going to hurt you." He smirked slightly. "These are my snogging eyes." He knew his eyes were what was scaring him. "It just means I want to kiss you really, really badly." ~ "Really?" Pansy's jaw dropped, and before she could help it, she was flinging her arms around Hermione and kissing her straight on the mouth. After a few seconds, she realised what she was doing, and she quickly removed herself from Hermione. "I'm so sorry!"
5:57pm Aug 12 2011
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Harry looked at Blaise and blushed slightly. So Blaise really did want to kiss him. He nodded and wrapped his arms around Blaise's neck. His eyes were flashing with lust. He gently pressed his lips to Blaise's and closed his eyes. He kind of liked the sensation he was getting.
Hermione blushed at the kiss. "It's perfectly fine. We are going out now Pamsy." She giggled and looked at Pansy. "Now, we should get back to Draco. He just lost his family besides his godfather.. But we don't want to leave him alone." She smiled.
6:05pm Aug 12 2011
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Blaise's eyes closed as well, and he deepened the kiss. Damn, Harry was a good kisser. ~ "You're too nice," Pansy smiled, shaking her head. She took Hermione's hand and led her out of the Library. "You wouldn't mind going to the Slytherin Common Room? That's where Draco is, I think. He'll have finished eating by now. He doesn't eat much anyway."
6:34pm Aug 12 2011
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Harry's cheeks flushed with color and deepened the kiss as Blaise did. He certainly was a good kisser. He let his arms drop to Blaise's shoulder.
Hermione shook her head. "Not at all.. I rather not be in the Gryffindor common room right now anyways. Ron will probably ask where I was." Sje held onto Pansy's hand and follows her out of the library and toward the dungeons.
((everyone's gay. XD i love it! Hermione, Harry.. Ron may be curious XD))
7:04pm Aug 12 2011
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((Lol, I know. xD Who would Ron pair up with?)) Blaise growled as Harry deepened the kiss further. He was making him feel very, very good...but they needed to stop before it went further. Breaking the kiss reluctantly, Blaise gave Harry an apologetic smile. "That was a nice kiss, don't you think?" ~ "I totally understand," Pansy said, sympathetically. She knew the Weasley could be very annoying at times. They went down a few corridors before going down the dungeons. Reaching the snake statue, Pansy mumbled, "Basilisk." They entered the Common Rom together, and thankfully, Draco was the only one there, reclining on a sofa and reading. He looked up at them, surprised, before his eyes moved to their entwined hands. "The talk went well, then," Draco observed amusedly. He put his book down and stood up. "Nice to see you, Hermione. You'll take good care of Pans, won't you?"
7:33pm Aug 12 2011
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Harry nodded and closed his gaping mouth. "Yes.. That was very good." He smiled and looked at the sky, it was about time for him to get to his detention. "I still have detention, so i'll have to go soon. Sorry."
Hermione blinked. He was being so nice to her right now. "Of course Draco." His name rolled off her tongue, but it felt so weird to call him by his first name. She walked over to him and hugged him gently. "Sorry to hug you so suddenly.. I know how you feel towards.. Well.. Dare I say, mudbloods.. But i do feel very bad for you. You should really talk to Harry... He's the only one who is like you..." she walked backto Pansy, unsure of Draco's next reaction. She held pansy's hand.
((dunno... :p... Ron is more dificult..))
7:39pm Aug 12 2011
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"It's ok," Blaise replied. "I'll walk you down there, yeah? I don't want Snape to get his filthy paws on you." He took Harry's hand and they began walking back to the castle. ~ Draco saw Pansy tighten her grip on Hermione slightly, a protective stance. He raised an eyebrow at her, as if to ask if she really thought he'd do something bad to the girl she liked. She understood the message, and relaxed. "Don't call yourself a mudblood," Draco said, shaking his head. He gave her a small smile. "I don't think talking to Harry would be a very good idea at the moment." He moved back to the sofa and sat back down on it. "What are you two going to be doing this evening?" Pansy raised an eyebrow delicately. "Why do you want to know?" "Well, I thought we'd be able to have a private dinner somewhere. You know, so I could get to know Hermione. It might help take my mind off of...things." He tensed slightly, and his eyes watered dangerously. Pansy tried not to run to him and hug him. Keeping her eyes off him, she turned to Hermione. "What do you think?"
