12:43am Oct 28 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((oh yeah.. about that.. my laptop was down., and I've started school.. I finally got school handled and my laptop is back.. so yeah! Let's revive this thing!))
12:45am Oct 28 2011
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Posts: 2,184
((Awesome. :D It's my turn, I think?))
12:49am Oct 28 2011
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((I think so too.. I know I said something about them going into a shop and Draco asked to go to the seekers Isle and harry took him there.))
12:52am Oct 28 2011
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"Pfft," Draco snorted, as he led Harry down the Seeker aisle, "I'm going to beat you next match. My dazzling smile will blind you, and you will be so overcome with love that you fall off your broom." He grinned at Harry, and examined a Snitch, which, far from being golden, was red. "Ew. Red. Gryffindor. Doesn't this thing come in green?"
12:55am Oct 28 2011
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"What? Why would you want green when you could have this." He took the snitch off the shelf and smiled at the shiny red surface. "And you'll only beat me in your dreams. I'll sweep you off your broom and have the snitch in hand already before you can blind me with those perfect teeth." Harry smiled back.
12:57am Oct 28 2011
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Posts: 2,184
"Green is the colour of the Gods, Harry," Draco said, shaking his head as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "How could you not know that, after years of first being taunted by one, then falling in love with one?" He pecked Harry on the cheek before he could reply. "Brooms next!" He took Harry's hand and began dragging him through the store, like a child at Christmas.
1:03am Oct 28 2011 (last edited on 1:09am Oct 28 2011)
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Harry allowed Draco to pull him around. "I still prefer red to green.. But silver is a better color than gold.. I prefer silver." Harry gave Draco and peck on the cheek. "You're still a bloody god no matter what color you're in anyways." He smiled and realized he still held the snitch. "Wait, I forgot to put back the snitch."
1:09am Oct 28 2011
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Draco sighed. "Fine," he mumbled. "But we're going to brooms straight after. I'm going to smash you at our next match. And you're gonna like it I bet." Draco winked. "Because if you let me win, we can celebrate."
1:11am Oct 28 2011
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Harry laughed and pulled Draco back to the isle where he found the snitch. He gently placed it back in. "You're not going to be celebrating after I end up smashing you in our next match. You know I've done for.... 5 years already. another year won't do much harm." He pecked Draco on the cheek. "What kind of celebration?"
1:14am Oct 28 2011
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"Ah, but you see, now that you've hooked up with me, your lucky streak will end," Draco smirked. "And I will come out on top, and I will celebrate by showering you with hugs and kisses."
1:33am Oct 28 2011
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Harry chuckled. "I think my lucky streak will improve since I've hooked up with you. You're a pretty sexy man who anybody would be lucky to have you." He nuzzled himself against Draco and laid a small kiss on Draco's lips.
1:39am Oct 28 2011
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"Ya know, I'd love to continue this here," Draco smiled, pulling away, "but I don't think the best place for it is a popular Quidditch store which sees eleven year olds pass through it. To the hill near the Shrieking Shack?" The hill near the Shrieking Shack was always nice at this time of the year.
1:46am Oct 28 2011
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Harry smiled. "Yes. That sounds lovely. But first." Harry took a green snitch off the shelf. "Here's your snitch my dragon."
1:50am Oct 28 2011
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Draco's eyes lit up. "Green snitch," he said. "You found one just for me? You're such a good boyfriend." He quickly pecked Harry on the lips and went to pay for it at the counter.
After paying for it, he returned to Harry and held out his arm. "To the Shrieking Shack?"
2:49am Oct 29 2011
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"Lead the way." He laced his arm in Draco's and walked out of the store, his arms comfortably in Draco's. He took the bag from Draco. "You're not carrying anything."
3:07am Oct 29 2011
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"If you say so," Draco shrugged. "My hands won't get all dirty and calloused, at least." They walked past stores, arm in arm, and occasionally Draco planted a kiss on Harry's cheek, hoping to surprise him.
They reached the hill quickly, and Draco immediately let go of Harry's arm, plopped himself down on the grass and started staring at the clouds. "Hey, that one looks like you! It's got a lightning scar...and it's head is kind of shaped weirdly." He grinned.
2:18am Oct 30 2011
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Harry mock glared at Draco and plopped himself down next to him. He placed the bag to his left. "Haha, very funny Dragon.." He looked up at the clouds. "And that one looks like you, when you were turned into a ferret." He smiled.
12:21pm Oct 31 2011
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1:04am Nov 10 2011
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Harry gave a small pout and then let a smile cross his face. "Oh really? How nice of you.." He said with as much sarcasm as he dared. "Well.." He plopped himself right next to Draco and the bag was between his legs. "That one looks like a little ferret i remember.." He pointed at a cloud slowly drifting by.
4:12am Nov 11 2011 (last edited on 4:12am Nov 11 2011)
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Posts: 2,184
"Oh really?" Draco asked casually. "Did you have a pet ferret, maybe? I don't seem to remember any ferrets." He sent Harry a pointed look.