3:34am Jul 23 2011
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Harry landed his broom and got off, sending it away. He walked in and sighed. "He is such a tiring boy.." Harry looked at the trees and leaned on one.
Hermione walked over. "Hey.. You skipped potions.. Here.." She took out Harry's Potions homework and smiled. "You k ow you have this and your Quidditch game tomarrow right? Against Slytherine."
7:32pm Jul 23 2011
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7:34pm Jul 23 2011
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"Make sure you get the snitch before Potter, Malfoy," the Slytherin Captain said dangerously. "We need to win this game, otherwise there'll be almost no chance of us getting to the finals." Draco nodded, sweating slightly. "Yeah." "Ok, let's do it! Let's kick those do-gooding Gryffindor arses!" And they ran out onto the pitch to meet their opponents.
7:54pm Jul 23 2011
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Harry looked on as the Slytherin's came out to meet them. He looked at Malfoy, who was Slytherin's seeker. He smirked slightly amd looked at the captain, who nodded back and then nodded toward Draco.
"You ready Malfoy? That snitch is mine.." he looked down at the chest as the bludger and the quiffle were released. He stayed where he was as the others flew across the field, trying to score.
8:03pm Jul 24 2011
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3:47am Jul 25 2011
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"You wish, Potter," Draco shot back automatically, but without venom. He wanted to be fully concentrated on getting the snitch, and pissing off Potter would definitely be a distraction. The bludgers and quaffle were released, and Draco kicked off on his new broom. He saw Potter hovering, and knew what he was trying to do. Let his team score before he caught the snitch. Well, it was the first game of the season anyway, so it didn't matter. As long as he won. His eyes quinted in the sunlight as he tried to look for a golden glint. He circled the pitch, looking frantically. Narrowly, he dodged a hard bludger going his way. Twenty minutes into the game, nothing had happened. Slytherin and Gryffindor were both on 0, and Draco was still looking for the Snitch. Bloody hell, he thought, glaring around at everyone. Was his team so useless that they couldn't get a single hoop against Weasley? The fact that Gryffindor hadn't scored only made him feel marginally better. Well, better put some excitement into the game if the other damn players were going to be boring. Searching the ground, he smirked, and began speeding towards a small glint of gold.
4:35am Jul 25 2011
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Harry followed Draco, his firebolt speeding past him as he finally caught the sight of the snitch. He was about to snatch it when it flew up and Harry pulled on his broom, following the godlen ball. He steadied the broom as the snitch flew straight. Harry looked back, seeing that Draco wasn't too far behind him. He looked around and saw that ron was doing pretty good at being Keeper. He looked forward and saw the snitch was diving down. He followed it, unsure if it would get really close to the ground.
2:31am Jul 26 2011
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Draco watched as Potter followed the snitch a few metres away, and only had a second for a malicious thought before he was speeding away after it. I hope Potter follows it into the ground and breaks his nose. Draco strained his arm forward, desperate to catch the little ball of gold. If he caught it…he’d be a hero in the Slytherin Common Room. If he failed…well, let’s just say he’d be better off camping outside the portrait for the night. The snitch suddenly sped upwards, changing direction completely, and Draco pulled up sharply to avoid crashing into the ground. It sped towards the Gryffindor stands, and he followed it quickly. “Come here, snitchy snitchy,” he murmured under his breath, and then blushed slightly, realising he was almost directly in front of Granger and she Weasley. He hoped they hadn’t heard him. “Come on…” ((I’ll let you decide the outcome of the match, Ru. <3))
2:39am Jul 26 2011
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((lol. XD let's just say it'll be close...)) Harry changed the broom direction but noticed Draco was already hot on the tail of the snitch. He flew after the golden ball and the blonde. He sped up to be right next to Draco. He outstretched his hand to try catching it as well. "That's mine Draco! Don't think you;ll be getting it easily.." He bumped draco with his left side and continued to fly after the snitch, but it turned around, flying back toward the floor and toward the Slytherin side of teh stadium. He followed it and saw he was heading straight for Crabe and Goyle. ((Maybe have Gryffindor get it but with difficulty...))
2:59am Jul 26 2011
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((Ack, I can’t do difficulty. D: Let’s just say Gryffindor wins.)) Those fat lumps, Draco thought viciously. Let's hope they don't think it's a flying lump of cheese. He sped to it, Potter on his side and moving dangerously close, and just before he could close his fingers on the shining ball… ((Drum roll for Potter! :D))
3:01am Jul 26 2011
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Harry looked at Draco and reached out. His eyes glistening as he saw how close Draco was. He smiled and wrapped his hand around the little ball and turned his broom to fly toward the middle of the staduim. "Harry Potter's caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!!" Harry smiled at the annoucement and stopped in the middle of the field. His hand clutching the small golden snitch in his thumb, middle, and index fingers.
