12:53am Aug 31 2011
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Harry looked at Draco. "My skin is rough... I didn't wan you to have to hold my hand.. Your's is quite soft and mine.. Just the opposite." Harry looked at Draco. "I'll haveto change that soon. But okay.. I shall see you tomarrow morning." He gave a small smile, wanting to hug the boy, but resisted due to him wanting to get some lotion, curse his muggle "family", on his hands and make them at least a little soft. "You wanna let go or do you want to walk down the hall this way?" He referred to their hands.
2:35am Aug 31 2011
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Draco sighed. "Honestly, Harry, I'm beginning to think that you're opening up with your feminine side. I don't care if your skin is rougher than mine. I like it, actually." He pressed his lips hard to Harry's forehead and brushed some of the stray locks out of the boy's green eyes. "We're walking down the hall this way." He began to pull Harry out the door of the Room of Requirement.
2:38am Aug 31 2011
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"Hey... It'a mostky Quidditch that makes them like this anyways." Harry held Draco's hand in his and gave a small squeeze. This really was the real deal. It was really odd to be holding hands with Draco Malfoy. He smiled and intertwined his fingers in Draco's. "I don't like it too much, but i suppose.." Harry smiled. "You're much taller than me.." Harry stated. Curse his shortness. He held tighter.
3:44am Aug 31 2011
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"You aren't short," Draco replied, "I'm just insanely tall." He winked at Harry, and they began walking down the hall. "Don't suppose you'd be able to tell me where the Gryffindor Common Room is? I know we aren't supposed to let other houses know the entrance, but I think that's ridiculous. I want to know where you are in case something comes up."
9:35am Aug 31 2011
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Harry looked at Draco and smiled. He wrapped both his arms around one of Draco's amd intertwined his fingers. "It's in the North Tower.. Pretty sure and it's behind the picture of the Fat Lady who sings." Harry looked at the Malfoy. "Well, no matter how tall you are, you're still mine and i'm not sharing. I don't care how many people say i should." harry leaned his head against Draco's shoulder.
2:56am Sep 1 2011
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Draco looked disgusted. "You picked her to guard your Common Room?" He scoffed derisively. "She's about the worst portrait you could have picked. She's big a gossip. Anyone could have found out where your common room is just by listening to her." As he talked, he rubbed his thumb over Harry's knuckles as a gentle gesture of affection. They reached an intersection, and Draco gave Harry a peck on the lips. "I'm down that way," he said, pointing. "The dungeons. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
9:22am Sep 1 2011
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Harry nodded. "I'll see you tomarrow. And i didn't pick her. We've had the same portrait since 1st year. I dunno if we can change it." Harry sighed and kissed Draco's neck. "Ah... Still too short. Sorry." He looked at draco and released his hand.
2:51am Sep 2 2011
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Draco smiled softly at the reminder of his insanely tall height. "Ok. Goodnight." He gave Harry one more lingering kiss before he turned and began to walk away.
9:34am Sep 2 2011
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((le skip. :3))
Harry was shaken awake by Ron. Hia friend babbking about today being a Hogameade day. Harry sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Ron you git... Why'd ypu have to go and wake me up as well."
"Sorry Harry, but we gotta go eat if we are going to go!" He tossed Harry his sweater.
Harry growled and changed into some jeans and a green long sleeve. He pulled the sweater over, washed his face, placed his glasses on, and the to of them headed to the Great Hall.
5:37pm Sep 2 2011
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Draco sat at the Slytherin table, looking lost in thought. The rest of the Slytherins had stayed well away from him after his blatant betrayal, but it didn't bother him much. He could still use them if he wanted. He could still intimidate them. The only ones who stayed wtih him were Pansy and Blaise, and they were the only ones who had stuck with him before he had started going out with Harry as well, so there was almost no difference in his daily routine aside from the glares, whispers and stares. "So, what do you two plan on doing?" Blaise asked after a mouthful of porridge. Both Draco and Pansy smiled at him apologetically. "I'm spending the day with Harry," Draco replied, just as Pansy said, "Staying with Hermione." They exchanged amused glances, but then redirected their attention to Blaise, who only looked slightly entertained. "Oh well," he said, waving his hand dismissively, "I guess I just have to spend the day with the two buffoons." Crabbe and Goyle were sitting a little further down the table, gulping down porridge like it was water. "Sorry," Draco said sheepishly, but he could bring himself to be truly regretful, because he was about to spend an entire day with Harry. Blaise only waved him away, so Draco returned his gaze to the doors of the Great Hall, where he was waiting for a certain black-haired boy to go through.
