6:08am Jul 30 2011
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((alright. :3 and i you want, you can snog the boy XD))
Harry cotinued to walk but the light at the 'end of the tunnel' only seemed to be getting frather and the woods around him only seemed to be getting darker. He looked at his wand, which was half dim now since he flicked some light to draco. "Lumos Maximus." His wand grew brighter and he walked
His steps grew slower and slower with each step. He heard a low growl and a neigh and whiney. And then nothing. Dead silence. He looked around and continued his walk. His eyes flickerig back and forth. They fell onto a black cloaked figure craned over a dead unicorn
Harry's eyes grew wide and his breathing stilled. He didn't know what that thing was and he didn't know if it was Voldemort. He stepped back and a twig snapped loudly. The thing looked up as silver blood dripped from it's cloak. Harry yelled out as it beganto slink toward him.
6:12am Jul 30 2011
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((and Link me to the DracoxHarry fanfic your readig!! <3))
6:18pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 6:24pm Jul 30 2011)
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((It's actually Severus/Hermione, but it has Harry and Draco in it, so yeah. <3 A blissful experience, reading it because it's got two good pairings, not just one. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4776976/ Oh, and was that leave to get Draco to kiss Harry in a 'fit of temper and fleeting loss of mind'? :D)) Draco heard a shout in the far distance, and grimaced. Potter. He hadn't meant for him to be eaten by a monster. Well, he supposed it was time to let his inner-Gryffindor out. Time to go to the rescue. He began running in the direction of Potter's yell. Oddly enough, he was running as fast as he could, which was faster than he had ever ran before. It must be his 'Save the Wizarding World' instincts. The world couldn't be saved without the Scarred Saviour. He was only running as if his life depended on it because the world needed a saviour, not because he had any untoward feelings towards the boy in question. He finally arrived to another, larger clearing, and stilled, his eyes frozen in terror. Something was draining blood from a Unicorn. Flashes of first year came back to mind, and he saw Potter stupidly step back on a twig. It snapped, and the thing's attention was now on the boy. It slithered to him, and - "Wand out, Harry! Now!"
6:32pm Jul 30 2011
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Posts: 5,542
((maaaaybeeee :3))
Harry quicjly did as he was told and growled slightly. He moved back and snapped another twig. He yelped slightly and fell back as his foot caught on a tree root that was sticking out in a loop. It caught Harry's foot and he fell back, his butt now on the floor.
"Stupify!!!" Harry's wand shot out a light and the cloaked figure brushed off the spell. It's attention was on Harry, nothing more. It slinked closer and it felt another presence, but ignored it. The golden boy was all it wanted. It hissed Harry's name.
Harry shivered and the Gryffindor Courage seemed to be slipping through his fingers. His foot tangled, the creature aboe to flick away his spellz.
6:58pm Jul 30 2011
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Draco took his own wand out and levelled it on the thing, which he was now almost certain was Nagini, Voldemort's pet snake. He knew of no spell that could even touch her, much less destroy her. He watched as Harry tripped on a root, and if the situation wasn't so dire, he would have laughed heartily. As it was, he couldn't. "Harry, you can't kill this thing! We need to get away!" He cast the strongest Protego he could muster, to give time for Harry to get up and begin running.
7:04pm Jul 30 2011
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Harry flinched and when the Protego came up he quickly looked at the root that was wrapped around his leg. He flicked his wand the root cut off. He stood up. "What about you?!" The thing lunged at Harry.
Harry jumped more and quickly spun around. He ran toward the dimmig light and got a few cuts and scratches from the trees and bushes. He reached around for his wand but couldn't find it. He must have dropped it. He stopped and was about to run back when he thought of how he could be attacked again. He ran.
7:17pm Jul 30 2011
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Nagini felt the presence of Draco's Dark Mark, and that stopped her from attacking him. Draco was worried. Nagini would tell Voldemort what had happened; that Draco had helped Harry escaped, and he would be severely punished. Why did Potter always seem to get him in these types of messes? And this was a pretty damn serious one too. He spotted Harry's wand, which he must have dropped, and quickly pocketed it, aware of her eyes on him. "I'm going to go now," Draco said slowly, keeping an eye on Nagini while backing away. She hissed at him, but made no attempt to follow. When he was a safely out of her sight, he began running back through the forest towards the castle. Damn Potter. He could have been killed. He lit his wand and stumbled through trees, bushes and branches. Harry must be a really slow runner, because Draco caught up with him in no time. "You could have gotten me killed," he said dully, throwing the other boy's wand at him. He slowed to a leisurely walk.
7:25pm Jul 30 2011
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Harry caught his wand and stopped dead. He was tired from chasing the snitch, tired from catung spells, tired from tryig to keep his composure around that thing. He walked with Draco and muttered a spell. The end of his wand lit up with a light red.
"I could have gotten you killed?! Do you understand that I had no way of getting rid of that thing?! I mean, I could be dead right now." He sighed and walked a little slower. He wanted to drop down and sleep. He looked at the sky. "We are going to be in so much trouble! Look! It's already going to be curfew.."
7:40pm Jul 30 2011
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“Look, Potter,” Draco sneered, “I don’t think you understand how dangerous a situation you’ve put us in.” He stopped and forced the other boy to do so as well. “All you care about is not losing House points. Well, I’m sorry Golden Boy, but this is the real world. And a very real snake is reporting back to Voldemort right at this moment, telling him I helped you get away!” He was yelling now. “And now, he’s going to Summon me, and he’s going to kill me!”
