2:40am Aug 20 2011
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"W-What?! I mean.. What? She really did say yes? Wow.. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. She was talking about wanting to be with Pansy for a while." He smiled and looked at Draco. "Well, at least it's fine with them. And I'm pretty okay with that." He smiled and looked at the people staring.
4:36am Aug 21 2011
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Draco grinned, beginning to feel more relaxed. "Great. Let's eat, I'm starved." He took a plate and filled it with sandwiches. "Ron, how are you this evening?" he asked politely, looking in the direction of the redhead.
4:48am Aug 21 2011
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Ron looked up from his foot. He was slightly glaring. "Fine.. If I hadn't spent the whole bloody afternoon alone since my two bet friends ran off.." He looked at Harry then draco. "And you?" He managed to get out though strained.
Harry looked at Ron. "Ron, you know I have detenion for a whole week. You know that.." He ate a piece of bread he grabbed from the platter. He looked at everything else before grabbed some mashed potatoes.
4:55am Aug 21 2011
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"Fine," Draco replied, giving a strained smile back. He turned to Harry. "You have to eat more than that," he admonished. He took the serving spoon from Harry and plopped a large serving of potatoes onto his boyfriend's plate. "That's better. No wonder you're such a skinny stick."
4:59am Aug 21 2011
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"Ah.. I suppose so." He smiled at Draco. "Skick isn't very nice." He pouted slightly. He took his fork and began to eat his large servig of potatoes. "You onow, I didn't get much because I usually get the chicken like Ron.. Not as much, but some." He smiled and whispered in Draco's ear. "Sorry about Ron. He didn't very much like me being gay. And hermione bisexual."
12:04am Aug 22 2011
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2:56am Aug 22 2011
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"Must not like being the odd one out," Draco muttered, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Think he might be interested in Blaise? At all?" He then made a face at the thought. "Maybe not. I don't see them going well together at all. With Blaise's snarkiness and Ron's...sensitivity, they'd explode."
10:02am Aug 22 2011
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Harru chuckled. "You're kidding right? I don't think that would be the best pair. Then again.. According to all the stares, neither are we." He looked at the people who continue to stare, most Gryffindor and Slytherin House students. The famous Harry Potter and the infamous Draco Malfoy, snogging each oter after 5 years of rivalry. Haddy giggled to himself just thinking about it.
2:36am Aug 23 2011
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"Pfft, we're wonderful," Draco scoffed. "It's them with the problems. Haven't they ever heard of love-hate relationships? Jeez." He viciously took a bite out of another sandwich, the stares putting him in a bad mood all of a sudden. He saw a few second year Gryffindor girls staring at them, and glared. "What are you looking at, you stupid bints?" he barked.
2:41am Aug 23 2011
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Harry jumped witb Draco's remarks and other such words. "Draco.." He quickly grabbed Draco's hand and held it tightly. He leaned in closer and whispered i to Draco's ear. "Please don't do that... I mean.. You've heard the rumors and there are still going to be girls sho have crushes on me who will wish to hex you for taking Harry Potter for yourself."
He puts head hand on Draco's thigh and whispered again. "Face me Draco. Please?" He looked at Draco, who was still taller than him even if he was sitting down.
3:05am Aug 23 2011
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"A bit full of yourself, aren't we?" Draco raised an eyebrow, good humour seeping into him slowly with every second Harry's hand laid on this thigh. "I'm sure there are plenty of girls who'd love to kill you in your sleep for taking me." He then sighed and turned his face to Harry's. "What?" His eyes lit up with amusement when he saw Harry strain to look up at him.
9:29am Aug 23 2011
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Harry leaned closer to Draco and gently placed a light kiss on the boy's lips. He turned back to his food to make sure that there was no blush on his face, however, there was plenty. "I figured that much Draco, but they can't have you. You're mine and mine alone. I don't plan on sharin anyways."
2:44am Aug 24 2011
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Draco flushed slightly, and the ex pression looked odd on him. People rarely saw his pale face with colour. "Neither do I," he replied, clearing his throat. He turned back to his food in silence, trying to ignore the glaring Ron.
2:48am Aug 24 2011
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Harry looked up. "Ron... Stop glaring. It's not polite you know. If hermione were here, she's probably say the same or even give you a lecture or something about it." His appetite was gone now. Too many stares, too many glares, and more tha. Enough negativeness. "I'm leaving.. Too much... Bad things.." He put a sandwich in his mouth and stood up. He walked to the doors and pulled them open. Why was their relationship not okay to everybody else?
3:35am Aug 24 2011 (last edited on 4:16pm Aug 24 2011)
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Draco immediately stood up to follow Harry, although he waited a bit until his boyfriend was a few paces in front of him, to make sure that he had a bit of space. He glared around at the still silent hall. "Why can't you all be damn happy for us?" he growled at almost everyone, save for Blaise, who had been sitting at the Slytherin table. He quickly followed after Harry, the doors to the Great Hall swinging shut as Draco slammed them with his magic. "Harry? Are you ok?"
9:50am Aug 24 2011
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Harry stopped dead when he heaed Draco's voice. He shook his head and turned to face the boy. His eyes filled with sorrow and worry. He immediately wrappes his arms around Draco and burried his face in Draco's shoulder. His body alightly trembling. "No... I don't mind jealousy from anybody really.. But.. Why must they make it seem like our relationship is no good or that it's not supposed to happen? Even my own best friend seems to glare at us." He intertwined one of his hands and fingers in Draco's.
4:18pm Aug 24 2011
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Draco sighed and bent down to peck Harry's forehead. "It's just the way they are. Quick to judge, quick to condemn. Hopefully they'll come around. They're just not used to us not throwing hexes at each other. In their eyes, you should be The Boy Who Lived and I should be the Boy Who Hated The Boy Who Lived forever."
7:55pm Aug 24 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((sorry. Will post reply, but is this goig to be like the book? Snape killing dumbledore and Sirius dying?))
2:39am Aug 25 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Umm, do you want it to happen? :x Because I'm sure we don't have to be canon. But we can include it if you want. It's already going to be AU, though, with what we're planning when the war comes.))
10:02am Aug 25 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((alright then. Let's just keep everuone alive til that time. :3 it's more fun.))