6:33pm Jul 15 2011
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((Sorry I didn't post at all yesterday. D: I haven't been able to get on, because of no internet. I also wanted to warn you, my posts will be coming in at inconsistent times now that school's starting. Sorry!)) "Have a nice time with girl Weasley?" Draco spat as soon as Blaise arrived. "Don't be hating on me 'cause Slughorn much preferred Harry's scar over your Father's money," Blaise smirked, and Draco's jaw dropped. "What?" "Did you just...did you just call Saint Pothead Harry?" "So what if I did? He's not really that bad." "Are you sure this is Potter you're talking about?" Draco asked in disbelief. "Last time I checked, he was against everything we stood for." "I'm not a Death Eater, and I'm not ever going to be one. My family's still neutral, Draco," Blaise reminded him. Draco was silent, his grey eyes beginning to storm. What was everyone's problem? Why did everyone side with Potter? "And besides," Blaise continued on, "if I was a Death Eater, I wouldn't be able to go out with She-Weasley. She's looking very pretty this year, and I think I might go after her." "If you weren't my best friend," Draco said coldly, "I would hex you right now for thinking about going out with a Blood Traitor. You're a Pureblood, Blaise." "So is she," was the impatient reply. "Look, Draco. I just told you that I'm neutral. I don't care if she's on Dumbledore's side, or the Dark Lord's. She's still a mighty fine catch. I respect you and your beliefs, because we've been friends forever, but that doesn't mean you can dictate who I go out with." "If you want to be all buddy-buddy with Potter and his gang of merry Mudbloods, fine," Draco said, the anger going out of him. He sulked. "Okay then..." Blaise knew Draco wouldn't be coming out of his tantrum anytime soon, so he quickly left the compartment. And that was how Draco came to be alone for the rest of the train ride. ((Sorry for the crapness of this post. I couldn't think of anything! And Draco's been such a meanie-poo so far, hasn't he?))
12:50am Jul 16 2011
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((lol. XD he is but it's fine. :3)) Harry sat on the train, his head against the window. "That Club isn't so bad... But I saw Blaise in there.. He isn't too bad." "What?! Harry! Do you hear youself? Have you gone mad!" Ron looked at his friend with a worried look on his face. Maybe Harry's lost it finally. "Oh Ron.. Calm down.. You know Blaise isn't on the Death Eater's side nor on ours.. But htat doesn't make him a bad guy.. Come to your senses.."
2:28am Jul 17 2011
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(time skip.) Harry, Ron and Hermione stepped off the train and smiled. They were so happy to be back at Hogwarts for another year. Harry was away from the Dursleys and that made himn all the more happy. "So.. We are going another year here... I can't wait.. This is another year away from the dursleys.." Harry smiled and walked in. Ron followed quickly when he saw Draco. "Ohh.. Harry.. we're still ehre with.. you know who and his band.." He looked at Harry.
2:43am Jul 17 2011
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((I still have no idea what to write, so I’m going to skip to the Welcome Feast. xD)) “Are you still mad about Harry?” Blaise asked, plopping in the seat next to Draco, who was still predictably sulking and ignoring the feast in front of them. “Shut up, Blaise,” Draco mumbled. “You’re acting like such a child,” Blaise continued. “Oh look! Harry’s looking this way! Wave!” He flashed a grin at Harry and lifted his hand in salute. “No!” Draco said in disgust. “Stop waving! You’re drawing attention to yourself!” Indeed, many of the Gryffindors and Slytherins who had seen the exchange were looking horrified between Harry and Blaise. “If you’re going to be friends with that wanker, stay away from me.” “You don’t mean that,” Blaise said. “Have a bite of chocolate pudding, it helps with the depression.” “Go away, you wanker.” Draco growled warningly. Blaise shrugged. “When you get over your PMS, tell me.” He stood up and joined Pansy, Crabbe, Nott and Goyle. Draco stared at Potter, not even glancing at Blaise. What was it about him that made everyone side with him? Was it because he was such a do-gooder? His fame? His scar? Hisheroic escapades? Draco slammed his cup down, and waited for the feast to end. He might just take his frustration out on Potter and his friends. ((Sorry it's crap. My brain feels like mush. ;~;))
2:48am Jul 17 2011
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Harry waved at Blaise but when he saw people starring, he dropped his hand but continued to smile at Blaise. He sat down next to Ron and Hermione. "Hey you two... So..Are you guys satisfied with your classes this year?" harry took a sip of his pumpkin juice before he filled his plate. "Yes i am.. But Hary.. Why were you waving to Blaise.. he's with Malfoy." Ron lookedat his friend. "No he isn't.. He's a nuetral guy. Come on Ron, you can't be mean to everyone.."
