11:55pm Sep 3 2011
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Harry nodded. "Yeah.. Im sorry for Hermione Draco.. I don't know what happened but it seems to be rather burdening to noth of you." Harry stood up and shoved a buscuit in his mouth before he walked to the doors of the Great Hall, walking out and waiting for Draco next tothe doors, finishing his buscuit.
11:56pm Sep 3 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Harry nodded. "Yeah.. Im sorry for Hermione Draco.. I don't know what happened but it seems to be rather burdening to noth of you." Harry stood up and shoved a buscuit in his mouth before he walked to the doors of the Great Hall, walking out and waiting for Draco next tothe doors, finishing his buscuit.
12:04am Sep 4 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Draco met with Harry, and he pulled him to the entrance doors, where Filch was ticking names off for Hogsmeade. "Draco Malfoy," he said proudly to Filch, standing straight and arrogant. "And Harry Potter." Filch gave them both the eye, seemed like he was about to say something unintelligent, before he just waved them through. Draco dragged Harry to the carriages.
12:23am Sep 4 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Harry followed Draco closely and smiled. He liked Draco when he was like this. "Draco, can we get all flavor jelly beans? And something really sweet?!" Harry loved Hogsmeade. The candies mostly.
12:15pm Sep 5 2011
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(*throws to top)
2:26am Sep 6 2011
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Draco raised a brow. "Letting out the inner child, are we?" He saw Harry's face and pouted. "You know I can't resist you when you look like that. All lit up like it's Christmas. Fine." He sighed and sat down in the nearest carriage.
2:43am Sep 6 2011
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Harry smiled and sat close to Draco. He was practically on the boy's lap. Harry kissed Draco's cheek. "Well, thank you though.. I mean, i'm paying for it myself but i don't wan to drag you somewhere you don't want to go." Harry smiled and kissed Draco's lips.
1:19am Sep 7 2011
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4:04am Sep 7 2011
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"Oh, I want to go," Draco smirked. "Now shush." He brought his lips to Harry's in a sweet, chaste kiss.
12:38pm Sep 7 2011
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Harry flushed a deep crimson and gently pressed his lips to draco's. "I see..." He smiled and wrapped his arms around Draco's arm and placed his head on his shoulder.
9:38pm Sep 7 2011
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The ride to Hogsmeade was a silent, comfortable one. When they arrived, Draco hopped out and offered Harry his hand.
"Oh handsome one. Your knight in shining armour has come." He smirked, waiting for Harry to take his hand to get out of the carriage.
12:25pm Sep 8 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((Dude!! I can't post with my ipod anymore and my laptop is down... Im sorry... I'll try to get this all fixed soon.))
Harry took Draco's hand. He hopped off the carriage and looked at the town. "well, my knight, im glad you came for me. And you're more handsome than I." He held draco's hand gently and smiled.
3:28am Sep 9 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((That's fine. <3 I understand. And I'm doing a slight time skip to when they're already in Hogsmeade.))
Draco tugged Harry in the direction of a dark green shop with gold lettering over it. "It's the new Quidditch supply shop," he explained to Harry. "Come with me, pretty please?" He turned big grey eyes on his boyfriend.
12:45pm Sep 9 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((okay. <3 im sorry though.. It sucks.. Maybe later on they will fix that or osmething..))
Harry looked at Draco and nodded. "I can't deny you when you look so cute." He smiled and held Draco's hand. He pulled open the doors. "You first.. I'm following."
5:24pm Sep 9 2011
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Draco grinned and pulled Harry with him, looking around the store. He had only had the opportunity to come here once before, and it still amazed him.
The Supply Store was absolutely gigantic. There was no other words for it. Despite looking quaint on the outside, it seemed like an oversized warehouse inside. Everywhere he looked, there were brooms and gloves and robes and Bludgers, and there was even a testing area near the back of the shop to test the brooms before purchasing.
"Let's take a look at the Seeker aisle, yeah?" he asked, sending a coy look Harry's way.
12:33pm Sep 15 2011
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Harry smiled and nodded. "Why not?" He held Draco's hand and walked over to the isle he thought was the seeker's isle. "Oh yeah! We.. During Quidditch matches. No mercy as before. Your Slytherins count on you and Gryffindor counts on me to get that snitch." His emerald eyes looking at Draco's grey ones.
2:10pm Sep 15 2011
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Posts: 741
((Ru, Pere left. =/ Just letting you know so you don't wait for this thread</3 She said she might come back, but for now...=S))
12:57pm Sep 16 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((alrighty. Thanks Cane <3))
12:40am Oct 28 2011
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((Pere! IDK if you came back, since your avvie changed, but anyways! Please answer this!))
12:42am Oct 28 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Yeah, I have. :o I thought you didn't RP anymore, because I haven't seen any of your RPs lately...do you wanna revive this? ^^))