2:14am Aug 16 2011
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"Murry mints?" Draco's forehead furrowed. "What are they? Muggle things?" He then realised his tone was somewhat deragatory, and backtracked. "I didn't mean it in a bad way," he quickly reassured Hermione.
2:46am Aug 16 2011
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She looked at Draco. "yes... They are Muggle treats... They taste a little buttery but not overly." She knew he didn't change all that much. She looked away, wishing Harry was here right now. She was worried about Draco since he had just lost his parents about two or three days ago and worried about Harry since he had been overly tired and sensed that the Dark Lord was trying to get back into his head. ((I meant Murray Mints))
2:58am Aug 16 2011
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((Lol, I don't even know what they are. xD)) "You don't think I've changed much," he said flatly, ignoring her explanation of the sweets and looking her in the eye. He had seen her thinking, and had seen her look away, and was slightly hurt that despite his effort to make friends with her, she still brought up the past. Even if only through her actions.
3:04am Aug 16 2011
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((it's really old candy. XD likt 1980 or something... I don't remember. I had to look them up anyways XD)) "I'm sorry Draco.. But for the past 5 years and some days, you've been nothing but foul to me and Ron. And even more so to Harry. I didn't mean for you to see what I was thinking or at least interpret it that way. I know I must sound harsh.. But.. I can't exactly forget everything you've done." She held Pansy's hand tighter, afraid of Draco's reaction. "I'm really sorry Draco. I don't mean to hurt you by saying that.. I don't mean to push you away.." 
((<--- that is a Murray Mint. :3))
3:12am Aug 16 2011
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((Oh. Looks...interesting? xD)) Draco's face turned sour, and he leant back on his chair before running a hand over his face. His angry ex pression disappeared, and he gave her a small, somewhat forced smile. "Well, I can't argue with that reasoning, can I? Not from Gryffindor's clever princess." He stood up. "I hope you two enjoy dinner. I've just remembered an Arithmancy essay I've got to finish for tomorrow." He left, ignoring Pansy's angry and disappointed ex pression, not looking back.
3:17am Aug 16 2011
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Hermione looked down and didn't like this anymore. "I'm very sorry Pansy.. I'll see you tomarrow though. I should go to the common room just in case Harry comes back. He's been having horrible nightmares and can't get enough sleep lately." She stood up and hesitated to let go on Pansy's hand. She kissed Pansy's lips gently and smiled a little. "I'll see you in Potions.." She turned and left. She hated herself right now. ---- Harry ran down the hall and toward the Slytherine common rooms. He saw a small spot of blood just down the hallway. His mind flashed to the image he just saw and he knew he had to tell Draco. It's been almost a week since his parents had died and he had more news. "Malfoy! Malfoy!!" He ran up to him and grabbed his hand. "Come. Don't ask questions!" He ran toward the empty room Harry gave Draco the bad news in. ((They do.. It's weird. XD))
4:10am Aug 16 2011
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((up? Unsure if ur here))
4:15am Aug 16 2011
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Draco was grabbed and pulled into an empty room before he could say 'Get away from me!' After that disaster of a dinner with Hermione, he wasn't in the best of moods. "What?" he snarled, snatching his hand away from Harry.
4:19am Aug 16 2011
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"I'm sorry for pulling you away.. But listen to me.. Your parents are not dead.. They are very much alive. Those people onthe floor looked almost like your oarents until your father flipped them over.. I'm so sorry to not have told you this earlier, but Filch had me cleaning the litter box.." He shivered. "But they aren't dead Draco. They are both alive and well." He sat on one of the desks, tired from running and having not caught his breath.
4:29am Aug 16 2011
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Draco froze as he listened to Potter ramble. And then, after a few seconds, it all sunk in. And his eyes grew wide. "Are you serious?" He said gleefully, before his face morphed into an angry one. "If you're messing with me, Potter...?"
4:35am Aug 16 2011
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"No no.. Voldemort tried to puah into my mind again. But I stopped that and ended up pushin into his mind. I saw his memories of the day. He called your father and your fatyer came in through a door all dressed up... Your mother followed soon after. They took the boies away. Im not lying to you.." harry was out of breath now and started to pamt. He laid on the desk, his heart racing.
4:59am Aug 16 2011
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Draco's face lit up, and his first ex pression of happiness since he had heard about his parents' 'deaths' the first time appeared. His parents were alive! He would still have a mother to go home to, a father to rely on... he suddenly felt bad about teasing Harry in their younger years about not having parents. And then he suddenly wanted to kiss Harry. Very, very hard. But he couldn't, because he was going out with Blaise. He really wanted to kill his former best friend at this moment. Still, he looked at Harry with a hungry ex pression on his face. "Thank you."
5:04am Aug 16 2011
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Harry looked at Draco innocently. "You're welcome.. But.. Now you know what I feel like.. At least your's was just a misunderstanding.." Harry sat up and looked down. He had nobody again. He knew all this was goig to go back to the way they were. He stood up. "I'm happy for you Malfoy." He walked tothe door and pulled it open. He shook his head free of any thoughts. He wanted sleep tonight. Too many nightmares the past week.
He couldn't help but keep the hunger Draco showed in his mind. It was odd. Draco hated him wheb he kissed him, so, why did he look so hungry.
4:35am Aug 17 2011
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((up so it doesnt go farther away))
4:44am Aug 17 2011
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"Wait, Potter." Draco's voice was barely a whisper, but he knew the boy heard. He strode up to the boy and turned him so that they were facing each other. "Thank you. Again." And he leant forward and gently touched his lips to Harry's.
4:53am Aug 17 2011
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Herry's eyes widened. What in the world was happening. He tensed up, waiting for Draco to shove him away or slap him or something that would have him be the bad guy in this situation. However, he gently pressed back, still tensed so the shive didn't send him tumbling.
3:02am Aug 18 2011
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Draco felt Harry push slightly harder, and he took it as a go sign. He deepened the kiss, placing his hands on Harry's waist. He had no intention of ending it this time. If Harry wanted to go, then he had the choice, but Draco wouldn't pull away. He felt like he...needed this connection. On more than an emotional level.
3:09am Aug 18 2011
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((i had a twisted little idea for the rp..))
Harry felt the kiss deepen and knew that he was proba ly going to be fine. He deepened the kiss and cautiously slid his hands to Draco's shoulders. He was with Blaise, but why did this feel so right. He gently wrapped his arms around Draco's neck. His heart racing.
3:19am Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Ooh, a surprise or would you like to share? :D)) Draco was feeling blissful. He hadn't felt like this in...well, never. His mind was devoid of everything aside from the pleasure coursing through his veins. He could have stayed there forever, when there was a casual cough. "Mind telling me what's going on?" asked the voice of Blaise Zabini.
3:27am Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((well, it was kind of like a themed Ball. Medival era theme.. And the GoF wpuld spit up what ur costume had to be relativeoy. Like: damsel, prince, joker; etc. And harry would get damsel eventhough he's a boy. :P draco can get prince or something))
Harry jumped. He spun around and saw Blaise standing there. He saw the kiss and Harry knew he couldn't explain this. "B-Blaise.. I-i.." He stepped toward Blaise. He felt bad about what he did. "Please Blaise.. Forgive me.." he looked up at him with sorrow filled eyes. Even though he felt that what he did was right for some odd reason.