7:46pm Jul 30 2011
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Harry glared back. "A snake? A snake was beneath that cloak?! I surely believed it was a cute bunny! of course I know how grave that situation was! i could feel the presence of that dark aura, of the Dark Lord himself!"
He was furious. Of course he k ew the dangers and of coruse he knew what happened. He wanted to shout somehing back but decided to resist. He clenched his teeth and fists. On one was white knuckles as it gripped his wand. "If he did kill you I think it would be one less problem I have to worry about and one less person to watch my back for!"
7:49pm Jul 30 2011
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Draco stilled at his last sentence. “You don’t mean that,” he said quietly. He felt…hurt, and he didn’t even know why. It scared him.
7:56pm Jul 30 2011
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Harry could see the hurt in Draco's eyes. His heart wretched at the sight and he couldn't help but feel horrinle with what he had just said. He depserately wanted to say Yes but decided again it. "No exactly. But you are another thorn in my side.."
3:08am Jul 31 2011
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Draco sighed, now feeling overwhelmed but not particularly angry. He was, however, in deep denial. He didn’t care what Harry Potter thought. He didn’t. “Well, that’s nice to know,” he said wryly. “If I ever need your opinion on whether I should drop dead or not, I’ll be sure to ask you.” He paused. “On second thoughts, if I need someone to kill me, maybe it should be you.” He sounded perfectly serious.
3:20am Jul 31 2011
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Harry looked at Draco and knew he should have spat out a yes instead of the answer he chose earlier. He growled slightly and glared at draco now. "Well, then I hope you drop dead soon so I don't need to worry about having another malfoy to watch. If the Dark Lord does kill you, tell him I said I willed it to be that way." He turned on his heel and walked out of the forest. "Accio Firebolt." His broom, which he dropped in the first clearing, and got on. It needed to go to the Gryffindor broom closet. "And don't go running off like a git next time you loose." He kicked off and flew toward the stadium.
3:23am Jul 31 2011
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“You didn’t have to follow me!” Draco shouted after him. Shaking his head, although not knowing why, he kicked at a stone and continued walking until he reached the castle. Disillusioning himself, he made it to the Slytherin Common Room, where there were strangely no students. He didn’t think about how strange this was, though, and just trodded off to bed. ((Time skip?))
3:28am Jul 31 2011
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((yes. :3)) Harry awoke to Ron's rat curled up on his chest. He yelped slightly and threw the rat at Ron, who caught him and pet his head. "For Merlin's sake Ron! Keep your rat in your own bed!" He growled slightly but decied to get ready. He showered up and got dressed, using a drying spell on his hair. He walked out and looked at Ron. "Come on. Time to eat anyways. And I think today is a Hogsmeade day or something."
3:56am Jul 31 2011
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Merlin dammit. Draco woke up with a headache. At first, he had thought it was because his Housemates had decided to spell him or something, but when he saw the tear tracks on his face, he knew what had happened. This time, the nightmares had been about his parents dying at Voldemort’s wand. Sighing, he got out of bed and washed his face. He noticed all his roommates still sleeping, and decided it would be best to get out of there as soon as possible – and to get to a public, crowded place as soon as possible. Quietly, he crept out the Slytherin Common Room and to the Great Hall. He wasn’t hungry. Instead, he toyed around with his cereal. What if that nightmare had been a vision of some sort? He had heard about people having visions randomly, and thinking they were nightmares, and then finding their brother or their sister or their husband dead on the sofa the next day. The thought made him blanch and want to puke. How could he find out, though? If he sent an owl, it would arrive to where his parents might be facedown in a pool of blood with Voldemort still playing with them. He would read the note, and if his suspicions were true, he’d think Draco was a Seer of some sort and would want to Summon him. He could not have that happening. He wanted to delay there next meeting as soon as possible. And then he remembered. Potter. He had visions and stuff, didn’t he? He could see into Voldemort’s mind, couldn’t he? He grimly made the decision to talk to Potter as soon as he next saw him.
4:02am Jul 31 2011
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Harry and Ron walked down to the Great Hall. Hogsmeade day was always pretty fun, but Ron already told Harry that it wasn't until next week. he sighed and walked ahead of Ron, who was now getting cozy with Hermione. He hadn't any guts to tell Ginny, so he was alone. "Ron, I'm going ahead okay. Nobody's really awake.." "Okay Harry. I guess we'll see you later then. I mean, we don't have classes until tomarrow anyways, so you should be fine." He smiled. Harry nodded and walked to the Great Hall. He walked in and looked around. Most of the tables had a lot of people on them but not clearly crowded. He sighed and walked over to where the Gryffindors were. He sat down and put a few pieces of toast on his plate. He spread some jelly and picked at the bread. He wanted to just leave.
4:05am Jul 31 2011
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Draco saw Harry walk into the Great Hall and stood up. He was a man with a mission. With a mission, with a mission, with a…oh God, this plan seemed bad as soon as he saw Potter. But he needed to find out about his parents. Determinedly, he strode up to Harry confidently and said in a haughty tone, “I demand a talk with you, Potter.”
4:27am Jul 31 2011
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Harry jumped at the sound of Draco's voice since he was drifting to his own world. He turned around. "And what about Malfoy?" He growled almost barked back. He stood up and glared at the boy, even though he was shorter than him. ((Do you want the vision to be a lie? or WIll draco's paretns really be dead??))