3:09am Jul 26 2011
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Draco swore loudly, angrily, and almost crashed into the Slytherin stands. He turned quickly, not wanting to see their angry or disappointed looks. Landing on the ground, he walked quickly away from his team before anyone could say a word to him, his broom over his shoulder. He knew he was being a coward, but bloody hell, he wasn't a Gryffindor. Slytherins were all about self-preservation, and if he wanted to preserve himself, he'd have to stay away before he or his teammates could lose tempers. While the teachers and students were occupied with the Gryffindor victory, Draco quietly slipped into the Forbidden Forest. ((I have no idea if the forest is near the pitch, so let's say for the sake of this scene, it is. xD))
3:17am Jul 26 2011
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((lol. XD okay.)) Harry smiled adn released the snitch. He looked around and saw that Draco was walking out of teh stadium. When his teammates flew away from him, he flew over the stadium walls and toward the Forbiddden forest. He landed right in front of it and held his broom in his hand, placing it over his shoulder. He took out his wand. "Lumos." The tip of his wand gave off a low light. He walked into the forest. He knew that if they were caught out here passed the cerfew, they would be in so much trouble. "Malfoy...." He said in a half yell. He walked farther in, unsure of what he would find. "Draco Malfoy.. where are you, you bloody git.."
3:23am Jul 26 2011
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"God, Potter," Draco hissed. "Can't you keep your gob shut for one moment?" He palced a hand over Potter's mouth and dragged him into a small clearing, then pushed him away in disgust and wiped his hands on his robes for good measure. "What is it that has you yelling your head off like an idiot and calling me a git?"
3:28am Jul 26 2011
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"Well you ran off like a girl when your own team lost and now it's going to get dark soon.. Do you understand that if we are caught in here after dark, it could be really dangerous.. In the forest and in the school? We would get detention with filch.." He shuddered at that thouhgt. "Plus, i'm not going to leave even my enemy in teh forest..." "Nox." The light dimmed to nothing and harry put his wand away, still holding his broom. "Come on.. We have to get back."
3:32am Jul 26 2011
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Draco didn't move. "I'm not coming, Potter. I didn't run like a girl...I'm saving my own hide, like any smart person would. Anyway, no one will catch me, and no scary monsters are going to eat me. It's still only four in the afternoon so I don't see why you're worried about curfew, and anyway, I've been going here for a while, so please. Go away and leave me alone." He sighed. "You're making this bloody hard, you know. I'll have to either kill you or Obliviate you so that you won't reveal my hiding place to all those suck ups you hang around with."
3:38am Jul 26 2011
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"Suck ups?! What about those idiots you hang out with besides Blaise, who seems to be the smartest one of your group?" He sighed and put his hand to his head. "Fine. FIne.. Have it your way but if any of those Acromantula come and get you I hope you don't scream out for me or anybody... You're going to be on your own you girl.." He turned and began to walk toward where he came out. He took out his wand. "Lumos.." He continued to walk.
9:36pm Jul 29 2011
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"Well, there's always a black sheep in the flock," Draco replied superiorly, "and that happens to be Blaise. I hope some big scary monster eats you. It'd be doing the whole world a favour." He turned from Harry and walked over to a large, smooth rock on the border of the clearing, cleaning it with his wand first before sitting on it. He kept his back on the other boy, waiting for the tell-tale sounds signalling his departure. ((Found the time to post. <3))
1:05am Jul 30 2011
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((yay! Sorry I couldnt get back to u earlier..))
Harry sighed. "Have it your way.. Or your father will have my head." He rolled his green eyes and walked back toward where he came. He looked back, seeing him just sitting there. "Lumos.." He flicked his wand and a small ball of light flew to draco to keep the light around. Harry continued his walk, his feet crunching leaves.
((should harry see that thing eating unicorn blood?))
5:44am Jul 30 2011
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((So like, I'm reading this delicious Draco/Harry romance, and it's making me want to get Draco to just grab him, tie him up and snog him then and there. D: And sure. ^^ It'd add something to keep the story going.)) Draco sighed in relief. Now he could tantrum in peace. Instead of blowing up rocks and trees, though, Draco found himself thinking, almost serenely. And annoyingly, those thoughts seemed to be about one thing: Potter. Why did Potter seem to be following him around these days? And even worse, why did he act like he cared? Maybe he was harbouring some forbidden affection for him. Yeah right. Draco smirked at the thought. It would serve him right though, to want something and not be able to have it when everything else was handed to him on a silver platter. And anyway, who could resist a Malfoy? And then it hit him in a moment of clarity that he was relishing the idea of Harry Potter having a crush on him. A boy. Having a crush on him. He didn't have a problem with bisexuals and homosexuality per se, Blaise being one of the former, but he had always thought that his preference was for girls. Yet another reason to hate Harry Potter. The list seemed to be getting longer everytime they had contact for more than three seconds. With yet another sigh, he grudgingly realised that Potter was in fact right. He should be heading back to the castle now. It wouldn't do to be killed, especially with his last thoughts trained on a certain black-haired Saviour.