2:51am Jul 17 2011
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((Do you mind if I RP a couple of Gryffindors? xD It'd make this a bit easier...))
2:59am Jul 17 2011
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((nope.. Just pick some. XD))
3:01am Jul 17 2011
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"Yeah Ron," Ginny cut in, giggling. "Besides, he's quite handsome." She looked to Harry for any traces of jealousy. "What's with you and Zabini being all buddy-buddy?" Neville asked curiously, coming up to them. "You know Malfoy could be using him to get to you, right?"
3:05am Jul 17 2011
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Harry looked at Ginny and then turned his attention to Neville. "He's not that bad Longbottom.. I mean.. He isn't with the death eaters and he isn't on our sides either.. Plus, he isn't that bad when you get used to him." Harry looked back at Blaise and smiled. He was a pretty nice guy. "Anyways Ginny.. I'm not going to be jealous.." He teased. ((omg!! I wann amake draco jealous by having Harry go after Blaise or have Harry be closer to Blaise later...))
3:08am Jul 17 2011
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((Exactly what I was thinking. :D)) "I don't know what you're talking about," Ginny blushed. She turned away from him. "Well, if you say so Harry," Neville said doubtfully. "I trust you." Across the hall, Draco watched the scene unfold. At least he knew there were others that didn't approve of the friendship, even if they were Weasley and Longbottom. He'd do everything in his power to stop them becoming friends.
3:10am Jul 17 2011
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(( omg yay! Then I can do it!!)) Harry frowned at the two. "Oh come on.. You guys would know too if you got to know the guy.. I'm in the Slug Club with him, so I kind of need to know him.. But come on guys.. Blaise isn't that bad.." He ate and sipped his juice. "Oh Harry.. Always seeign the good in people once you know them.." Ron sighed and pat his friend's shoulder.
3:24am Jul 17 2011
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"Don't say it like it's a bad thing, Ron," Hermione said. "It's a fine trait to have in someone. Anyway, shall we leave? The feast is over."
3:27am Jul 17 2011
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Harry nodded and smiled. He got up and looked at Ron. "Come on Ron.. You are part of our friedns.. let's go.." Ron nodded and stood up. "Alright.. Let's go Hermione, Harry.." He smiled
3:34am Jul 17 2011
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Draco saw the Golden Trio get up, and he stood up as well. Blaise, seeing this, groaned, but stood up as well. "Come to your senses, have you?" Draco asked as he walked quickly to follow them. "No, I'm coming to make sure you don't do anything stupid," Blaise growled. "There was a time when you didn't think this was stupid," was Draco's retort, and when he was in the Entrance Hall, he faced Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Fancy seeing you three here," he jeered. "We didn't finish our duel earlier, Potter."
3:43am Jul 17 2011
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Harry sighed. "Draco. I can't duel you now.. I already hung you upside down and then i disarmed you.. Come on now.. don't be such a sore loser Malfoy.. And we both know you followed us.. Hellow Blaise." he smiled and waved slightly.
4:44pm Jul 17 2011
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6:57pm Jul 17 2011
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Draco grew red. "Listen here, Potter. I won't stand for you humiliating me. You. Will. Pay. Now be a man, if that's what I can call you, and get your wand out."
11:16pm Jul 17 2011
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Harry pulle dout his holly wand. "Fine then... Malfoy.. Have it your way or you'll tell your father abou this..." He smiled and bowed so that he was at least being respectful. He held his wand out. "Now.. Shall we begin? Any spell against my friends will not be tolerated Malfoy.."
12:56am Jul 18 2011
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Before Harry could finish what he was saying, Draco shouted, "Reducto!" His wand lit up, and blue lgiht was released as the spell shot out of his wand. He watched eagerly to see if it would hit Potter.
12:59am Jul 18 2011
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Harry moved before the spell hit him and looked as the statue behind him was reduced to nothing. "Malfoy!" Harry quickly flicked his wand. "Rictusempra!!" His wand lighting up and the spell shooting from his wand, hoping it would hit Draco and not Blaise.