7:52pm Aug 12 2011
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Harry held Blaise's hand and followed him back to the castle. "It's not with Snape.. It's with Filch. I mean, that's pretty much the only reason I was cleaning toilets and bathrooms yesterday. Snape would have had me cleaning cauldrons til they looked like black diamonds.." He chuckled slightly.
Hermione looked at Draco. "I'd love to.. And Draco, I'm not sure it would be wise to keep it in either.. I mean, I've seen how people can turn out. Harry had a breakdown once from the thoughts back in 2nd year.. He is the only one like you right now. Sorry, I'm probably going on about nothing. But I would enjoy a private dinner with Pansy and you." She gave him a gentle smile.
((i feel so bad for Draco!! Poor boy. But soon! Soon!!))
8:32pm Aug 12 2011
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"That's good," Draco said. He smiled. "Shall we head to the kitchens then, Pans, Hermione?" He offered both of them an arm each.
8:47pm Aug 12 2011
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Harry walked uo to the room and thanked blaise with a quick kiss to his cheek. He opened the door to Snape's classroom and walked in. "Professor.. I'm here for detention with Filch. I was unsure if he would be here or not.."
Hermione took one of Draco's arms and noxded. "Off to the kitchen then. You're awefully nice today Draco.. Are you sure you're feeling all right?"
9:19pm Aug 12 2011
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"Yes, yes," Snape said, not looking at him from the mountain of papers on his desk. He waved the boy away. "Go to Myrtle's bathroom. Filch is waiting for you there." ~ Draco tried to look offended, but failed miserably. "I'm just happy for Pansy." He took them both down to the kitchens. "Taffy!" A small female house-elf waddled over to them. "Please get us some of tonight's dinner, Taffy." The house-elf squeaked and scurried off, telling her fellow house-elves the order. Draco led them to a table in a corner of the kitchens, and gestured for them both to take seats.
9:31pm Aug 12 2011
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Harry sighed and turned around. He walked out of the classroom and closed the door behind him. He walked down the corridors and ended up in front of the bathroom he was to meet Filch. "Filch? Are you here?" He walked in, hoping the man wasn't here.
Hermione smiled and sat down. She looked at Draco. "Draco, I'm actually very happy you're being so nice. I still want to know why Harry...." She let herself think about what Harry had told her to herself. "Anyways, thank you draco." She smiled.
1:32pm Aug 13 2011
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9:58pm Aug 13 2011
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((Can I 'unfocus' on Harry and Blaise for a few posts? o3o I wanna put some detail into Draco, Hermione and Pansy's 'date'. <3)) "No problem," Draco said easily. He smiled at Pansy, who was beaming at him. She hadn't thought that he would put so much effort into accepting Hermione, because of their history. It made her feel giddy inside, and she took Hermione's hand happily. "So, Hermione. Tell me about yourself."
11:43pm Aug 13 2011
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((sure. :3))
Hermione took Pansy's hand and looked at her then to Draco. "Well, both of my parents are muggles and dentists.. They were aware of the wizardig world though, so I don't think they were all that surprised when I came here." She looked at them. "What do you want to know though? I'm unsure of what to tell you."
12:34am Aug 14 2011
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((oh yeah... Up.. And i don't mind if we skip over Harry and Blaise.))
4:14am Aug 15 2011
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"Oh, your interests, how you cope with those dunderheads you call friends, what you do after a nice hot shower-" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively, throwing both of them winks even as Pansy glared at him, "-your favourite food? Pansy and I would definitely like to know that."
2:05pm Aug 15 2011
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"Well, i like to read a lot... Pretty much what I do. Harry isn't too difficult to manage. But he hasn't stopped talking about he who must not be named trying to get him to see something. That's gottem quite annoying. Ron... I have no idea how to handle him.." She looked at Pqnsy and held her hand tighter. "No need to glare... Um.. The bath one... I read. Story books.. And as for food.. I'd have to say, anything on toast, murry mints, and pumpkin bread..."