10:03am Aug 25 2011 (last edited on 9:04pm Aug 25 2011)
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Harry blushed slightly and nodded. "Right.. I'm fine.. But i rather be the boy-who-lived.. And you be the boy-who-snogged-the-boy-who-lived." Harry smiled and gently reached up to touch Draco's cheek. "You know. I never really noticed how bright your eyes are..." Harry smiled and gently kissed Draco's lips.
5:46pm Aug 26 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Ok. <3 More interesting characters to play and all. :D)) "Bright?" Draco said incredulously as the kiss broke. "I've had lots of deions about my eyes, but never bright. More like dark...and stormy...and, well, yeah. They're grey, Harry." He looked into Harry's eyes. "Although your ones are the brightest ones I've ever seen...green. Beautiful." The last part was said so softly that it was more like a breath.
12:26am Aug 27 2011
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((lol. XD yeah!)) Harry blushed slightly. "I think your's are pretty nice too. I mean, they aren't storm clouds... but they aren't the white fluff you see on the summer days. They are more like a small bird's feathers." He smiled at the thought. He placed his hand on Draco's. "Can we go to a common room or something? I don't want to be anywhere near the people right now.. It's going to make me feel very uncomfortable."
12:36am Aug 27 2011
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Draco made a face at the deion of his eyes as a 'small bird's feathers'. "You know what? I know the perfect place to go." He took Harry's hand, and began leading him to the seventh floor. They reached tapestry that depicted a wizard trying to teach trolls ballet. Draco sniggered. "Good ol' Barnabas the Barmy," he grinned. He let go of Harry and paced back and fourth in front of the wall opposite the tapestry, and soon there was a door there that had not been there before. "You first, Harry."
1:04am Aug 27 2011
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Harry nodded and pushed open the door. At first, he was slightly scared of walking in. It was a bit dim. Harry walked in slowly, not knowing what may be in here. His eyes tried to ajust to the small amount of light. "draco, where exactly is this?" ((sorry! Hella fail...))
1:10am Aug 27 2011
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"Room of Requirement," Draco said, giving Harry a strange look. "You had your little DA club here, didn't you?" He led Harry into the main area, where there was a table. It was made of dark mahogany, and two elegant seats were placed on either side of it. On it, there were two candles and a delcious-looking meal, along with two glasses of wine. Draco grinned. "Excellent. Take a seat, won't you, Harry?"
1:16am Aug 27 2011
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"Sorry... It's been a while.. Well, last year, but I hardly remember being i here. It had many more windows and a mirror and it didn't have that table." Harry smiled slightly and walked to the table, dragging his finger along it and sat down. He looked at the food and his stomach growled loudly. He didn't get much to eat since everybody would merely glare. "Wow... it smell delicious.."
1:18am Aug 27 2011
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"Well, that's because I'm not asking for a room to practice spells in as a way of training young wizards to kill the Dark Lord," Draco replied smartly. "I asked for a room that my boyfriend and I could have a nice, romantic meal in. And it does smell awfully nice, doesn't it?" He sat down and picked up his knife and fork. "You'd better eat a lot, Harry. Like I said before, you're a twig, and I won't have my boyfriend looking like he's malnourished."
1:28am Aug 27 2011
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Harry smiled and grabbed his own knife and fork. He went right to cutting the meat on the plate. His tongue and nose were singing with the smell and flavor of the meat. He smiled. "I can't exactly gain much weight... My metabolism is much too high. But I appreciate the concern with my weight. Thank you." He ate the remainder of the meat he had cut. "Which reminds me. Umm... Have you thought about how your father and godfather may react to us?" He grabbed the wine glass and took a sip. Not too strong.
2:02am Aug 27 2011
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The question made Draco stop. "Why?" he asked sharply, stopping in the middle of cutting his steak.
2:33am Aug 27 2011
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"I-I don't know.. I'm sorry for bringing it up..." He quickly looked down at the small piece of steak thatr remained. He knew he set something off. HIs stomach was suddenly full. He started to play around with the rest of the steak. "I just thought you might.. I'm concerned for your safety if they take to this badly."
3:07am Aug 27 2011
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Draco relaxed. "Harry, we've been together less than a day," he sighed. "Thoughts of the future will only depress us. Think of it another day." He turned back to his meal. "I'm thankful that you're worried about me, but really, I'll be fine. You'll be fine. We'll be fine. Don't think about it anymore."
3:14am Aug 27 2011
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"True.. Just since your father is Death Eater is the thing that scares me. I mean, he may take it as you trying to just get close to me." He sighed and quickly changed the subject. "How are Hermione and Pansy doing? I don't see them much anymore. Hermione doens't come back to the common room until later curfew. She even took my cloak once or twice already just so she won't get caught." ((sorry. Im just gunna say that they have been together for a little longer than Harry and Draco. :3))
3:23am Aug 27 2011
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((Lol, it's fine. xD)) Draco was grateful for the subject change. "Well, I know they've been meeting secretly. They've been up to a lot of...irresponsible things, lately." A faint blush stained his cheeks. "At least, that's what Pansy keeps hinting," he mumbled.
3:33am Aug 27 2011
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Harry's jaw dropped slightly. "Really? Is that why she takes my cloak.. Which I haven't washed... I should probably put a cleansing spell on it or something.." He shivered. "So they are doing well. I'm glad to hear it. After all, Hermione was a bit shy about her liking Pansy when she told me."
3:55am Aug 27 2011
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"Hermione liked Pansy as well?" Draco's jaw dropped. "Even despite everything Pansy's said and done to her?" That was news. He had thought the affection was only one sided, and that Hermione had only given Pansy a chance because she wanted to get to know her in a purely platonic way. He had disapproved of this, but at least Pansy was happy.
4:14am Aug 27 2011
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"Well yes. I mean, I came back from a Quidditch practice and I found Hermione just sitting by the fire in the common room. I asked her what was wrong and she just said that, since i'm gay, if it was okay to for a female to like a female. I told her it was perfectly fine. And she told me that she also liked males, making her bisexual. Well, she was still down and she told me that she wanted to know if Pansy felt mutual about her feelings. She said that she was willign to put it all in the past." He took a piece of steak and finished off his plate. He swirled the wine in the glass and sipped it down. He didn't like alchohol very much, but this seemed really good.
4:44am Aug 27 2011
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Draco was stunned. "Wow," was all he could manage to say. Shaking his head, he changed the subject. "You know, sometimes I think Dumbledore knows everything that happens in Hogwarts. I could have sworn he was twinkling his stupid eyes at me as if he knew this was going to happen or as if he meant for it to happen, the old coot." He grimaced. "Does he regularly interfere with his students' love lives?"
4:52am Aug 27 2011
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"You know. I'm not even sure... Maybe he does interfere or at least do something to move it forward. For some reason, Hermione can get my cloak even though I usually sleep with it. Or I keep it somewhere safe. I mean.. It's odd. And don't call him that.. He's kind of like my family. I don't like people speaking ill of my family.. at all.." He could feel all the negative things draco had ever said about how his parents were dead, but quickcly pushed them away so he could just enjoy the moment.
4:55am Aug 27 2011
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Draco dismissed his reprimand. "Ok, ok," he said, waving his hand. "I just find him rather annoying." He took a bite out of steak, chewed it and swallowed. "So, what are our plans for the weekend?"