12:13am Sep 3 2011
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Ron walked into the Great Hall and took his seat next to Hermione, whom hadn't told him abuot Pansy. "Hey Hermione. Did you want to go to Hogmeade with me today? We can get something sweet." He smiled. "Um.. I've already made plans, I'm very sorry Ron. Maybe the next Hogsmeade day we can go.." And I can bring my lovely Pansy along.. She giggled. ~~~~~ Harry yawned and stretched. He had been sluggish down the stairs and finally got to the great hall. Harry opened the doors and looked in. HIs emerald eyes searching for Draco but then went to Ron and Hermione. He smiled and felt someone lookign at him. It had to be Draco. He smiled slightly and saw the boy sitting with his friends. Harry walked over and whispered in his ear. "I'm here."
5:01am Sep 3 2011
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Draco smirked. "I heard." He turned in his seat and pulled Harry in for a deep kiss. After a few seconds, he pulled away. "Good morning to you too," he breathed, cheeks slightly flushed. "Sit with me?" He gestured for Blaise to move down, which the other boy did with a smirk.
2:53pm Sep 3 2011
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Harry's cheeks flushed a deep crimson. He sat next to Draco and smiled. "Good morning to you." He kissed Draco's lips gently and looked at Blaise and Pansy. "Pansy... Can i ask where my cloak went? Hermione took it and never returned. She wasn't here this morning." He smiled and looked at Blaise. "Thank you... mostly for getting Draco to realize.." He leaned on Draco lovingly.
5:32pm Sep 3 2011
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Blaise waved away Harry's thankyous. "It was nothing." Pansy blushed at Harry's question. "Hermione's been borrowing it so we could study." Draco looked amusedly at Pansy. "Oh really?" Pansy nodded enthusiastically. "Really."
6:51pm Sep 3 2011
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Harry chuckled slightly. "Oh really? Well, then please just keep the cloak safe and don't let it rip." He smiled and ran his fingers gently down Draco's thigh. "So Pansy, are you and Hermione heading into hogsmeade today? She's been talking about sugared butterfly wings." He looked at Draco and gently gave him a small kiss on his soft cheek.
8:29pm Sep 3 2011
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"We won't," Pansy blushed. "At least, I hope we won't." Draco smirked. "If you're doing anything other than studying under that cloak, it'll break." Pansy glared and changed the subject loudly. "So Harry. What are you an Draco going to do today?"
8:52pm Sep 3 2011
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Harry slightly winced with the raise in her voice. "Umm I believe we are going to Hogsmeade today." He smiled and looked at Draco. "We are goi. To hogsmeade right?"
hermione stood up a d walked over to Pansy, sitting next to her. "Hey, are we going anywhere today?" She gave pansy a peck on the cheek. "Harry!"
10:47pm Sep 3 2011
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"Yep," Draco replied to his boyfriend, pressing his lips to the other boy's forehead. He tensed slightly when Hermione came over to talk to Pansy. They hadn't resolved their argument before, and he wasn't the one who was going to say sorry. He began eating without looking at the others.
11:29pm Sep 3 2011
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Harry noticed the change in Draco once Hermione got there. "Hermione.. Can I hqve my cloak back tonight? Im planning to use it later." Harry looked at Draco and lifted his head sligbtly. Harry planted a kiss on Draco's lips and it was quite passionate. He pulled back and held Draco's hand.
"Ahh... Yes.." Hermione looked at Draco. "Draco..i'm terribly sorry for what happened.. I was just upset. I really am sorry." She looked down and headed out the doors of the Great hall.
11:43pm Sep 3 2011
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Draco had his mouth full, so he couldn't actually say anything, but he only nodded. Before he swallowed though, the girl had left the Great Hall. "Damn, Draco," Pansy said, looking worried, "you two are still angry about that?" Draco only shrugged. Pansy glared at him and headed out of the Great Hall after her girlfriend, and Draco sighed, turning back to Harry and kissing him on the cheek, his appetite gone. "Let's go?"